Listen and learn English!

XVIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Listen and learn English!

Ахметова Д.А. 1
1МАОУ СОШ№4 г.Туймазы
Калимуллина Г.Д. 1
1МАОУ СОШ№4 г.Туймазы
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя I степени
Текст работы размещён без изображений и формул.
Полная версия работы доступна во вкладке "Файлы работы" в формате PDF

Introduction 3

1. The role of songs in learning English

1.1 How does the listening to foreign songs develop language skills? 6

1.2 Why should you try to learn English by songs? 7

2. Practical application of English songs in language learning

2.1 Practical application of English songs in language learning 9

2.2 Analysis of English songs of different genres 12

Conclusion 16

List of references 17




Nowadays you need to know English because it is spoken in many countries. Thanks to the knowledge of English, you can communicate without problems anywhere, make new friends, learn a lot of interesting and useful information.

Films, books, newspapers, magazines, songs in English are increasingly included in our lives. Moreover, this language is a language of communication for scientists, academics, doctors, politicians. All international conferences are held in English.

Today it is generally agreed that any person who wants to be successful, find a prestigious job, make his/her life more interesting and richer, make friends and just keep up with the times, need knowledge of the English language. The process of learning English is difficult, but learning it through songs, makes it more exciting, useful and easier.

Many people know how I love English. Also, I’ m interested in music. I always try to listen to the text of English songs and, in addition to my will, I often remember the words. Sometimes the meaning of some words is not always clear but I really want to know the meaning of each word, so I come to the aid of a dictionary. All the same, these expressions are automatically memorized, which allows me to use them in my speech. Thus, I came up with the idea to write a scientific work on this problem, to investigate it in order to further effective use in practice.

My research work is called “Listen and learn English”. The relevance of the chosen topic is that most of today's teenagers enjoy listening to English songs, so they can be usefully used for the development of language skills.

The hypothesis of the work is that the use of English songs can increase motivation to learn the language, ensure the successful assimilation of lexical and grammatical material and maintain interest in learning English.

Aim of the work is to learn English through listening, grammar analysis and translation of songs.

Work objectives:

1) to explore and highlight the role of song material in language learning;

2) to study the role of the song in the study of English pronunciation, expanding the vocabulary of students, the development of memory and speech;

3) to conduct a survey among English teachers on the use of songs in foreign language lessons;

4) to conduct a survey among students to identify opinions on the effectiveness of the use of songs in the study of English;

5) on the basis of the findings to conduct this experiment with the use of English songs;

6) on the basis of my own experiment to conclude about the effectiveness of the use of English songs in the classroom and conduct an additional experiment with other students;

7) to analyse English songs of different genres for successful mastering of language skills.

The following methods are used for scientific research:

1) analysis of the theoretical information on the research problem;

2) search for the information on the Internet, the selection of songs of different genres for analysis and their further practical application;

3) analysis of the lyrics that are used for the successful assimilation of the pronunciation of foreign words, for the phonetic development of the English mid-sonnets, as well as to expand the vocabulary;

4) a summary of the material conclusions.

The object of the study is the opinions of students who used the songs in the study of English.

Subject of the study is English songs (their analysis) in the study of a foreign language.

Practical significance of this work lies in the fact that this research can be used as an additional material on the theory and a practice of learning a foreign language.

1. The role of songs in learning English

1.1 How does the listening to foreign songs develop language skills?

Music accompanies us everywhere. There is an opinion that music influences the right hemisphere of a brain, and the text is on the left one. That's why rhymes of the text and pleasant music remain in the memory of any person for a long time.

Listening to foreign songs and singing them can provide invaluable assistance in learning a foreign language. Also, this method helps to better perceive the words by ear, to improve pronunciation, your vocabulary, to understand better grammar rules.

There are also common nouns, geographical names, the realities of the country of studied language, poetic words in songs. They contribute to the development of language feelings, knowledge of its stylistic features.

