Английский язык как средство реализации международных программ обмена для обучающихся кадетских корпусов и школ

XII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Английский язык как средство реализации международных программ обмена для обучающихся кадетских корпусов и школ

Долженко И.И. 1
1Первый Рузский Казачий Кадетский корпус имени героя Советского Союза Льва Михайловича Доватора
Лалаева Е.С. 1
1Первый Рузский Казачий Кадетский корпус имени героя Советского Союза Льва Михайловича Доватора
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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1. Introduction

In the process of implementing the exchange program for students of Russian and foreign cadet corps and schools, the most relevant issue of training candidates is the in-depth study of the language in which further training and communication of cadets will take place. Equally important is the acquisition of knowledge in the field of culture and history of the countries participating in the exchange program. Training in these areas should also be carried out in a foreign language. In this regard, the development of a prototype program for the exchange of students of cadet corps and schools is one of the main conditions for the implementation of the project of international cooperation. The necessary in-depth study of a foreign language comes to the fore today and, in many ways, contributes to the successful integration of students of the First Ruz Cossack Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator into the modern world educational space.

The goal is to develop a prototype of the exchange program for students of the First Ruz Cossack Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator and foreign corps and schools.

To achieve the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks::

* study the exchange programs of students of Russian and foreign general education schools and cadet corps implemented in the territory of the Russian Federation;

* summarize the experience of successful implementation of student exchange programs;

* suggest alternative forms of training for the participants of the program, taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country and in the world;

* determine the need of students of the First Ruz Cossack Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator to participate in the exchange program by conducting a questionnaire;

* identify the main criteria for the formation of groups of participants in the student exchange program;

* create an additional product, including information content, audio and video materials, for study by participants of the exchange program;

* develop an approximate thematic plan for conducting classes with a group of cadets;

* create a presentation of the finished product.

The subject of the study is the international exchange of students of cadet corps and schools;

The object of the study is the study of English as a form, means and method of implementing the program of international exchange of students of cadet corps and schools.

In the course of this study, the following methods were used:

* search (collecting information, setting goals and defining project objectives, choosing a methodology for its implementation);

* empirical (survey of students in grades 5-11 to determine the relevance of the implementation of the exchange program);

* analytical (processing and analysis of the received information);

* practical (creating an additional product in English/Russian to prepare participants of the exchange program);

* presentation (public presentation of the project).

The product of the research is a prototype of the exchange program for students of the First Ruz Cossack Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator and foreign cadet corps and schools.

The practical significance of this product is to increase the level of training of students in a number of disciplines, primarily in the discipline "English", strengthen inter-subject relations and establish partnerships with cadet corps that implement exchange programs.

This product can be recommended for use by students of cadet corps and their parents, as well as teachers, both for the preparation of participants in the exchange program of students, and as additional literature and short methodological recommendations in the framework of optional classes.

2. Exchange program for students of the First Ruz Cossack Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator and foreign cadet corps and schools

At the present stage of the development of the Russian education system, there is a course for the active integration of students into the international educational space and, as a result, the creation of effective mechanisms for the inclusion of young people in project activities. The formation of a personality is still closely connected with the perception of the experience of previous generations, the value orientations of society and the cultural heritage of the country. At the same time, the modern school is increasingly focusing on the formation of cases of special abilities of students, which, if necessary, can be supplemented and expanded within the framework of the appropriate training program. In these conditions , the public's interest in such aspects of the process of personality formation as training, education and active communication through practical and project activities increases significantly. Students understand that they can become successful and competitive in the labor market by learning to unite their peers in a team (or become a member of it), make non-standard decisions, present themselves, their ideas, and their own finished product. Today, more than ever, it is the new trends in education that set the pace and determine the prospects for further growth and development not only in the Russian labor market. They provide opportunities for future young professionals to become part of the global educational space, try their hand at new directions, psychologically liberate themselves, and begin to consciously form the hard and soft skills needed today.

