Comparative analysis of the construction of a simple sentence in English and Russian

XVII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Comparative analysis of the construction of a simple sentence in English and Russian

Баймлер И.К. 1
1МАОУ "СОШ №5 г.Челябинска"
Демакова О.Н. 1Ильясова А.Ж. 1
1МАОУ "СОШ №5 г.Челябинска"
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Each nation has its own language, with the help of which we communicate, convey our feelings and thoughts. I speak fluently without thinking about how exactly I need to put words in a sentence. Just like a child who is learning to walk just walks without thinking about it. But then I began to study a second language - English, and immediately noticed that you can’t just express your thoughts there, you need to strictly adhere to certain rules. This topic interested me very much, so I decided to consider it in more detail.

Thus, the relevance of the study is due to the need to maintain respect for another language. For me, to show respect for another language is to speak it using all the rules of vocabulary and grammar. The contradiction between the need to respect other people, on the one hand, and the lack of specific recommendations as a complete set when constructing a simple sentence, on the other hand, determined the research problem: what rules do we use when constructing a simple sentence in order to build our speech competently, respecting the language of people, speaking English. All of the above prompted us to choose the topic of the study: "Comparative analysis of the construction of a simple sentence in English and Russian".

The aim of the work is comparing the construction of simple sentences in two languages.

The object of the research is words.

The subject of the study is the place of the main and secondary parts of the sentence in the simple verbal constructions.

The study is based on the hypothesis, according to which, if a person knows a clear construction of a sentence in different language norms, he can correctly build his speech and show respect for another language.

In accordance with the aim and hypothesis, the following objectives were set:

To study the place of the main and secondary members of the sentence in different language norms.

To study the similarities and differences between the construction of sentences in Russian and English.

To study the place of words that will be in sentences in addition to the subject and predicate.

To study the opinion of classmates about the construction of words in sentences, taking into account different language norms.

Formulate recommendations as a complex for building and indicating places in a simple sentence.

Develop and produce individual handouts for students (pocket guide), i.e. manuals with information and tables.

Create an introductory video on my channel with the main information, with specific examples and tables.

In order to achieve the set goals, we have developed a set ofinterrelated research methods, including literature analysis, description and comparison, questioning, analysis, comparison and generalization of results, modeling, video filming.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the creation of an integral set of rules when constructing a simple sentence in English.

The practical significance of the study lies in the systematization of all the studied rules that can be used as an algorithm in solving the question.

1. The structure of a simple sentence. Grammatical basis

In Russian a sentence is the basic unit of syntax that expresses a complete thought. In a sentence, such an idea is expressed by a grammatical basis. The grammatical basis can have both a subject and a predicate (in English and Russian languages), or only a subject, or only a predicate (in Russian language only)[5].

The subject can be a noun or a pronoun, just like in English. The predicate-verb shows what action the main object performed. We also know that Russian sentences can be without a subject or predicate, the meaning of the sentence will be clear, since we can pick up the missing members of the sentence from the context, that is, make up your mind. Our brain does this intuitively, we don't even think about it.

In Russian, word order (more precisely, the order of sentence members) is considered free. This means that in the sentence there is no strictly fixed place for one or another of its members. For example, a sentence consisting of five significant words: The editor carefully read the manuscript yesterday - allows 120 options, depending on the permutation of the members of the sentence.

1.1 Members of the sentence in Russian

The subject indicates who or what the sentence is talking about, answers the questions who? or what? - "we will go". In Russian, the subject can be expressed by a noun in Nominative case in singular and plural forms, by a pronoun in Nominative case, by a numeral in Nominative case.

The predicate reveals the action that the subject performs. It answers the questions: what does it do? what will he do? - "we will go". The predicate can be expressed by different independent parts of speech, depending on its type. In this regard, the predicate can be expressed by: a verb (in any form), a noun, an adjective, a participle, a numeral, a pronoun, an adverb, a phrase (a syntactically indivisible combination of words), a phraseological unit, an interjection [8].

The attribute is a secondary member of the sentence, which denotes a feature of an object. Answer the question- what? Who? [6] The attribute can be expressed in Russian by an adjective (most often), an ordinal number, a pronoun, a participle, a noun, an indefinite form of a verb, a phrase (indivisible) [6].

