Название проекта: TheinfluenceofEnglishlanguageonRussianteenagers’ slang (Влияние английского языка на сленг подростков в России)
Руководитель проекта: Бенидзе Нино Ревазовна
Автор проекта:Егорова Ульяна Евгеньевна
Учебная дисциплина: Английский язык
Тип проекта: Исследовательский
Цель работы: Определить степень влияния английского языка на сленг подростков в России
Задачи работы:
1) Определить значение слова «сленг»;
2) Определить виды английских заимствований и способы их образования;
3) Найти английские заимствования в русском сленге;
4) Составить словарик английского сленга с его переводом.
Вопрос проекта: Какое влияние оказывает английский сленг на речь подростков в России?
Краткое содержание проекта: Изучение жаргонной лексики школьников, ее происхождение, выявление особенностей употребления английского сленга и составление словарика
Результат проекта (продукт):
Словарик заимствованных английских слов в речи российских
Реализация проекта (продукт): Проведение опроса среди одиннадцатиклассников на тему молодежного английского сленга и составление диаграммы на основе данного опроса.
Slang is an important part of everyday speech of teenagers that makes the vocabulary lively, more teen-like, brightens the language. Young people’s coinages are now probably the richest source of new language in the world and in Russian language as well. So we have chosen youth slangs the object of our study.
The slang of pre-teens, teenagers, students and young adults uses all the techniques of English, the world’s most influential language. Thus, the subject of our research will be English loan words in youth slang of Russian teenagers.
Slang, being one of the non-standard language variants, is quite popular, and the investigation of this colorful, alternative vocabulary has been of great interest to many linguists for a long time.
So we think that our work will be quite useful for those who are interested in modern Russian and English languages. Besides, some students use different slang words in their everyday speech not knowing about their English origin, so it may be surprising for them to get to know the fact. So there is a serious side to analyze young people’s slang and the usage of English loan words in teen’s everyday talks.
The aim of our research was to study the influence of English on the formation of youth slang.
Practical task we intended to research was youth’s contemporary vocabulary
The main tasks of our study were:
to give the definition to the word “slang” ;
to investigate the methods of slang creation;
to find out the English loan words in Russian;
to make a list of English loan words in the Russian youth slang and analyze them.
Part I
1.1. The definition of slang
In our search, you can find a variety of notations of the word slang. According to universal encyclopedia, slang is “expressive and emotionally colored vocabulary of spoken language, deviating from the accepted literary language norms. It is widespread mainly among school students, students, military, young workers”.
Youth slang is a type of group jargon used in the speech of young people, characterized by active use, openness, penetration into the speech of other segments of the population. As for the youth slang in Russia, we can say that a bigger part of youth slang in Russia was created on the basic of English or international roots.
1.2. Slang origin
The birth of new words results from the order of the modern society. Slang arises due to our propensity for replacing old denominations by expressive ones. And yet the growing popularity of ever new creation prevents it from remaining fresh and impressive. What was felt as strikingly witty yesterday becomes dull and stale today, since everybody knows it and uses it. So how do the slang words come to life? There are several ways of slang words formation:
1. Various figures of speech participate in slang formation.
For example: upperstorey-head (metaphor), skirt-girl (metonymy), killing-astonishing (hyperbole), some-excellent or bad (understatement), clear as mud (irony).
2. Unlike the general vocabulary of the language, English slang has not borrowed heavily from foreign languages, although it does borrow from dialects, especially from such ethnic or special interest groups which make an impact on the dominant culture as American Black, or from a second language that is part of the culture.
For example: Yiddish.
3. Rhyming is a favorite means or creating slang for many Londoners.
For example: trouble and strife-wife mince pies-eyes.
1.3. The actuality of researching slang
The problem of such a theme has got a great theoretical meaning for analysis of the form/function relation in language: the same form performs more than one function. To generate the young students lexicon, the speaker has to use qualitatively different types of knowledge, both linguistic and extralinguistic (interactive and encyclopaedic), as well as the ability to reason. A number of theories try to explain why we should use extra words sometimes and how we understand their non- literal meaning, but the research is still far from being complete.
1.4. Practical value
Practical value of research lies in the fact that it is impossible to reach a high level of linguistic competence without understanding the nature of speech and knowing typical youth’s speech of a particular language. The hypothesis of our theme is the following: if to study a lexicon of young generation of Americans, it becomes a little more accessible to professionals as it cannot always be found in general dictionaries.