Listening to songs with visual support on the lyrics is a great way to follow the pronunciation, to learn the sound of certain words and to learn to perceive the merged speech. Reading the lyrics develops vocabulary. Good songs contain a lot of useful words and phrases that can be used in everyday conversation. Listening to the songs and singing them (preferably aloud) develop conversational skills. Of course, the auditory skill is developing and a person begins to better understand foreign speech. The greatest progress of listening skills will be noticeable only on the condition that, despite the often fast pace of the singer, you need to listen to every word and try to catch the meaning of the song, and not just enjoy the melody and rhythm. When a person listens to an unfamiliar text, the brain receives new information, new neural connections are formed, which can be compared with “bridges”. If you listened to the text once, such “bridges” are formed in your head, but they are still fragile and fragile. In additional listening to the same text “bridges” become stronger and the text doesn't frighted by its complexity.

Thus, it can be concluded that listening to foreign songs contributes to the successful development of human auditory skills, vocabulary, improve the pronunciation of new words.

1.2 Why should you try to learn English by songs?

It is better to use music by learning, but songs can't replace textbooks and a normal course of study. Music is better to use as additional English lessons in your free time as an opportunity to combine useful with pleasant. Learning English by songs is effective because you can:

Increase your vocabulary.

You are at an average level of knowledge, understand the texts of a modern pop singer and then decide to return to the “classics” and listen to, for example, Sting “Englishman in New York”. With surprise, you realize that his vocabulary is much richer than you expected, and you don't know what words like notoriety, propriety and sobriety mean. Using songs you have an opportunity to replenish your own vocabulary: write down unknown words and phrases, learn them and surprise your English teacher. By the way, thanks to the rhymed lines of the song lyrics, the words from this song will be remembered more easily than the vocabulary from the textbook.

2. Learn idioms

While listening to the song “Numb” by “Linkin Park” you may be surprised by the line “...put under the pressure of walking in your shoes...” How can you translate this one? In a literal translation the result is something vague and absolutely meaningless. And if you look in the dictionary, you will learn that “in someone's shoes” is an idiom which means “to put yourself in the place of another”, “to understand the feelings of another person”.

3. Improve your understanding of English by ear

If you listen to any material in English, you work on listening. And the songs are no exception: your favourite hits will help you to get used to the sound of English speech. However, the normal background listening would be of little use. You need to know how to learn English by songs to get the most knowledge.

4. Improve your pronunciation

Listening to a good pronunciation, we involuntarily copy it and transfer it into our own speech. So if your favourite singer has an exemplary speech, you can slightly improve your own pronunciation with repeating the text of the song. Such artists as Sting, “the Beatles”, Chris de Burgh, “the Rolling Stones”, “Pink Floyd”, Madonna can be good “teachers” of phonetics.

5. Learn English anywhere

Songs and lyrics are easy to find on the Internet in the public domain. You can easily save on your phone or a tablet and work with them on the road in the car.

6. Get acquainted with foreign culture

Songs always reflect the mentality, certain events in the country, people's moods, etc. Music in English can tell you about the reigning order in the country, people's views on lives and problems of society.

At the same time, with the method of learning English by songs you should take into account 3 important features:

1. Incorrect grammar

You know perfectly well that the word everyone (“everyone”) in English is used in the singular, and then the Canadians from “Nickelback” undermine your faith in this strict grammatical rule of the song “Believe it or not”, which confidently sing “Believe it or not, everyone has things that they hide...” And such “wrong songs” are everywhere. We should conclude: we learn grammar from a textbook, and just enjoy the song.

2. A lot of slang

Therefore, if you learn new words by songs, you should check them in the dictionary, they can belong to slang and use them according to the situation.

3. Incorrect pronunciation of the performer

Recently, the English-language Internet has flared heated debate about the song “Good for you” by Selena Gomez. Many people did not understand why the singer “distorts” the word good, pronouncing it as guh-eed (GUID), because the star was born and grew up in the US, English is her native language. There are quite a few examples of mispronunciation: the performers do it intentionally, believing that the audience will understand this deep creative idea. So if you decide to work on your phonetics, choose an example to follow only a native speaker with a good pronunciation.

