Charity - help and depth of meaning

XVII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Charity - help and depth of meaning

Баймлер И.К. 1
1МАОУ "СОШ №5 г.Челябинска"
Демакова О.Н. 1Китаева В.А. 1
1МАОУ "СОШ №5 г.Челябинска"
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In our daily life, such words as a patron of the arts, charity are increasingly heard. Understanding the meaning of these words, we rarely think about the depth of meaning and the scope of this kind of assistance. After all, there are a lot of people who are not indifferent to someone else's misfortune. And even insignificant financial assistance becomes huge when a large number of people respond. Everyone, making their own contribution, ultimately helps animals, people who find themselves in difficult life situations, and often we save someone's life if the whole world collects money for an expensive operation. And I wanted to learn more about charity in Chelyabinsk and the region.

Thus, the relevance of the study is due to the need to provide timely assistance in the shortest possible time to solve the current situation.

The theoretical significance of the work is as follows: to analyze what kind of assistance various charitable foundations can provide.

Develop a set of recommendations for charity.

The practical significance lies in the specific assistance to animals, people, all those in need.

The object of the study will be two charitable foundations.

The subject of the study is the meaning of assistance and what consequences may arise if assistance is not provided at the right time.

The purpose of the work is to study and analyze large charitable foundations in order to understand what needs the help of others most of all.


The life and health of each individual person depend on the help of other people.

The contradiction between the need for urgent assistance based on funds, on the one hand, and the lack of the necessary amount of money at the moment from a person or organization, on the other hand, determined the research problem: where and to whom one can turn if a difficult life situation has developed. All of the above prompted us to choose the topic of the study: "Charity - help and depth of meaning."

In accordance with the hypothesis, the following tasks were set:

Learn the difference between a charitable foundation and patronage;

Conduct a survey of sixth grade students on what they know about this topic;

Create an introductory video on this topic on your channel.

We have developed a set of interrelated research methods, including:

analysis of literature;


comparison of two funds;



video filming

Thus, the topic of charity is very relevant in our time. Influencing the lives of millions of people, it often encounters indifference among the other part of the population from which this help is required. It is for this reason that this issue needs to be further explored.

Charity: concepts and statistics

The meanings of the words philanthropy, sponsorship, volunteering, and donation disinterestedly directly help us to understand the meaning of the concept that unites them - charity.

Patronage is the provision of financial assistance to support organizations, representatives of culture, art, sports, science.

Sponsorship is a different form of promoting the interests of the organization through the support of socially significant initiatives. This is voluntary, selfless help.

Volunteering is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help.

Donation - the concept of donation is defined in Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as a gift of a thing or right for generally useful purposes.

Disinterestedly - without personal gain [7].

Thus, charity is gratuitous assistance to those who need it.

One of the first scientific explanations of the concept of charity was given by V. G. Belinsky, interpreting charity as providing assistance, which is based on love for one's neighbor.

We are very proud that our Russia at the beginning of 2020 began to develop the following activities: volunteering, sponsorship, patronage, charity. Man is a unique creature who has something that sometimes he himself does not even suspect. Possessing a huge soul, people come to the rescue, thus making even a small contribution to a huge important cause. Often, it is from such particles that it turns out to solve a global problem together. But together people can “move mountains”, thereby helping sick children and adults who have lost their homes, homeless animals [3]. There are also cases when, under the guise of charity, people "stuff" their pockets, which is especially frustrating and cannot but attract attention.

Let's consider whether there is a point in charity and whether we need it. Why share something of your own: things, money, etc. Indeed, some support charity, many speak negatively. But the state cannot help everyone and immediately at the moment when it is necessary and it is possible that someone's life is decided in a few days. Therefore, in our country there are people who do not argue why help, but simply proceed to real actions silently, without advertising it. I studied the statistics of the "Center for Civil Society Research" and found out that in 2021 there were 19% more people participating in charity than in 2020. One fifth have been engaged in this activity on a permanent basis since 2020, and 59% have made various kinds of donations at least once in their lives. Moreover, women from 33 to 45 years old mostly help and respond to someone else's problem, they donate more often, but smaller amounts, and men less often, but the amounts are larger [8].