Part II
2.1. Russian youth slang
Russia, youth slang is an integral part of communication between schoolchildren, students and others. Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, but also by social, temporal spatial limits. A large number of subcultures, informal movements and just large and small groups as well as their rapid appearance and, often, the subsequent fading also leaves a mark in a slang variety. Youth slang is a coded language designed to exclude adults. It also shows what kids are concerned about. Nowadays many slang words are borrowed from English language.
They say: «Хорошо!»
We say: «Клёво! Классно! Прикол!»
Theysay: «Вот незадача!»
Andwesay: «Ну и облом!»
Theysay: «Это слишком сложно!»
Wesay: « Не грузи меня! »
2.2. Loans words in Russian slang
Loan words are the words included in the Russian language from other languages. Loan words in the Russian language appear in relations with representatives of other countries, nationalities, in this way complementing and improving it. Borrowed vocabulary appears when there is no important concept.
Historically we can define tree great periods of English language loans in Russia. The first is in 60s after the youth festival young people with the new stylish clothes and modern dances.
The 70s and 80s brought subcultures and new terms and slang expressions.
Nowadays when computers, computer games and the Internet is wildly spread, words connected with this sphere of life are very popular among young people, so we can consider it is the third wave of English loan words in Russian youth slang.
Slang words occupy the language of Mass Media. All newspapers, magazines, TV programmes containing materials about young people and their interests include a great number of slang words, most of which are English loans.
We began our practical work with collecting the slang words, which are wildly used by Russian people [3].
Быдло (перс.) – наглый человек.
Актуальный (лат.) – злободневный.
Атеист (др. греч.) – человек, который не верит в Бога.
Имидж (лат.) – образ, облик.
Part III
3.1. English loans in Russian youth slang
In Russian there is a distribution of youth slang, such as the jargon of young students, the jargon of soldiers and sailors of fixed-term service, the jargon of informal youth associations, the jargon of young people united by common interests.We have made a list of the most wildly spread slang words, which were borrowed from English language [4] [5].
They are:
COMMENT («коммент»)
ROFL («рофл»-шутка)
OMG («омг»– Обоже!)
BLAB (blablabla) («блаблабла»- болтовня)
UNREAL («Нереальный» - нечто удивительное, потрясающее, впечатляющее)
PROPS («Респект» - выражение уважения, признания)
DISS (высказываться в чей-то адрес неуважительно, пренебрежительно, оскорбительно)
DIG (на современном неформальном жаргоне — «ловить кайф», «тащиться»)
ALLRIGHT? (выражение означает «Привет, как дела?»)
BLATANT (Нечто явное, очевидное)
BLIMEY (восклицание удивления, изумления. По одной из версий, искаженное «Blindme!» Ослепите меня! Чтоб я ослеп!)
SOD’SLAW («Закон подлости»)
CHUFFED (чрезвычайно довольный чем-то,tochuff — 1) пыхтеть; 2) ободрять, воодушевлять)
CRAM (усердно готовиться к экзамену в короткие сроки, зубрить)
FAFF (когда кто-то откладывает дела на потом)
KIP(BrE: короткий сон (который американцы называют nap)
EASYPEASY (так дети называют что-то очень простое)
CHEERIO (дружеское «до свидания»)
SHIPPER (представлять, фантазировать романтические отношения между двумя людьми)
LAKSHERI (английское словечко Luxury, что в переводе означает что-то престижное, максимально крутое)
CDA (ЧСВ - чувство собственной важности, гордыня, высокомерие, самомнение)
BIRCH (бэнч значит что все будет очень хорошо, что ситуация в данный момент под контролем и со временем все будет только лучше)
COLLABORATION (колабборация это когда конкуренты выпускают что-то единое)
FLEX (танцевать под качающий бит, музыку)
THEFAN (по фану означает что-то сделанное по приколу, по угару, не серьезно)
OTP (OneTruePairing, — единственная истинная пара. Любовная пара каких либо персонажей, от которых фанатеют)
HYPE (шумиха, ажиотаж)
CHILL (чилить – отдыхать, ничего не делать)
SHAME (позор, бред или что-то немодное, пришло из тюремного жаргона, где зашквариться – опозориться)
SWIPE (свайп — скользить пальцем по экрану. От английского toswype - проводить, не отрывая, скользить)
CASH (кэш – наличные, деньги)
PM (PRIVATEMESSAGE) – (личное сообщение, ЛС)
SUPER (супер)
SORRY (сори)
TO KEEP (кипиш)
BATTLE (батл)
CASH (наличка)
PARTY (пати)
HI, HALLO (хай, хэлоу)
TO REPOST (репосты)
REAL, REALLY (реал, реально)
PEOPLE (пиплы)
FRIEND (френды)
REASON (ризон)
BIRTHDAY (бёздник)
3.2. The result of interview
We interviewed teenagers from the Internet and also teenagers from my school. In our research we asked 3 questions:
Do you use youth slang in everyday life?
