Мое сердце в горах

XII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Мое сердце в горах

Орлова С.П. 1
1МБОУ "СОШ № 15" г. Калуги
Глебова Т.А. 1
1МБОУ "СОШ № 15" г. Калуги
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My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart`s in the Highlands, a chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart in the Highlands, wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North;
The birth- place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Robert Burns

Что представляет человек, когда слышит слово «Шотландия»? Для одних - это горы и озера, в одном из которых водится таинственная Несси, широкие зеленые поля, где пасутся стада овец под присмотром шотландских колли, для других – это волынки, яркие шумные фестивали и килты. Мы считаем выбранную тему актуальной, так как она способствует расширению кругозора и социокультурных знаний об истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Шотландия, страна, занимающая северную треть острова Великобритания. Она отделена от Англии преимущественно возвышенностью Чевиот-Хилс и р.Туид. К западу от Шотландии по другую сторону от Северного пролива (пролива Св. Патрика) находится Северная Ирландия. Южное побережье Шотландии обращено к Ирландскому морю и проливу Солуэй-Ферт. Границы Шотландии остаются неизменными почти 500 лет.

Шотландия – составная часть Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Однако Шотландию можно рассматривать как отдельную страну. Шотландцы отстаивают свою национальную самобытность и сохраняют многие институты, которых нет в Англии и других англоязычных странах. Они имеют свою столицу Эдинбург, свою церковь, законы и суды, свои банки и банкноты.

Целью нашего исследования является знакомство с главными городами Шотландии и их достопримечательностями, с ее традициями и обычаями. Мы выбрали именно эту тему, потому считаем, что на страницах наших учебников недостаточно информации об этой стране и нам захотелось узнать о ней больше.

Для реализации данной цели мы поставили перед собой следующие задачи:

Расширить свои социокультурные знания о Шотландии;

Изучить достопримечательности городов, интересные факты о стране;

Оформить продукты проектной деятельности: рекламный буклет «Welcome to Scotland!».

Гипотеза исследования: социокультурная информация о Шотландии способствует расширению кругозора людей, интересующихся историейи культурой Великобритании.

Предмет исследования: Шотландия

Объект исследования: интересные факты о Шотландии

Методы исследования: анализ литературы и видеоматериала, проблемно-поисковый метод, исследовательский, метод систематизации и обобщения знаний.

Практическая значимость: данная работа может использоваться на уроках английского языка для ознакомления с культурными ценностями Великобритании.

Основная часть

2.1. Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the historical capital of Scotland. It is one of the four largest Scottish cities." It is also a royal burgh, a district, and the administrative center of the Lothian region. Edinburgh is about 40 miles (65 km) east of Glasgow and 344 miles (553 km) northwest of London.

Some people think that Edinburgh is the most beautiful and romantic city in Europe. In the centre of the city is Edinburgh castle. It sits on top of a hill and is over 1,000 years old. In the Middle Ages it was Scotland’s main royal castle. In the Royal Palace you can see the Scottish Crown Jewels (the Honours of Scotland) and the Stone of Destiny on which Scottish kings and queens sat during coronations.

There are a lot of interesting things in Edinburgh Castle, St Margaret’s Chapel (the oldest and smallest building in Edinburgh), Mons Meg (a huge medieval cannon), the One O’clock Gun (which is fired at exactly 1 p.m., allowing citizens and visitors check their clocks and watches). The castle today is not only a museum but also the barracks for a Scottish army regiment.

Edinburgh Castle nowadays has no royal connections, but when Queen Elizabeth II visits the capital she has a royal residence in Holyrood Palace. Some of its rooms are open to the public. Every summer the Queen holds a garden party, entertaining 8,000 guests. Holyrood Palace remembers Scotland’s stormy past. Here Mary Stuart spent six years of her tragic reign. Her Italian secretary David Rizzio was stabbed to death by her jealous husband and his friends.

Edinburgh is divided into two parts – the Old Town and the New Town. The most famous street in the Old Town is the Royal Mile. In fact, it’s a line of fascinating medieval streets leading from Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace. Some of the houses are three or four hundred years old. The New Town was built in 18th century. The most famous street is Princes Street. On the north side of the street there are many shops and on the south side there large sloping gardens.

Behind Holyrood Palace is Edinburgh’s famous hill, Arthur’s Seat. Some people say it has this name because Edinburg was the site of the kingdom of King Arthur and his knights of the round table.

With its beauty, culture and history, Edinburgh is truly a capital city.

2.2. Glasgow

Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and the third largest in the United Kingdom. Before 1750 Glasgow was a small town. It had a cathedral and a university but it was not a rich town. After 1707 Scottish ships could go to the English colonies in America. Ships brought tobacco to Glasgow and took back Scottish goods. In 1776, the American colonies became independent and the tobacco trade stopped. Heavy industry began to develop. It used coal and iron from the Clyde valley. Glasgow became rich but very dirty.

Glasgow is famous for football teams: Rangers and Celtic. Most people in Glasgow are fans of one of teams. When they play against each other, thousands of fans go to watch. Rangers and Celtic have won more football competitions in Scotland than all the other Scottish teams.

Glasgow has a busy cultural life. A lot of musicians, actors and singers come to Glasgow to give concerts. It the evenings the opera house, the cinemas and the concert halls are full. In cafes and pubs small groups sing, act, read poetry.

2.3. Highland Games

Highland Games take place all over Scotland every year. Highland games combine sport, fun and culture in a uniquely Scottish style and they are always on the first Saturday of September. The most famous meeting is in Braemar, a small village in the Scottish Highlands.

