XVII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Грушенко О.Е. 1
1ГБОУ школа №45 им. Л.И. Мильграма
Нисимура Т.Р. 1Анохин А.С. 2
1Центр досуга и образования Happy Sun
2ГБОУ школа №45 им. Л.И. Мильграма
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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The scientific work is devoted to the difficulties that foreign language learners faced during the pandemic - the loss of motivation due to the lack of flights, as well as the way to overcome it. The relevance of the topic is that there is a constant motivation problem among the people who are learning English language in the foreign countries.

It’s easy to lose motivation after several weeks or months of learning the language. We suppose that everyone knows some tips to find working forces: reading English or American books, watching TV series and talking to native speakers. These methods have a lot of advantages and they are effective, but when two years ago we had strong lockdown, all flights were canceled and lots of people, who wanted to go somewhere to practice their English lost such opportunity. In 2020 watching TV series in English and reading books were already a little bit boring, but now, when for people it seems the only two methods to practice language, it has ceased to be perceived as entertainment, rather as a routine. We can suggest one which is not so popular but can be very interesting and beneficial. We have found some wonderful places in Moscow which provide motivation for learning languages.

The aim of research project: To research methods and tools for increasing the motivation for learning foreign language in condition of pandemic and closed borders. The methods and techniques used in the research project:

- The method of observation and information-gathering: the exploration of literary and Internet resources about motivation, the collection of facts and photos of English heritage places in Moscow.

- The experiment: making a list of inspiring English heritage places in Moscow and visiting one of them.

We have come to the conclusion, that on order to keep motivation for languages steady in modern world, there must be taken original steps. For example, as visiting English heritage places in native city. These places are insane interesting and have strong motivating forces.

I. Theoretical aspects of increasing motivation to learn a foreign language

1.1. The role of motivation for learning a foreign language. Methods and forms of increasing it.

Motivation is a way to quickly achieve a goal, based on a psychophysiological process that directs a person’s behavior, contributes to his activity and performance.

Motivation is one of the factors that determine the uniqueness of a person. Each individual defines his own set of values. For someone it is money, for another impression, for the third - the ability to overcome obstacles. An unmotivated person who does not strive for anything can achieve little in life. And, conversely, if a goal is set, high results can be achieved.

The motivation process consists of several stages:

Appearance of the purpose.

Determination of ways to achieve it.

Formulation of the problem.


Getting a result.

Intrinsic motivation is formed in the person himself.

What applies to it:

dream, desire for self-realization, creativity;




The key point in intrinsic motivation is the feeling of freedom of choice. If you have to craft not what you want, but what is necessary (for example, related to production duties), your motivation drops.

External motivation are factors that appear from outside. For example, circumstances in which you feel strong positive or negative emotions. The most striking example of external motivation is the material reward for one's work, if it does not cause other positive emotions in the employee.

Also motivation devides on positive and negative:

Positive, when a person receives a charge of positive emotions that help him move on towards achieving his goal.

Examples of positive motivation:

praise, public recognition of merits;

financial incentives;

pleasant communication.

Negative motivation is the avoidance of negative experiences. It can also be an incentive to work faster. However, this occurs only in the case of strong short-term stressors. For example, announcing a reprimand for late work. May result in the employee no longer missing deadlines. However, with prolonged and regular negative impact, a person will feel depressed, which can lead him, on the contrary, to depression.

Positive motivation works better than negative motivation. If you really want to achieve something, you will try to achieve your goal without fear of punishment.

As well as motivation can be steady and unstable:

Everyone has sustainable motivation. This is the satisfaction of one's needs, for example, satisfying hunger, thirst, physiological needs. Here motivation works flawlessly and does not depend on the psychological or emotional state of a person. Unstable needs constant external support.

The level of the task means that you are motivated to complete the task in a quality manner, since this is absolutely necessary at the current moment. And it doesn’t matter at all how much emotional and intellectual effort it will cost.