More than seventy five percent of the teenagers of 7-8 classes, who took part in the interview, answered that they often use English loans in their everyday life. Only two per cent of the teenagers said that they don’t use slag at all. And 10 percent said that they use slang in everyday life but rarely (Рисунок 1).
Рисунок 1. Название
Why do you use youth slang?
Eighty percent of adolescents replied that they use slang in their speech in order to express their emotions and because slang is very creative and humorous. Only 20 percent of youngsters think that slang is the way that can help to show maturity and tool of connecting with gang (Рисунок 2).
What word do you use more often in your speech?
More than forty five percent of respondents answered that they often use in their lexicon the word LIKE, the second place was given to the word “ROFL” and we have also seen than the word “CRINGE” is becoming popular among the teenagers. Also many teenagers name the other words, which they use in their everyday life (Рисунок 3).
Рисунок 2. Название
Having analyzed the answers of our interview, we made a conclusion that the English loans play one of the important roles in creating Russian youth slang.
Youth use slang very often. And it is their second language .They want to add some emotions to a sentence or phrase. And even if people don’t use slang, in most cases they understand the meaning of the slang words.
Рисунок 3. Название
Slang is a universal fact of culture. Nowadays slang is used in different areas. Today any writer may use slang freely, especially in fiction and drama.
It has become a tool in the hands of master satirists, humorists, and journalists. Slang is now socially acceptable; it adds a new and exciting dimension to language. At the same time, it is being seriously studied by linguists and other social scientists.
Youth slang is a coded language designed to exclude adults. It also shows what teenagers are concerned about. Nowadays many slang words are borrowed from English language. In our study we made a conclusion that teenagers use a lot of English loans in their speech and we made a list of only a small part of English borrowings, which became an integral part of the Russian youth slang. Having analyzed these words and interviewed the teenagers, we concluded that English loans play one of the important roles in creating Russian youth slang.
Youth use slang very often. And it is their second language .They want to add some emotions to a sentence or phrase. And even if people don’t use slang, in most cases they understand the meaning of the slang words. Thus, our hypothesis was proved and we achieved our aim and all the tasks.
I am convinced that we can use youth slang in a proper way. It may be efficient in order to educate teenagers so that to avoid to unnecessary vocabulary in their speech. From my point of view we can show some scenes on a school stage that ridicule bad language habits and this way helps the youngsters get rid of wrong words (Appendix 2, dialog for school scene).
Besides, I have prepared a dictionary of English slang commonly used by the students of our school. The purpose of this piece of work is to help in educational activities of these students in high school while learning the same topics (Application 3).
Additional literature
Словарь иностранных слов современного русского языка Т.В. Егорова http://uchitel-slovesnosti.ru/slovari/12.pdf
Статья в журнале «Молодой учитель» «Theformationandsourcesofslangwords» Юлдашева, С. А. Theformationandsourcesofslangwords / С. А. Юлдашева. — Текст: непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12 (116). — С. 1048-1049. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/116/31785/ (дата обращения: 14.12.2021). https://moluch.ru/archive/116/31785/
Заимствованные слова в русском языке. Примеры https://russkiiyazyk.ru/leksika/zaimstvovannye-slova.html
Распространенные англицизмы https://aggslanguage.wordpress.com/slang-to-slanguage/
Английские заимствования в современной русской речи https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/english-loan-words-in-contemporary-russian-speech
Application 1
Dialogue for school performances and school English clubs
These masterpieces can be good examples of the last way of slang words formation. There is a good fairy-tale to demonstrate how the transition of slang words is used in practice.
