CLIL.Learning English through drawing

XVII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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CLIL.Learning English through drawing

Коротких Е.Р. 1
1МАОУ Апрелевская СОШ 4
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1МФОУ Апрелевская СОШ 4
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In connection with the existing problems, there is a need to change the approach to high-quality teaching of foreign languages. Different countries approach this issue from different points of view. The most popular technology in recent years is the technology of subject-language integrated learn-ing (CLIL), in which a foreign language is used in the study of non-linguistic subjects. Despite the fact that in European schools where this technique is already practiced, many teachers still have questions about the application of CLIL technology. In Russia, this method is practically not used.

The relevance of this scientific work lies in the analysis of CLIL technology, where the language is not the goal of learning, but a means of learning another subject.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the provisions and conclusions contained in the work, developed training on the basis of a subject-language integrated approach within the subjects of English and drawing, techniques and technologies for organizing bilingual lessons, di-dactic materials in the form of flow charts of lessons create the basis for scientifically - methodological support of the educational process at school, which is aimed at improving the quality of the language preparation of preschoolers for school. The term CLIL stands for "Content and Language Integrated Learning". Every year this method is gaining popularity in many schools around the world, the reason for this was the effectiveness of this concept in comparison with other methods. CLIL is “the study of subjects through a second or third language and the improvement of language skills through the study of subject areas, i.e. achievement of subject and language goals simultaneously”.

On the basis of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, we were given the op-portunity to determine the main problem of designing education in English on the basis of a subject-language integrated approach.

Of course, such study cannot completely replace the study of the corresponding subject in the native language, but it can significantly complement it. The material on the subject should be selected at a level of difficulty slightly lower than the current level of knowledge of students in this subject in their native language.

Project creation plan

Tasks solutions

The goal of the study is to theoretically develop, scientifically substantiate and experimentally test a methodology of teaching English to preschoolers through drawing based on a subject-language integrated approach.To achieve the goal of the study and test the effectiveness of this technique, the following tasks were set:

- to develop the theoretical foundations of teaching a foreign language on the basis of an integrated subject-language approach;

- to develop a model for teaching drawing in a foreign language to preschoolers;

- to determine the main methodological methods of educational work that contribute to the implementation of the proposed idea;

- develop a scientifically based set of lessons based on the proposed methodology;

- to experimentally confirm the effectiveness of the model of teaching drawing developed on the basis of an integrated subject-language approach, aimed at forming the subject foreign language competence of the student.

The solution of the tasks set and the verification of the idea required the use of the following research methods in the work:

study and analysis of theoretical and practical works on the research topic;

- conducting experimental training.


Methods and approaches existing. Theoretical justification of CLIL approach.

First comes the pedagogical theory of how a person learns a foreign language. This theory based on scientific research; it called "approach". For example, you must have heard of the communicative approach. The approach describes the general idea, say: "A person acquires a language if he uses it for communication." Then there are "methods" - practical instructions that tell how to teach and learn in order to implement a certain approach. For example, you need to apply the learned rules in conversational practice, play situations from real life, etc. After the appearance of a sub-course, as a rule, it takes several decades before it is possible to develop an optimal set of methods - a “method”.

Grammar-translation method

It based on the primacy of grammar. According to this method, language acquisition occurs through memorization of a certain number of words and knowledge of grammar. The learning process consists in the fact that the student consistently learns different grammatical patterns and replenishes his vocabulary. The main disadvantage is that it creates ideal conditions for the emergence of a language barrier, since a person does not speak, but simply inserts words into grammatical rule schemes.

Total immersion

The student enters the language environment, not being able to communicate in his native language. The language environment certainly provides extensive opportunities for learning, but still, for the vast majority of people, regular lessons are needed that will add structure and significantly speed up the process. The method does not work with everyone, because a lot depends on the age of the student, his psychological characteristics (whether he actively communicates or closes), his hearing (it is not a fact that he will be able to distinguish similar sounds without the help of a teacher), knowledge of other languages ​​​​and many more factors.