To achieve a result, you need to set the right goal. Without motivation, the task will be completed illiterately, “back off”. If an employee performs a task without enthusiasm, then he does not have sufficient motivation.

The level of the project is higher. It allows you to work with pleasure even on uninteresting tasks for the sake of successfully completing the project. Motivation for a project is associated with feedback, which shows how close the goal is. Thus, even an uninteresting task becomes a positive experience. If the manager does not pay attention to the fact that the completed task has brought the project closer to completion, the employee feels that he is simply being exploited, because he does not see the result of his work. Even if he enjoys his own performance, he will have a sense of routine. Therefore, project motivation in the form of feedback is especially important in large teams in order for employees to successfully cope with their tasks.

The direction of studying the theory of motivation is popular in psychology. Scientists in different centuries were engaged in the nomination and proof of theories. Modern psychology also applies the teachings to our lives and activities. After studying the basic concepts, it is easier to understand the types of personality motivation, to analyze human behavior in different life situations.

In the field of theories, there are 2 main areas: procedural and content.

Maslow's hierarchy theory:

Assumes that human needs are organized into groups that are grouped according to a strict hierarchy. Such a theory is depicted in the form of a pyramid, where at the base are the basic needs of the body (sleep, food, rest), at the top is the achievement of maximum personal development, the full disclosure of its natural potential, inclinations and abilities.

Alderfer's ERG theory:

Yale University psychologist K. Alderfer identifies 3 groups of motivation:




These include any needs of the human body. Unlike Maslow, he recognizes the possibility of moving from lower levels to higher levels, in different ways. The psychologist believes that the dissatisfaction of the needs of the highest level leads to the dissatisfaction of the needs of the lower level. As a result, the attention of a person switches to the needs of a lower level.

Vroom's expectancy theory:

Canadian psychologist W. Vroom developed a theory based on three types of connections:

1. Cost-result. The result of the work should justify the effort.

2. The result is a reward. The higher the result, the greater the reward should be.

3. Reward-satisfaction. How satisfied the person is with the reward.

According to Vroom's expectancy theory, one active need is not enough for effective work. It is not enough to just have a desire and do nothing, you need to try to fulfill it.

There are some stages of motivation.

The process consists of several stages:

Definition of need. You need to understand what you need.

Selection of ways to meet the needs. Decide whether it can be satisfied or better to abandon the plan.

Goal setting. Determine ways to achieve the goal.

Movement towards the set goal. Start moving up, step by step to reach the top.

II. Experimental research work to increase motivation by visiting English-speaking countries cultural heritage places in the native country

2.1. English places and sights in Moscow

In big and old cities there might be some places, which were made by English people, or just provide the atmosphere of typical London or New York Street, cafe or bookshop. We have found some wonderful places in Moscow which provide motivation for learning languages. We have made a list of the most interesting and atmosphere places in Moscow to help students to find new forces to keep studying.

First in this list is Old English Yard, placed in Zaryadye. In 1553, Sir Richard Chancellor opened the northern sea route connecting England with Russia. In 1556, Tsar Ivan the Grozny, who was interested in establishing trade relations with Europe, “welcomed the British in Moscow by court”, giving them the right to free and duty-free trade in all Russian cities, serious customs benefits, as well as a number of other trade privileges. This state of affairs served as the basis for the creation in London in 1555 of the trading Moscow company. The British supplied Russia with weapons, gunpowder, saltpeter, lead, pewter, and cloth. In return, they exported wood, hemp, ropes, wax, leather, blubber, and furs. As premises for the Moscow office, the British merchants were given a house in Zaryadye. In 1571, during the invasion of Moscow by Khan Devlet Giray, the walls and vaults of the chambers were damaged, but they were soon rebuilt and expanded.

