Музей искусств на открытом воздухе в г. Альметьевск

XVIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Музей искусств на открытом воздухе в г. Альметьевск

Рехлова Э.Н. 1
1Муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждение "Основная общеобразовательная школа ст. Миннибаево" Альметьевского муниципального района РТ
Ахметзагирова Г.М. 1
1Муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждение "Основная общеобразовательная школа ст. Миннибаево" Альметьевского муниципального района РТ
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In the literal sense, a colorful story began in Almetyevsk in 2017. The oilmen invited specialists from the Institute of Research of Street Art in St. Petersburg to their town to decorate it with large street paintings - murals on the walls of houses and industrial buildings. The idea, designed not for one season, but for a five-year period, was called "Tales of the Golden Apples."

For the summer, street art legends from all over the world were invited to Almetyevsk. Artists from Germany, Greece, Iran, Canada, Ukraine, etc. have been here.

Before starting to paint industrial Almetyevsk, St. Petersburg specialists studied the history of the city and its environs, collecting stories and memories in conversations with residents. Almetievsk has changed a lot over these five years and the murals painted on the walls of houses attract attention. I would like to get to know this type of art in more detail, and understand why it was necessary in our city.

Relevance of the work: Muralism harmoniously fits into the overall picture of the design of a modern city and transforms the houses of the Soviet period, which were identical and boring. Muralism has become a common way to decorate the environment, as it allows to quickly transform architecture. Also, 2023 has been declared the year of national cultures and traditions in Tatarstan, and my work will be relevant.

Hypothesis of my work: Now in the world there are a lot of things connected with art in public space. But, as a rule, in industrial cities there are no works that are connected with roots, traditions, and in my work I will try to tell and prove that through muralism it is possible to convey the history of a people and capture it for centuries.

The purpose of the work: To study the street art of the town of Almetyevsk

In connection with this purpose, I have identified the following tasks:

Identify the historical aspects of the emergence and development of the art of muralism

Get acquainted with the objects of street art in Almetyevsk

Conduct a survey among schoolchildren and find out about their attitude to muralism

Develop a layout of an art object.

Research methods: study of literature, excursion around the town of Almetyevsk, collection of information via the Internet, analysis of the data obtained.

Object of research: muralism as a trend in contemporary fine arts.

Subject of research: street art in Almetyevsk.

CHAPTER I. Theory of the Question

1.1 What are murals

Mural (from the Spanish muro - “wall”) is a kind of monumental painting on large buildings and other architectural structures. A mural is usually a colorful expressive image applied to the vertical surface of the blank walls of residential buildings, commercial facilities or fences. Much less often, the interior of spacious rooms (a vestibule, lounge or hall of a high-rise building) serves as an object of creativity for artists. [1]

Mural is a sought-after type of street art in big cities these days. The authorities of large metropolitan areas willingly provide artists with overall vertical platforms for painting. Beautiful paintings look spectacular against the backdrop of monotonous buildings and attract tourists from all over the world.

1.2 Classification and features of murals

Mural is a unique type of monumental painting, which contains features of both traditional fresco and modern street art. Dimensional works of art created by skilled artists can differ in the following parameters:

- Theme.

- Technique of performance.

- The type of colors.

- Genre.

- Style.

Among the many different mural themes, the most popular in most countries of the world are:

Social. It touches on the acute problems of modern society, evokes people's sympathy and desire to help the heroes of the work.

Patriotic. It is part of the state's official propaganda, used by the authorities to exalt the country and prominent historical figures.

Philosophical. It serves as a means of expressing the individual creative ideas of the artist, evokes strong emotions in the viewer.

Aesthetic. It is ideal for improving the visual perception of urban space, has a neutral emotional coloring.

Religious. It glorifies the greatness of God and makes a person think about eternal spiritual values.

Murals are created using several different painting techniques. The main tools for applying images to the wall are: rollers; brushes; pre-made stencils.