The object is a secondary member of the sentence, which denotes the subject, explains the predicate or another member of the sentence. Answer the questions of indirect cases (all except absolutely case). In Russian, generally, additions are expressed by nouns (in oblique cases), but they can also be expressed by pronouns, numerals, indefinite forms of the verb and phrases (names of paintings, films, books, etc., phraseological units) [4].

The adverbial modifier is a secondary member of the sentence, which denotes the place, time, reason and manner of action. Answer the questions when? where? where? where? why? The adverbial modifier in the Russian language is most often expressed by an adverb; it can also be expressed by a noun (in the indirect case), a gerund participle (the appropriate phrase), and an indefinite form of the verb [4].

1.2. Features of the construction of words.

Features of the construction of the words in a declarative sentence.

In Russian, one of the features of the words construction in a declarative sentence is that the subject usually precedes the predicate. Then follow the secondary parts of the sentence: object and adverbial modifier. An attribute, as a member of a sentence denoting a sign of an object, usually stands before the word being defined (subject), but its position is not strictly fixed. This word order is called direct.

However, there is also a reverse word order, which allows the presence of a subject in place of the predicate, and the sentence itself can begin with an attribute, adverbial modifier, or predicate. In stylistics, this technique is called "inversion", which we often encounter in fiction. Example : Once did two of our factory go grass to look.

Features of the construction of the words in an imperative sentence.

Imperative sentences are built in the same way as narrative sentences. However, the predicate expressed by the verb in the imperative mood may also precede the pronoun-subject. In this case, the categorical nature of the statement itself is noticeably softened [10]. Example:

Features of the construction of words in an interrogative sentence.

In interrogative sentences, we observe the opposite situation, where the predicate comes first, followed by the subject. Thus, an interrogative sentence does not always require the presence of an interrogative word. In Russian, it is often replaced by interrogative intonation [8]. Example: Tell me, my uniform fits me well.

2. A simple sentence in English.

2.1. Subject and predicate in an English sentence.

A simple sentence in English requires the obligatory presence of a subject and a predicate in it. The English subject can be expressed by a noun or a pronoun. In the case of an active voice, the subject is:

The person or thing that performs the action (Tim likes doing homework after lunch - Tim likes to do his homework in the afternoon).

The person or thing referred to in the sentence apple is tasty – The apple is tasty);

If the sentence is built in the passive voice, the subject is the person or object on which the action is performed ( Katewaspunishedbyher mot her - Kate was punished by her mother).

The predicate can be:



Compound predicates are divided into 2 types:

- compound nominal (verb-link + nominal part);

Compound verbal (modal verb + infinitive).

2.2. The secondary parts of the sentence

The secondary parts of a sentence in an English sentence serve to provide additional information or to expand what is already available. In English, as in Russian, the secondary parts of the sentence are object, attribute and adverbial modifier.

The object can be represented as a noun, pronoun, adjective or participle (which act as a noun), a gerund, or an infinitive of a verb (Could you give it to me , please ? - Could you give me this, please?) [2].

The attributeis most often expressed by an adjective or participle. Less commonly, a pronoun, adverb or ordinal numeral ( I have got six apples - I have six apples ) [2].

The adverbial modifier is most often expressed by adverbs, nouns or pronouns. They can also be presented as an infinitive or participle (Last night I woke up because of noise - Last night I woke up from the noise ) [2].

It is worth noting that, unlike the Russian sentence, in English a special place is reserved for each of the secondary parts. So, the object usually comes after the predicate. Attribute - before the noun that it characterizes. The adverbial modifier is placed either before the predicate, or just after the object.

3. The words order in a simple sentence of the English language

Word order in English is more important than in Russian. Linguists explain this by the fact that the Russian language is rich in suffixes, prefixes and endings, which clearly demonstrate the connection between words in a sentence, and therefore allow it not to have a clear structure.

In English, the relationship between words is shown only by their position in a sentence. And this means that in this language the role of word order is great. Changing it leads to a change in the meaning of the sentence. Compare:

A cat chases a mouse.

A mouse chases a cat.

Let's take a closer look at the types of sentences in the English language and their construction using the example of three grammatical tenses: Present Continuous, Past Continuous and Future Continuous [1].

3.1. An affirmative sentence

This type of sentence is characterized by direct word order : subject+ predicate + secondary parts . In the affirmative sentence of the English language, the subject is placed in the first place, the predicate in the second place, and then the secondary parts of the sentence go.