Picture 2.1.1. Old English Yard

Like many merchant houses of that era, the building combined front rooms with extensive storage and utility rooms (goods were lifted along the wall to the warehouse window using a simple block). For its maintenance, the English embassy daily received a quarter of a bull, 4 rams, 12 chickens, 2 geese, one hare or black grouse, 62 loaves of bread, 50 eggs, a quarter of a bucket of Mediterranean wine, 3/4 buckets of beer, half a bucket of vodka and 2 buckets of honey.

In the mid-1960s, when many buildings in Zaryadye had already been demolished for the construction of the 8th Stalinist skyscraper (later never built), the restorer Pyotr Baranovsky discovered this monument of history and culture behind later layers. Baranovsky insisted on preserving the monument, since a car ramp was supposed to be built in its place. In the course of his research in 1968-1969, the historical basis of the monument, hidden by the structures of later additions, was revealed, and its comprehensive study was carried out. Then, on the basis of the information collected in 1970-1972, the chambers were returned (with a certain degree of approximation) to the appearance that they had at the end of the 16th century (the authors of the restoration project I. I. Kazakevich, E. P. Zhavoronkova). According to the data preserved in the masonry itself, window and door openings, hewn at a later time, as well as lost decorative elements, were restored. Where evidence of the most ancient forms did not survive at all, later reconstructions were left. For example, wide window openings of the end of the 18th century were left on the eastern facade of the building.

On October 18, 1994, the grand opening of the Old English Court Museum took place, which became a branch of the Museum of the History of Moscow. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and her husband Prince Philip, who were on an official visit to Russia these days, took a personal part in the opening of the museum. In the main hall of the Old English Court - the Treasury Chamber - concerts of early music are regularly held.

My personal recommendation will be British High School of Design, st. Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, 10, building 3. It is possible to use library of this University, if you are not a student. It’s amazing to study there because of a great motivating atmosphere.

Picture 2.1.2. British High School of Design

They also make observe excursions about the building and study process. It was founded by entrepreneur Alexander Avramov in 2003 on the basis of the International Advertising Institute. Alexander, together with Igor Ganzha, an advertising and political PR specialist and founder of the Pilot Media advertising agency, created a concept for training specialists in this field with a British diploma who would study in the Russian Federation. To this end, in 2002, he visited more than a dozen British universities with presentations and eventually agreed on a partnership with the Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries of the University of Hertfordshire (English) Russian, which allows the School to provide education in British undergraduate programs. The total investment in the project amounted to about $150,000 of the founders' own funds.

California Diner at Arbat 23 is a a 24-hour restaurant in the style of a traditional American diner. The main hall of the restaurant is decorated in the style of the USA of the 50s. The floor is paved with checkerboard tiles, there are bright posters on the walls, black-and-white shots from American films, a neon sign with the name of the cafe. The menu includes a wide variety of simple and hearty, truly American dishes. It serves traditional burgers, hearty salads, sandwiches, steaks, fries, pancakes, and desserts.

Picture 2.1.3. California Diner

In summer, a terrace is open, next to which are the figures of John Travolta and Elvis Presley. They serve cheese nachos, Hawaiian salad, burgers and traditional American desserts like banana splits, brownies, etc.

Picture 2.1.4. California Diner

Walking along the Arbat near the Okudzhava monument, it is worth turning a little into Spasopeskovsky Lane, and you will get to the Spasopeskovsky site — one of the amazing places in Moscow, which, despite the massive reconstruction of the area, still preserves the spirit of old Moscow and the Arbat. It is no coincidence that the richest Russian industrialist decided to settle here, after the revolution this mansion was given over to the residence of the US ambassador in Moscow. At the beginning of the 20th century, Nikolai Vtorov, by that time already a successful entrepreneur, owner of many industrial enterprises and banks, moved to Moscow from Siberia.
In 2005, using archival materials, Forbes magazine compiled a list of the richest Russians in 1914, the last year of economic recovery before the First World War. So Nikolai Vtorov, who had a fortune of more than 60 million gold rubles, headed this list. For comparison: Morozov — 40 million rubles, Ryabushinsky — 25-35 million rubles. For his entrepreneurial spirit and ability to make money out of everything, Nikolai Vtorov was nicknamed the Russian Morgan. Vtorov was shot in May 1918 in his office (according to another version in the mansion). At the same time, the incident had nothing to do with the revolution, but with personal history. Again, nothing is really known, but there are two versions: either a crazy student or an offended illegitimate son.

