The benefits of working experience being a teenager

XV Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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The benefits of working experience being a teenager

Харченко Д.М. 1
1Школа № 1529 имени А.С. Грибоедова
Марковаа Г.П. 1
1Школа № 1529 имени А.С. Грибоедова
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This work is dedicatedto the issue of teenagers’ working experience in different countries. This is a modern tendency nowadays.

The urgency of the chosen topic seems to be importance to a great number of teenagers who apply for temporary jobs and should be aware of its pluses and minuses.

That is why, the purpose of my work is to point out advantages and disadvantages of early employment.

The object of the research is working experience of teenagers in different countries.

The tasks which I have put in front of me in the research:

1. To point out main advantages and disadvantages of experience of working teenagers.

2. To determine the importance of this theme nowadays.

The research has been performed in three interrelated steps:

1. Analysis of literature on the theme in the first stage.

2. The theoretical basis of the research with examples and quotes illustrated the benefits of working experience.

3. The generalization of results of the research and drawing up the final conclusions.

The practical significance of the research is to inform my classmates about pluses and minuses of working part time and provide vivid examples concerning the issue.

Working experience, why is it necessary

In the modern society, it is very common to see teenagers working everywhere in the

city. Whatever part time jobs they are doing, they are preparing for their future. School may be the best place for proper education but not for preparation for the outside working world. Indeed, teenagers learn a lot of things through the jobs they do when still being students. 
To start with, teenagers learn how to arrange their time. For example, an employee needs to work at 7.00 in the early morning. This means, he has to present at the company by 7.00 no matter how late he stayed up last night. Moreover, as a student, he has to take use of his time and spend it properly on both studying and working. He avoids bad habits such as going out late at night.
Another point is that teenagers will appreciate the value of money. They work hard and realize how difficult to make money. They also understand that “Money does not grow on trees”. Before buying an expensive clothes or shoes, they remember their parents’ hard work and think more carefully whether they should buy those or not.

Should Teens Work Part Time While in School?

From bagging groceries to making smoothies, that first job a teenager has can provide him or her with a sense of independence, not to mention extra cash to spend on important teenage things like fast food, cool sneakers and Fortnite skins. But finding — and holding — a job can also teach teens tons of skills, and help them develop positive work habits early in life.

Growing in Income and Maturity

Working as a teenager has the obvious benefit of earning money to spend and save. But more than a simple influx of cash, working allows teens to appreciate the value of money and what it means to earn a dollar. Working teens learn an important financial lesson about how much people really earn per hour, says Nashica McRath, a financial adviser with Edward Jones. Putting that into perspective, along with understanding how to pay taxes and contribute to Social Security are lessons in maturity and "how to navigate the world of becoming an adult," she says.

"Typically, we expect adolescents to make decisions about their future careers when they get to college and select a major," she says. "That can be a daunting task for some. Work or volunteer experiences can provide opportunities for students to better understand themselves."

Getting Support at Work

A supportive boss is another critical part of making a part-time job successful for a teenager. If that boss acknowledges their employee is a student and is willing to put their schooling first, that can really help, McRath explains. But it's also up to the teenager to proactively communicate with their employer — and take responsibility. If they need time off to study, they need to be proactive in getting their shift covered, for instance.

Workplace etiquette that is second nature to adults is unknown territory for teens. Parents should help their teens navigate by ensuring they do things like follow up when applying for a job, submit their school/class schedule in a timely manner and keep up with uniform requirements. And making teens save a portion of each paycheck is a skill that can help them for a lifetime.

The statistical dater worldwide

On average, teenagers report the highest rates of unemployment. According to Labor Force Statistics, in early 2017 the youth unemployment rate for individuals ages 16 to 19 was around 14.7 percent. The unemployment rate for individuals 25 years and older was 3.6 percent. Indiana has a 10 percent unemployment rate for ages 16-24.

Interestingly, according to a recent study from 1Career Builder, from 2001-2014, the number of jobs held by teenagers decreased by 33 percent. Over 1.7 million jobs teens held were cut during that 13-year window.

The loss of teen jobs appears to be correlated partly to the fact that a growing number of people ages 55 and older are not exiting the labor market at the pace they used to. More individuals are retiring from their current job and transitioning to entry-level positions.

