Интерференция английской лексики в русском языке

XVII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Интерференция английской лексики в русском языке

Туманова П.Д. 1
1МАОУ "Лицей 1" г. Стерлитамак
Селиванова А.В. 1
1МАОУ "Лицей 1" г. Стерлитамак
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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As you know, on the Earth there are about 2500 languages. People inhabiting different countries, cannot live apart. Between them there are commercial, economic, cultural and political relations. The lexical structure of independent languages ​​updated with new words.

But how does this updating happen on practice? This question partly concerns the historical circumstances which stimulate the borrowing process. The nature of the contact may be different. It may be wars, invasions or conquests when foreign words are borrowed from conquered nation or another one. There are also periods of peace when the process of borrowing is actual because of trade and international cultural relations or new reality appears and gives a birth to new words, which don’t have equivalents in other languages.

English language being a language of international communication has influenced greatly on the Russian language. This influence is actual and its studying is necessary for modern generation. But during last 20-30 years this language has interfered into our mother tongue too much. We can see and hear it everywhere. So, the actuality of the research work determines the necessity of exploration English and Russian languages in the sphere of loans. Is there a thread of disappearing of the Russian language and do people really understand new words and remembers the Russian equivalents of the English borrowings? In order to answer these questions we decided to make a research work.

The aim of this paper is to study the process of English borrowing and also to find out the level of the influence of English borrowings on Russian people and their language.

The object of our work is lexicology of the English and Russian languages.

The subject of the work is language borrowings as natural process of existing and developing a modern language.

The tasks which we put before ourselves are:

To study and analyze some linguistic terms connected with the problem of borrowings.

to mark the causes of borrowings;

to clarify how deep English interferes into Russian and to find the examples of usage English words in different spheres if life.

to define the attitude of Russian people to English borrowings.

to classify the most popular English borrowings and to make the glossary with the explanations of this borrowing and their

To achieve the aim of this work we used the following methods of research: analysis of theoretical material, survey, systematization, practical analysis.

We hope our work will have practical value for students who are interested in English language and cross-cultural relationships. This work also has practical importance for those who are making first steps in translation. Moreover, we believe that it could be useful of everybody to know the roots of English borrowings and the Russian equivalents of them.


The process of borrowing

A borrowed word or a borrowing is a word, a phrase or an idea taken by the speakers of one language from a different language. A borrowing can also be called a loan word. Borrowing is a consequence of cultural contact between two language communities.

The questions of language contact and of borrowings, in particular, have always been urgent to the Russian language. Belinsky V. G. wrote: “There were streams of loan words in every epoch. A language is incapable to exist in a closed area; linguistic communication serves as one of the basic factors in the development of any language.” Borrowing of words can go in both directions between the two languages in contact, but often there is an asymmetry, that’s why more words go from one side to the other. Today, as never before, cultural and linguistic exchanges are strong in all countries.

There are different causes of language borrowings.

Naming of new objects, thing and notions introduced in the society. For example паблисити, бренд, сноб, юмор, плеер, бульдозер, коктейль. Due to the rapid development and spread of information technologies a lot of new words appeared (диск, сайт, ноутбук, интернет, сканер). In this way it is much easier to use the already existing words than to invent new.

Appearing of new definitions for previous combinations. The borrowing can also be led by the absence of such a word in the receiving language, for example: меткий стрелок – снайпер, предпринимательская деятельность – бизнес, наиболее раскупаемая книга – бестселлер, гостиница для автотуристов – мотель, бегун на короткие дистанции – спринтер, человек, оказывающий материальную помощь – спонсор, лучшее произведение композитора или исполнителя – хит, короткая пресс-конференция для журналистов – брифинг и т. д.

Underlining the part-changing of the subject. For example: сбербанк (former сберкасса), офис (former контора, служебное помещение), риэлтор (агент по продаже недвижимости).

The influence of foreign culture, fashion on English words. If people are not satisfied with some word in their native language, which is the name of an object or an event, a loan word can replace it and give necessary stylistic effect for more appropriate using of a new word in the recipient language: торговец (коммерсант), крупье (сдающийкарты), шоппинг (походзапокупками), презентация (представление), эксклюзивный (исключительный).

