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St Albans is a small town, previously it was Verlamion settlement, located in the southern English county of Hertfordshire.Now the city is named after the first English martyr St. Alban of Verulam. At the site of the martyrdom of Alban King Offa founded the Benedictine abbey of St. Alban, one of the largest and most famous in medieval England.

St Alban is named in honour of Alban Verulam.

British Alban (Verulam) Alban Verulam lived 3-4 centuries and it is considered the first holy Martyr the British Isles, whose veneration goes back to the times of Roman Britain.He was an ordinary soldier who became a Christian under the influence Amfibala priest, who was hiding from the persecution of Christians.When Roman Soldier learned that Alban hid a refugee he was executed. Later he considered to be the first British martyr.


Catuvellauni - one of the strongest of the Celtic tribes in Britain were part of a group of Belgians.Catuvellauni - which probably means "brave warriors" or "commanders of the battle" - lived north of the Thames in the territory of modern Essex and Middlesex. Their center or the capital was Verlamion then renamed Verulamium (modern St Albans), located on the river Ver. Even before the Roman conquest Catuvellauni contacted with the Roman world, widely used Latin legends, classical art and minted coins.

Caesar mentioned that the territory occupied by the tribe catuvellauni was ruled by Cassivellaunus. Caesar wrote that prior to its invasion Cassivellaunus constantly fought with other British tribes, and even won the King Trinovantov tribe, the most powerful in Britain at the time

The first ruler of the tribe was Taskin Van who left his name on coins. About 20 BC. e. Taskiovan founded a settlement on the River Ver Verlamion (Verlamion) - «the village over the marsh", which served as the capital of Catuvellauni, which also minted coins. His later coins were of Roman style, some of which have a portrait, very reminiscent of the Emperor Augustus. Among the images on these coins can be found the horse, rider, pegasus, centaur, bull, boar and an eagle. The main place of coinage was Verulamium, and it is marked on many of his coins. Known gold staters, a quarter-staters, silver coins and two types of bronze coins.

Besides , St Albans is a great historical city, as during the Wars of the Roses it took 2 battles.

The first battle of the Wars of the Roses, took place on the 22 of May, 1455. Richard, Duke of York and his ally, Richard, Earl of Warwick fought with Lancaster under the command of Edmund, Duke of Somerset, who was killed in this battle. Lancaster defended the barricades for an hour until the Earl of Warwick went to them to the flank. Besides Somerset, prominent members of the party of Lancaster died in the battle. Humphrey Stafford, heir to the Duke of Buckingham, was seriously wounded. York captured King Henry the VI and appointed himself as Constable of England.

The second battle of the English Wars of the Roses, took place February 12, 1461. Under the command of the Army of York Earl of Warwick tried to block the road to London to the north of the city. The army of their opponents Lancaster implemented a large-scale circumvention of the flank to suddenly attack Warwick, cut it off from London and knock him out of the army fortifications. By the time the House of Lancaster has released feeble King Henry VI, a former prisoner of Warwick. However, at the end they were not able to enjoy the fruits of their victory.

St Albans is also famous for the monument of Francis Bacon in the church of St. Michael. Many tourists come to St Albans to visit the Church of St. Michael's Cathedral or the Cathedral of St. Albany. In addition, they organize numerous excursions, on the theme of Alban of Verulam- the founder of the town and Francis Bacon.Francis Bacon, an Enj philosopher, who served from 1617 to 1621 as Baron Verulam and Vuscount Saint Albany.

I’ve brought some arguments to firmly say that St – Albans is a great historical site of Great Britain and it is worth visiting.

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