In Russia, documents have been adopted that are included in the articles of the Constitution, the Federal Laws and the Civil Code, which help to find out the legal basis for charitable activities. For example, "On charitable activities and charitable organizations", "On charitable activities and volunteering ", as well as articles of the Constitution and the Civil Code. For example, Art. 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that all subjects of the Russian Federation, regardless of the level, must enter into civil legal relations on an equal footing with other participants in these relations - citizens and legal entities.

The Law on Charity explains the various forms (Article 5 of this law) [5]:

- transfer of ownership of both property and things;

- transfer of ownership rights;

- performance of various types of work and provision of services.

Explanations for the concept of "donation" are given in Art. 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely, a donation of a thing or right for generally useful purposes is recognized as a donation. At the same time, the acceptance of a donation does not require anyone's permission or consent [2].

The subjects of charity in accordance with Art. 5 of the Federal Law No. 135 "On charitable activities and volunteering (volunteering)" can act:

- citizens;

- to the state;

- organizations - educational, medical;

- organizations - scientific and charitable organizations;

- cultural institutions, such as museums;

- organizations - public and religious;

- other subjects of civil law specified in Art. 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The forms of expression are varied: social or humanitarian assistance, free services of public organizations and foundations [4].

Forms of charity in accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law No. 135 "On charitable activities and volunteering ":

- material (monetary) assistance;

- transfer of other resources (things, food, etc.);

- financing of science, culture;

- performance of works (services);

- organization for charity;

- holding auctions, competitions, lotteries (which are permitted by the law of the Russian Federation);

- cash collections in favor of donations.

Charity types:

- corporate;

- private;

- philanthropy;

- patronage;

- sponsorship;

- social responsibility [6].

Charity principles:

- honesty;

- systematic;

- responsibility;

- trust.

Why is it hard to do good deed?

-money gets to swindlers;

-lack of advertising in the media;

-many businessmen do not see the benefits of such activities.

Examples of activity forms:

- auctions;

- personal communication with the benefactor;

- lotteries;

- events and promotions;

- sale of souvenirs;

- social advertising;

- telemarketing;

- targeted sales (exhibitions-sales);

- donation boxes.

Once a year, our school hosts the "Help Homeless Animals" campaign. In February, we help the animal shelter "Togo", which is located in our city of Chelyabinsk. Help is provided by both students and teachers. This year, help was provided to animals - a huge parcel was collected for the "tails": food, diapers, rags, of course, in our city, as in many others, there are a large number of organizations that need various kinds of help.

There are funds that provide assistance to animals: "The Right to Live", "Cat's House", "I'm Alive", "Our House" and many others.

Funds that provide assistance to people in difficult situations: "Iskorka" - a charitable public movement for children with cancer; "Life" assistance to children with serious illnesses; "Real Wizard" provides assistance to children with diseases of the nervous system, autism, cerebral palsy; the Rodnaya fund is focused on supporting expensive medicines and rehabilitation procedures; the Oleg Mityaev Foundation is aimed at teaching and educating the younger generation, organizing social and cultural projects; the Mechta Foundation aims to support children's sports; "Warm House" and "Coast" - help families who find themselves in a difficult life situation. And how many more can be listed ... [1].

2. Consider two funds in Chelyabinsk

We are all currently experiencing both political and economic instability. Right now, those who really need it are especially looking for help from us.

1. Foundation "Cat's House" in Chelyabinsk.

The fund exists not so long since May 8, 2019. It has a lot of benefits for donors: it is not included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, there are no reports of bankruptcy, and there are no debts and connections with disqualified persons. This shelter really needs our help now more than ever: for food, treatment, inventory, shelter, overexposure. Our help saves lives.

2. Charitable Foundation "Life" in Chelyabinsk.

It was created by a group of young, enterprising people who have been doing good deeds as volunteers for many years, helping sick children. Each member of the team provided all possible assistance, over time, becoming a true professional in charity. In this connection, it was absolutely logical for this team to acquire legal status and grow from an ordinary youth team of volunteers into a real professional non-profit organization, under the leadership of Novak Ksenia Vladimirovna, a woman with a huge kind soul and a merciful maternal heart.

Field of activity: support for seriously ill and disabled children, support for orphans and children left without parental care, orphan hood prevention.

Thus, due to the existing property and social stratification, a sufficiently large group of people cannot stand up for themselves, their health and a normal life. To organize a decent standard of living for both people and animals, there are similar funds.