A frogman liked to take pictures under water but a princess liked to stroll along the shore. The princess lived one hundred and ninety seven years ago but the frogman still lives. One day he happened to dive in 1997 and to emerge in 1800. He was a bit embarrassed to see the boats and fishing net, which were not few hours ago. But having noticed the strolling girl dressed in unfashionable clothes he smiled: «They make movie». The girl came closer and saw him. «Oh boy!» — exclaimed the boy having looked at the wonderful dress of the princess. «I’m a girl» — she answered. «What a nice joke!» — thought the frogman. «I’m a princess» — she said. «I see, she plays the role of princess» — the frogman thought. «Cool day today, isn’t it?» — he told. «Why does he say that it is cool today? It’s too warm.» — thought the poor girl. «No, the day is good. Who are you?» «I’m the frogman» — he introduced himself. «Frogman?!» — exclaimed the princess with fear. The man really liked the frog. «Yeah, frogman, I shoot submarine world. I see you shoot movie over here as well. Cool.» The princess prowled back. She didn’t want to communicate with the strange frog-man. Suddenly she saw his camera lying on the sand. «It’s my camera. Sometimes I shoot.» — he added. «Ohmy God! He shoots under water. He is the killer. He is the water-monster!!!» The princess yelled and ran away. «She is so strange» — the frogman thought. [2]
Application 2
I have prepared a small dictionary of borrowed words [1]:
Russian word |
Meaning |
English equivalent |
Уикенд |
Выходные |
Weekend |
Респект |
Уважение |
Respect |
Шопинг |
Ходить по магазинам |
Shopping |
Сорри |
извини |
Sorry |
Кринж |
Испытывать отвращение |
Cringe |
Скамить |
Заниматься мошенничеством |
Skam |
Рофлить |
Шутить |
Rofle |
Аккаунт |
Личный счет |
Account |
Апгрейд |
Модернизация |
Upgrade |
Армрестлинг |
Вид спорта |
Arm wrestling |
Баннер |
Рекламное изображение |
Banner |
Бэйдж |
Значок, эмблема |
Badge |
Бестселлер |
Наиболее искупаемая книга |
Bestseller |
Бизнес |
Предпринимательская Деятельность |
Business |
Биллборд |
Рекламный плакат на щите |
Billboard |
Боди |
Женское/ детское белье |
Body |
Бойфренд |
Возлюбленный |
Boyfriend |
Ваучер |
Поручитель |
Voucher |
Гаджет |
Модная новинка, устройство |
Gadget |
Геймер |
Игрок |
Gamer |
Дедлайн |
Крайний срок |
Dead-line |
Дилинг |
Сделки |
Dealing |
Дисплей |
Воспроизводить на экране |
Display |
Дресс-код |
Требование к внешнему виду |
Dress code |
Импорт |
Ввоз в страну ин. товаров |
Import |
Интернет |
Объединенная компьютерная сеть |
Internet |
Кавер |
Известная песня в исполнении другого человека |
Cover |
Креатив |
Творческое решение |
Creative |
Лейбл |
брэнд |
Label |
Масс-медиа |
Mass- media |
Ньюсмейкер |
Журналист |
Newsmaker |
Промоушен |
Продвижение, поощрение |
Promotion |
Свайпать |
Проводить по экрану |
Swipe |
Тег |
Определенный набор символов |
Tag |
Тендер |
Коммерческий конкурс |
Tender |
Тест |
Испытание |
Test |
Тинэйджер |
Подросток |
Teenager |
Трафик |
пробка |
Traffic |
Тренер |
Преподаватель физкультуры |
Trainer |
Фастфуд |
Быстрое питание |
Fast food |
Фидбэк |
Обратная связь |
Feed back |
Фильм |
Букв. Пленка |
Film |
Фитнес |
Спорт |
Fitness |
Флайер |
Листок реклам.характера |
Flyer |
Фрик |
Странный человек |
Freak |
Свободная торговля |
Free trade |
Хай-тек |
Современные технологии |
High teck |
Хакер |
Взломщик |
Hacker |
Хэппи-энд |
Счастливый конец |
Happy end |
Хобби |
Любимое дело |
Hobby |