КВЕСТ- «Загадки Лондона»

XII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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КВЕСТ- «Загадки Лондона»

Чирков А.А. 1
1МБОУ Лесногородская СОШ
Юшина И.К. 1
1МБОУ Лесногородская СОШ
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя I степени
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Do you know what is “quest”? Well, this is a modern type of intelligent team games, which requires productive generation of ideas and non-standard solutions.Quest technology improves the perception of educational material, promotes the moral formation of the child as a person, can stimulate the mental and moral development of children. Quests are a great way to interact as a group. In addition, most importantly, quests pull children out of virtual communication into the real. However, the process of creating a quest is even more exciting.[6]As for me, it is something greatly and interesting. Therefore, I decided to show people thatthey would discover new abilities and character traits, while receiving vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions as a player.

The Aim of the research: to learn what is quest itself and how it affects the students and cater for their needs in engaging in socially significant activities. Creative development, improving the educational and cultural level, self-realization, as well as the formation of moral qualities, increasing the motivational environment of the school by creating a space for the game and its further tasks.

The tasks of the research:

To work with different kinds of resources

to collect the information

to learn the history of the quest

to learn the kinds of quests

analyze and sum up

creating a quest

The problem of the research: is quest as good as people think and if it will motivate students in their future study to create the same things.

The relevance of the research: it can be used for English lessons at school and motivate students.

History of quests

Quest (translated from English "quest" – "search") is an interactive game with a fascinating storyline. Participants get into a closed room, from which you need to get out in 60 minutes. Today, escape rooms in reality will not surprise anyone, and their variety increases every year. Why did quests become so popular, and what is the history of their development? [11]

First time people heard about them in the 60s of the last century thanks to the computer game "Crimson Room". The main character, trapped in the red room, had to get out, using the elements of the interior. A single logical chain connected all 13 items. Gamers spent hours sitting at the computer, checking their wits. Within a few years, a number of virtual quests with a more twisted plot were released: "Viridian Room", "Blue Chamber" and "White Chamber".[2]

Later, when computer technology reached the next stage of development, a new direction emerged – graphic quests. The first computer game in the genre of adventure was "Mystery House", released in 1980. The escape room was created based on the book "Ten Little Negroes" by Agatha Christie and sold several thousand copies. It was distinguished from the usual games by the presence of decorative illustrations. The player still controlled the character while the static image stimulated his imagination. A few years later, Lucas Arts completely moved away from the text interface, operating with hand-drawn objects and rich color design.

However, programmers could not have imagined that after half a century, virtual scenarios are transformed into real stories, winning the recognition of millions of people around the world. At some point, computer games seemed incredibly boring to gamers. In the early 2000s, they had the idea of creating a reality quest, which brought the entertainment industry to a new level. After China and Japan, such games began to appear on the territory of the countries of Europe and the CIS. The first escape rooms were built on the basis of hostels and apartments, had a sparse interior and uncomplicated puzzles. [2]

Quests in Russia

On the territory of Russia, the first quest was equipped relatively recently – in 2013. Its discoverer was the Moscow businessman Sergey Kuznetsov, the founder of the famous company "Claustrophobia". The escape room was designed in the style of a psychiatric hospital and cost 1.2 million rubles. With the growth of investment, the locations were undergoing repairs. As the developers admit, their first quests were the best. Despite the fact that the project was considered as a short-term entertainment, the games had a strong storyline with a plot and climaxes. The partners expected that the investment would pay off only in a year and a half, but the money was returned in two months. There was no end of those who wanted to find a way out of the closed room, despite the fact that the organizers did not invest in advertising.

Over the next two years, this type of entertainment in Russia became very popular. Entrepreneurs realized that there was a niche for profitable business here. Just two or three months – and a small investment will pay off vigorously. After looking closely at the creators of "Claustrophobia", they began to develop their franchise activities. Reality quests began to open in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, and Omsk. With the advent of competitors, the market was overflowing. Today in Russia, more than 200 companies own about 900 escape rooms. Another 250 locations are waiting to be opened in the near future. Their creators come up with sophisticated puzzles for those who want to tickle their nerves. Moreover, the legendary "Claustrophobia" plans to sell the franchise to Europe and America. [9]

Variety of quests

1) Escape Room is a classic among all other quest games, a genre beloved by fans. The main task is to get out of the closed room. To do this, the team will have to solve various puzzles, find solutions to even the most unusual situations. Each participant needs to connect his or her skills, imagination, and ingenuity. The team needs to find a way out of the room in a strictly limited time. Yes, it is not easy, but it's worth it. It is impossible to describe the feeling when you manage to pass all the tests and get out of the room. You can feel them. [11]