Thus, after analysing scientific literature and Internet resources, I found out that songs really play an important role in the study of spoken English. But, as they say, until you try it on yourself, you can not give an exact answer, whether this method is effective in practice or not, so the next stage of my work will be the practical application of English songs in learning a foreign language.

2. Practical application of English songs in language learning

2.1 Practical application of English songs in language learning

After previous study of the theory I decided, first of all, to conduct a survey among teachers in order to find out whether the teachers themselves consider this method of learning a foreign language by songs effective and whether it is used in practice? The survey was attended by the teachers from my own school and teachers from abroad.

During the survey it was found that teachers use this method in the class, but very rarely, mainly they use only listening within the educational material (Annex 1). In the presentation of this work, I noted some interesting comments of the teachers themselves.

For a more visual picture of the real using of this method, I decided to find out directly from the children themselves. To this end, I decided to conduct a survey among children. The survey included some questions (Annex 2). It was attended by students from school # 4 and students from other countries (Annex 3).

The survey showed that among 137 respondents of school №4 to the question “Would you like to learn languages (English), using the method of learning a foreign language on songs?” 94% answered in the affirmative. The question “Have you used this method in practice?” more than half of the respondents – 72% said “Yes” again. The next question is “How often do you have lessons at your school using foreign songs?” almost all answered that this method is not used (98%). The last question “Do you think that the method of songs helps students to learn foreign languages? Or is it good as an additional material?” basically, all responded as additional material (91%) (Annex 4).

As for foreigners, the situation is a little different. The first question is “What kind of methods do you use to learn English?” there were basically such answers as communication with a native speaker, reading books, watching films. 78% of respondents also wrote that they use songs as a way of learning the language. The second question is “Do you think if English music can help students to learn English? Why do you think so?” the answers were different, mainly answered in the affirmative – 87%, but there were those who are categorically against this method. “How can English songs help students to learn English” in this question were answers such as: the motivation of interest in the language, improving memory and perception of foreign words by ear, vocabulary, pronunciation of foreign words. One last question “Do you use English songs in your studying in your country?” opinions are almost equally divided, a little more than half answered in the affirmative (67%), others responded either negatively or very rarely used this method (Annex 5).

After the survey and questioning, I decided to conduct a small experiment, which in the future, perhaps, will allow me to make a more accurate conclusion on the research about the need to learn the language by listening to English songs, as well as to identify the “+” and “-” of this method.

To begin with, I developed a plan to work with songs (Annex 6):

1. You should choose the right song. First of all, you need to choose the song that you want to work with, as it will have to listen to several times in a row. For a good example, I took the song “Money, money, money” by ABBA, I think this song is quite well-known, the pace of performance of this song is slow, respectively, it will be easier to perceive.

2. Try to understand the text. You need to listen to the song, trying to understand the maximum words. At the same time, you need to listen not only to the text, but also to the intonation of the artist — this will also help to catch the meaning of the song. If necessary, listen to it as many times as you need to catch the essence. As for me, I listened to the chosen song 2 times for the study. Since I have not quite a musical ear, I was not immediately able to make out every word of the artist, but as for the translation, here, on the contrary, no problems.

3. Listen and read the text. Listen to the song and read its text, try to understand speech by every word. The words that the performer uses in the song are simple, so there were no questions as to the pronunciation.

4. Write out unknown words. Are there any new words and expressions in the text? Write them down in a specially created for this purpose notebook, which will always be at hand. It is very important not to be lazy, always write and repeat these words every day. From the song “Money, money, money” I wrote such words as to pay the bills, a single penny, fool around, to get somebody off, to bet, to fancy, a fortune.

