Интернет-ресурсы для изучения английского языка

XVIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Интернет-ресурсы для изучения английского языка

Фахрисламова А.И. 1
1МБОУ ООШ с.Юнны,
Яхина Г.Р. 1
1МБОУ ООШ с.Юнны,
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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Currently, many people have the opportunity to learn languages using the Internet. New information technologies are being intensively introduced into the educational process. Today we can say that Internet technologies are part of the general information culture of teachers and students. For a long time during the pandemic, we studied remotely using the Internet. Now we can find a friend from another country. After all, our world is huge, and you can make friends with anyone using Internet sites. It is communication in English that will increase your level of knowledge, not only of a foreign language, but also of the culture of other countries. Communication through social networks is one of the ways to learn a language. In this paper, I want to tell you about interesting sites that will help you learn English with pleasure, as well as prepare for exams. English is the international language spoken by most people on the planet.

Relevance: The curriculum of the school offers 3 hours a week for learning English, which is not enough for high-quality mastering of a foreign language. Students need a language environment that they can find on their own using the Internet.

Hypothesis: If you use special websites effectively, you can be successful in learning English.

The object of the study is the process of learning English.

The subject of the study is the use of Internet resources in learning English.

Purpose: to get acquainted with online resources for learning English and their effective use in the classroom and at home.


1. Explore the possibilities of Internet resources for learning English.

2. Conduct a survey of students in their class about using the Internet to learn English and analyze the results of the questionnaire.

3. Make a list of sites with which you can expand and consolidate your knowledge of the main sections of the English language (see Application).

The following methods were used in the work:

Study of the theory

Search for information


Chapter 1. The Opportunities of the Internet in learning English

The Internet has huge information capabilities and offers a variety of services. The Internet creates a unique opportunity for foreign language learners to use texts, listen and communicate with native speakers. The specificity of the subject "foreign language" is that it is possible to teach speech activity only in live communication. And for this you need a native speaker partner. In addition, the language teaching system should be built in such a way that students are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the country of the language being studied. But there is still no genuine acquaintance, since lessons and school textbooks are not enough for a broad acquaintance with the realities of the countries of the language being studied [5].

If we keep in mind the subject of our research – Internet resources, then, first of all, it is important to determine your goals. For example: - for self-study, deepening, eliminating gaps in knowledge, skills, skills; - for self-preparation for exams; - for virtual acquaintance with native speakers. Each student should independently work on improving their knowledge in the field of a foreign language, since, unfortunately, there are very few English lessons at school. To do this, there are many different sites on the networks with which you can learn the language [4].

Thus, using the information resources of the sites, you can achieve the following results: a) learn the correct pronunciation; b) replenish your vocabulary, both active and passive, with the vocabulary of modern English, reflecting a certain stage in the development of the culture of the people, the social and political structure of society; c) to get acquainted with cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of speech behavior of various peoples in the conditions of communication, features of culture, traditions of the country of the studied language [3].

However, the rapid development of Internet sites also has significant drawbacks. The modern scientific and educational information environment is characterized by a large number of educational resources with unstructured and not always reliable information. The volume of such resources is constantly increasing. In addition, along with useful and necessary information, users are faced with useless resources, which in some cases have a harmful effect. For example, excessive Internet addiction can lead to addiction, it takes a lot of time. But the Internet has firmly entered our lives, so we should learn how to use its resources with benefit, be careful when choosing sites that will be described below, and check the accuracy of information.

Chapter 2. Online resources for learning English. Modern Russian educational portals

Special educational portals have been created for language learning during isolation and distance learning. The main advantages of the sites, according to the creators, are simplicity and convenience. But this is not always the case in practice. The sites were developed taking into account possible mistakes made by students when performing tasks. To learn English , my classmates and I use the following Internet resources:





Yaklass is an educational platform with a fairly large base of lessons in various subjects, including English. But the lessons do not correspond to the topics of the textbook that we study at our school. During distance learning, we used some of the materials of this resource. But many students of our class found this site inconvenient.

A similar platform uchi.ru. will help to work out vocabulary and grammar, but often contains a lot of monotonous exercises, the interface is more suitable for younger students. Another significant drawback is that the number of exercises for free access is limited.

Resh.edu.ru these are interactive lessons throughout the school course from 1st to 11th grade from the best teachers in the country, created so that every child has the opportunity to receive a free high-quality general education. In the "Russian Electronic School" you can study constantly, or you can look in to repeat a missed topic or deal with complex and misunderstood material. English language assignments in resh are built in accordance with the UMK Spotlight, you can watch video material on the topic of the lesson.

On the SkySmart platform, you can study for free only until 16.00, errors are often found there. My classmates and I recognized this Internet resource as the most inconvenient. The disadvantage of these educational platforms is that it is impossible to understand what the error is, because there is no feedback. It's inconvenient. They are not suitable for self-study, only as additional material for the lesson. The theoretical basis of English grammar can be read in any English textbook, but practice is necessary. This is helped by sites with online exercises, the correctness of which can be checked immediately. For example, such resources and platforms for training as:I will solve the VPR – Dmitry Gushchin's training system offers ready-made versions of KIMS for preparing for exams and all-Russian verification work (VPR). My classmates and I used this site to prepare for VPR in the 7th grade. The site is convenient because you can check yourself, and there is an explanation if the answer is incorrect, that is, the site user receives feedback. The teacher can make up his own options for preparing for exams and VPR.

Questionnaire " Internet resources for learning foreign languages"

In order to determine which online resources my classmates use to learn English, as well as to find out their attitude to learning English in general, they were offered a questionnaire.9 students of the 8th grade of MBOU OOSH S.Yunny took part in the questionnaire.


Number of responses

Why are you studying English?

This is a subject of the school curriculum

To communicate with foreigners

It will be useful for work in the future




Will knowledge of English be useful to you in the future?





What Internet resources do you use

when learning English?







Dictionaries, online textbooks











Will you use the Internet sites yourself?





What is the way to learn English do you like it the most?

Full-time (at school)

Correspondence using applications, websites, etc. Both




Survey results: It can be argued that some students of the school use the Internet to study and improve their results in mastering the English language. They are familiar with the rules and forms of this method of teaching English. The vast majority use a Translator because they don't know about good online dictionaries and websites where you can practice using vocabulary. Not all Internet resources used by my classmates are really convenient to use.


It can be concluded that Internet resources play an important role in teaching foreign languages at the present stage. A special place is given to special sites. Today, new computer technologies play an important role in teaching foreign languages. A special place is given to special sites, thanks to the huge possibilities of the network: The Internet allows you to constantly receive new information on a topic of interest. At the same time, information in a foreign language will always be clear, important and up-to-date; existing sites allow you to track the level of your knowledge; with the help of sites, you can create a genuine language environment by communicating with native speakers. The Internet is an indispensable assistant in teaching various types and aspects of speech activity. The Internet can become a means of achieving educational goals, both for the student and for the teacher

List of used literature

1. About Asimov.P. More on the lessons of iya materia // "IYASH", 2001. - №1. - p.96

2 . Vladimirova L.P. Internet at foreign language lessons // "IYASH", 2002. - №3. - from 39.

3. Distance education. The school is in order. It is.S. Polat. - M.: Rubber band. Ed. Centers VLADOS, 1998 - 192 s.

4. Polat E.S. Internet at school: problems and solutions // Issues of Internet education. 2004. - №15.

5. Filippov M.A. The use of Internet resources in foreign language lessons

Internet resources:





Просмотров работы: 163