In this study from 2001-2014, the number of workers 55 years and older increased by 40 percent. These days, the workforce tends to favor experience over education.  Even though college is very valuable, it becomes even more valuable when paired with a resume full of experience

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, for every year a person works in their teens, their income raises 14-16 percent in their 20s. When teens choose to have a job, employment teaches responsibility and good work habits, improves time management and organizational skills and helps them save money.

In order to effectively balance the stress of academics and work, studies indicate that 20 or less hour per week is an optimal amount of time for a high school student to work. Some studies indicate that students who balance 10-15 hours of work per week during the school year earn higher grades than students who do not work.

The federal minimum wage has been raised 22 times since 1938 when it was set at 25 cents per hour. Currently, our minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.

The benefits of working teenagers

There are definite benefits to teens holding down a job, including: 

Earning money.

Learning important skills. 

Building character. 

Obtain valuable work experiences, which are excellent for a resume.

Learn how to effectively manage finances.

May provide networking possibilities and set a child on a rewarding lifetime career path.

Provide constructive use of free time.

Learn time management skills.

The disadvantages of working teenagers

1. One of the biggest disadvantages to having a job for teens is that work and after-school activities may conflict. If your teenager is involved in sports or a lot of other extra-curricular activities, they may not be able to keep up with them if they start a job. If they are taking a heavy load of classes, work may interfere with homework and school projects. 

2. If you decide that working is a good fit for your teen, you should make sure your child's workplace is safe. Check with your state's labor laws so you're aware if your child's employer is abiding by them. You should also monitor how much your child works to make sure that working is in line with their goals. If your child is planning to attend a four-year college, you may want to limit their working hours to under 20. 

3. It's also a good idea to steer them away from high-stress jobs with little learning value. Additionally, you may want to discourage work that doesn't leave room for them to participate in valuable extra-curricular activities. No one job is good for all teenagers. But a good, safe job that fits well with your teenager's schedule can teach them responsibility as well as giving them some new freedom.

Why should teenagers start working

They become responsible:

Responsibility doesn’t come suddenly and is earned in due time. All teens need to be responsible some time in their life.

Polish their skills:

Every child is gifted with one or more skills. These skills can be polished by taking a part time or summer job. Teens can learn a lot from such jobs and polish their skills and talents.

Understand the value of money:

Normally teens end up spending a lot of money earned by their parents. To put a full stop to this state, parents should make their teens understand the value of money. This can be done with the help of teenage jobs.

Add experience to a resume:

A working teenager has many things to add to his or her resume for when he becomes an adult and starts searching for a full time job after his college graduation.

Get to know the real world:

When teens start doing their job, they get to know the real world. They learn to recognize people who are fake, who cheat, and friends who dump girlfriends or boyfriends and are really selfish. They get to taste the bitterness of the real world and start accepting it.

They become financially independent:

When teenagers become financially independent, they gain a sense of satisfaction and confidence. It helps them in building up their self-esteem and teaches the value of hard-earned money.

What jobs are good for teenagers

2The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets standards about how many hours minors can work, how much they get paid, and safety standards. Children under 18 are not allowed to do hazardous work such as excavating and operating heavy equipment. The number of hours they are allowed to work depends on their age, with older teens being allowed more hours than younger teens. 

Within those guidelines, there are lots of options for teens looking to work. Some of the best part-time jobs for teens include:

Dog walker



Camp Counselor


Sales Associate



Brand Ambassador


According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 50 percent of American teenagers hold informal jobs, such as babysitting or yard work, by age 12. Boys tend to begin their jobs at younger ages and work more hours than girls. By age 15, nearly two-thirds of American teens have had some kind of employment. By the time teens graduate from high school, 80% will have held a part-time job at some time during the school year. The average high school student works 20 hours per week, and about 10% work full time (35 hours or more).

Typically, teens spend their money on car expenses, recreational expenses, clothing, educational expenses, saving for college, and helping their families with living expenses (rent, groceries).

Working experience of teenagers in different countries


According to Russian law, you can officially conclude an employment contract from the age of 16. But there are also some deviations. So, if a student graduated from nine classes and continues to study in an evening school, he has the right to find a job from the age of 15.