In this regard, one of the most important areas of implementation of youth policy is the strengthening of interregional and international cooperation.

cooperation, which, in addition to the prospects outlined above, will create a platform for the interaction of the young generation of different countries in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual respect for ethnic and socio-cultural characteristics, freedom from imposed nationalist attitudes.

The active development of international student exchange programs began in 1947 in Europe and the United States. The world order was changing before our eyes, and the ideologists of educational programs reasonably assumed that the foundation of mutual understanding and effective interaction between people representing different social groups, races and religions would be the stronger the sooner we start building it. Thus, international programs in which countries exchanged students who arrived for the academic year (semester, trimester) to study in public or private schools and live in families or boarding schools (boarding schools) formed 2 directions: cultural exchange programs and foreign educational programs, which since the 90s of the 20th century have become available for students of the Russian Federation.

Exchange programs are divided into 2 categories: commercial and non-commercial. The vast majority belong to the first category, as a rule, they are organized by operators of the foreign education market, operating under the patronage of government structures. The latter act as large projects of non-profit foundations, funded by charitable contributions from the host party, sponsor companies, and parents of students. For the latter, the main motive for organizing a child's trip to another country within the framework of the exchange program is the desire to prepare him for an independent, including future professional, life, to teach interpersonal communication, the ability to build connections, to obtain relevant knowledge and practical skills, to immerse him in a different cultural environment, which

it helps to expand the horizons of the possible. The life achievements of the participants of such programs over the decades prove the effectiveness of an integrated approach to modern education. An interesting feature of the program participants ' choice in recent years has been that the improvement of foreign language skills in a natural linguistic environment, which back in 2012 they designated as the main goal of the trip, is becoming secondary, since it is now possible to learn a foreign language at a good level through Internet resources.

In the Russian Federation, among the students of general education institutions, the most well-known and popular programs are FLEX and AFS. The first one is funded by the US State Department and involves a one-year residence of the participant in the family. The second one forms exchange programs for students between dozens of countries (more than 20 countries for Russia for the academic year) and is the most popular. The geography of the missions is largely determined by the fact that initially the exchange programs connected European countries and the United States, which means that a mass developed reception infrastructure has been formed in these countries. It is particularly worth noting the exchange programs of students of cadet corps and schools, which have been implemented on the territory of our country for about 10 years. In the context of increasing interest of parents of students and educational institutions in the areas of Latin America, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, the cadet corps of the Russian Federation continue to develop cooperation with the corps and schools of India, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries - strategic partners of the Russian Federation.

The analysis of the most popular international exchange programs showed that it is for students of cadet corps who are brought up in the spirit of the traditions of the Russian military and diplomatic school, in the spirit of discipline and, with all the diversity

leisure activities, somewhat isolated from the life of modern youth, participation in the exchange program of students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries will be as effective and interesting as possible.

During the preparation of international exchange programs, employees of educational institutions can identify, justify and implement in practice the system of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of their chosen direction in order to:

* education of a harmoniously developed cadet personality,

* development of social competence,

* increase motivation for in-depth study of foreign languages,

* development of students ' creative abilities.

This algorithm can also be used in the development of an exchange program for students of the First Ruz Cossack Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator. For the practical application of the program, having studied the mechanisms of international exchange of students, it is necessary:

* develop a management structure for the exchange program,

* determine the directions and forms of international exchange activities,

* create conditions in the cadet corps necessary for obtaining additional knowledge, skills and practical skills of communication with foreign participants,

* ensure the integration of basic and additional education by expanding the SOI partnership,

* develop and implement in the educational process a set of projects and prototypes aimed at the development of communication skills.

* to improve language skills, to ensure their practical application during the implementation of the international exchange program for the development of students ' creative abilities.

