Уникальная планета, на которой мы живем

XV Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Уникальная планета, на которой мы живем

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1МАОУ Одинцовский лицей №6 имени А.С.Пушкина.
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1МАОУ Одинцовский лицей №6 имени А.С.Пушкина.
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It is in our power not to be indifferent to our past…

It is ours, in our common possession.

Academician D. S. Likhachev

To begin with, I ‘d like to mention the choice of the theme “THE UNIQUE PLANET WE LIVE ON”. While studying the school program at our English and social science classes, I came to the conclusion thatdevelopment of Earth was a very complicated and lengthy process. Personally, I’ve got interested in the theme and would like to provehow important it is not to be indifferent to our past.

The actuality of the research:nowadays, it is necessary to maintain the schoolchildren and adults in the history of the country. Without the lessons of the past there is no happy present, without a happy present there is no decent future. Studying the way of life of our ancestors helps to interest students in the history of the country, instill love for a small homeland, study better in order to grow smart and work for the good of their country.The relevance of the study is justified by references to the results of scientific research of foreign and Russian scientists.

The theme of my work is based on contradictions between the positive progress and a very complicated and lengthy process of peoples’ development of the Earth.

The aim of the project is to collect, explore and analyze the materials,and support interest in the cultures of various periods of the human race history.

The problem of the work: insufficient degree of knowledge of the past and the facts of false information based on limited material.

The hypothesis:Without studying the life of our ancient ancestors we could not access the standards of happy present and provide a decent future.

The tasks:

1) To collect material about steps and stages of the Earth development by men

2)To take a brief excursion into archaeology to get vivid examples of time periods

3) To give some facts to prove our Earth is in serious danger

4) To show the future of the planet as I see it

Research methods:analysis and generalization of data from the literary, scientific and Internet resources.

The objectof the study: the Earth is the unique planet and the only place for human beings to live on.

The subject of the work: some phenomena of a very complicated and lengthy process of peoples’ development.

The practical significance of the project nowadays is maintaining the interest of schoolchildren and adults in the history of the country, instilling love for a small homeland on vivid examples of everyday life of our ancient ancestors.

The knowledge I rely on: in my work I refer to scientists’ researches and philosophy of the authors of different levels [R. 1-9]. I used the data of the Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, research materials of Russian archaeologists from the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pointed on the ideas of Russian scientist С. Abamelek-Lazarev- “Palmyra. Archaeological research of the prince”,some brief facts of the great historical experience of mankind from L.A. Moiseeva’s “History of Civilizations’’etc. [R. 1-9]

All in all, I came across the general conclusion: nowadays life is impossible without the deep knowledge of our past.I asked my peers a Question: “Are you interested in the remote past of the Earth civilizations?” Only 60% answered they were. Conclusion: the proportion of correct answers suggests that respondents are not very well aware of the early history of the Earth civilizations. Supplement 1, p.2

For more information see the conclusion at pages 15-16.


1.1. The main stages and features.

Development of Earth was a very complicated and lengthy process. Even now, we cannot say that our planet has been studied 100%. There are still corners of nature that no human foot has ever set foot on.

The first stage of settlement, during which ancient people began to migrate from East Africa to Eurasia and explore new lands, began about 2 million years ago and ended 500,000 years ago. Later, ancient people were dying out, and with the appearance of intelligent man in Africa 200,000 years ago, the second stage started.

The main settlement of people was observed along the mouths of large rivers - the Tigris, Indus, Euphrates, Nile. It was in these places that the first civilizations arose, which were called river civilizations. Supplement 2, p.3

Our ancestors chose such sites in order to break up settlements that would later become the centers of states. Their life was subordinated to natural regime.

1.2. The main areas of settlement on the continents

The majority of historians and archaeologists consider Africa and Southwestern Eurasia to be the birthplace of the first people. Over time, mankind has mastered almost all continents, with exception of Antarctica. Where the Bering Strait is now located, 30 thousand years ago there was a land that connected Eurasia and North America. It was on this bridge that people penetrated into more and more new places. A person could come to Australia from Southeast Asia. Scientists were able to draw such conclusions based on the results of excavations.