5. Listen to the song without the reference text. Listen to the song again and without looking at the text, trying to make out by ear every word of the artist and remember what the new words mean. At this point, you should already fully understand the text. It remains only to periodically listen to it, examining all the words by ear and remembering what they mean. Therefore, during my working with this method I want to advise, to work with someone, much more interesting.

After such work, I have noticed how interesting and effective is the way to learn English by listening to songs. But, as people say, how many men, so many minds. To do this, I decided to conduct a similar experiment with a group of people in our class in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis of my scientific research.

For this work, I chose a song by no less famous artist Robbie Williams-Feel and again made a plan of work on the song (Annex 7):

1. The first stage was to listen to the song;

2. At the second stage I distributed the text, and listening to the song, everyone spoke words to himself/herself;

3. In the third stage we tried to translate the song and understand its meaning. After that, I handed out a sheet with a translation from the Internet, we have identified errors in its version. Then I gathered all the sheets of paper;

4. In the fourth stage, the guys were given the task, which was that in the English version of the song were missing some words. After listening to the song 2 times, had to fill in the gaps. For self-examination, I gave them the original version.

5. At the fifth stage, I collected the English version and distributed the Russian one. The task of the guys was to translate the Russian text into English and write it down. And just like in the fourth stage, I handed out the English version of the song for testing;

6. As a result, I conducted a reflection, where the guys expressed their opinion on this type of activity. The presentation of the work contains some interesting comments.

Thus, the result of these experiments was the confirmation of my hypothesis that through the songs to learn English is more quickly and easily, because by definition, many scientists, the human brain has different areas for speech and music. The musical centre of the brain is located in the left, creative hemisphere, and therefore works faster and remembers better than the speech centre located in the right. Therefore, songs, combining the work of both hemispheres, are better remembered poems, and the alphabet is easier to sing than to say.

2.2 Analysis of English songs of different genres

After studying the theory and methodology for working with song material, I have identified the stages of work on the content of the songs, conducted a survey, questioning, two experiments, and developed exercises for the development of listening skills, summed up.

As a result, it was revealed that there is a need to work with song material in English lessons or after school hours, because songs help to develop spoken English, and the ability to speak well in the target language is very important in modern society. Returning to the hypothesis, based on the study, it can be concluded that learning spoken English through songs is not only easy, but also effective.

However, in the course of the work, I still found a few nuances when working with songs that at first glance seem easy and simple, in fact, require careful attention. So I would like to dispel a few myths when working with songs:

1. Learning English by songs is very simple and I don't even have to do anything! I can just listen to music as often as possible and my English will get much better!

It should be remembered that any work on the development of the English language requires time and efforts on our part! Listening to English songs is easy, it's true, but learning English by songs is the same as working with a textbook, audio podcast, film in English, etc. If you really want to benefit from listening to music in English, then you need to allocate time and approach the process responsibly and correctly. Of course, a beautiful melody is very bright and impressive for the human mind, so if we like the melody, we begin to listen to the words, try to understand the meaning of the song, and after a few auditions we can easily reproduce the lyrics. It should be noted that this phenomenon concerns only songs in our native language. The method of learning English with the help of songs will be effective only when we know what we sing in them.

The second important point is that the human ear is set to distinguish only familiar sounds. Therefore, to learn a foreign language through songs, in addition to listening to audio recordings, it is desirable to have before your eyes the text of an English song, as well as its translation, and passive listening to songs is only partially useful, and it will never bring real results.

2. Any of the songs develop my English!

Songs for learning English is better to choose from British or other artists for whom this language is native. A native English speaker is likely to have the right accent and pronunciation, which is not always possible to say about musicians from other countries. If your level is already so high that you can feel deviations from the pronunciation norms of British or American English, listening to music can be a source of interesting observations of the peculiarities of pronunciation of a particular person.

It is important to know that not every song is suitable for proper learning English. In the lyrics of many modern songs with English lyrics, especially in rap, there are a huge number of slang words and phrases, and sometimes the lyrics, there is a great deviation from the rules of grammar. To enrich your vocabulary, you need ordinary everyday speech, so for learning you need to choose songs from areas such as Blues, Jazz, Country and Folk.

