Здоровое питание

XVII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Здоровое питание

Юдин М.И. 1
1г. Набережные Челны, МБОУ СОШ №45
Яшкова В.Н. 1
1г. Набережные Челны МБОУ СОШ №45
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя III степени
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1. Введение

Today healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular both with the old and the young. People have become more health-conscious. They say that the greatest wealth is health. And it’s so true. The healthier we are, the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer we live.

A healthy diet is an essential part of staying healthy. We know that we should not stuff ourselves with fast food, sweets, sausages, pastry and fat food. Due to medical research, this type of food shortens our life, it leads to obesity, heart and blood vessels diseases, diabetes, gastric problems and lots of other serious ailments. To prevent all these problems we should enjoy well-balanced home-made meals with a lot of organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grains and seafood. We are what we eat.

Healthy way of life concerns our body, mind and soul. Healthy people live longer, they are more successful and they enjoy their life. I believe that it’s not difficult at all to follow these simple rules, and they are worth it.

The aim of my project is to prove that people should lead a healthy lifestyle.

The object of research: the ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Hypothesis: if we lead a healthy lifestyle, we will feel better.

The tasks are to get and analyze information about healthy food, to determine pros and cons of fast food, to find outwhy fast food is so popular.

Methods of research: 

- studying information
- analysis 
- determination
- classification

2. Теоретическая часть

2.1 Почему важна здоровая еда

Our eating habits directly determine our health.

In our busy schedules and fast lives, we often end up eating as per convenience, rather than what is healthy. Many a times, we eat to please our taste buds, but remain quite unaware about the health hazards that this type of eating habit might pose.

In a bid to lose weight, we also end up cutting out a few essential ingredients from our diet. This, instead of making us healthier, does the exact opposite. Every element is needed for your body, whether it is vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fibers or even fat (although choose the healthy ones). Each of these nutrients has their own individual roles to play in the physical and mental development.

Effects Of Wrong Eating Habits:

An immediate effect of the wrong choice of food on our health is excessive weight gain within a short span of time, or obesity. Next in line are problems like diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, low weight, weak bones or maybe even slow brain development. It is imperative to eat healthy and eat right in order to stay healthy.

What Is Healthy Eating?

Healthy eating does not mean having only boiled meals, eating less, or saying no to fat. Healthy food habits mean nutritious eating, i.e. eating everything in the right amount and right way. Don’t completely exclude fats or overdo the fibers and proteins! Also remember that children should be given a mix and match of all types of food because this is the age for physical and mental development.

Why Should We Eat Healthy Food?

What we eat provides all the essential nutrients to our body. This supplies our body with the right amount of energy to do our daily work. And all these nutrients come only from healthy food, not anything and everything we eat.

Healthy food is needed to stimulate the growth hormones that will increase our height gradually with age.

Healthy food is also needed for the functioning of our system. All the nutrients derived from healthy food trigger body cells and brain cells to actively run and perform their task.

Healthy food improves the immune system, preventing you from falling sick easily. A strong immunity fights against all disease bearing bacteria and viruses.

It is generally advised to cut out fat from our diet. This is often mistaken as entirely excluding even healthy fats. The unhealthy fats that should not be eaten are called saturated, and trans- fats. Mono unsaturated fats, poly unsaturated fats, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are very important for our health, just like proteins and vitamins. These fats get stored under skin cells which get transformed into energy required for physical and mental activities. It is important that we include these in our diet.

Healthy food can help you maintain a well-shaped body without falling into the evil trap of weight gain or obesity.

Here is a list of all the different elements of food and their importance for our health.

2.2 Различные питательные элементы и их значение

By eating a balanced diet, we get all the nutrients that are necessary for a healthy living. These include proteins, vitamins, calcium, various minerals and above all a lot of energy that helps us in our day to day activities.

Let’s see in detail the importance of all these nutrients in our diet:


A very important nutrient that should be included in our daily diet.

Proteins are needed to build up new tissues and renew old tissues.

It protects the muscles which are non-fat tissue mass.

Proteins are also needed for the production of enzymes and hormones that control the various functions of our body.

People on a diet often end up avoiding protein intake in their diet. This is not very healthy as it may weaken the muscles, making them prone to injury.


All dairy products







The ultimate energy sources for your body, carbohydrates are the power suppliers to your body.

Energy is needed in large quantities in adolescents and adults.

It is essential for your growth and development, to increase the metabolic rate and helps you remain active throughout the day.

Intake of enough amounts of carbohydrates in food prevents the conversion of proteins into fat.




Various grains


Get rid of the misconception that you don’t need fats in your diet.

Fats are very important in your diet, although they should be only the unsaturated fats and omega-3 and 6 fats. Below are some reasons why fat is so important for us:

Fats provide energy

They form cell membranes

Some vitamins like Vitamins A, E, D and K need fat to get soluble.