Fourteen-year-olds can also get a job by law, but only with the consent of their parents and the municipal guardianship authority. According to his requirements, work should not harm health and interfere with learning. From the same age and under the same conditions, a teenager has the right to engage in individual entrepreneurial activity.

Jobs most often offered to minors

Distribution of leaflets, advertising booklets, newspapers, posting ads


Elderly care

Landscaping and cleaning of territories


Animal care


For teenagers in the USA, working part-time to earn some pocket money is very common.
In California children of 12 and 13 can work but only as babysitters, paper boys/girls, gardeners, actors or singers and only for three hours a day. Older children, 16 and 17 years old, can work longer hours and can work in supermarkets, fast food restaurants and as pizza delivery boys/girls.
Most teenagers say they work for a little extra pocket money and parents usually agree that it is good experience for their children. They say that working part-time teaches young people about money and the real world.

Part-time jobs for American students are very popular and usually begin during their high school days. Besides working in fast food restaurants and small cafeterias, a very popular job for a teenager in America is baby sitting. This has its greatest appeal among teenage girls and a good baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is reliable, responsible and mature.

It is not necessarily an easy job and requires both social skills and general competence. Such a job often involves working on Friday and Saturday nights when many married couples like to spend the night going to a movie or the theatre.

Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among young boys is managing a paper route or mowing the lawns of people in one's neighbourhood. These jobs also require a sense of responsibility and can be a source of good income for a high school student. Young boys who run paper routes are required to get up early in the morning to deliver the daily news regardless of the weather. This job has no holidays and requires the newspaper to be delivered every day without exception. In America there are no newspaper holidays.

Part-time jobs for high schools students in America are often seen as an opportunity to teach young people about work responsibility and respect for others. The young people learn how to become part of the adult world and to share in the making of society.


Opportunities and regulations for work for teenagers in Spain...

The minimum working age in Spain is 16, although permission from parents or guardians is usually required up to 18 years of age. Any work contract with a child under 16 is invalid although an employer must pay for any services provided. Employers who breach the rules governing child employment in Spain are liable to legal action.

Various contract types exist including: 3indefinite contracts, fixed duration contracts, contracts for specific tasks or services, temporary contracts, training contracts and work experience contracts. The contracts used in youth employment are collectively known as los contratos formativos.

Young people may be given training/trainee contract (Contrato para la formación) – these are designed for workers over 16 but under 21 years of age. They can run for between six months and two years

If the teenager has recent relevant qualifications they may instead have a work experience contract (Contrato en prácticas). These contracts also last for between six months and two years

Children under 18 years of aged are prohibited from working at night (between 22:00 and 06:00) or more than eight hours per working day. Employers must ensure that young employees receive an adequate rest period - a minimum of 12 hours between shifts. Workers under 18 years of age must also be allowed 30 minutes rest period for every 4.5 hours work.

Seasonal work and part-time work for young people is available but depends to a large extent on location.


Finding a job for Indian teenager is a tough task for everyone. The rules say hiring anyone below age 18 would be considered as child labour. So now how can a teenager in India earn some money the legit way and generate his own pocket money? Let us deal with the facts:

India is a country with 1.32 Billon population

According to Trading Economics:

The employment rate at highest is 29.6 million

The unemployment rate at highest is 44 million

Labour force participation rate is 52.90%

Unemployed youth rate is 18.10%

Now obviously, these stats aren’t inclusive of teenage individuals but we can clearly see the employment condition of India which has a more than 50% labour force participation rate. So how come India’s employment rate is so low? Maybe our youth does not have the required skills for a good job. We do get the education but our schools and colleges, unfortunately, do not teach us the specific skills required for a job so how can you think of doing a job with a very low skill rate.

The main reasons why Indian parents do not allow their kids to work are:

Think it will affect the family reputation. (A big NO)

Do not trust the abilities of their child.

They want their child to focus more on studies without realizing that the lack of skills and experience is the reason behind the increasing unemployment rate in India.