From the above, it is clear that not every song can be used to learn English. Therefore, my next task is to analyse English songs of different genres, which can be further applied in practice. For my research I chose the following songs:

Strong assimilation and development of vocabulary:

What’s the matter? (The theme of health);

Hi! Hello! (The theme of greeting);

They do, they don’t do (The theme of doing smth.);

Does he eat French bread? (The theme of eating);

Monkeys are everywhere (The theme of animals);

Old MacDonald had a farm (The theme of pets);

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly (The theme of animals);

Head, shoulder, knees and toes (The theme for practising parts of the body);

5 little monkeys / 10 little monkeys in the bed (The theme of numbers);

The wheels on the bus (The theme of actions);

B-I-N-G-O (The theme of actions);

Do the hokey pokey (The theme for practising parts of the body);

Days of the week (The theme of days of the week);

Do you like Spaghetti /Yogurt ? (The theme of eating);

A beautiful life” by 30 seconds to Mars (The theme of antonyms);

I’ve got two eyes” (The theme of appearance).

Strong assimilation of grammatical skills:

If you’re happy and you know it (Imperative sentences);

He’s got the whole world in his hands (Constructions has got / have got);

Over the mountains (Present Continuous);

Yes, I can!” (Modal verb “can”);

Fool’s Garden: Yellow Lemon Tree (Present Simple);

Rod Stewart: Sailing (Present Continuous);

I’m sitting in the morning” (Present Continuous);

Chris de Burg : “Lady in Red(Past Simple);

Eagles:  “Yesterday”, “Hotel California” (Past Simple);

The Beatles: Yellow Submarine (Past Simple);

Cyndy Lauper: Time After Time (the 1st Conditional);

Bare-naked Ladies: If I had a Million Dollar (the 2nd Conditional);

Lisa Stansfield: Change (the 3rd Conditional);

U2: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (Present Perfect);

Rod Stewart: Have You Ever Seen the Rain (Present Perfect);

The Beatles: When I’m 64 (Future Time Clauses);

Erik Hassle: Hurtful (Construction used to);

The Beatles: “Girl” (Construction there is/there are);

«As American as apple pie» (Construction as…as…);

I saw you dancing” (Complex Object);

Beautiful South: A Little Time (Questions).

Improving foreign language pronunciation skills:

ABC song”

Happy Birthday”

Old McDonald had a farm”

Clap your hands”

What is your name?”

You put your right hand in”

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”

What can we do for you, Mum?

Where's Jack?

Development of language and culture skills:

New Year comes to us (Celebrating of New Year in Great Britain);

Halloween (Celebrating of Halloween in Great Britain);

Christmas (Celebrating of Christmas in Great Britain);

St. Valentines Day (Celebrating of St. Valentines Day in Great Britain);

Wind of change” (About the system of policy in Great Britain);

Linking Park : “Numb” (About the system of teenagers in Great Britain);

The Beatles: “Let it be” (About religion in Great Britain);

Englishman in New York” (About the traditional image of an English gentleman and the habits of drinking tea in Great Britain);

“Californication” (About American Culture);

Sixpence” (About money in Great Britain).

I have created a collection of all these foreign songs that can be used by teachers of English for the formation of phonetic, lexical, grammatical and linguistic skills in children. The songs that are presented in the collection — authentic material, and they are performed mainly by native speakers.Full analysis of the songs is given in my collection.

So, having done a lot of work first on the study of the theory of working with songs, identifying the real picture of using songs in practice, conducting a lesson using the songs of British artists, I was convinced that the method of learning foreign languages on songs is really interesting for teenagers. For the purpose of self-development and consolidation of the method of working with songs, I decided to develop my collection of songs with a detailed description of the need for a particular song. I think my work will not only be of interest to students, but in the future may be used as one of the ways to learn English.


