The guide to contemporary painting in Great Britain

XII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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The guide to contemporary painting in Great Britain

Ионов Р.М. 1
1Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение Кадетская школа-интернат «Первый Рузский казачий кадетский корпус имени Героя Советского Союза Льва Михайловича Доватора»
Лалаева Е.С. 1
1Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение Кадетская школа-интернат «Первый Рузский казачий кадетский корпус имени Героя Советского Союза Льва Михайловича Доватора»
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The trends characteristic of 20th century English art began to take shape at the end of the last century. Under the influence of Rossetti, Verlaine and Mallarmé in England at the end of the century, the art of the Symbolists flourished. Oscar Wilde's work, the creation of such magazines as The Yellow Book (1894) and especially Savoy (1896), undoubtedly unsettled the representatives of the conservative Victorian society. But the revolt of the writers and artists, grouped around these magazines, results in a departure from reality, in search of a symbolic imaginary world, recreated with the help of arabesque words and pictorial language.

Purpose of work:

to get acquainted with the outstanding representatives of modern English painting and their works, to create a guidebook that can tell interestingly and succinctly about contemporary English artists.


The novelty of my project lies in the fact that I created a structural table characterizing different aspects of contemporary paintings, conducted a survey among students of the cadet corps, and also developed and produced a guide to contemporary painting in Great Britain.


1) collect information about contemporary painting in Great Britain.

2) structure the information and select the most interesting artists.

3) conduct a survey among students in my class.

4) make a guide to the most interesting corners of modern painting in Great Britain.

Relevance of the topic:

We live in a time when the dialogue of cultures and traditions has become especially relevant. Contemporary painting as an art form occupies an important place in the culture of the country. It takes its origins in the distant past, and its development is based on the works of great masters - experts in their field, including the British, who have become a reference point for many generations of contemporary artists. I believe that adherence to art, at all times, is an important criterion for the intelligence of any person, as well as an integral part in modern education.


I believe that most cadets are not well acquainted with the work of contemporary foreign (British) artists.

Object of study:

English painting of the twentieth century.

Subject of study:

Features characteristic of the work of English painters of the period under study.


Search (informational), structural, collective, tabular, poll, analytical.

Chapter 1. Contemporary painting of Great Britain.

1.1 Features of modern British painting

It was in the 20th century that British painters had a great influence on changing the course of the history of painting. These famous British artists were among the first to paint experiences and visions rarely ever described before. Some of the most important innovations included the introduction of a new understanding of the human body and the redefinition of space. During the past British art, at the forefront of landscape painting, early abstract works, innovation in the use of materials, we recognize artists from this part of the world. Likewise, as the meaning of French art is defined, British painters have pushed the definition of creativity. Greatly influenced by early contemporary art taking place in America, British artists have followed the birth of every major movement overseas. For many, the period between the 17th and 18th centuries is regarded as the Golden Age for British painting. This period is recognized as the time of enhancing the creativity of this region, the artistic status of this country. The most important features in this book relate to the social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution; the transformation of landscape painting from a sublime to a naturalistic countryside, and the contribution of British painting to modernity with the use of light and color effects. Encompassing the production of some of the more famous artists such as Hogarth, Ramsay, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Turner, among others, explores how British artists revolutionized landscape and portrait painting.

1.2 Artists of modern times.

David Hockney - Water colors and handsome men.

Considered one of the most influential and famous British artists of the 20th century, David Hockney was an important figure in the pop art movement of the 60s. Working on a variety of artistic disciplines including printing, photography, and stage design, Hockney is best recognized for his portraits and portraits of the hot Los Angeles summer by the pool. Drawing his friends, lovers and relatives, Hockney's own presence within his work is implied through perspective lines. Today, his images are considered one of the most recognizable works of art history.

Bridget Riley - Worship in Black and White.

Bridget Riley is a British abstract artist who became famous during the rise of the Op Art movement in the 1960s. Her early work, using the strong contrast of black and white lines, created an optical illusion of movement within a static image. Included in the 1965 exhibition "The Responsive Eye", Riley's paintings were shown alongside Victor Vasarely, Frank Stella and other renowned artists. It is her black and white work that is Riley's most famous and ranks her among the most famous British painters of the 20th century.

Stanley Spencer - A Village in Heaven.

The English painter Stanley Spencer is recognized as one of the most original figures in British Art. XX century. His home village of Cookham, where the artist lived most of his life, played a large role in the imagery of his paintings. His production depicts figurative and religious subjects, landscapes and episodic portraits. By referring to his village as a village in heaven, Spencer portrayed his fellow villagers as their evangelical counterparts.

Chapter 2. Creative workshop

2.1 Results and analysis of the research project


To understand the magnitude of the problem I am looking for a solution, I conducted a survey (questionnaire) among students in grades 8-10, in which 55 respondents took part. The results are shown in pie charts.

Analysis and results of the questionnaire.

From the data provided in the diagrams, it can be seen that only 22% of respondents are interested in painting, since not everyone sees it as a rather entertaining hobby. Despite this, more than half of the respondents (56%) answered that they still like to draw. From this it follows that the problem of my work was confirmed.

2.2 Art Gallery and Guide to Contemporary Painting in Great Britain

Painting gallery

After studying a lot of information about contemporary painting (contemporary artists, their paintings), I wanted to create my own art gallery. She will be located in a large, spacious room. There will be 10 halls in total, which will be divided into three stages:

1) 1960s pop art painting (4 halls)

2) painting of the late XX century (3 halls)

3) the latest painting of the 21st century (3 halls)

This idea can also be used as a business project. Sell ​​admission tickets and conduct gallery tours.

In the near future, I plan to create a website and place there an online version of the art gallery, which will be more accessible for the average person to study.

A guide to contemporary painting in Great Britain.

As a creative product of my individual project, I decided to make a travel guide. Why such a decision? Yes, all because a short booklet containing a small stream of information and an abundance of images will be of interest to our cadets, in contrast to the creation of any textbook.

In my guide, I have placed the famous authors of modern painting in Great Britain, showing their most famous paintings and a brief information about them. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the works of these artists are very different from any images we are used to. They are filled with courage in creating new approaches to depicting seemingly everyday things. Each artist fills his picture with a piece of himself.


Summing up, I would like to say that modern painting can play an important role in the life of any person, so it is very important to have knowledge in this area. I have completed my tasks:

1) got acquainted with artists and paintings of modern painting in Great Britain

2) structured and compiled a table characterizing the paintings of the artists

3) conducted a survey among students of the cadet corps

4) developed and created a guide to the most interesting corners of modern painting in Great Britain, and also came up with a plan to create his own art gallery and its online version.

List of references

Fedorov A.G., Shafranskaya N.V. Art history of foreign countries

17-18 centuries. / A.G. Fedorov.

David M. Wilson. The Collection of the British Museum. - London, 2001;

David M. Wilson. The British Museum. A History. London, 2002

The Appendix 1

David Hockney - Colors of Water and Handsome Men

Bridget Riley - Worship in Black and White.

Stanley Spencer - A Village in Heaven.

The Appendix 2

The Appendix 3

The Appendix 4

Просмотров работы: 69