At the stage of creating a prototype of the exchange program for students of cadet corps and schools, a survey of students and their parents was conducted, the purpose of which was to determine the need for cadets of the First Ruz Cossack Cadet Corps named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator to participate in international exchange processes. The survey was attended by students of grades 5-11 in the number of 32 people and 18 parents (see Appendix 1, 2).The participants were divided into 2 groups (1 - cadets, 2 - parents). According to the results of the survey, 89% of respondents consider the program of international exchange of students to be an effective means of realizing the abilities of adolescents, 94% express a voluntary and reasoned desire to participate in this program.

The main areas of the student exchange program include the following activities::

* social,

design and research,

* creative.

In the process of implementing a promising program, it is necessary to systematically introduce into the practice of the work of educational institutions such forms of activity as:

* development of joint projects, conducting video conferences, webinars and seminars, conducting business correspondence;

* conducting business games, contests, interactive quizzes in Russian and English alternately, theatrical performances in a foreign language and creative evenings in the native language of the organizers;

* holding a Week of the partner country for in-depth acquaintance with the historical and cultural heritage, religion, customs, modern trends in the development of the countries participating in the exchange program.

The main form of implementation of this program will be the exchange of students of cadet corps and curators of the program from among English teachers, educators and representatives of the administration of educational institutions. The meeting of the partners will be an important event for both sides in the social life of the corps and educational practice, will open up prospects for long-term cooperation, contribute to the solution of many tasks facing teachers of foreign languages, history, disciplines containing a regional component, as well as increase the personal motivation of students to learn a foreign language, expand their horizons, master common competencies.

This program is non-profit and is aimed at supporting talented young people from various social groups. In this regard, stay in a foreign country, stay on the territory of the building (school), study and participate in the cultural program is not expected to last longer than 7 days. The duration of the program in each age segment (middle (7,8), senior (9 -11) classes) is 6 calendar months. Reporting events are scheduled for March - April of this year. The expected frequency of visits of delegations is 1 time per year. The final group consists of 10 cadets and 2-3 representatives of the teaching staff and the administration of the educational institution. The program of the foreign delegation's arrival includes classes in the cadet corps and additional classes in Cossack flanking, horse riding, jigging, pistol shooting, historical ballroom dancing, visiting the museums of Ruza and Moscow with a sightseeing tour , the temple and places of memory of Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator, participation in a solemn parade on the territory of the cadet corps and a concert, exchange of memorable gifts. In addition to the parents/legal representatives of the participants, private investors and sponsoring companies are involved in financing within the framework of targeted assistance and the implementation of the program as a whole.

To participate in the exchange program, candidates must submit the following documents :

an identity document(passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign passport; parental permission to leave the country);

* documents confirming the fact of training in the First Ruz Cossack Corps. Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovator and the candidate's academic performance;

certificate of passing the English language proficiency exam;

health certificate;

* visa for the host country.

The informed consent of the parents/legal representatives is issued additionally.

Basic requirements for candidates:

* good academic performance and excellent discipline, positive characteristics of the class teacher and teacher-psychologist;

sufficient knowledge of a foreign language to participate in the exchange program;


* no health restrictions.

The personal qualities and motivation of candidates from among the cadets should include •

* efficiency,

* ambition,

* communication skills,

* striving for self-improvement in the chosen field,

* purposefulness,

* responsibility,

* interest in the culture and language of other countries,

* high adaptability to changing environmental conditions.

Candidates who meet all the stated requirements are interviewed and submit an essay or other creative work to the commission on the given topic. According to the results of the competitive selection, a group of cadets is formed, which is allowed to participate in the exchange program. The parents of the participants make up the second group. In parallel with the cadet training program, group online classes are held with them on the Zoom platform, via Skype, and a group is created in What'sapp. Classes (at least once a week) are conducted by teachers of a foreign language, a teacher-psychologist, a representative of the administration of an educational institution.