3. The opinion of classmates about charity

We decided to find out what our classmates know about charity and whether they themselves take part in this activity. To do this, each student was offered a questionnaire, which included questions (Appendix A).

4 seventh grades from different schools participated in the survey. A total of 109 students took part in the survey. The results are presented in diagrams (Appendix B).

Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The attitude towards charity in general among the respondents was distributed as follows: 46% - positively, 54% - negatively. In the negative answers, there are more boys' votes than girls'.

The opinion about the motives for giving charity is as follows: 64% - a good heart, 23% - seek profit, and 13% - chose the option "difficult to answer."

Students were also given the opportunity to choose the types of assistance provided. The answers were distributed as follows: 10% - assistance to the elderly, 49.6% - assistance to animals, 14.7% - assistance to orphanages, 25.7% - it is difficult to answer.

Despite the fact that everyone can provide all possible assistance to the elderly, out of 109 respondents, unfortunately, only 11 are ready to provide it. Half of respondents indicated assistance to animals. Of course, the easiest way out is to go buy food with your parents' money and participate in charity.

According to students, the main subjects of charitable assistance are: 22% - children, 62.4% - adults and 15.6% - adults and children. Despite the fact that many of them take part in charity themselves, they believe that adults should participate in this kind of activity.

The main sources of information about charity are: 76.1% - the Internet, 2.8% - relatives, acquaintances and friends, and 21.1% - school news. Indeed, families do not discuss such topics now. As a rule, we see various kinds of information in the media and on Internet sites.

Interesting data on the number of actions in which the respondents participated: 40.5% - 1 time, 22% - 2 times, 1.8% - less than 5 times, 2.7% - more than 5 times and 33% - did not participate.

Trust in various kinds of funds was also assessed. The answers were distributed as follows: 45.3% - completely trust, 94 students out of 109 respondents think so. We immediately take note that this issue is considered in the handout. 2.7% of respondents gave the answer that they doubt, suddenly scammers and 11% did not think about it.

Among other things, students were asked to choose one of the two statements with which they most agree: 88% - charitable activities bring more benefits, 12% - charitable activities bring more harm.

The next pair of questions sounded like this: 52.3% - the state should deal with social problems, and philanthropists should choose what to spend their money on: culture, art or something else that seems important to them, 47.7% - charity should help primarily solve the most pressing social problems and 0% - no one had any difficulty answering this question.

And the final pair analyzed the following categories of questions: 25.6% - charity should be anonymous, one should not talk widely about the good deeds of one's own or others, 34.9% - the good deeds of those people who do charity work should be known to others and 39. 5% said they found it difficult to answer.

The gender was also analyzed. Answering the question about more active participation in charity of women or men, we received the following data: 51.4% - believe that more women, 17.4% - believe that more men and 31.2% - find it difficult to answer. Indeed, above we examined statistics that say that women are more likely to participate in charity, but they allocate small amounts and men take part much less, although they allocate significant amounts at a time.

An interesting question is: “Do you think that in our country among people who are engaged in charitable activities, there are more wealthy or unsecured?”. The answers were distributed as follows: 19.3% - more secured, 58.7% - unsecured and 22% - find it difficult to answer. Indeed, it is the low-income people who help most in our lives. They know how to compassionate, sympathize with someone else's misfortune and understand that help is not in the sum of money, where there are many zeros, but in the fact that there are many people who help to the best of their ability. As a result, help is obtained, even more than expected. Of course, there are units with a good heart who allocate large sums of money for help completely disinterestedly. But there are many who donate money to charity to lower their taxes.

Thus, the results of the survey showed the need to include handouts and develop recommendations for seventh graders on the topic: "Charity" in order not to become victims of scammers.

4. Recommendations for charity

4.1. For donations to charities:

1. Specify information about the organization that provides assistance: full name, postal address (registration), taxpayer ID number (TIN), account number. Google and Yandex provide links to funds and news about this child. Actual funds post reports on collected and spent funds.

2. The document on the basis of which assistance is provided or the name of the program.

3. Network address or name (domain). The address involves the input of personal data, payment data, has a digital certificate, the data is transmitted in encrypted form. Pay attention to the presence of a certificate.