3.1.1. Affirmative sentence in Present continuous

Present Continuous is used to talk about the actions taking place at the moment of speech. To build such a sentence, as mentioned above, it is necessary to put the subject in the first place, then the auxiliary verb to be (coordinated with the subject), the semantic verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order: subject + auxiliary verb ( am , is, are ) + active verb with - ing + secondary parts. Verb to be in the present tense has three forms ( am , is , are ), each of which refers to specific pronouns (nouns expressed by pronouns). So the form am fits the pronoun I, the form is to the pronouns he , she it , and the form are to we , you , they . She is playing the piano now.

3.1.2. Affirmative sentence in Past continuous

Past Continuous is used to talk about long-term actions taking place at a certain moment in the past. To build such a sentence, similar to Present Continuous, it is necessary to put the subject in the first place, then the auxiliary verb to be (harmonized with the subject), a semantic verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order.

subject + auxiliary verb ( was , were ) + active verb with - ing + minor members. However, in this tense we need to use the verb to be in the second form (was , were ), each of which refers to specific pronouns (or nouns expressed by pronouns). So the form was is suitable for singular pronouns I,he, she, i , and the form were to the plural pronouns we , you , they . She was playing the piano yesterday at 5 in the morning.

3.1.3. Affirmative sentence in Future continuous

Future Continuous is used to talk about actions that will take place at a certain point in time / some period of time in the future: subject + will + be + active verb with - ing + minor members.The scheme for constructing such sentence will be slightly different from the previous two. As always, we need to put the subject in the first place, and then the auxiliary verb will , the auxiliary verb be (without the particle to), the active verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order. She will be playing the piano tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock.

3.2. Negative offer

subject + auxiliary verb + not + active verb + secondary parts. This type of sentence is also characterized by direct word order. In the negative sentence of the English language, the subject is placed in the first place, as in the affirmative. Then comes the auxiliary verb (corresponding to time), the negative particle not, after which the predicate (semantic verb) and the secondary members of the sentence are placed.

3.2.1. Negative sentence in Present continuous

subject + auxiliary verb ( am , is, are ) + not + active verb with - ing + secondary parts. To build a negative sentence in Present Continuous it is necessary to put the subject in the first place, then the auxiliary verb to be (consistent with the subject), the negative particle not , the semantic verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order. She is not playing the piano now.

3.2.2. Negative sentence in Past continuous.

For long-term actions that did not occur at a certain point in the past. When constructing a negative sentence in Past Continuous in the first place the subject is taken out, then the auxiliary verb to be (harmonized with the subject), then the negative particle not , the active verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order: subject + auxiliary verb ( was , were ) + not + active verb with - ing +secondary parts. In this tense, we also need to use the verb to be in the second form (was , were ).

She was not playing the piano yesterday at 5 in the morning.

3.2.3.Negative sentence in Future continuous

For actions that will not occur at a certain pointin time or some period of time in the future: subject + will + not + be + active verb with - ing +secondary parts. Here we need to put the subject in the first place, then the auxiliary verb will and the particle not, the auxiliary verb be (without the particle to), the active verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order.

She will not be playing the piano tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock.

3.3. Interrogative sentence















How many / much?

Как много?

This type of sentence is characterized by indirect (reverse) word order, that is, the subject is placed after the predicate. And just like the Russian language, we resort to interrogative intonation. There are several types of interrogative sentences in English. Let us dwell in more detail on two of them: the general question and the special question [9].

The general question is formed using inversion: auxiliary and most modal verbs

(can, could, may, might, should) are placed before the subject at the beginning of the sentence. It is important to note that this type of question implies two possible answers: yes or no.

Auxiliary verb + subject + active verb + secondary parts. Special question - interrogative word + auxiliary verb + subject + active verb + secondary parts. It is used to obtain an additional fact. This type of question cannot be answered yes/no. Such a question begins with a special (interrogative) word that indicates what kind of information the speaker needs. There the already familiar word order [7] is used.

The most common question words in English are presented in the table.

3.3.1. Interrogative sentence in Present Continuous

For a question concerning actions taking place at the present time:auxiliary verb (am , is, are ) + subject + active verb with - ing + secondary parts. To build such a sentence, we need to put the auxiliary verb to in the first place be (harmonized with the subject), subject, after which the active verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order.