Detailing of existing definitions. For example: джемгустоеваренье, репортаж (рассказ), хобби (увлечение),тотальный (всеобщий), сервис (обслуживание)

Novelty, expressiveness. Many firms and companies use Anglicizes as the name to attract attention by new sounding (Beeline, Luloil Luxtelecom, Trust, Skylink, UTair идр).

During the transition from one language into another there are different changers. The words are changed graphically, phonetically, grammatically.

Graphical change of the loan word – is the transmission of the word in writing by means of Russian language and Russian letters: finish – финиш, meeting – митинг, test- тест, container- контейнер. Loan words rarely remained in the Russian language in their original form. Differences in the sound structure between Russian and English language cause changing of the foreign word, its adapting to Russian phonetic norms; unusual for the Russian language sounds disappeared. For example, in the words джинсы, джин, джаз, джерси consonants are pronounced with the Russian articulation.Grammatical changes occurs at the stage of rooting. New derivative words from loan word are appearing: имиджимиджа, имиджу, имиджем.

The process of adaptation of borrowed words is called assimilation. According to the degree of assimilation all borrowed words can be divided into two groups:

1. completely assimilated;

2. partly assimilated.

Completely assimilated borrowings follow all morphological, phonetical and orthographic standards.There are 2 types of such borrowings.

Direct borrowings. Word is used in Russian language in approximately the same look and meaning as in the original. These are such words like: уик-эндвыходные; блэкнегр.

Exotic.The words characterizing specific national customs of other nations and being used in the description of not Russian reality. Their distinctive feature is that they don’t have Russian synonyms. For example:чипсы (chips), хот-дог (hot-dog).

Partly assimilated borrowings are often called neologisms. They may be divided into 3 groups:

Hybrids. These words are formed by affiliation of prefix, suffix, ending. In this instance the meaning of the foreign word often varies slightly, for example: аскать (to ask - спросить), бузить (busy - беспокойный, суетливый)

Loan translation. Words of foreign origin that are used with keeping their phonetic and graphic appearance. These are such words like меню, пароль, диск.

Semi- loan translation. Words consisting of two English words, for example: секонд-хэнд – shop selling second-hand clothes, видеосалон – a room for watching films, боди-арт - drawing pictures on the body,скейтборд - the rolling base, реалити-шоу - representation of reality.

English loan words in Russian

Natural process of joining the global world relationships leads to great changes in the language of Russian people. A number of new words come from many languages. In our modern life we watch the borrowing mostly from English. That is connected with the fact of total influence of the West on our economics, politics and culture.

Strengthening of information technologies, using global system of Internet, widening of international relationships, developing of the world market and economics, participating of young people in numerous international contests and different festivals – all these things have naturally led to lots of borrowings into Russian language from many others including English.

In spite of this there is another point of this process which is associated with some aggressive tendencies of overusing English words in Russian.

According to many sources it can be seen that the most of loan words (80%) from English are nouns or gerunds which mean the process of action.

There are many examples of such words: “маркетинг”, “селлинг”, “шоппинг” “степлер”, “сканер”. Many words mean different professions which have been very popular recently. They include such words as “маркетолог”, “промоутер”, “менеджер”.

However, considering the variety of English loan words in Russian we see that only about 20% of them are verbs or adjectives which are used in Russian variant. Here it’s not very difficult to remember the following words: “cканировать”, “имитировать”, “клонировать”, “киднэппинговать”, “кяжуал”, “крейзи”. Besides, you can notice that not all of them have the appropriate Russian spelling.

Great number of English borrowings in Russian belongs to the group of partly assimilated words.

If we say about not complete partial assimilation of neologisms we should point the fact that it is characterized with using word building principles such as suffixes and prefixes. In Russian language we can observe the neologisms which have the suffixes of English language including suffixes meaning an acting person (‘ньюсмейкер’, ‘имиджмейкер’, ‘спичрайтер’, ‘букмейкер’, etc) and suffixes meaning the process of acting (‘шоппинг, ‘паркинг’, ‘маркетинг’, ‘серфинг’, ‘роуминг’, etc.)