4. Data on which the philanthropist can obtain information.

5. Authenticate the photos posted on the site by doing an image search.

6. Check the details - do not transfer money to bank cards or accounts of individuals, electronic wallets. Real foundations that actually do charity work will never raise funds in this way.

4.2. If you would like to provide assistance through portable boxes:

1. Such assistance can be provided by those who have such activities in their charter.

2. Portable boxes only from organized by non-profit organizations (NPOs). A person with such a box must have an agreement with an NPO, a power of attorney.

3. The box must be sealed and have an inventory number.

4. If such people (with boxes) are in the premises, then they must have permission or a lease agreement for this.


In the course of the study, we studied the forms, resources, types and principles of charitable organizations on this topic, considered the concepts of similar definitions, counted the number of foundations in our city, Chelyabinsk, and also found out what kind of assistance they provide. In addition, we analyzed statistics on how people help foundations, and what kind of help each charitable organization needs.

The survey showed students' knowledge of the topic "Charity - help and depth of meaning." This made it possible to identify what material must be included in the handout.

The final stage of the study was the development and production of handouts, where you can get acquainted with the main definitions in order to clearly understand the meaning of each term, as well as study recommendations for charity by transferring funds to funds or through portable boxes and at the same time not become a victim of fraudsters (Appendix B ).

This study made a huge impression on me, because when we donate a very small amount or a bag of food for animals, we don’t think about how we are saving someone’s life with the whole world. Only in the course of work, with a detailed consideration of the process as a whole, do we understand the benefit of a chain of simple links, and you are one of the links in this mechanism. This is my tenth work, which proves that everything ingenious is simple.


1. Antonovich I. V. Charity in Russian society: history and modernity: textbook. - Barnaul: AGU Publishing House, 2005. - 135p.

2. Basov N.F. Social work with youth: textbook / N.F. Basov [et al.] / Ed. N.F. Basov. - 3rd ed. - M.: "Dashkov and K", 2010. - 372 p.

3. Knyazeva E.A., Mirinovskaya G.V. Volunteer work - gratuitous assistance to those in need // Popular Science Journal "Social Work". - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 18-19.

4. Nekrasov A.Ya. Charity // Social Encyclopedia. - M., 2009. - 375 p.

5. Titova KN, Prospects for the development of charity in modern society; 2005.-159p.

6. Shchitova N.G. Problems of charity, patronage and sponsorship // Consolidated abstract collection of the journal Representative Power - XXI century: legislation, comments, problems. - 2010. - No. 1-4. - S. 11-12.

7. Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron in 86 volumes - Publishing House: Terra, 2009. - 683 p.

8. Yarskaya V.N. Charity and mercy. - S. “Volga region. Phil. Ros. Proc. Center”, 1997. – 224p.

Annex A

Questionnaire on the topic: "What do you know about charity?"

1. What is your attitude to charity?

positive negative indifferent

2. Why do people give charitable help?

kind heart looking for profit difficult to answer

3. What help can you provide?

help for the elderly help for animals help for orphanages find it difficult to answer

4. Who do you think should do charity work?

children adults adults and children

5. From what sources do you learn about charitable work?

from the Internet from relatives, friends, acquaintance school news (helping the Togo Animal Shelter

6. How many times have you been involved in charity?

1 time 2 times less than 5 times more than 5 times

did not participate more than 5 times

7. Do you trust charitable organizations, foundations?

I completely trust I doubt, suddenly scammers did not think

8. Which of the two statements below do you agree with?

charitable activity brings more benefits, since for many people and organizations it is the only opportunity to get real help in solving some problems.

charitable activity does more harm, contributes to the weakening of the initiative and only “freezes” rather than solves problems

9. Do you think there are more women or men among those who do charity work?

More women More men Difficult to answer

10. Do you think that in our country among people who are engaged in charitable activities, there are more wealthy or more unsecured?

more wealthy more unsecured (poor) find it difficult to answer

11. Which of the following statements do you agree with the most?

the state should deal with social problems, and philanthropists should choose what to spend their money on: culture, art, or something else that seems important to them

charity should help, first of all, to solve the most acute social problems

find it difficult to answer

12. Which of the judgments do you agree with the most?

charity should be anonymous, you should not talk widely about your own or other people's good deeds

the good deeds of those people who do charity work should be known to others

find it difficult to answer

Thank you for participating!

Annex B

What is your attitude towards charity?

Why do people give to charity?