When considering how the development of the earth by man took place, it will be interesting to find out how people chose places for their residence. Very often, entire settlements left the familiar place and went into the unknown to find the best conditions. The developed new lands allowed the development of animal husbandry and agriculture. The population of the planet was also increasing very rapidly. If 15,000 years ago about 3,000,000 people lived on Earth, now this figure exceeds 6 billion. The vast majority of people live in flat areas of the territory. It is convenient to divide fields on them, build mills(plants) and factories, equip settlements. There are four areas on the globe where the settlement of people is the densest. These are Western Europe, South and East Asia, and the east of North America. There are reasons for this: favorable natural factors, the age of settlement and a developed economy. Supplement 3, (p.4)

1.3. Types of economic activity

Economic activity affects the environment and changes it. Moreover, different industries affect nature in different ways. Thus, agriculture became the main cause of the reduction of the areas of the planet where natural conditions were preserved. More and more space was needed for fields and pastures, forests were cut down, animals lost their homes. Due to the constant load, the soil partially loses its fertile qualities. Artificial irrigation allows you to get a good harvest, but this method also has its disadvantages. So, in arid areas, too much watering of the land can lead to its salinization and a decrease in harvest. The development of the earth by man of the country is especially harmful to the environment because of the rapid growth of industry. Environmental pollution has a negative effect on human health.

1.4.Diversity of the countries of the world

People who live on the same territory, have a common language and one culture, form an ethnic group. It can consist of a nation, a tribe, people. In the past, great ethnic groups created entire civilizations. Currently, there are more than 200 states on the planet. They all differ from each other. There are states that occupy an entire continent (Australia), and there are very tiny ones consisting of one city (Vatican City). Countries also differ in terms of population. There are billionaire states (India, China), and there are those in which no more than a few thousand live (San Marino).

So, considering the question of how the development of the Earth by man took place, we can conclude that this process has not yet been completed and we still have a lot of interesting things to learn about our planet.


2.1. Archaeology and How archaeologists work

Archaeology is a science that studies the life of people in ancient times from preserved material monuments. The Greek word "archaios" means "ancient". The only way to find out how people lived in the past is to study the objects they left behind. Thanks to archeology, we get a connection with our most ancient ancestors. This is very important, because we relate ourselves to certain people, language, culture, traditions. That makes us feel that we are part of the whole unity.

As far as I’m concerned, I can’t but agree with the statement that by studying the past, we predict our future. Archaeology is of great help to modern science: worldwide known for example, is the name of Johann Ludwig Schliemann (1822-1890), a German archaeologist, a man of superhuman energy.Supplement 4 (p. 5)

He began the search for the legendary Troy when archaeology as a science was just being formed. "I discovered a new world for archaeology, which no one even suspected," he wrote himself.1

As a result of excavations, scientists find objects that were made by man in ancient times, and then they lay underground for thousands of years. The places where research is conducted are called archaeological sites. There is even special legislation that protects such places from destruction. During the excavations, archaeologists carefully record everything they have found. After the excavations there begins the work in the laboratory, cooperation with specialists of natural sciences.

2. 2.Some bright examples of time periods

2.2.1. The Sumerians. The first civilization on Earth

Leading scientists and archaeologists talking about ancient civilizations prove that Humanity has always been fascinated by the past.Here are some ideas about concepts of "civilization" and "culture”: “For a long period of time the concepts of "civilization" and "culture" acted as synonyms. In the XX century, the concept of “culture” began to be gradually replaced by the concept of “civilization.” 2

The book of the leading Soviet orientalists and antiquarians "Ancient Civilizations" by S. S. Averintsev, V. P. Alekseev, V. G. Ardzinba edited by G.M. Bongard-Levin is about the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, Iran and Central Asia, India and China, Greece and Rome, Japan and America, about their material and spiritual contribution to the treasury of human culture. [R.2] Supplement 5 (p. 6)

The history of Sumer covers 5-3 millennia BC. There is a version that, the Sumerian civilization was founded about 3500 BC by highly developed alien inhabitants. Sumer is one of the oldest known civilizations. The leading American researcher S. N. Kramer called the Sumerians "the first civilization on Earth" and believed that ‘History begins in Sumer’.