Many athletes travel to Scotland to take part in the games. They compete in events like the hammer throw, shot put and the hill run. There are also music and dancing competitions. Marching bands perform for the crowds. They wear traditional clothing and play the bagpipes.

The most popular event of the day is the «tug of war». Two teams hold onto a rope and try to pull the other team over the line. «Tossing the caber» is also popular. The athletes have to run holding a heavy tree trunk, the caber, upright. Then, they stop and throw it towards the sky.

Tickets are always sold out months before the games start. It’s a great day out for all the family.

2.4. Some interesting facts about Scotland

Kilts, Bagpipes, tartan and shortbread are the things that first come to mind when it comes to Scotland. Situated in Europe Scotland has a lot more to offer than just men in kilts playing bagpipes. Scotland is made up of around 800 small islands. Let’s explore some interesting facts about Scotland:

The thistle is a national plant symbol of Scotland. The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn. But it doesn’t come as a surprise considering the love Scotland has for mythological creatures and legends.

Another example of Scottish love for mythological creatures, Nessie is a terrifying lake monster inhabiting in Loch Ness, a famous lake in Inverness. The first alleged photograph of the monster was published in 1933, and since then thousands head to Inverness to catch a glimpse of the so-called monster.

Scotland is the birthplace of golf, where it was invented in the 15th century. It became so popular so quickly that King James II banned the game because he believed his men are spending more time playing golf than getting proper training for war.

Scotland has the highest percentage of redheads in the world. Around 14 percent of Scotland’s population has auburn hairs.

In the small village of Fortingall, Perthshire stands one of the oldest trees of Europe, The Fortingall Yew in its own walled enclosure in the village churchyard. Experts estimated the age of Fortingall yew to be between 2,000 to 5,000 years. According to local legend, Pontius Pilate who sentenced Jesus to crucifixion was born in its shade and played under the tree as a child.

Every summer Edinburgh hosts Fringe Festival, it is the largest art festival in the world, with 2015 event spanning three weeks totaling over 3,314 shows from 49 countries in 313 venues across Edinburgh.

We all know that football is the national game of England. But do you know the world’s first international football match was played in Glasgow on 30th November 1872 between Scotland and England, which resulted in a 0-0 draw?

The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis which stands at a height of 1344 metres (4409 feet).

A variety of wildlife can be found in Scotland, including seals, mountain hare, ptarmigan, stoats and the golden eagle.

2.5. Loch Ness Monster

It seemed we already know everything about the world we live in but still there are some mysteries that we want to reveal.

Loch Ness is the home of probably the world’s most famous monster. People say that from time to time you can see a big monster who they call “Nessie” in this lake. There are some reports about seeing great black humps on the surface of the lake and then their disappearing. The main question is – is it a fact or fiction?

Experts have been discussing that question for years, but in recent times more and more people believe that a whole colony of giant creatures may live in the lake. In 1962 a group of people formed an organization called the Bureau for the Investigation of the Loch Ness Phenomena. Each summer they invite volunteers who watch the lake. And in 1966, they installed cameras on the banks to prove ‘Nessie’s’ existence. Other people made some photographs on the lake’s surface, but the pictures weren’t good enough to convince anyone, although a film made in 1961 convinced a lot of people that something exists in this lake. The film showed an object twenty-eight metres long, travelling at sixteen kilometers per hour.

People who claim they saw a monster describe it in a very similar way: it has four fins, a tail and it has a length of around eighteen meters. 

Some years ago an 18-year old girl from England had a thirty-seven kilometers journey across Loch Ness. It took her thirty hours, some of which she was swimming in the darkness and everyone applauded her for her strength and bravery.


Today Scotland is considered to be one of the most beautiful mountainous countries in the world. Having so many rivers, lakes, highlands and green areas, this country is believed to have one of most wonderful sceneries in the world. Scotland is also the land of myths and mysteries; every castle has its ghost. Every year thousands of tourists visit Scotland to see its sights and to participate in local festivals. 

По нашему мнению, в исследовании достигнута поставленная цель: была изучена информация о географическом положении Шотландии, о ее крупных городах и их достопримечательностях, а также были найдены интересные страноведческие факты. Таким образом, представленные в исследовании сведения способствуют расширению кругозора людей, интересующихся историей и культурой Великобритании, а также могут использоваться на уроках английского языка и во внеурочной деятельности по предмету.

Результаты работы:

Нами собран и изучен теоретический материал по теме исследования.

Мы просмотрели видеофильмы «Замки с привидениями Британии», «Чудовище озера Лох Несс», «Добро пожаловать в Шотландию!»

Оформлены продукты проектной деятельности: «Scotland Travel Guide», макет шотландского замка, коллаж «Highland Games», рекламный буклет «Welcome to Scotland!», карта «Glasgow sights»

Данная работа заложила основу для дальнейшего изучения интересных мест Великобритании.

Список используемых источников:

Edinburgh // Speak Out, № 3 (79), 2010

Highland Games // Speak out, № 2-3 (60-61), 2007

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=ZV2vV7VL1_8 / Шотландия: известные места

http://www.anglomania.org / Мистическая Британия: 10 самых таинственных мест

http://english-grammar.biz/шотландия-2-scotland-2.html / Глазгоу

https://www.triposo.com/loc/Glasgow/sightseeing / Достопримечательности Эдинбурга и Глазгоу

http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/nessie-the-loch-ness-monster / Лохнесское чудовище

https://ohfact.com/interesting-facts-about-scotland / Интересные факты о Шотландии

Просмотров работы: 51