Songs play an important role in learning English. Now songs in a foreign language are very widespread and relevant among young people. We love listening to them. We like them, so we enjoy singing them ourselves, thus learning to pronounce foreign words well, we begin to understand the meaning of the songs, if something is unclear, we look into dictionaries, thereby enriching our vocabulary. Listening to songs in a foreign language is not just fun, music develops all kinds of memory: auditory, motor, imaginative and visual. Therefore, this process is very useful.

The hypothesis about the role of the song material in the study of the English language was confirmed. Songs, as one of the types of speech communication, contribute to the improvement of skills of foreign pronunciation. In addition, the songs in English reflect the peculiarities of life, culture and lives of other people of the country of the studied language.

List of references

Изучение английского через музыку. –

Поём на английском! –

Развитие разговорной английской речи при помощи аудирования. –

Сборник песен для начальной школы. – Обнинск: Издательство «Титул», 2004.

Enjoy English, об успешном изучении английского и саморазвитии. –

Listening. Как улучшить навык восприятия на слух. –


Annex 1

Questionnaire for teachers of school#4 of Tuimazy and foreigners teachers

Annex 2

Questionnaire for students of school №4 of Tuimazy

Анкета для общего анализа по теме «Listen and learn English»

1. Хотели бы вы изучать языки (английский), используя метод изучения иностранного языка по песням?____________________________________

2.Применяли ли вы данный метод в своей практике?__________________________________________________________

3.Как часто в вашей школе проводятся уроки с использованием иностранных песен?_____________________________________________________________

4.Считаете ли вы, что метод песен хорошо помогает ученикам в изучении иностранных языков? Или же он хорош в качестве дополнительного источника?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Questionnaire for foreigner students

«Listen and learn English»


What kind of methods do you use to learn English ? (watch films, listen to music, read books or magazines etc.)__________________________________________________________

Do you think if English music can help students to learn English? Why do you think so?________________________________________________________

How can English songs help students to learn English__________________________________________________________

Do you use English songs in your studying in your country?_________________________________________________________

Annex 3

Some interesting answers of questionnaire for students of school #4

and foreigner students

Annex 3


Annex 4

The survey of 137 respondents of school №4 of Tuimazy

1. Хотели бы вы изучать языки (английский), используя метод изучения иностранного языка по песням?

2.Применяли ли вы данный метод в своей практике?

3.Как часто в вашей школе проводятся уроки с использованием иностранных песен?

4.Считаете ли вы, что метод песен хорошо помогает ученикам в изучении иностранных языков? Или же он хорош в качестве дополнительного источника?

Annex 5

The survey of foreign respondents

What kind of methods do you use to learn English?

Do you think if English music can help students to learn English? Why do you think so?

Do you use English songs in your studying in your country?

Annex 6

My plan for working with songs


choose the right song



listen to the song without the reference text

write out unknown words




listen and read the text

try to understand the text

Annex 7

Tasks of work on the songs by Robbie Williams “Feel”

and ABBA “Money, money, money”

Robbie Williams-Feel

Come and hold my hand

I wanna contact the living

Not sure I understand

This ____ I've been given

I sit and talk to ________

And he just laughs at my plans

My head speaks a language

I don't understand

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I _______

'Cause I got too much life

Running through my _____

Going to waste

I don't wanna die

But I ain't keen on living either

Before I ____________

I'm preparing to leave her

Scare myself to death

That's why I ________ running

Before I've arrived

I can see myself coming

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I _________

'Cause I got too much life

Running through my _______

Going to waste

And I need to feel

Real love and the love ever after

I cannot get enough

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I live in

I got too much love

Running through my ________

To go to waste

I just wanna feel

Real love and the love ever after

There's a hole in my ______

You can see it in my face

It's a real big _______

Robbie Williams-Feel



live in-жить(в доме)

veins-вены, жилы

fall in love-любить, влюбиться

keep on-продолжать что-то делать




hold smbs hand-взять чью-то руку(держать)


I shouldn't say, but Mr Evans spent all last night rehearsing Walter's role.