This is how Samuel Kramer describes the land of the Sumerians in chapter 1 of his book "The Sumerians. The first civilization on Earth”:

The territory of Sumer occupied about 10 thousand square miles, the climate here is extremely hot and dry, … no forests, … no wood here. This is land "which the Lord denied". But despite the natural disadvantages of the land, they turned Sumer into a real garden of edam and created probably the first developed civilization in the history of mankind." 3 Supplement 6, (p 6)

The leaders on the planet: the Sumerians are the first civilization on earth. It originated in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (now the territory of Iraq) about 6000 years ago. Therefore, there is still a hypothesis in science that the Sumerians are an alien people. That is, they came already with the developed technologies and their own culture and founded a civilization in Mesopotamia. The question remains open where exactly the Sumerians come from.

For thousand years, the Sumerians were the leaders on the planet. We still use many of their developments. The Sumerians invented writing and mathematics, the wheel and began to build large cities. The Sumerians came up with an irrigation system, which greatly pushed agriculture forward. The potter's wheel also met for the first time at Sumer. And it was the Sumerians who decided that gold is a valuable metal. Since then, gold has become the standard of wealth in the history of mankind. It was the Sumerians who came up with the idea of dividing the year into 12 months and four seasons. Hours and minutes were also invented by the Sumerians. The day was divided into 12 equal parts.

The Sumerians laid the foundations of modern medicine. Among the Sumerians, the scientific method was introduced into medicine. Specialist (therapist) made a diagnosis, after that treatment was prescribed, including surgically. The analysis of archaeological remains led to the conclusion that the Sumerians can be attributed to the Mediterranean type of the Caucasian. Supplement 7, (p 7)

The social structure of the Sumerians was decidedly different from others known in history. Sumerian communities were city-states. Each had its own ruler and pantheon of gods. The priests urged people to pray and behave "correctly. "

What happened to the Sumerians? Of course, individual city-states, could not remain separate forever. Sooner or later there would be a person who would want to combine all this. And such a person was found. King Sargon founded the Akkadian Kingdom by seizing the lands of the Sumerians and local Semitic settlements. Akkad would become the first centralized state under the rule of a king with a large army. The Akkadian Empire suddenly collapsed and ceased to exist 4,200 years ago due to a powerful drought and dust storms that deprived its cities of all water supplies. process was everywhere inextricably linked with the development and transformation of the natural environment» 4

Test: Mesopotamia and the Sumerians. Supplement 8, (p. 7)

2.2.2. Anatolia and the Chatal-Gyuk phenomenon

Science has long been dominated by the belief that the most ancient civilization on Earth was the Sumerian. Having originated in Mesopotamia, agricultural culture spread first in the Middle East, and only then its centers appeared in Turkey and Europe. As for Anatolia (the region of central and southern Turkey), it has gained a reputation as a "barbaric suburb". And to the amazement of the scientific world, it turned out that it was Anatolia to be the first center of human civilization! Anatolia literally means ‘East’ in translation from ancient Greek. Anatolia had not attracted researchers of ancient civilizations before, but in 1961-1963, the English archaeologist James Mellart excavated an amazing and unique ancient settlement of Chatal-Guyuk here. He wanted to check out what exactly was under a small hill near the village of Hajilar, which a local teacher told him about. Peasants from time to time came across various finds here. This was a sensational discovery, which radically changed our ideas about the course of history and the level of development of Neolithic people. Supplement 9, (p. 8)

The construction of Chatal-Guyuk settlement began about 80-85 centuries ago, when the waters of all the major lakes in Africa still continued to go beyond their shores, this was the longest period of the "flood". There were herds of wild boars, red deer, bears, lions and leopards. Everywhere grapes, pears, apples, walnuts, fig palms were growing. The remains of all these animals and plants were found during excavations in Chatal-Gyuk, an amazing and unique ancient settlement. It caused passionate debates. Most scientists immediately recognized the first real city, as the oldest city in Anatolia.

Facts of the archaeologist J. Mellart are good because they fix undesirable and wrong reconstructions, to which we have all become accustomed: Chatal-Guyuk is depicted on a flat area, but in fact, as J. Mellart says, "the houses were climbing the hillside in terraces. Wooden ladders were probably left on the roofs, as they still do in Anatolian villages. It was on the roofs that most of the life of the inhabitants of the town took» 5 Supplement 10, (p. 8)

The population could reach up to 20 thousand. However, taking into an account that it was still the Stone Age, experts suggest that there were 5-6 thousand inhabitants. But since no more than 100-150 people lived in settlements in most of Europe at that time, this figure was also very significant. Therefore, many people called Chatal-Guyuk a city.