Communicative approach

One of the most popular techniques in our time. It emphasizes the learner's ability to transfer various functions such as asking and answering questions, making inquiries, describing, recounting, and comparing. Task allocation and problem solving, two key components of critical thinking, are the means by which the communicative approach works. Thus, some activities may include making up a dialogue on everyday topics, creating a story based on a series of images, or comparing the similarities and differences between two objects.


CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning or Subject-Language Integrated Learning) is one of the most interesting and widespread recent approaches to teaching a foreign (English) language. David Marshall coined CLIL as a term in 1994, although in fact, this method has been used since ancient times, and at the moment many teachers use it without even knowing that such a method has received its official name. Every year CLIL popularized by more and more schools in the world, and this facilitated by its advantages over other methods, as well as the demand for such an approach in modern learning conditions.

The key principles of the approach of subject-language integrated learning based on two main concepts - "language" and "integration". CLIL conditionally divided into hard CLIL and soft CLIL. Hard CLIL means that any school subject can be taught in English (provided it is L2 for students). During such a lesson, students explore geography, literature, biology, physics, or even sports games through a foreign language. English teachers use soft CLIL, their task is the opposite: to learn a foreign language using topics and materials from other subjects.

1.2. Features and educational needs in teaching to children

1. Prepare additional materials.

You should always have additional materials that you can use at any time. When you teach children, you must be prepared to move quickly from one activity to another. But kids love repetition, so don't forget about it.

2. Activities are your friends.

Children are very active. Therefore, energy can be used to teach a foreign language. The teacher gives instructions in the target language, and the children use their bodies to perform the action.

3. Failure is okay too.

Unlike teenagers or adults, children are often willing to take risks when it comes to language. They are willing to try something even if they don't quite understand it. Sometimes you need to make it clear that failure is okay too.

4. Repetitions are one of the important things.

You need to bring the same content as often as possible. Repetition increases the likelihood that your students will remember the information and learn how to use it successfully.

5. You have to touch the emotions.

In addition to talking about rules, it is necessary to use emotions during learning. So it will be easier for children to accumulate knowledge.

6. Create a themed environment.

Children like to explore the world. If you use this feature when teaching, students will be able to learn without your participation.

7. Spoken language.

When we teach children, we should spend more time speaking. Many children at their age do not know how to write in their native language, so you cannot demand that they be literate in a foreign language.

Research of the effectiveness of CLIL Creative drawing

2.1. CLIL Creative drawing

Why did I decide to combine CLIL techniques and drawing in an unconventional way? There are a number of reasons for this. Research confirms that children need to engage in creative activities because it:

1. Develops fine motor skills of hands.

2. Trains memory.

3. Develops imagination, fantasy, creative abilities.

4. Develops spatial intelligence.

5. Through creativity, the child expresses himself, reflects his thoughts in the works.

It concluded that the drawing at an early age that stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for thinking, speech, and coordination. During classes, the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creative thinking, also works actively. A child engaged in a creative studio develops faster than their peers. In addition, drawing classes soothe, relieve tension. Because of this comfort zone, it will be easier for the child to perceive and accept a foreign language. I have been employing this methodology for the Happy Sun Moscow Leisure and Education Center from September 2021 to the present.At the end of this academic year, my employer gave me a recommendation and wrote his opinion about the Creative Drawing course in English (appendix 1). I also got many positive feedbacks from students and their parents about results (check the appendix). I would like to present my lessons plan and my own program that I used during the last school year.

Basic plan for the organization of the lesson:

1. Welcome song with movements. Teacher and pupils are singing and dancing to "Hello" song.

2. Acquaintance with the new picture of the current lesson. The teacher is showing the picture of today’s lesson, then he is introducing new lexical material.

3. Repetition of the last material. Everybody is playing a game and repeating words from last lesson.

4. Speaking about the drawing technique, tools and materials of the current lesson. The exercise "Listen and Repeat"

5. Drawing process and using vocabulary of current lesson. The teacher is giving instructions on English.

6. Intermediate steps. Children are drying the pictures, washing hands, etc. Time for team conversation practice.

7. Completion of works. Pupils are adding final details on their works.

8. Development of lexical material with movements. Repetition of new vocabulary, pupils are playing games, singing songs, talking to teacher.