Besides, it should be noticed that many loan words borrowed from English have Russian suffixes:

–ск-, -н-; -ов-. The examples are the following: хакерский, рэперский, офисный (имидж), компьютерный (хакер, бизнес), пейджинговая (фирма), маркетинговое (исследование), роуминговая (связь), etc.

–щик-, -ник- . The examples are the following: компьютерщик, пиарщик, интернетчик, etc.

So, we see that many English loan words in Russian follow the rules of Russian language. The fact can mean that they have been adapted in Russian and are used by Russian people according to the principles of our language. More than that, many of such words take part in word building process of Russian language.


2.1 Spheres of English loan words usage

Borrowings from the English language have come into different spheres of Russian people’s life. Businessmen, politicians, sportsmen and many people of other professions face to borrowed words every day.

We classified borrowings according to the spheres of their usage.

Flipping through newspapers and TV we can see numerous economic and financial terms such as:маркетинг’ (marketing), ‘прайс-лист’ (price list), ‘холдинг’ (holding), ‘бартер’ (barter), ‘брокер’ (broker), ‘дилер’ (dealer), ‘дистрибьютор’ (distributor), ‘инвестор’ (investor), etc.

With the change of the political life of our country quite a large group of loan words appears. These are the words of the socio-political and international legal vocabulary. брифинг’ (briefing), ‘саммит’ (summit), ‘электорат’ (electorate), ‘импичмент’ (impeachment), ‘спичрайтер’ (speechwriter), ‘инаугурация’ (inauguration), ‘пресс-конференция’ (press-conference) etc.

With the development of computer technology new words appear at fist in the professional environment and then spread beyond its borders. They are the words connecting with the computer technology and relating to computer equipment: ‘компьютер’(computer), ‘принтер(printer) , ‘сканер’ (scanner), ‘онлайн’ (on-line), ‘геймер’ (gamer), ‘юзер’ (user), ‘логин’ (login), ‘фаил’ (file), ‘ флешка’ (flash), ‘браузер’ (brauser), ‘ньюс’ (news), ‘чат’ (chat), ‘чатрум’ (chat room), ‘лептоп’ (laptop) etc.

A lot of English borrowings dedicated to different kinds of sports and other words connected with sport have come into Russian language. So on channels Sport and Russia 2 we often hear such words as: ‘фристайл’ (free style), ‘овертайм’ (overtime), ‘голкиппер’ (goal keeper), ‘армрестлинг’ (arm wrestling), ‘плей-офф’ (playoff), ‘сёрфинг’ (surfing), ‘скейтборд’ (skateboard) ‘файтер’ (fight), etc.

Modern world gives us its rules and many new professions are led by the process of global economic development and international contacts in different spheres of our life. However, not only new professional lexis has appeared in the life of Russian people as loan words from English. We can watch the using of borrowed words in our everyday life. These words are the following: ‘тостер’ (toaster), ‘термопот’ (phermopot), ‘миксер’ (mixer), ‘плейер’ (player), ‘шузы’ (shoes), ‘гамбургер’ (hamburger), ‘чизбургер’ (cheeseburger), ‘хотдог’ (hot dog), etc.

The main source of language material of English origin became modern mass media. Flipping through newspapers, listening to the radio or watching the TV everyone inevitably faces with lots of foreign words. Many of these words stay unclear for the most of citizens of our country. Later they become known and even popular in different spheres of our reality.

People watch TV every day and they do not notice how they add to their speech English words and phrases, for example: show, teenager, model, celebrity, trend, super, test drive, up-grade.

The titles of some c channels and programs contain English letters or words: Discovery, Animal Planet, Драйв, National Geographic Channel, Наша Russia, КамедиКлаб, Камеди Woman.

Most of magazines use English names, even in Sterlitamak: “Star”, “Лиза Girl”, “Men’s Health”, ‘GEO’, “СтерлитамакCity”, “СтерлитамакTime”.