Life length was quite high at that time. On average, men lived about 35 years, women - about 30, elders lived up to 60 years. Infant mortality was high.

The inhabitants of Chatal-Gyuk were strong, tall people: men were an average one meter eighty, women - one meter seventy-five, slender, long-headed, belonging to the Euro-African race.

Themost significant source of income for the inhabitants of Chatal Huyuk was trade. Chatal Gyuk had a monopoly on obsidian (a mineral formed from igneous rock) trade with Western Anatolia, Cyprus and the Levant. In general, Chatal- Gyuk was one big workshop, commune or "city of masters”.

The level of technology is no less amazing: obsidian spearheads and arrows, obsidian knives were found, which either themselves had the shape of a snake, or the handle was made in the form of a snake. This is an unsurpassed work of ancient art. Even after 3.5 thousand years, such daggers were found only in the tombs of the pharaohs.

High level of well-being had all residents. After all, it was the Stone Age, and the division into rich and poor has not yet taken place. There was no property difference yet, although trade was conducted, it was probably an exchange, not a modern kind of trade. Supplement 11, (p. 9)

The Chatal-Gyuk phenomenon has caused considerable debate about its origin. Various interpretations were also given to it. Of course, researchers could not get around the problem of the origin of people who committed the "Neolithic revolution" in the Middle East. Today, evidence has been found - although so far insignificant - of the continuous development of the Anatolian culture from the Upper Paleolithic to the Neolithic, that means the phenomenon of Chatal-Gyuk was born on local soil. An important role in the study of the origin of this phenomenon was played by the discoveries of Professor K. Keten and Dr. E. Bostanchi in the Antalya region, which showed that “Upper Paleolithic art of the Western European type existed in Anatolia. The oldest remains of people of the Euro-African race, recorded in the burial grounds of Anatolia, represent the descendants of the European Upper Paleolithic man…”

To conclude this part of my research, I agree the problem of man's development to a civilized state has been the object of intensive field research in recent years; many excavations are still ongoing, but as far as I see it, perhaps the most spectacular finds that impressed me were made in Anatolia.

2.2.3. Palmyrain the Syrian desert

S.S. Abamelek-Lazarev, the greatest Russian orientalist of the turn of the XIX

and XX centuries, (1884) dedicatedhis book "Palmyra - Archaeological research’’to the greatest monument of the Ancient East, which existed from the Neolithic to the 8th century AD in Palmyra in the Syrian desert. The work describes the dramatic history and beautiful architectural monuments of Palmyra, in the state that the first travelers saw them. In 1882, the author decided to visit Palmyra. While travelling around Syria, the explorer described his impressions comparing Petersburg and Palmyra: " In fact, if there is a similarity between these so opposite cities, it is only in the rapid emergence of two great capitals in the desert, little-known places: one in the burning sands of the Syrian-Arabian desert, the other in the gloomy swamps and impassable wilds of Ingermanland».6

Palmyra is a great monumentof world culture, its history dates back to about 4 thousand years. Palmyra was one of the most developed cities of antiquity, the capital of the Palmyra Kingdom, located on the territory of modern Syria. one of the richest cities of late antiquity (usually limited to the III-VI centuries AD), located in one of the oases of the Syrian desert, between Damascus and the Euphrates. It is still a mystery how it was possible to build not just an entire settlement in the desert, but a real oasis surrounded by lifeless sands. The Palmyra's monuments shocked the eyes of the most sophisticated observers. The city of Palmyra was founded by King Mitanni Karta I in 1500 BC as a defensive fortress against Aramaic raids.Palmyra is one of the most developed cities of antiquity, the capital of the Palmyra Kingdom, located on the territory of modern Syria located in one of the oases of the Syrian desert, between Damascus and the Euphrates.The city of Palmyra was founded by King Mitanni Karta I in 1500 BC as a defensive fortress against Aramaic raids.For a long time, Palmyra was a transit point for caravans crossing the Syrian desert and was nicknamed the "bride of the desert”. The most famous and powerful ruler of the Palmyra kingdom was Zenobia.