They produce hormones.

Fats form a layer beneath our skin protecting muscles and at the same time provide warmth to our body.


Nuts and seeds.

Replace your normal cooking oil with olive oil or canola oil.

Vitamins And Minerals:

These nutrients are essential for our body although in smaller quantities compared to proteins and carbohydrates. Although in small amounts, they should be a part of our daily diet and deficiency of any of them may lead to serious health problems.


Fibers are needed to normalize our bowel movements. They also help prevent some serious chronic diseases like cardiovascular conditions, cancer and diabetes.


It is an essential nutrient that helps to maintain our hemoglobin level, develop brain cells and increases concentration.


It develops teeth and bones and strengthens them, preventing them from fracture. Good calcium intake in our diet also prevents the chances of developing osteoporosis.

Make sure you include these healthy ingredients in your diet to have a wholesome meal and get a healthy you!

3. Практическая часть

3.1 Советы по здоровому питанию для детей и их родителей

It’s a little bit like building blocks - we have to balance the blocks carefully to make sure we get the correct nutrients, otherwise the body will not work properly.

The first group is the grain group. It is the most important group. If you eat grains, your nervous system will work well.

The second and third groups are fruit group and vegetables. It is almost as important as the first. If you eat fruits and vegetables, your cardiovascular system and digestion will work well.

The fourth group is the milk group. If you eat or drink milk products, your bones will be alright.

The fifth group is the meat group. Meat helps our body to develop our spot system. We should eat meat to balance our muscles.

The sixth group is other group. It isn’t important group and you can live without it.
We offered a 30 days healthy diet to our class. All our classmates agreed to follow it.

The main rules of diet were the next:

We say “Yes” to healthy food / We say «No» to junk food

We say "Yes" to regular sport and fitness

We say "No" to sitting, lazy, unhealthy lifestyle

(Attachment №1)

3.2 Исследование

I made a survey for students and it shows that: (Attachment 2)

- 35% of students prefer eat only junk food!!

- 40% of students no matter what to eat.

- And only 25% of students eat only healthy food.

I conducted a survey among 50 junior . All was set for 7 questions :

1. Do you like chips , coca-cola , crackers , etc. Yes - 30 people .No - 16 people. Not very - 4 pers.

2 . Do you like to be in McDonalds ?Yes - 46 people .No - 4 pers.      

The survey showed that more than 50 % of respondents - like "harmful food" and like to visit at McDonalds.

3 . How often do you eat crisps, crackers ? Rarely - 39 people .Often - 11 people.

4 . How often do you drink coca - cola and carbonated drinks ? Rarely - 35 people. Often - 13 people. Never - 2 pers.

But , in turn, more than 50% rarely eat "harmful food ."

5 . Are you aware of the dangers of crisps and fizzy drinks ?Yes - 41 people .  No - 9.

6. Do you have a sore stomach after drinking carbonated drinks or chips ?Yes - 13 people. No - 37 persons.     

9 out of 50 did not know about the dangers of chips and a soda. I hope, after my report, they will be more aware.

7. Do you like vegetables? Yes - 42 people .No - 4. Not very - 4 pers.
We all know that eating right can help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain health problems, but your diet can also have a profound effect on your mood and sense of wellbeing.

Nutrients can be organized into seven categories:

1. Carbohydrates

2. Proteins

3. Fats

4. Vitamins

5. Minerals

6. Fibre

7. Water

A month later, I repeated the survey and it shows that: (Attachment 3)

- 20% of students prefer eat only junk food.

- 35% of students no matter what to eat.

- 45% of students eat only healthy food.

Заключение и выводы

Nowadays more and more people eat junk food such as fizzy drinks, hamburgers and chips at the restaurants. Undoubtedly, fast food is very tasty, cheap and helps to save time. However, experts say that it is extremely unhealthy. Let us find out why it is so. Junk food has high caloric value which can lead to overweight and even obesity.

Besides, it contains chemical additives that are very harmful to your health and can raise your cholesterol levels which can lead to heart and vascular diseases. But what is healthy food? For regular meals you can choose from fresh vegetables and fruit, mineral water, natural juices, dairy products, eggs, seafood and others. Moreover, some doctors and nutritionists recommend taking vitamin supplements.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I've come to the conclusion that it is important to take care of health and lead an active lifestyle. Have regular meals, take vitamin supplements, play sports, sleep well and you'll be healthy and fit.


Bill Sass, «Tips for trimming calories, fat», The Record — Kitchener, Ont, Jun 13, 2005: «The fish burger, deep fried, could have more calories than a quarter-pound beef burger.»An unusual hamburger experiment is part of the University of Minnesota’s dietary research annals. Medical bulletin. University of Minnesota. Winter 2008. 














(Attachment 1)

( Attachment 2) (Attachment 3)

Просмотров работы: 68