Analyzing the language of our own town we have become the witnesses of the total use of English borrowed words. There are many shops and clubs, firms and cafes which have full English names or have some parts of the names borrowed from English language: L’avenue, M-видео, БирБар, BeerЛОГА, Ориент, Триал-Спотр, Алмаз-Холдинг, Gulinur,Гипермаркет, Оптик-Экспресс, Айкрафт, Fix Price, Acoola, Автодевайс

All these examples demonstrate common using of English borrowings by Russian people.

2.2 Sociological research

Making a sociological research we created our own questionnaire including different questions about loan words. The answers were analyzed, then calculated and presented graphically.

We managed to interview 100 people. The respondents were young people (from 14 to 25 years old) and 50 adults (from 25 to 64 years old). Our questionnaire had several points.

Firstly, we wanted to learn if people like the presents of borrowings in the Russian language.

Secondly, it was interesting to know if people understand borrowings from their point of view.

Then, we asked people to find Russian equivalents to some English borrowings or to give some appropriate Russian synonyms. We used such words asбрифинг, промоултер, ремейк, прагматизм, скрабandкреативный.

Having analyzed the results we can make some conclusions. Only some of the given words could be explained by teens, they even were not able to find appropriate synonyms to these words.

Besides, often teenagers gave explanations with some difficulties. Most of respondents who didn’t explain some words say that they understand but can’t find Russian synonym or don’t understand these words at all.

On the other side, adults were able to explain most of given words or even give their Russian equivalents .

All these facts prove that on the one hand, there are many words which have adapted to the norms of Russian language and are used by Russian people without any efforts. On the other hand, we can say about great number of English words which are only on the way of adaptation to Russian language. So, not all Russians use them partially because they are not sure of the words’ meaning.

Moreover, we have learnt that Russian people use English borrowed words in different reasons.70 % of respondents say that they like to use borrowings because it’s fashionable. 18% of respondents use English borrowings because they are shorter than their Russian equivalents and easy to use them and 12 % of people say that it’s beautiful.

These facts prove that there is a great number of English borrowings in the Russian language which are not neologisms any more. Besides, there are no better Russian words to use than the English borrowings describing modern subjects and events.

The next thing which interested us was the question about frequency of using the words borrowed from English into Russian.

We have the following results:

50-60% of respondents state that they use English borrowings very often and they know Russian equivalents of these words. 10 %( teenagers) and 30 %( adults) of respondents try not to use borrowed words if it’s possible. As they understand the necessity of using Russian words to save our own national language. The exception is the words which are used in Russian language like native ones or words that reflect the reality more exactly. 25% of people say that they don’t think about the origin of the words they use.

This investigation demonstrates the frequent using of English borrowings in the Russian language. That means that borrowing process from English into Russian is real in our life and we watch the intensive influence of English language on Russian one No doubt, it enriches the language with new words which reflect the new reality caused by developing of many spheres of our modern life such as economics, politics, science, sport and even everyday life.


Borrowing plays a very important role in the development of any language. Borrowed words show the level of the intercultural communications. It is very useful to know what words are borrowed and how to use them correctly not only for learners but for native speakers too.

We have learned that borrowings enter the language in different ways and because of different reasons.

The Russian language has always been open for borrowings. It is a language which has a great number of borrowings. Many of these borrowings are from English, especially American English as today we observe the process of total “americanization” of the Russian language.

While making a sociological research we confirmed this fact that English has interfered a lot into our language.

Our work has demonstrated that Russian language has really taken a great number of borrowing words from English. Moreover, we have found that Russian people don’t often understand the meanings of loan words in spite of using them. It was interesting to know that many people are worried today with the fact of total “americanization” of the Russian language which can lead to losing of many Russian words. However, we shouldn’t forget that any language is a mechanism which is able to clear itself and not to accept unnecessary things.

Despite everything we know that the process of language borrowing from one language to another is constant natural process which can’t be stopped by anybody. Of course, we should remember our mother tongue and try to do our best to save the Russian language as long as possible.

This work helped us to realize the role of borrowed words in our life. Knowledge which we received doing this work, from our point of view, can help not only pupils at school or people who studies English, but also ordinary Russian people. We really hope that our work will help to remember the Russian equivalents of English loan word, will force people to think about this problem and may be will motivate them to use Russian words instead of English .


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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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