Once it all started with Efki - an underground spring with warm water, giving off sulfur. Desperate travelers, wanderers, merchants made a stop here, watered tired camels, horses and donkeys, put tents for the night. “Over time, a kind of transshipment point has grown here — a brisk crossroads of purchase and sale. Then it turned into a city of customs houses, inns and taverns. The city of money changers, merchants, warriors, priests of various religions, healers.”

Years passed, decades flew by and gradually Palmyra turned into one of the most prosperous cities in the Middle East. Just like in Rome, gladiatorial fights were

held here, young men fought with wild animals. People from the upper strata of society wore the latest Roman fashion, or were even ahead of it.

The ancient Palmyra loved to erect monuments to each other. Almost all the columns of the Great Colonnade, temples and public buildings have stone shelves in the middle, on which there were sculptural images of noble and respected people. There were many temples in the city, they were built cheerfully and conscientiously.

Palmyra in recent years has suffered greatly due to the military conflict in Syria. Today we had to add another page to its history - about the destruction of Palmyra by ISIS militants (The Islamic State of Iraq and State of Levant-ИГИЛ), an organization banned in the Russian Federation.

In May 2015, as a result of the capture of Palmyra by ISIS militants, many monuments that were not taken away by the authorities and were stolen and/or destroyed. Palmyra (Tadmor "City of Palms"), one of the richest cities of late antiquity (III—VI centuries AD) is located in one of the oases of the Syrian desert.

Currently, on the site of Palmyra there is a Syrian village. The ruins of majestic structures belong to the best examples of ancient Roman architecture and are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Monument. Colonnades and monumental arches are located along the main street of the ancient city. Among the most significant structures are historical monuments: the temple of Baal (I century), the temple of Baalshamin (II century), agora (III century), a theater with a community center and a caravanserai.

On March 27, 2016, the Syrian army, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, liberated Palmyra. In September 2016, Russian archaeologists from the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made an expedition to Palmyra to digitize the area of the ancient city and create a 3D model for further reconstruction. In January 2017, after the re-capture of Palmyra in December 2016, ISIS militants blew up the central part of the amphitheater. On March 2, 2017, Palmyra was returned to the control of the Syrian government.

Palmyra monument of ancient Roman architecture is widely known all over the world. Several cities in the USA are named after Palmyra. St. Petersburg was poetically called ‘Northern Palmyra’, Odessa - ‘Southern’, Orenburg – ‘Steppe’. In August 2018, the Syrian government announced its intentions to rebuild the destroyed parts of the city by July 2019.

In my opinion, Palmyra, the capital city in the Syrian Desert, is a great creation of culture and human civilization. I’m definitely sure that further archaeological researches will bring more and more exciting artefacts about this glorious chapter in the history of antient culture.Supplement 12, (p. 10)

2.2.4. In the footsteps of the Ancient World

From long ago, the ancient world has been strongly associated with distant exotic lands: ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Hellas.

The most interesting archaeological sites of Russiaare also worth being mentioned. For the most part, the culture of the most ancient peoples and civilizations on the territory of Russia remains something as mysterious as the history of Atlantis. Life has been in full swing on the territory of Russia since time immemorial. In 2001, the Karama site was discovered in Altai, where the ancestors of modern man lived about 550-800 thousand years ago. At the oldest paleolithic site of the Urals - the cape - the early layers date back to about 700 thousand years ago. Later, dozens of civilizations lived on the territory of our country.

Artifacts of ancient cultures on the territory of our country are still found in the mountains and steppes, on the seashore and in river valleys. The tribes that left them spoke different languages and were not similar to each other in appearance. Supplement 13, (p. 13)

Since the Stone Age, people have settled along the shores of reservoirs from Kamchatka to the Crimea. Dwellings made of mammoth bones lie under the forests of the Smolensk region, traces of inhabitants of the ancient Country of Cities are scattered in the steppes of the Southern Urals.Supplement 14, (p.13)

To sum up, "The study of the history of world civilizations gives an idea not only of unity, but also of the diversity of the historical process. In this case, world history appears to us as a colorful picture of the options for the development of mankind.” 7[R.8]


3.1. Who is to blame for the disaster?

Our planet is not the only one in the universe but is probably the only one which is inhabited by living creatures. We have all the necessary resources to live a happy life: clean water, fresh air, good nature, eatable plants. However, during the last century most scientists are worried that nature is in danger.