Is she playing the piano now?

QUESTION WORD + auxiliary verb ( am , is, are ) + subject + active verb with - ing + secondary parts. When constructing a special question, an almost identical sentence scheme is used:

What is she doing now?

3.3.2. Interrogative sentence in Past Continuous

For a question about long-term actions that took place at a certain point in the past. When constructing this type of sentence in Past Continuous in the first place is taken out the auxiliary verb to be (harmonized with the subject), then the predicate, after which the aactive verb ending in -ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order.

Auxiliary verb (was , were ) + subject + active verb with - ing + secondary parts. Was she playing the piano yesterday at 5 o'clock in the morning?

QUESTION WORD + auxiliary verb (was , were ) + subject + active verb with - ing + secondary parts.For a special question, the following sentence structure is used: What was she doingyesterday at 5 o ' clock in the morning?

3.3.3. Interrogative sentence in Future continuous

For questions about actions that will take place at a certain point in time or some period of time in the future.

Will + subject + be + active verb with - ing + secondary parts.

Here we put the auxiliary verb will first, then the subject, after the auxiliary verb be (without the particle to), the active verb with the ending - ing and then all the secondary parts of the sentence in the correct order.

Will she be playing the piano tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock?

QUESTION WORD + will + subject + active verb with - ing + secondary parts. For a special question, this scheme is suitable:

What will she be doing tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock?

4. Imperative sentences in English

Imperative sentences expressing a request or command in English are characterized by the absence of a subject. The verb is used only in the infinitive form (without the particle to). The categorical nature of such a statement is not typical for English culture, so such constructions are rarely used. Often in such sentences, the British try to use the word «please» [3].

Compare: Go and buy some milk! Go and buy some milk, please!

5. Conclusions on similarities and differences in the construction of Russian and English sentences

1. The term of a simple sentence in English and Russian is the same.

2. The main and secondary parts of the sentence also coincide. They can be expressed by the same parts of speech.

3. Word order in Russian is not strict. In English it's the other way around. Strict rules for constructing sentences are due to the absence of cases and endings in the English language. (Russian - synthetic, English - analytical)

4. When changing the order of words in English, in contrast to Russian, a change in meaning can be observed.

5. In English, the presence of a subject and a predicate in a sentence is mandatory.

6. Abbreviations are often found in the negative sentence of the English language, never in Russian.

7. An interrogative sentence in Russian is formed due to intonation, in English with the help of auxiliary verbs.

8. The imperative sentence in English is less common than in Russian.

6. Questioning fifth-graders

We decided to find out what topics schoolchildren have difficulties with. To do this, simple questions were compiled for the survey, based on what students study at school.

At the end of December 2020, we conducted a survey to find out what topics to cover in a pocket guide. The surveys included four 5th grades, 68 students, and in each class there is a different English teacher, i.e. four teachers who work with these students in one program. Out of 68 students, 9 students study German, 1 French, and 58 English. Out of these 58 students: 2 students study the language for only 1-2 years, 13 students study for more than 5 years, i.е. began to study the language before entering the 1st grade, 43 students study the language only from the first grade, some just study at school, and some still go to additional lessons with a tutor or in English clubs.

In the third question, which revealed the construction of a sentence in Russian, only 2 students gave the correct answer, which is only 2% of the respondents. 38 students, which accounted for 68%, believe that there is always a subject and a predicate. 9 students, which accounted for 15%, believe that there is always a predicate. 4 students, which amounted to 7%, believe that there is always a subject. 5 students, which accounted for 8%, believe that there may not be main parts of the sentence, but at the same time did not give any comment on the main parts of the sentence.

In the fourth question, which covered the main understanding of the English sentence, that in all sentences there is always a subject and a predicate, the answers were distributed in this way. 13 students, which amounted to 22%, believe that there is always a predicate in the sentence. 12 students, which amounted to 21%, believe that there is always a subject in the sentence. 6 students, which amounted to 10%, did not give any answer (moreover, these are 5 students who have been studying the language since the 1st grade and 1 student who has been studying the language for more than 5 years). 27 students, which amounted to 47%, gave the correct answer (moreover, 20 students who have been studying the language only from the 1st grade, 1 student who has been studying the language only for the second year and 6 students who have been studying the language for more than 5 years, although there are 13 of such students).