The Gods punish me for taking the throne.

live in-жить(в доме)

He lives in a hotel on Turk Street.

veins-вены, жилы

Whatever you might say, you'll never have more blood in your veins than anybody else.

fall in love-любить, влюбиться

I'm just a girl in love with a guy who... fell in love with someone else.

keep on-продолжать что-то делать

If you want to keep on working, you'd better eat.


He couldn't have come far with those holes in him.


Escape from routine, it is good for the soul.


She knows that that's the last place anybody would look for her.

hold smbs hand-взять чью-то руку(держать)

I've seen both in the garden holding hands, kissing and hugging each other...

Robbie Williams-Feel

Come and hold my hand

I wanna contact the living

Not sure I understand

This role I've been given

I sit and talk to God

And he just laughs at my plans

My head speaks a language

I don't understand

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I live in

'Cause I got too much life

Running through my veins

Going to waste

I don't wanna die

But I ain't keen on living either

Before I fall in love

I'm preparing to leave her

Scare myself to death

That's why I keep on running

Before I've arrived

I can see myself coming

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I live in

'Cause I got too much life

Running through my veins

Going to waste

And I need to feel

Real love and the love ever after

I cannot get enough

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I live in

I got too much love

Running through my veins

To go to waste

I just wanna feel

Real love and the love ever after

There's a hole in my soul

You can see it in my face

It's a real big place

ABBA-Money, money, money

I work all night, I work all day, to ___ __ ______ I have to pay

Ain't it sad

And still there never seems to be __ _____ ______ left for me

That's too bad

In my dreams I have a plan

If I got me __ _______ man

I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd _____ _____ and have a ball…

Money, money, money

Must be ______

In the _____ man's world

Money, money, money

Always ______

In the ____ man's world

Aha aha

All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't ___ ___ ___ my mind

Ain't it sad

And if he happens to be free I ___ he wouldn't ____ me

That's too bad

So I must leave, I'll have to go

To Las Vegas or _______

And win __ _____ in a game, my life will never be the same

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the _____ man's world

Money, money, money

Always _____

In the ____ man's world

Aha aha

All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a ____ man's world

Money, money, money

Must be _____

In the ____ man's world

ABBA-Money, money, money

pay the bills-оплатитьсчета

a single penny-каждыйпенни

a wealthy-богатый

fool around-веселиться, валять дурака

funny-забавно, смешно



get him off-убрать его

bet-держать пари, ставка



a fortune-богатство, состояние

pay the bills

My wife got sick, and I had to pay the bill.

a single penny

She probably keeps track of every single penny.

a wealthy

I met a young British army officer from a wealthy family who I thought could help my career.

fool around

We don't have time to fool around with the slot machines now.


You know, it's funny you should ask me this, because I just happen to be one of the world's foremost coffee experts.


He is enormously rich, very powerful, very cruel


It is... a beautiful, sunny day as we walk through the meadow.

get him off

How easy is it gonna be to get him off the air then?


I'll bet they're on that magic carpet right now.


No, I do not fancy Miss Pattman and I will not have her disrespected in this way.


Монако — название деревни а Монте-Карло — города.

a fortune

Any woman who spends a fortune in times like these for a handbag...

ABBA “Money, money, money”

I work all night, I work all day,

to pay the bills

I have to pay

Ain't it sad

And still there never seems to be

a single penny left for me

That's too bad

In my dreams I have a plan

If I got me a wealthy man

I wouldn't have to work at all,

I'd fool around and have a ball...

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world


All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find

but I can't get him off my mind

Ain't it sad

And if he happens to be free

I bet he wouldn't fancy me

That's too bad

So I must leave,

I'll have to go

To Las Vegas or Monaco

And win a fortune in a game,

my life will never be the same...

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world


All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world


All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

Просмотров работы: 54