Approximate distribution of consultations

N n / n Type of consultation Group Minimum number of academic hours Maximum number of academic hours

1 Zoom (group consultation) Parents 12 24

2 Skype (individual consultation) Parents 20 40

3 Offline consultation (group) Cadets 24 40

4 Offline consultation (individual) Cadets 30 60

The advantage of this program is its variability. Cadet consultations are distributed between the English teacher, the teacher-psychologist and representatives of the administration of the building in the proportion of 2: 1.5:0.5, in the group of parents-1:1:1. The preparation of creative evenings, theatrical performances, etc. takes place within the framework of educational work with the involvement of teachers in the profile of the event and educators.

Approximate thematic plan of consultations (group "Cadets")

N n / a Calendar month Minimum number of academic hours Topic Notes

1 October 4 Business card. A story about yourself, family, friends, hobbies and professions

2 November 4 RF. Culture, religion, traditions. Cultural centers and attractions, multiconfessionality and features of religious cults, traditional values, everyday life, crafts and arts

3 December 4 Education in the Russian Federation. The modern system of Russian education, military education in Russia, "My Corps".

4 January 2 Cadetism and the Russian Cossacks. History and modernity.

5 February 4 Generation Z in Russia and in the world. Youth policy, culture and subcultures, interests and features of the new century generation.

5 February 4 Generation Z in Russia and in the world. Youth policy, culture and subcultures, interests and features of the new century generation.

6 March 2 Outstanding figures of culture, art, science, politics of the Russian Federation and current media personalities and influencers. Biography, personal attitude of the cadet, analysis of the impact on the younger generation, contribution to the development of the industry (persons to choose from)

3. Conclusion

The main purpose and meaning of modern Russian education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard is the development of personality, which includes general cultural, cognitive, personal development, as well as the formation of educational activities, the development of communicative competence.

The new generation of the FSES is based on a system-based approach and differs from its predecessor, the FSES of the 1st generation, primarily by the target setting, which can be clearly presented in the form of a table:

Educational goals

FSES 2004 FSES 2010

"Knowledge" "Activity""

Mastering all the elements of the educational minimum.

Work "according to the textbook" Formation of the ability to solve all classes of educational tasks.

Work "for the final result"

"I teach the subject! "

Transfer of" ready-made " knowledge with an emphasis on their development in the course of independent work. Orientation to the level of perception of the "average student". "I teach you to learn!"

Involvement of students in the learning process with an emphasis on understanding the meanings and use of knowledge. The combination of individual work with team work (in pairs, groups). Individualization and personification of training. Differentiation of requirements. Integration, transfer of knowledge from various fields.

In this regard, the full implementation of the range of opportunities offered to each citizen of the Russian Federation within the framework of the system of application of the Federal Tax Service is possible at any level. It is the expansion of the range of practical skills, the audience, and the partner community that can contribute to the solution of the strategic task of Russian education at all levels - to improve the quality of education in general by achieving new educational results that will meet the current needs of society, the state, and the individual.

Participation in exchange programs for students of cadet corps and schools is perfectly correlated with the goals and projected results of the introduction of the new in the Russian education system. Immersion in the cultural, linguistic, and information environment gives a powerful impetus to the development of the creative potential of cadets, "modernizes" the type of their thinking, catalyzes the system of receiving, processing, filtering, and applying information, increases the efficiency and independence of the individual, and gives the opportunity to try themselves in various roles in the course of teamwork. Teachers of educational institutions that have implemented international exchange programs note the increased interest of students in learning foreign languages and information technologies, a more meaningful and responsible approach (in comparison with students who do not participate in the program) to choosing a future profession and preparing for admission to universities, increased motivation to participate in creative competitions, scientific and practical conferences of various levels. Thanks to the school exchange, students and their parents develop an openness to cultural, religious, and national diversity and, as a result, the level of tolerance increases. In the course of this understanding, the participants of the exchange program are more free to enter the world cultural and information field, more actively use its opportunities in their further studies, work, and daily life. Teachers and parents also note the desire of teenagers participating in the program to express themselves through the creation of ready-made information products and projects based on the results of the program. During the preparation of materials and public speeches, there is a competitive moment. All this naturally leads to an increase in the personal level of participants and a more complete disclosure of their potential, replenishment of the baggage of knowledge, skills, and their implementation in practice. In this connection, participation in such programs is promising both for cadets and for the educational institution as a whole, as it significantly contributes to the disclosure of the potential of employees, improving their skills and personal level

interest in the results of work, as well as the expansion of the activities of the educational institution, attracting investors and additional budget funding, establishing strong partnerships with Russian and foreign colleagues.