9. Finger gymnastics (by musical/sound accompaniment). The teacher is showing gymnastics children are trying to repeat.

10. Video material on the topic. Everybody are watching videos about current topic. The exercise "Listen and Repeat"

11. Warming-up. The teacher is playing active games with children practicing vocabulary from additional topics.

12. "See you later" song. Teacher and pupils are singing and dancing to "See you later" song.

2.2. Calendar-thematic plan.




Name of the pictures



- Vegetables and Mushrooms

- Corn

- Chanterelle

- Onion

- Fly agaric

Vegetables; mushrooms; corn; chanterelle; onion; fly agaric;


- Animals

- Hedgehog

- Fish and Newspaper

- Raccoon

- Dragon eye

- Dove

Animals; hedgehog; fish; raccoon; dragon eye; dove;


- Food

- Burger

- Pizza

- Mommy’s soup

- Baguette and buns

Food; burger; pizza; soup; baguette; buns;


[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Vegetables song. The Singing Walrus.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Vegetables song. Vegetables Are Yummy!

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Animals song. I Like Animals.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Animals song. I Have A Pet.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Food song. Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Food song. What Is It?


[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Vegetables Vocabulary. Fruits &


[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Vegetables vocabulary. Video Flash Cards. Fun Kids English

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Food Vocabulary. Learn Food Vocabulary

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Food vocabulary. Fun Kids English.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Animals vocabulary. Guessing Game For Kids

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Animals vocabulary. Animal Sounds



Little old uncle, Potato, tomato,

dressed in brown. A carrot and a beet.

Take off his coat… All of them are vegetables,

How tears run down! That I like to eat.


I can go to the zoo. This is a pig!

I can see a kangaroo. It’s very big!

I can feed a hare. Its color pink

I can draw a bear… Is nice, I think!


Make me a pizza if you can, Soft burger, warm burger

Baked in the oven in a pan. Little ball of meat

Top it with lots of extra cheese, Round burger grilling burger

How many pieces will I need? Eat, eat, eat!




Name of the picture



- Winter Stories

- Skates

- Crow and cheese

- Tractor

- Bonfire and tea

Winter; skates; crow; cheese; tractor; bonfire; tea;


- Cartoons characters

- The Cinderella’s carriage

- The Princess Frog

- Nemo

- The kitten names Gav

Cartoon; carriage; pumpkin; princess; frog; kitten;


- Desserts

- Donuts

- Pancakes with strawberry

- Heart balloon, Happy Valentine’s Day

- Ice Cream

Desserts; sugar; donuts; pancakes; strawberry; heart; balloon; Ice Cream;


[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Winter Stories song. Little Snowflake.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Winter Stories song. It’s Winter!

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Cartoon characters song. Santa Claus is coming to town.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Cartoon characters song. Cinderella.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Desserts song. The Ice Cream Song.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Desserts song. Do You Like Lasagna Milkshakes?


[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Winter stories vocabulary. Winter fashion.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Winter stories vocabulary. Winter words for kids.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Cartoon characters vocabulary.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Cartoon characters vocabulary. Let’s put up balls.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] – Desserts vocabulary. Drinks.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Desserts vocabulary. Dessert.


Winter stories:

Snow on the ground. Winter hat

Snow on the tree. Upon my head —

Snow on the house. My head stays warm,

Snow on me! But my nose is red!

Cartoon Characters:

One, two, three, four, five, A happy New Year!

Once I caught a fish alive. The day is so clear,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, The day is so clear,

Then I let it go again. The snow is so white,

The sky is so bright.


Chocolate candy is always brown. Valentines, valentines

Chocolate cake is always brown. Red, white and blue

Chocolate milk is always brown. I’ll make a nice one

I like brown, and you? And send it to you.