The list of top 10 Jobs for Indian Teenagers


Creating Memes

Social Media Managers



Graphic Designing

Reviewing Music

Selling Craft

Teaching Online

Home Tuitions


Students in Australia are most often issued with a Higher Education Sector visa. This visa allows the student to work during their studies for 40 hours in two weeks (the total number of working hours every two weeks should not exceed 40 hours). At the same time, during the holidays, the student has the right to work for an unlimited number of hours.

Popular student professions

Prices in Australia are high, but salaries are also high - even students get good money for their work and usually work with hourly wages. What areas do most students work in Australia?

Restaurant and hotel business



Health care and care for the elderly

Gas station and car wash

Gas station shops


Taxi services

Teaching and mentoring

Physical work

Analytical part

In this part of the work, I would like to compare working conditions, age, salary and the attitude of teenagers to work in countries such as Russia, the USA, Spain, India and Australia.

Here is a table with a brief description.


Working conditions



Attitude of teenagers to work


It is allowed to work no more than 17.5 hours a week

from the age of 16

Minimum 1,5 per month

Positive, most teenagers want to work.


It is allowed to work no more than 18 hours a week

12-18(depends on the state)

Minimum 7,25 per hour

Positive, most teenagers want to work.


It is allowed to work no more than 20 hours a week

from the age of 16

2,39 per hour

Positive, most teenagers want to work.


It is allowed to work no more than 48 hours a week

from the age of 18

Minimum $0.3 per hour

Teenagers under the age of 18 cannot work, but they want to.


It is allowed to work no more than 20 hours a week

from the age of 15

Minimum $19.84 per hour

Positive, most teenagers want to work.

At first, I want to analyze the working conditions. In almost all countries, teenagers are allowed to work approximately the same number of hours, with the exception of India. But it is worth noting that in India it is allowed to work from the age of 18, and this is already considered an adult there.

I also want to underline that in the USA, working conditions for teenagers are different in the summer and during the school year, while in Russia this is not monitored.

If you look at income, you can immediately distinguish Australia and the United States as countries with high salaries, and Russia and India with low. If you find the table "The level of salaries in the countries of the world 2021" on the Internet, then at the top there you can find Australia, which took 7th place, then the USA - 17th place. And to find the rest of the countries will have to go down a little bit. Spain is on the 28th place, which is not so far away from the United States, Russia is on the 54th place, and India is already on the 86th.

As for motivation to work among teenagers in these countries, I can underline that there are willing people in all countries. According to statistics and surveys in different countries I found information that teenagers are working, and if not yet, they want to start. Speaking about India as a whole, everything is immediately clear, because India is a rather poor country. Everyone knows that there is no middle class in India, in this country people are either rich or very poor. In Russia, schoolchildren really strive to work. In our country, it is affordable. 85% of schoolchildren admit that they are mostly motivated by the opportunity to earn pocket money.

In December 2019, the US Department of Labor published a List of goods produced with the help of Child or Forced Labor, and India was among the 74 countries where there is a significant level of critical working conditions.

Next, I want to provide a percentage chart of how many teenagers work in these countries.

In general, it can be seen that the approximate ratio is the same in all countries, which means that it can be concluded that teenagers in these countries really want to work.

I would also like to consider which jobs are more often chosen by teenagers in these countries. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the position of a waiter and a sales consultant. It is clear that a teenager cannot hold some important position, since they are not qualified, but at the same time it can be quite an interesting job, for example, a tutor.

From this table, we can see that the profession of a food deliverer, is popular in all these countries. Factory work is popular only in India.

My last diagram depicts the seasonal jobs. The table shows the following scale from 1 to 5 (where 1 is absolutely not popular, 2 is almost not popular, 3 is relatively popular, 4 is popular, 5 is very popular).

Everyone works mainly in the summer, as there is a lot of free time, in the fall many continue to earn extra money, as well as in winter. But in the spring, teenagers almost do not work because by the end of the school year there is a lot to do and take final exams.

Salary is what motivates people to go to work at such an early age. Obviously, salaries among the countries I'm looking at, are completely different, as are living standards. We have looked at the minimum wage for teenagers in these countries, and now I would like to look at what each country pays for the following professions: promoter, food delivery and babysitter.

I am presenting the data in the form of a diagram. The salary in my chart is per hour of work.