Most scientists are worried about who is to blame for the disaster. The answer is simple: all of us. There lots of global problems, these are only a few of them: disappearing of forests, filling seas with poison, air pollution with harmful chemicals, emissions of nuclear power stations.Most of them exist because of technological progress and rapid scientific development. As a result, our planet has over-polluted environment.

3.2. The future of the Planet as I see it

Today, we are facing lots of global problems. Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems.

I foresee how the interaction of society and nature will change in the future. I know that there is UN Economic Commission for Europe, which, I am sure, will review all the main types of relations in society: human relations to nature, relations between classes, social groups, nations, etc., human to human relations, to the past, to history, to ancestors.

I think that with such technological progress we ‘ll probably have flying cars and taxis, moreover, I predict vehicles will be computerized and self-operated. There will be lots of new professions in the future, for example, a tele surgeon, a robot counselor, a space tourist guide, a cloning regulator etc. This can be our nearest future, and we should think about it today.

These are my personal speculations, which might be right or wrong. I am sure, I won’t be able to offer an exclusive option for saving the planet, but I’ve only shared my thoughts about what kind of thing I’d like to give the Earth to our descendants. I think, I’ll finish up by saying Mikhail Lomonosov’s words "People who do not know their past have no future".


To conclude, my research work is based on the materials collected, analyzed and summarized. I’ d like to formulate a few main viewpoints:

1.There’s no doubt, history means the description of human activities, civilization and the various events that took place in the past; it’s a challenging task to explore and study the history of the Earth development by men.

2. In modern times, it is necessary to maintain the interest of children, adolescents and adults in the history of their country. Without the lessons of the past there is no happy present, without a happy present there is no decent future. Studying the way of life of our ancestors helps students’ study better and work for the good of their native country.

3. The study of previous epochs allows us to trace changes in climate and natural conditions on the planet; to answer questions about the development of the human body in order to find means to cure diseases and prolong life.

4.A special role in the study of history is played by archaeologists - scientists who remove layers of history and study them under a "microscope", linking together the present, past and future, providing information about the degree and significance of human influence on the environment.

The aim of the work has been achieved: on the basis of the collected material, there was shownnecessity and possibility of maintaining the interest of schoolchildren and adults in the history of human civilizations.

The hypothesis is proved: studying the past of the Earth we live on, helps us assess the living standards of people who lived thousands of years before our time.

The four tasks formulated in accordance with the problem and the goal, helped to achieve and realize them:

1) To collect material about steps and stages of the Earth development by men: the materials I’ve used to achieve the aim and fulfill the tasks are based on scientists’ researches and philosophy of the authors of different levels. The materials of CHAPTERS I-II prove nowadays life is impossible without the deep knowledge of the past. We mustn’t be indifferent to our common possession. [R. 1-9];

2)To take a brief excursion into archaeology to get vivid examples of time periods.A few bright examples of time periods aregiven in CHAPTER II, section 2.2.1. aboutthe Sumerians as the first civilization on Earth; section 2.2.2. is aboutAnatolia-the center of human civilization, and the Chatal-Guyukphenomenon. In section 2.2.3.I described the dramatic history and beautiful architectural monuments of Palmyra.By means of some examples Ialso proved that most interesting archaeological sites of Russiaare also worth being mentioned. (Section 2.2.4.)

3) To give some facts to prove our Earth is in serious danger. The facts are mentioned in CHAPTER III, sections 3.1., 3.2.:we are facing lots of global problems.Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems. Most of them exist because of technological progress and rapid scientific development. As a result, our planet has over-polluted environment.

4) To show the future of the planet as I see it. In section 3.4. I shared my thoughts: I’m worried about the nowadays interaction of society and nature but I’ m definitely sure, in future we’ll have all the new types of relations in society: human relations to nature, relations between classes, social groups, nations, human to human; relations to the past, to history, to ancestors. I wonder, which aspects of our civilization will interest our descendants. (Section 3.3.) I predict, great technological progress with lots of new professions can be our nearest future, and we should think about it today. I’ll finish up by saying Mikhail Lomonosov’s words "People who do not know their past have no future".