4. List of references

1. www.openedu.ru

2. www.usembassy.gov

3. www.dk.ru

4. www.presentacii.ru

5. www.pokeda.ru

6. www.pptcloud.ru

7. www.infourok.ru

8. www.multiurok.ru

9. www.worldscholarshipforum.com

10. www.studently.ru

11. www.vseobr.com

12. 1mkk.mskobr.ru

5. Applications

Appendix 1.

Questionnaire of the participant of the exchange program of students of cadet corps and schools.


2. Date of birth

3. Class

4. Is the desire to participate in the international exchange program voluntary?

Yes No

5. Specify the region you are interested in as a base for the exchange of students

* EU countries

* Belarus, Kazakhstan

S. America/ Yu. America

* Asia

6. Specify the personal qualities that contribute to your participation in the exchange program of cadet corps and schools You are:

* Purposeful

* Sociable

* Know a foreign language well

7. Specify the personal qualities / individual abilities that you will be able to develop as a result of participating in this program

All listed in the previous question

* Improve your language skills

* Become more sociable

8. What academic disciplines are the most interesting for you/ Priority of the Belarusian National cycle

Natural science cycle

Cultural cycle

* Physics and Mathematics cycle

9 . Why should you become a member of the cadet corps and school exchange program? You are:

* Purposeful

* Sociable

* Excellent knowledge of foreign languages

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire of parents/ legal representatives of the participant of the exchange program of students of cadet corps and schools.

1. Mother's full name

2. Father's full name

3. FULL name of the cadet, class

4. Specify the region you are interested in as a base for the exchange of students of cadet corps and schools

* EU countries

* Belarus, Kazakhstan

S. America/ Yu. America

* Asia

5. Are you ready, if necessary, to accept a foreign guest in your family according to the terms of the exchange program for students of cadet corps and schools? Well no

6. Are you ready, if necessary, to provide accommodation for your son as a foreign guest under the terms of the exchange program of cadet corps and schools? Well no

7. Why should your son become a member of this program?

Appendix 3.

List of topics recommended for study by cadets in preparation for competitive selection for participation in the program of international exchange of students of cadet corps and schools.

1. Business card (a story about yourself).

2. My family.

3. Russia is a country of traditional family values.

4. I am in a world of many professions.

5. Hard & soft skills.

6. Russia is a country of limitless possibilities.

7. Hobbies that can become a life's work.

8. Russia is a country with an ancient culture.

9. " Does culture determine politics or does politics determine culture?"

10. Russia is a multi-religious country.

11. Orthodoxy in Russia of the 21st century.

12. " Moscow is the third Rome, and the fourth will not happen!"

13. Sights of large and small Russian cities.

14. Russia is a country of Europe and Asia.

15. The nature of Russia. Ecology: modern challenges, risks and ways to fight for the health of the planet.

16. The education system in Russia: traditions and modernity.

17. Military education in Russia.

18. Russian cadets yesterday and today.

19. " The Cossack serves God and the Fatherland!"

20. My cadet corps.

21. Generation Z.

22. Modern youth culture and subcultures in Russia.

23. Outstanding figures of Russian culture and art.

24. Outstanding Russian scientists of the past and present.

25. Outstanding Russian writers and poets.

26. The Nobel Prize and its laureates from the USSR and the Russian Federation.

27. Mass media and the Internet space in the life of Russian teenagers.

28. From the life of influencers.

29. New technologies in my life.

30. International cooperation. Stages and opportunities.

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