In the fifth question it was necessary to combine sentences with the type of sentence: negative, affirmative or interrogative. The answers were distributed as follows: 6 students, which amounted to 10%, could not answer the question. 22 students, which amounted to 38%, made mistakes. 30 students, which amounted to 52%, answered the question correctly and this is half of the students of English.

In the sixth question, it was necessary to determine the tense according to the sentence: present, past or future. The answers were distributed as follows: 9 students, which amounted to 15%, could not answer the question. 27 students, which amounted to 47%, made mistakes. 22 students, which amounted to 38%, completed the task.

In the seventh question, you need to determine what tense it is. Almost everyone did it.

In the eighth question, it was necessary to connect the interrogative words with their meaning. The answers were distributed as follows: 7 students, which amounted to 12%, could not answer the question. 24 students, which amounted to 42%, made mistakes. 27 students, which amounted to 46%, completed the task.

In the ninth question, it was necessary to indicate what words were given in the eighth question. The answers were distributed in the following way: 9 students, which amounted to 15%, could not answer the question. 19 students, which amounted to 33%, made mistakes (moreover, 12 out of 19 students decided that these were not interrogative words, but auxiliary verbs). 30 students, which amounted to 52%, and I am glad that this is half of the respondents, gave the correct answer.

In the tenth question, all the same words that were given in the eighth question were listed, it was necessary to indicate in which sentences: interrogative, affirmative or negative, these words would take first place in the structure of a simple English sentence. The answers were distributed in such a way 11 students, which amounted to 18% - could not answer the question. 17 students, which amounted to 30%, made mistakes. 30 students, which amounted to 52%, completed the task (moreover, the same 30 students gave the correct answer to the tenth question).

58 questionnaires out of 69 participated in the processing, due to the fact that 10 students who participated in the survey study another language: German or French, and these students were able to answer only the first three questions in the questionnaire.

The results of the survey showed us that not a single student out of 58 answered all the questions correctly. Based on this, we understand how much students need a pocket guide in which we will consider the main topics and main aspects in building a sentence. With the constant use of the reference book, children will bring many rules to automatism, which will increase their academic performance.


Having studied the literature and analyzed the questionnaires, we clearly understand that there is a huge difference in the construction of words in a simple sentence in Russian and English. And if we know these rules, then we will speak and write correctly, i.e. show respect for the language of another people.

The hypothesis was confirmed, the goal was achieved, the tasks were completed. The final stage was the development and production of a pocket guide for schoolchildren.

You should always remember that everything ingenious is simple.


Agabekyan I.P. English tutor / I.P. Aghabekyan . – Ed. 6th, sr. – Rostov n/a; Phoenix, 2012. - 318s. - (Enrollee).

English for applicants to higher educational institutions: Textbook. - D .: Stalker, 1997. - 416 p.

Arkhangelskaya L.S. Learning English / - Artist T. Lyakhovich . - M .: Publishing house of EKSMO-Press, 2001. - 264 p., ill . (Series "Home School").

Zayarnaya I.Yu. Russian language tutor: express preparation for the exam /I.Yu. Zayarnaya . - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2012. - 445 p. - (Enrollee).

Schoolchildren's reference book: Russian language. 5-11 grades / K.A. Voilova , E.V. Klobukov , V.V. Ledeneva, P.A. Lekant ; Under rer . P.A. Lekanta . - M.: Bustard , 1998. - 400 p.

Rules of the modern Russian language / Comp. V.E. Proscevichius . - Rostov -on-Don: LLC "Publishing house BARO-PRESS", 2003. - 456s.

Pyltsyn A.A. English in the family circle / Il. M.K. Kurdyumova . - Kharkov: Folio, 1996. - 416 p. - (For dads and moms).

Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: Study guide . For schoolchildren classes and entering universities / D.E. Rosenthal. - M .: LLC " Publishing house" ONIX 21st century "; OOO Publishing House Mir and Education, 2005, - 448s.

Ushakova O.D. Grammar of the English language: Schoolchildren's Handbook, - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2007. - 96 p.

Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E. English for kids. A book for parents and teachers. - M .: LLC "Publishing house" Rosmen - Press ". - 2002, - 192p.