One way or another, it is only reliably known that Vtorov's descendants went abroad and then lived in Paris. In 1913-1915, from the very heart of Arbat lanes, Vtorov built for himself a huge, deliberately stylized classic mansion. The mansion was equipped with the latest technology and, in addition, the largest chandelier in Moscow still hangs in it. Flags and a fireplace greet us at the entrance
What is nice is that Americans are very careful about the history of the mansion and even the introduced details do not destroy the overall harmony of the interior.

After the revolution, the mansion was nationalized in favor of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, and high-ranking officials settled here, including the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs himself, Georgy Chicherin, who replaced Trotsky in this post.

Picture 2.1.5. Spaso House

The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with the United States only in 1933. The building on the Spasopeskovskaya site was allocated by the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs for temporary accommodation of the embassy. The American diplomatic mission was supposed to settle on Vorobyovy Gory, a place was even chosen for the construction of a new building, but during the three years for which the former Vtorov mansion was rented from the People's Commissariat, construction on Vorobyovy Gory never began. The temporary residence turned into a permanent one.
They say that Georgy Chicherin took the eviction from the mansion very close to his heart. At first, a phone call was periodically heard several times in the mansion, but only silence was heard on the phone. According to the assumptions of the Americans, in this way Chicherin summoned the stoker, who continued to work in the mansion. It was known that Chicherin, who was pretty much out of work and fell out of favor, developed serious suspiciousness and trusted the cleaning of his apartment only to this stoker.

The two receptions held at the beginning of the diplomatic history of Spaso House are considered truly legendary. The first of them was a Christmas reception on the eve of 1934, when the first US ambassador to the USSR, William Christian Bullit, instructed his translator Charles Thayer to arrange, as he later recalled, "something stunning" for all Americans living in Moscow. Irena Wiley, the wife of the embassy counselor, suggested having a party with the participation of animals. But when Thayer came to the Moscow Zoo, the overprotective director refused to give animals for any events at the foreign embassy. In desperation, Thayer turned to the Moscow Circus, where he was given three seals — Misha, Shura and Lubud for performances in the Spaso House with circus tricks. In the evening, the ambassador's guests gathered in the reception hall, the lights were turned off, and only the spotlights illuminated the seals, who took turns bringing a Christmas tree, a tray with glasses and a bottle of champagne into the hall on their muzzles. After this impressive procession, the seals showed the audience a few more tricks, but at the end of the performance there was an embarrassment: the trainer did not calculate his strength and got drunk to unconsciousness. The unruly seals scattered around the Spaso House, and Thayer and other embassy staff could not get them into the cage for a long time. Fortunately, Ambassador Bullitt was urgently summoned to Washington and did not attend this reception, which saved Thayer's diplomatic career.

Amazing mansion. So new and so old, insanely rich, but without unnecessary embellishments at the same time. It was not for nothing that he was given first to the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, and then as a friendly step to the US Embassy. Nikolai Vtorov not only knew how to make money, but also had taste.

Meanfile, except for the cultural places, we can choose a language club according to our taste. In language clubs we read classic and modern works of English literature, play speaking skill developing games and find other like-minded language learners. There are clubs where the priority is free communication in English in an atmosphere that is as close as possible to the real language environment, as if we were abroad. We can join English speaking meeting club with any level of language proficiency and we don’t need to prepare any topics at home - we can talk with anyone and about anything: even about the weather, even about nature, even about Shakespeare. Both locals and foreigners drop by at club meetings - there is a chance to hear a speech with a charming British or American accent.