My chart looks pretty weird because of the salary difference. America and Australia can be singled out from my list as the leading countries in terms of wages. Spain is in the center, while Russia and India are the lowest. Teenagers get more money for the work of a babysitter, it seems to me that it depends on the fact that the babysitter is most often paid not by a company but by a separate family. And probably the families appreciate this work and are grateful for the help. It seemed strange to me that couriers and promoters receive about the same, since it seems to me that it is more difficult to work as a courier. But as far as I know, couriers are often tipped, especially in America or Spain. In Russia, as far as I know, this is very rarely practiced.

Of course, the information I found on the Internet should be considered very approximate, since no one will say exactly how many people are unofficially employed. But the approximate picture is as follows. The results didn't surprise me at all. For example, I know that in Australia everything is very strict with this, so it's easier for a teenager to get an official job in order to avoid problems for himself and his family. In addition, in countries like Australia, such practices are quite rare.

India has become the only country where there are almost three times as many unofficially employed adolescents. This is due to the fact that illegal child labor is very common in India, and of course no one officially employs them.

When a student gets a job, the following question immediately arises. What documents should I bring to my employer? And the most important question is: do I need my parents' permission? This can become a problem for many teenagers, as many parents believe that work can interfere with their studies and academic performance will become worse

I would like to note that for India and the USA, the indicator is average across the states. There, the age to which permission from parents is required depends on the state. Well, I can say that in Spain teenagers are not very lucky in this regard, because until they are 18 they have no right to decide whether they will work, it primarily depends on the decision of their parents.

In general, I believe that the optimal age to which parental permission is required is 16 years, since from the age of 16 a teenager should try to develop some kind of independence.


Now I come to conclusion. I have chosen this topic because I want to analyze this theme deeply, explore it and find out its significance and the impact of working experience on teenagers in countries such as Australia, Russia, the USA, India and Spain. I have investigated this issue of my research thoroughly, picking up the most interesting sources of information.

While working with the material, I have picked up a lot of information, tried to show all factors influencing working teenagers with examples, books, diagrams and schemes.

I have examined lots of material: both English and Russian websites on this topic in order to select the most important and interesting information and find out proper results.

I have analyzed all factors that are connected with work and I have presented my research in the project.

To sum it up, I would like to point out again that in all these countries teenagers work, despite the high standard of living in them. When teenagers become financially independent, they gain a sense of satisfaction and confidence. It helps them in building up their self-esteem and teaches the value of hard-earned money. Getting paychecks regularly is also a fun thing; they don’t have to take pocket money from their parents. They can now pay their own food bills, shop for a wardrobe and get their own car. Thus, they become financially independent and can now live on their own life.

The practical significance of the research is in possible application of its results in practice through a deeper study among young people in our country.


interrelated - connected in such a way that each thing has an effect on

significance - importance

vivid - produce very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind

value - the importance or worth of something for someone

obvious - easy to see, recognize, or understand

adviser - someone whose job is to give advice about a subject

adolescent - a young person who is developing into an adult

daunting - making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve

acknowledge - to accept, admit, or recognize something

covered - to deal with

on average - usually

interestingly - used to introduce a piece of information that the speaker thinks is interesting

correlate - if two or more facts, numbers, they are connected

interfere - to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted

recreational - connected with ways of enjoying yourself

deviations - the action of doing something that is different from the usual way of behaving

engage - to employ

breach - an act of breaking

attitude - a feeling about something, or a way of behaving that is caused by this

approximately - close to a particular number although not exactly that number

monitor - to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time

distinguish - to notice the difference between two things

provide - to give someone something that they need

ratio - a comparison of two numbers calculated by dividing

force - physical, especially violent, strength, or power

influx - the fact of a large number of people or things arriving at the same time

maturity - the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult

tax - (an amount of) money paid to the government that is based on your income

instance - an example of something that happens generally

unemployment - the number of people who do not have a job that provides money

decrease - to become less

labor - practical work

obtain - to get something


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1CareerBuilder is a job site founded in 1995 with offices in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.

2The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) American legislation passed by the US Congress during the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt in 1938.

3An open-ended employment contract is concluded in writing. The main difference from a fixed-term contract is that it is drawn up for an indefinite period - the expiration date of the contract is not determined and is not indicated in the document.

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