I ‘m perfectly convinced, the materials can be usedin the study of English in grades 7-11 when conducting seminars, conferences, discussions in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, as well as in preparation for the exams and possibly in the future work related to the use of the presented materials. Pupils of grades 8-10 expressed their desire to continue working on the research project theme.





1.Abamelek-Lazarev S. S. - Palmyra. Archaeological research M.: "Architecture-S", 2019. - 120 p., ill.

2. Averintsev S. S., Alekseev V. P., Ardzinba V. G., etc.; Under the total. ed. Bongard-Levin. G. M. Ancient civilizations /- Moscow: Mysl, 1989.-479 p

3.Dotto, Lydia. Planet Earth in danger / L. Dotto; Translated from English by I. O. Maslov, L. N. Nikishin; Moscow: Mir, 1988. - 207c.; ISBN 5-03-001169-2

4.Heinrich Schliemann: Trojan Antiquities: Report on the excavations in Troy Book//1874. - 470 p. from the collections of Oxford University

5.Kramer, Samuel Noah the Sumerians = The Sumerians: The First Civilization on Earth / Samuel Kramer; [Tr. by. Miloserdova]. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2002 - 381 p.

6. Kramer, S. N. History begins at Sumer / Per. F. L. Meldenson preface by V. V. Struve. - M.: Nauka, 1965. - 255 p.

7.Mellart J. The oldest civilizations of the Middle East. Publishing house "science “of Oriental literature. M., 1982 149 p.

8. Khachaturian V.M.: History of world civilizations from ancient times to the end of the XX century. A manual for general educat. institutions. M., Drofa Publish. House, 1999

9. Wilson Edward: The future of the Earth: our planet in the struggle for life [Text] / Edward Wilson; transl. from Engl.– M., Alpina non-fiction, 2017. – 318 р.

10.[electronic resource]. archaeological sites of Palmyra. List of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites. URL: http://whc.unesco.org/ru/list/23 (accessed: 02/20/2020)


Supplement 1, p. 2

Survey (30 respondents)

Question:Are you interested in the remote past of the Earth civilizations

1. Yes, I’m interested


2. No


3. Indifferent


4. I find it difficult to answer



Conclusion: The proportion of correct answers suggests that respondents are not very well aware of the early history of the Earth civilizations.

Supplement 2, p.3

The origin of the first settlements

occurred in the beds of the largest water resources: the Tigris, Euphrates and Nile. Small river settlements gradually developed. The expansion of cities led to the fact that they occupied the centers of states.



Supplement 3 (p.4)

The development of the earth by mеn

The main stages and features

Archaeological sites


The places where research is conducted are called archaeological sites. In ancient times, these places were occupied by cities, towns, cemeteries, temples https://nauka.club/geografiya/osvoenie-zemli-chelovekom.html

Supplement 4 (p.5)

Dr. Heinrich Schliemann


Trojan Antiquities: “Report on the excavations in Troy” by Schliemann evokes a variety of assessments, but his merits are undeniable. "A little boy in his childhood read Homer's “Iliad”. Shocked by the work, decided by all means to find Troy. Decades later, Heinrich Schliemann fulfilled his promise."

Indeed, he began the search for the legendary Troy when archaeology as a science was just being formed.

Recourse: https://www.bibliofond.ru/view.aspx?id=32604

Supplement 5,(p. 6)

Ancient civilizations / S. S. Averintsev, V. P. Alekseev, V. G. Ardzinba, etc.; Under the general editorship of G. M. Bongard-Levin.


The book by leading Soviet orientalists and antiquarians talks about the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, Iran and Central Asia, India and China, Greece and Rome, Japan and America, about their material and spiritual contribution to the treasury of human culture.

Supplement 6 (p. 6)

Samuel Kramer - The Sumerians. The first civilization on Earth


The book presents the full contents of all deciphered clay tablets telling about the gods, heroes and kings of the mysterious people of the "blackheads", the Sumerians, who laid the foundation for mythology, economics, astronomy, mathematics, medicine and who owns the tragic epic of the first hero of mankind - Gilgamesh

Literary agent "Tsentrpoligraf":2010

Supplement 7 (p.7)

What did the Sumerians look like


The Sumerians belonged to the Mediterranean race; they were Caucasians. If you meet Sumer, you will see a straight nose, short stature, dark skin, curly black hair on the head, body and face.