2.2. Feedback and analysis of the motivation growth results after visiting English heritage place in Moscow

The place which we have visited is an English Church of St. Andrew, which is placed in Voznesensky Lane. In 1828, a large stone house in Bolshoi Chernyshevsky Lane (now Voznesensky) was purchased from the heirs of the guards ensign Peter Alekseevich Naumov, built by the previous owners, the Kolychevs, in which, after refurbishment, a “British chapel” was opened. In the 1870s, when the Anglican community in Moscow grew sufficiently and the only chapel could no longer accommodate all the parishioners, the question arose of building a new church. In August 1878 a letter was sent to the Russian Company in London; the letter spoke of the poor condition of the chapel and the need to build a new one. The last service in the British chapel was held on April 11, 1882.

It was decided to collect donations and build a new vast building, the project of which was commissioned by the English architect Richard Neill Freeman, famous in Liverpool for his designs of schools, private houses and churches. He sent to Moscow a design for a typical English church in the Victorian Gothic style, which was accepted unanimously.

Picture 2.1.5. English Church of St. Andrew

The church building was built during the years 1882-1884, presumably under the direct supervision of the Moscow architect Boris Freidenberg, since to this day there is no evidence that Richard Freeman was ever in Moscow. Among the most active patrons who participated in the construction of the church, Roman Romanovich (Robert) McGill, co-owner of the Vysokovskaya manufactory, and his wife Jane (Evgenia Ivanovna) stood out.

Trip that we have had was amasing. It was cold and foggy outside, but the atmoshphere in the church was cozy and warm. Thanks to the stained-glass windows inside and in the hall of the church, even on non-sunny days, it seems that it is warm and light outside. Inside, before the service, a mechanical piano plays, which creates a wonderful mood. All the people who came to the service that day were very nice and chatted with each other. the main hall of the church does not look very rich, but the atmosphere compensates for this. Unfortunately, we did not manage to get to the service, but we saw the preparations for it. Cups for tea and coffee were already on the tables, and biscuits and chocolates were in saucers. We highly recommend visiting St. Andrew's Church to anyone who is even slightly interested in English culture, and we will definitely come here again.


The aim of the scientific work was to research methods and tools for increasing the motivation for learning foreign language in condition of pandemic, closed borders and boredom of TV-series and out of date motivational tools.

During our theoretical research we found out that motivation is divided on intrinsic and external, positive and negative. Then motivation can be steady or unsteady. There are 3 worldwide known motivation theories: Maslow's hierarchy theory, Alderfer's ERG theory and Vroom's expectancy theory. Despite the variety of concepts of the term motivation, they share one common point.One active need of the foreign language knowledge is not enough for effective work. Only the desire and reading grammar books won't give steady motivation, we need to try to enrich our mind with knowledge about the culture of the studied country, practice a foreign language in life.

We have created a list of English heritage places in Moscow. These places are interesting and have strong motivating forces too. After the visit to one of them, we can confidently assure that our motivation has significantly increased. We hope that our research could help someone to keep learning foreign language with a great pleasure.


Г.И. Данилова. Искусство Мировых Культур 10-11 класс, Дрофа, 2019.

Богдан Им, Pandian, Cодружество лингвистов Москвы и московской области, “Английские Места в Москве” [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

Спасо-Хаус. Резиденция Американского посла. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

Виды и способы мотивации. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

– Мотивация в психологии. Сайт Национального центрального института развития дополнительного образования. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

– Английские места в Москве, список лучших мест для посещения. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

– Британская Высшая Школа Дизайна. Раздел мероприятий. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

– Старый Английский двор. Официальный сайт парка. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

– Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка. Кембриджская международная школа. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

– Мотивация в обучении и где её искать. Нейрология обучения. [Электронный ресурс], режим доступа:

Просмотров работы: 62