Spring and summer



Name of the picture



- Flowers

- Lily Valley

- Purple Echinacea


- Night story

Flowers; leaves; lily valley; echinacea; bellflower; night; story;


- Insects

- Bug

- Cosmonaut

- Fly

- Eggs

- Butterfly

Insect; bug; cosmonaut; fly; eggs; butterfly;


- Fruits and Berries

- Watermelon

- Dog Rose

- Pineapple

- Gooseberry

Fruits; berries; watermelon; dog rose; pineapple; gooseberry;


- Summer

- Paper boat

- Shell with a pearl

- Bubbles

- Seagull


Paper boat;






[Электронный ресурс]. – URL: [] - Flowers song. Flowers Song.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Flower song. Learn Nature Vocabulary

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Insect song. Butterfly Ladybug Bumblebee.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Insect song. Here Is The Beehive.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Fruits song. Shake Shake Shake it.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Fruits song. Fruits Song.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Summer song. Summer Song for Kids.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Summer song. I Love Summertime.


[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Flower vocabulary. Geography - Nature.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Flower vocabulary. Flowers.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Insects vocabulary. Bugs.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Insects vocabulary. Insects for Kids.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Fruits vocabulary. Cutting Fruits In The Kitchen.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Fruits vocabulary. Learning Fruits

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Summer vocabulary. Summer fashion.

[Электронныйресурс]. – URL: [] - Summer vocabulary. Summer holidays.



Spring is here, One little, two little, three little flowers.

Spring is here. Four little, five little, six little flowers.

Goodbye snow Seven little, eight little, nine little flowers.

Flowers grow! Ten little flowers blooming in the sun!


Birds and bees, Butterflies flutter,

Live on trees. Butterflies fly,

Hello spring, They put a sparkle

Hello spring! In your eye.

Fruits and berries:

Cherries, cherries, Apples big,

Ruby red, Apples small.

Want to try one? Guess what?

Go ahead! I like them all!


A summer day Summer is out and it’s time to play.

Has rain or sun, Have fun because summer is not here to stay.

But either way Jump in the pool and play all day.

I find it fun. Or come on out and head for the bay.


I developed a lesson plan and a training program for 1 academic year in the direction of learning English for preschoolers (including homework and thematic events). I experimentally tested the CLIL methodology for the Happy Sun Moscow Leisure and Education Center from September 2021 to the present.

For one year, I have been teaching English to children in creative drawing classes. During this period, we have mastered the vocabulary of 10 basic topics in accordance of the age characteristics of the pupils (fruits, animals, toys, seasons, and so on).

We used the language in action and practiced speaking throughout the lesson and learned how to use basic constructions on automatism.

At the end of the course, children could fluent answer questions, follow the instructions given by the teacher in English, and also understand more than 200 words without problems. As I wrote, I also got many positive feedbacks from parents about the results and knowledge of their children.

Content-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a new stage in teaching a foreign language, where school subjects are given in a foreign language, which makes learning bilingual and students bicultural personalities. This method allows you to develop intercultural communication skills, form linguistic competencies and improve language communication, increase motivation to learn a foreign language, gain knowledge that meets international requirements, which allows graduates to be competitive in the labor market.

We found that learning to draw in English using the CLIL method develops cultural awareness, internationalization, language competence, readiness not only for learning, but also the ability to apply new knowledge in life and, accordingly, increase life motivation, focus on success.

More over in this work, the need for the use of integrated teaching of a foreign language for preschoolers in the development of communicative, literary competencies as an indicator of the ability of students to interpret texts was proved.


Playway to English (1-4) (Gerngross Gunter, Puchta Herbert)

Incredible English, Oxford University Press (Sarah Phillips, Peter Redpath, Mary Slattery, Michaela Morgan, Kirstie Grainger)

Content and Language Integrated Learning: Strategies and motivation in CLIL (Lenka Tejkalova)

Drawing With Children: A Creative Method for Adult Beginners (Mona Brookes)

Web articles from

Youtube channel English singsing

Youtube channel Super Simple Songs

Youtube channel The Singing Walrus

Youtube channel Smile and learn

Youtube channel Games4esl

Youtube channel ELF Kids videos

Youtube channel Bunbun.


Просмотров работы: 51