XII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Развожаев Р.А. 1
1МАОУ КШИ "Первый Рузский казачий кадетский корпус им.Л.М.Доватора"
Лалаева Е.С. 1
1МАОУ КШИ Первый Рузский казачий кадетский корпус им. Л. М. Доватора
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The introduction

Many people ask questions: "What is Online Learning?", "What is Online Schools?" Online learning has taken a big step forward in our time. Today, the turnover of the Russian online education market is growing faster than in most countries - by 20-30% per year.

This topic has become very interesting and modern for me, so I decided to tackle it. The relevance of my work is due to the fact that almost every home has a computer, and only one is needed for online learning. So, the object of our project's research is the Online School.

The purpose of the introduction is to acquaint the reader with the essence of the issue at hand, with the current state of the problem.

The relevance and formulation of the problem:

What role does online learning play in our life, is it better than regular schooling?

Research hypothesis:

Online learning is the most convenient type of English language learning.

Objective of the project:

Improve English skills and knowledge through the Online School on the website.

Project objectives:

1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of Online Learning.

2. Create your own website for teaching English.

3. Familiarization of students with materials on a specific topic.

Research methods:

Analytical, search, observation (Analysis of information about Online training on the Internet).

Practical relevance: the created website.

Chapter 1. Modern technologies in the study of the English language.

1.1. The Role of Online Learning in Our Lives.

An online school is a type of distance learning courses with an author's program, after which (as a rule, but not always) the student receives an electronic certificate. The specifics of online schools are diverse. The most common area of ​​study is foreign languages. Courses in cooking, nutrition, drawing, handicrafts and fitness are also common. Each of these broad areas has its giants, so a small beginner school can only succeed in a narrow area.

A distinctive feature of training is to provide trainees with the opportunity to acquire the required knowledge themselves, using the developed information resources provided by modern information technologies. Information resources: databases and knowledge, computer, including multimedia, training and control systems, video and audio recordings, electronic libraries, together with traditional textbooks and teaching aids, create a unique learning environment accessible to a wide audience. Conducting chats and forums, video and television conferences, the possibility of frequent, up to daily, consultations with teachers through computer communications make the interaction of trainees with teachers much more intense than in the traditional form of education.

Today, distance learning allows you to look at the education process from a different perspective. With the advent of the Internet, people have the ability to directly access various resources on the network. The potential of such technologies is very high, which is why not a single area of ​​human activity now functions without information technology. The active use of such technologies in education has determined the place of distance learning.

1.2. The advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

From the moment when the Internet became one of the components of the modern educational space, the use of distance learning began to greatly influence modern education and culture. In this regard, in the near future, there will be a change not only in the forms and content of school education, but also in its goals, meaning, and development prospects. In addition, there are many reasons why a person cannot study in educational institutions. This can be poor health, and a significant distance from educational centers, employment, etc. To avoid a negative development of events, to prevent the emergence of "debts" in school, lagging behind, many parents and guardians use a method such as distance learning at school. At the same time, it is possible to seriously improve the state of affairs in studies and a child who regularly goes to school, but does not demonstrate full academic performance.

The advantages of Online Lessons:

1. Online lessons are a great solution for all adults who want to learn. In general, for all those who, in addition to studying, still have many other serious responsibilities. The ability to create a flexible and convenient class schedule.

2. Savings. Even if Online Lessons are paid, they are still cheaper. It also saves time and effort, which is usually spent on the road to get to a regular tutor.

3. Learning is interesting and allows the use of a variety of media material, due to which the assimilation of the material is better.

4. Elimination of personal contact with the teacher and with other students, which in some cases will help get rid of psychological discomfort.

The disadvantages of Online Lessons:

1. Lack of influence of the teacher on the student, due to which control and often the effectiveness of classes is lost.

2. Mental discomfort and deterioration in the assimilation of the material due to the lack of physical interaction. The teacher's facial expressions and gestures, as well as his voice, are also used to memorize the material.

3. The need for high-quality Internet connection so that the lesson is not interrupted and brings maximum benefit and efficiency.


1. Distance. You don't have to go anywhere, everything can be done in a comfortable environment.

2. Experienced teachers. Online schools, as a rule, open in the field of activity in which the entrepreneur understands and has decent experience.

3. Cost. Online courses are usually cheaper than tutoring and inpatient courses.

4. Variety of material. In such institutions, the material is taught in different forms, which are not found anywhere else. Online schools have texts, videos, animations, models, drawings.

5. Author's program. Teaching at the school is carried out according to a specialized program, which is not found anywhere else.

1.3. Using the Internet in Learning English.

At the moment, the Internet has tremendous opportunities, with its development, the study of the English language has greatly increased, on the Internet you can find many educational games in the English language, where you can not only relax, but also improve your level of English very well. There are many free English courses available online that are great for self-study. On the Internet, I have found several sites that can help you learn and improve your English skills.

Most popular sites:


2. Lingua Leo

3. Busuu

4. Learn English British Council

5. BBC Learning English

6. List English

7. Lang-8

Chapter 2. Site.

2.1. Website creation.

An online site is a collection of software, information, and media tools that are logically interconnected. They can contain absolutely any information. As an example, let's take information about fishing, about hockey, that is, there are sites “for every taste”, but sites in English are important for us. This is what I will do, we will create a website in English.

On the Internet, I have worked with many platforms that help you create your own website, but most of all I liked the platform. It seemed to me the most convenient and simple.

On the Internet, I found several Online platforms for creating a website:

uKit - website builder for business

Wix - website and blog builder

uCoz - universal website and store builder

Webasyst is a powerful store builder

Diafan. Cloud is an advanced constructor based on Diafan CMS.

The advantages that almost all modern website building platforms have:

1. Ease of use - the step-by-step principle of website creation allows even a beginner to understand the functioning of the platform. No need to work with code.

2. The layout and content are stored separately. When you need to change the design, it is enough to press a few buttons and the design of the site has changed.

3. Lots of templates and themes available both for free and for a nominal fee.

4. Easy to add pictures, photos, other content.

5. Quick publication - all changes appear immediately after you have made them.

6. Security - all data and site files are located on the server of the selected platform. That guarantees a fairly high level of protection against hacking and viruses.

I created my own website on the platform, the link to my site is Going to my site, you can buy manuals, fiction in the English language, the site is still under development, but everyone can visit it and leave a comment.

2.2. Analytics of the created site.

All 10th grade cadets have come across Online sites, all have studied remotely and can fully appreciate my site. I received 7 reviews about my site. 6 out of 7 cadets think the site is good, 1 cadet thinks that the site needs to be improved. If we translate everything into percentages, then 86% of cadets believe that my site is good, where you can not only increase your skills and knowledge of the English language, but also just have a good time with benefit.

Summing up the results of our research, we can conclude:

1. Most of the cadets who left a review about my site wrote that they liked the site.

2. A small part of the cadets wrote that they did not like my site and needed to be improved.


Having received a lot of information on this topic, I came to the conclusion that Online learning can greatly help you in learning English.

I reviewed and studied the concepts of Online Learning and Online Schools, compiled a list of educational Internet sites, and I found out that there are a lot of Online Schools, and you can choose courses at any price, at a convenient schedule, you can also find absolutely free courses, you can work one-on-one with a teacher, or you can work in a group.

I came to the conclusion that on the Internet you will receive a complete answer to any of your questions, and the Internet will also provide you with analysis, summaries from the literature, statements of various people, examples of work, that is, everything you need for your work.

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