46% - positive

27.5% - negative

26.5% - don't care

64% - good heart

23% - looking for profit

13% - find it difficult to answer

What help could you provide?

Who do you think should be involved in charity work?


10% - help for the elderly

49.6% - helping animals

14.7% - assistance to orphanages

25.7% - find it difficult to answer

22% - children

62.4% - adults

15.6% - adults and children

From what sources do you learn about charitable work?

How many times have you been involved in charity?


76.1% - Internet

2.8% - relatives, friends, acquaintances

21.1% - school

40.5% - once

22% - twice

1.8% - less than five times

2.7% - more than five times

33% - did not participate


Do you trust charitable organizations, foundations?

Which of the two statements below do you agree with more??


45.3% - completely

2.7% - I doubt, suddenly scammers

11% - didn't think about

88% - benefits

12% - harmful


Do you think there are more women or men among those who do charity work?

Do you think that in our country among people who are engaged in charitable activities, there are more wealthy or more unsecured?


51.4% - more women

17.4% - more men

31.2% - find it difficult to answer

19.3% - more wealthy

58.7% - more unsecured

22% - find it difficult to answer


Which of the following statements do you agree with the most?

Which of the statements do you agree with the most?


52.3% - problems should be dealt with


47.7% - charity should

help solve problems

0% - find it difficult to answer

25.6% - charity should be


34.9% - good deeds should be known


39.5% - find it difficult to answer

Let's analyze the meaning of the words so as not to confuse the meanings of disinterested concern for the opportunity to benefit, to make money on the grief of others.

Patronage is a providing financial assistance to support organizations, representatives of culture, art, sports, science.

Sponsorship is a different form of promoting the interests of the organization through the support of socially significant initiatives. This is voluntary, disinterested help.

Charity is donation to those in need.

Volunteering is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help.

Donation - the concept of donation is defined in Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as a gift of a thing or right for generally useful purposes.

Selfless - no personal gain.

The Law on Charity explains the various forms (Article 5 of this law):

- transfer of ownership of both property and things;

- transfer of ownership rights;

- performance of various types of work and provision of services.

Explanations for the concept of "donation" are given in Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely, a donation of a thing or right for generally useful purposes is recognized as a donation. At the same time, no permission or consent is required to accept a donation.

Donations can be made to:


the state;

organizations - educational, medical;

organizations - scientific and charitable organizations;

cultural institutions, such as museums;

organizations - public and religious;

other subjects of civil law specified in Art. 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The forms of expression are varied: social or humanitarian assistance, free services of public organizations and foundations.

Charity - help and depth of meaning

Charity forms:

material (monetary) assistance;

transfer of other resources (things, food, etc.);

financing of science, culture;

performance of works (services);

organization for charity;

holding auctions, competitions, lotteries (which are permitted by the law of the Russian Federation);

cash collections in favor of donations.


financial (cash);

material and technical (property);




Charity types:






social responsibility.

Charity principles:





Why is it hard to do good?

money gets to swindlers;

lack of advertising in the media;

Many businessmen do not see the benefits of such activities.

Examples of activity forms:


personal communication with the benefactor;


events and promotions;

sale of souvenirs;

social advertising;


Annex С

targeted sales (exhibitions-sales);

donation boxes

Charity Recommendations

For donations to charities:

1. Specify information about the organization that provides assistance: full name, postal address (registration), taxpayer ID number, account number. Google and Yandex provide links to funds and news about this child. Actual funds post reports on collected and spent funds.

2. The document on the basis of which assistance is provided or the name of the program.

3. Network address or name (domain). The address involves the input of personal data, payment data, has a digital certificate, the data is transmitted in encrypted form. Pay attention to the presence of a certificate.

4. Data on which the philanthropist can obtain information.

5. Authenticate the photos posted on the site by doing an image search.

6. Check the details - do not transfer money to bank cards or accounts of individuals, electronic wallets. Real foundations that actually do charity work will never raise funds in this way.

If you would like to provide assistance through portable boxes:

1. Such assistance can be provided by those who have such activities in their charter.

2. Portable boxes only organized by non-profit organization(NPO). A person with such a box must have an agreement with an NPO, a power of attorney.

3. The box must be sealed and have an inventory number.

4. If such people (with boxes) are in the premises, then they must have permission or a lease agreement for this.

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