2) Performance. An unusual and enticing type of quest. The game also consists of either finding a way out by solving many tasks, or achieving a certain goal (for example, taking the ring of Omnipotence to Mordor). However, the difference from the classic escape room is that each participant is given certain roles (main), and specially trained actors play the secondary roles. They guide the heroes or, on the contrary, prevent them from completing tasks. This can be compared to a theatrical production. [1]

3) The quest in reality is a "live" quest. Not every game in this genre involves the goal of getting out of the room, as it may not be locked. There is a certain scenario (for example, to defeat the Dark Lord by universal magical efforts or to find the secret room), which must be played through the gradual completion of tasks. The most important thing is to try to repeat the necessary scenario. [10]

4) Morpheus-quest-unreality, taking place in the imagination. Participants are blindfolded, which forces people to connect other senses as much as possible: touch, hearing, smell. This is how a visually impaired team should perform tasks. This is a real test of strength and willingness to act outside the box. Many admit that the passage of the quest in this genre even allows you to rethink your attitude to some life circumstances.

5) Sports quest or action game. This type of quest will appeal to fans to strain not only intellectually, but also physically. Depending on the storyline, you will need to perform a number of tasks, including those that will make you seriously use your muscles. You may have to crawl through a narrow tunnel, escape from the guards, and climb a rope. Usually, the room is designed for the passage of such quests require specific decorations. There is an opportunity to feel like a Hollywood hero and live the role of, perhaps, a villain, and, perhaps, the pursuer of a criminal. [4]

School quest “Mystery London”

While creating the project

The game space " School quest “Mystery London ", consists of 4 tasks. A brief scenario of the quest: "A well-known musical group is invited to London to perform a concert, but on the way, they were stolen things with phones, documents and an invitation. To solve their problem restricted to members of the quest for one hour. They will have to decipher the types of transport and find the one that can get to the place. But to give the address, they will need to find out and name the places located near this place. And now the street is known, but the house is a mystery. Knowledge and ingenuity will be useful. And here it is, a long-awaited meeting with the owner of the club, but he needs a secret code as proof. "

2 teams of 8-9 people are formed. Each team receives a route map and starts moving through the stations according to it. At each station, tasks are performed, and the answers are recorded in the route map. For each correct answer, the team receives a point. [Appendix 4]

Route map-Team I



Mysterious House



Warm up

Guess the riddle and you will know the place of the game.

You are а Russian rock guitarist. Your band decided to perform a concert in the capital of homeland of rock’ n ’roll. This is the place, where great musicians were born, such as Mick Jagger, John Lennon and many others. What country is this? (The UK)


Unscramble the words. Put the letters in the correct order. Determine the type of transport that will help the band get to the place. [Appendix 1]

double-decker bus

black cab





The musicians don’t remember the exact address and can only tell the taxi driver the landmarks. You need to find out the places in the pictures by collecting the puzzles, and name them.

All of these locations will lead you to the street where the band is going to perform. The prompt: the street was named after the lace ruff collars, which were called " piccadill" and were invented in the XVII century by Robert Baker. (PiccadillyCircus) [Appendix 2]

Mysterious House

Therefore, we can tell the taxi driver the name of the street, but we don't know the house. Answer the questions:

When did the great fire of London happen? (1666)

How many singers were in “Beatles”? (4)

How many parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (4)

The number of the house is the sum of numbers of the London’s burning reduce by the sum of the numbers of musicians and parts of Britain. (1+6+6+6-4+4) = 11


You are on the spot and the owner of the club meets us, but here is the bad luck, he doesn’t trust our musicians and asks for a secret password. You have a piece of paper with 6 letters-JXLWDU and you need to guess it. You don’t understand what it means and have tried to guess it but can’t.

Use the Caesar’s cipher to find out the password. You should replace each letter of the word into the letter with a change of 3 to the left using the ABCs. [Appendix 3]



Quests are one of the most popular way to entertain yourself or just to relax with your friends. Quests are getting more and more common.

Quests have some different types and it’s not really hard to create your own quest and ask your friends to complete it, like I did. However, to feel real emotions I totally recommend to go on a real horror quest with your friends or parents, you won’t forget it.

One of the main functions of quest is that it helps children to develop persistence, be inventive and work together in a team.

Using some of methods such as working with different kinds of resources, collecting information, comparing, analysis, scientific modelling in this project I tried to make my own quest.

In addition, this quest was used at English lessons and became very popular among students. Also, they wanted to do their own quest. It’s a very interesting task, because they can choose types of quests that they like and try to do something new. So, our research hypothesis was confirmed.












Сырникова С.А., Шептура А.А. «Школьный квест. От идеи до практической реализации»

Appendix 1



double-decker bus

black cab



double-decker bus

black cab



Appendix 2

Appendix 3


Appendix 4

Route map-Team I



Mysterious House



Route map-Team II



Mysterious House


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