Annex A


"Construction of simple sentences in English and Russian languages"

What second language do you study at school?

E nglish French German ꙱

How many years have you been studying the second language?

Y ear 1 Year 4 Over 6 years

In Russian sentences, MANDATORY conditions must be : (choose all the correct options)

S ubject and predicate Subject

P redicate There may be no main members of the sentence

In English sentences, the MANDATORY conditions must be: (select all the correct answers)

S ubject Predicate

S ubject and predicate Predicate and subject

I n addition to the main members, there must be secondary parts

Match the sentence with its type. There are NO punctuation marks at the end of sentences, so you need to determine it according to the structure of the sentence

I will not be dancing Affirmative sentence

Was I playing Negative sentence

I am working Interrogative sentence

Connect with the tense of the verb.

I am working now Past

I was working Future

I will be working. Present

Match the tense of the verb with its name.

Будущее Past

Прошедшее Future

Настоящее Present

Match the question words with the meaning.

What? Когда?

Who? Где, куда?

Where? Что? Какой?

When ? Кто?

What words are presented in question number 8? Mark the correct answer.

N ouns Adjectives ꙱

A uxiliary verbs Question words

In which sentence the words: what, who, where, when will come first?

I n the affirmative In the interrogative

I n the negative


«Построение простых предложений в английском и русском языках»

Какой второй язык ты изучаешь в школе?

а нглийский ꙱ французский ꙱ немецкий ꙱

Сколько лет ты уже изучаешь второй язык?

1 -й год ꙱ 4 -й год ꙱ больше 6 лет ꙱

В русских предложениях ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНЫМИ условиями должны быть: (выбери все правильные варианты)

П одлежащее и сказуемое ꙱ Подлежащее ꙱

С казуемое ꙱ Может не быть главных членов предложения ꙱

В английских предложениях ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНЫМИ условиями должны быть: (выбери все правильные ответы)

П одлежащее ꙱ Сказуемое ꙱

П одлежащее и сказуемое ꙱ Сказуемое и подлежащее ꙱

Кроме главных членов, обязательно должны быть второстепенные

ч лены предложения ꙱

Соедините предложение и его вид. Знаков в конце предложений НЕТ, нужно определить по структуре предложения

I will not be dancing Утвердительное предложение

Was I playing Отрицательное предложение

I am working Вопросительное предложение

Соедини определив время глагола:

I am working now Прошедшее

I was working Будущее

I will be working. Настоящее

Соедини время глагола с его названием

Future Прошедшее

Past Будущее

Present Настоящее

Соедини слова со значением:

What Когда

Who Где, куда

Where Что

When Кто

Какие слова представлены в вопросе №9. Отметь правильный вариант ответа.

С уществительные ꙱ Прилагательные ꙱

В спомогательные глаголы ꙱ Вопросительные слова ꙱

В каком предложении слова: what, who, where, when будут стоять на первом месте.

В утвердительном ꙱ В вопросительном ꙱

В отрицательном ꙱

Annex B

What second language do you study at school?

How many years have you been studying the second language?


1% - French

13% - German

86% - English

2% - 1 year

24% - more than 5 years

74% - 4 years

In Russian sentences there is always:

In English sentences, the MANDATORY conditions must be:


2% - listed all correct options

7% - believe that there is always a subject

8% indicated that there may not be main members, but did not comment on the points with the main members of the sentence

15% - believe that there is always a predicate

68% - believe that there is always a subject and a predicate

10% - did not give any answer

21% - believe that there is always a subject

22% - believe that there is always a predicate

47% - gave the correct answer

Match the sentence with its type. There are NO punctuation marks at the end of sentences, you need to determine it according to the structure of the sentence

Match the sentences with the tenses of the verb:


10% - could not answer the question

38% - made mistakes

52% - gave the correct answer

15% - could not answer the question

38% - gave the correct answer

47% - made mistakes


Match words with their meaning:

What words are presented in question number 8? Mark the correct answer.


12% - could not answer the question

42% - made mistakes

46% - gave the correct answer

15% - could not answer the question

33% - made mistakes

52% - gave the correct answer

In which sentence the words: " what ", " who ", " where ", " when " will come first.


18% - could not answer the question

30% - made mistakes

52% - gave the correct answer

Просмотров работы: 147