Supplement 8 (p. 7)

Test:Mesopotamia and the Sumerians

1.What does the name Mesopotamia mean?

A) Мejzdurechye B) Dvurechye C) The Great River



2.In the valleys of which rivers was Mesopotamia?

A) Syr Darya-Amu Darya; B) Tigris and Euphrates C) Indus and Ganges

Tigris and Euphrates


3.To which of the peoples of Mesopotamia did the first written documents belong?

A) Assyrians B) Akkadians C) the Sumerians



4.What was the name of the first writing system created by the Sumerians? A) Cuneiform,

B) hieroglyphic writing, C) runic writing



5.What did the Sumerians write on?

A) silk B) Parchment C) Clay



Supplement 9 (p. 8)

Treasures of Eastern Anatolia


The Anatolian Peninsula or Asia Minor is a land area that is washed by the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. The Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits separate it from Europe. In ancient times, the ancient Greeks lived on this land. And what was here before them? Archaeological research has revealed civilizations that had their kingdoms on the Anatolian Peninsula before the Greeks and the arrival of the Turks.

Supplement 10 (p. 9)

James Mellart

the outstanding British archaeologist


The Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East”

is his only book that has been translated into Russian.

Translated from English and commentary by E. V. Antonova. Preface by N. Ya. Merpert. Publishing house "Science".

"In the footsteps of the disappeared cultures of the East". M., 1982 149 p.

Supplement 11 (p. 9)

Chatal-Guyuk Phenomenon

In the era of the "heyday of cave painting", there were already at least 10 thousand souls in Chatal-Guyuk. The city had a dense building, very clever. The houses were made of unfired brick, the roof was flat, served as a "pavement", all public life was in full swing there. Residents moved along the roofs, crafts were boiling, raw materials were processed. There were no streets, all the houses were right next to each other.

nine thousand years before our era.

the oldest city in Anatolia

Supplement 12 (p.10)

Palmyrain the Syrian desert


In the last century, the masterpiece of antiquity became a Mecca for tourists and history lovers. Their flow did not dry up. The war in Syria and the horrors of terror put an end to it. ISIS militants blew up the Triumphal Arch of the 2nd century AD in Palmyra


Supplement 13 (p. 13)

Russia: the footsteps of the Ancient World


Arkaim is a fortified ancient settlement of the Bronze Age in the steppe zone in the south of the Chelyabinsk region. It was found by scientists in June 1987 during an archaeological survey of the territory


Supplement 14 (p. 13)

Gnezdovsky Archaeological Complex (Smolensk region)

a monument of the Early Slavic period - VIII-X centuries. - the Gnezdovsky Kurgan complex is located on both banks of the Dnieper River in the Smolensk region.



1Heinrich SchliemannTrojan Antiquities: Report on the excavations in Troy by Dr. Heinrich Schliemann

2MoiseevaL.A.The history of civilizations: A course of lectures : Textbook in the field of higher education. Prof. education / L.A. - Rostov n/A : Phoenix, 2000. - 415 p.: schematics; 21 cm. - (Series "Textbooks, manuals").

3 Samuel Kramer The Sumerians: The First Civilization on Earth / Samuel Kramer ; [Trans. A.V. Miloserdova]. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2002 - 381, [2] p., [8] l. ill.: maps.; 21 cm. - (Riddles of Ancient Civilizations).; ISBN 5-9524-0160-0)

4 V.M. Khachaturian. The history of world civilizations from ancient times to the end of the XX century. A manual for general educational institutions. Grades 9-11. Moscow, Drofa Publishing House, 1999

5Mellart J. Ancient civilizations of the Middle East. Trans. From English. Publishing house "Science". The main editorial office of Oriental literature. M., 1982 (In the footsteps of the disappeared cultures of the East"). 149 p.

6S.S. Abamelek-Lazarev Palmyra. Archaeological research. // // St. Petersburg: Printing House of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.1884. 84 p.

7 V.M. Khachaturian. The history of world civilizations from ancient times to the end of the XX century. A manual for general educational institutions. Grades 9-11. Moscow, Drofa Publishing House, 1999

Просмотров работы: 41