Murals differ from other forms of street art not only in their large dimensions, but also in three other important features:

Firstly, the creation of a large-scale work of art requires a significant investment of effort and art materials. This leads to the need to search for and attract wealthy patrons to the project.

Secondly, the artist must obtain permission from the city and/or the building owner before starting work. Ignoring this rule is fraught with unpleasant consequences, including a monetary fine.

Thirdly, the authors of murals most often fulfill the orders of curators or sponsors and receive a solid monetary reward for their work. The initiative to create a monumental work of art comes from above.

1.3 History of the mural

The history of mural as an independent type of monumental art dated back about 100 years. Although people were fond of artistic painting of vertical walls with grandiose scenes on the theme of hunting and sacrifice in the prehistoric era. Numerous examples of such creativity have survived to this day in caves in different parts of the Earth.

Mexico is rightfully considered the birthplace of modern mural. It was in this Latin American country that a new type of monumental art arose during the revolutionary events of the 20s of the last century.

One of the first to join the writing of murals was the outstanding Mexican painter José Clemente Orozco. In 1923, he created a huge art image on the wall of the National Preparatory School in Mexico City.

The new approach to monumental art was received favorably by the Mexican authorities. The Minister of Education even commissioned a group of young revolutionary artists to paint the walls of public buildings.

CHAPTER II. Methodology of the research description

2.1. Painted Almetyevsk

The program "Tales of the Golden Apples" is based on a series of cultural studies conducted by anthropologists, historians and folklorists in the Almetyevsk region. Each of them is dedicated to the traditions and values ​​of the Tatar people.

More than 30 art objects were left in Almetyevsk by the "Tales of Golden Apples" project after 4 seasons. The largest is Industrial Square, the smallest are the works of the Fruits collective, some of which can fit in the palm of your hand. [3]

Special excursions to visit art objects were organized in our city. Every time I drove past the painted houses, I wanted to get to know the history of the origin of the drawings, and my parents and I visited such an excursion. There we were told about the history of each mural. I would like to tell you about the murals that I liked the most.

2.2. History of Diptych apples

The diptych "The History of Apples" by the Italian artist Hitnes is based on the Tatar fairy tale "Zuhra" and the stories of the old residents of Almetyevsk.

This is an artistic interpretation of one of the symbols of Almetyevsk - apple trees.

According to the stories of the old-timers, in the 1950s, oil fields were discovered on the territory of the village of Almetyevo, after which the rapid growth of the settlement began. In 1952 it was recognized as a workers' settlement, and a year later it was given the status of a city. New residential areas, shops, clinics, hotels, educational and cultural institutions were built. According to the recollections of local residents, collected during the folklore expedition, a large number of seedlings, including apple trees, were planted to plant greenery in the sprawling city. Soon, people began to take sprouts from trees on the streets to plant in their plots. New Almetyevsk was buried in apple blossoms, and swallows were flying over it, whose cry seemed to the townspeople similar to the phrase "Allah-Allah." Even the name of the city retained this close semantic connection with trees: “alma” is translated from Tatar as “an apple tree”. (Appendix No. 1

2.3 Goose

While exploring the villages around Almetyevsk, the organizers wondered what kind of animal could symbolize a Tatar woman. A survey conducted among residents showed that the most common association is a goose. This is a bird that was in every household. The researchers came to the conclusion that the goose-woman symbolizes accuracy, care for the house and family.

To implement this idea, an artist from Uruguay Alfa Alfa was invited. The goose costume reproduces the outfit of a woman from a Tatar village. It is planned that in the future the organizers of the project together with the residents will choose a name for the goose. Everything in this work - ornaments, symbols, costume - says: I'm in Tatarstan. The goose has a tulip in its hand, because it is the flower of the Tatars. Animated by the drawing, my mother and I tried to recreate the image of a goose. Result is in the appendix. (Appendix No. 2)

2.4 Survey among schoolchildren

After studying the material on this topic, I decided to conduct a sociological survey and compiled a questionnaire, then I interviewed the children of the MBOU secondary school st. Minnibayevo with grades 5-9 and my friends. 34 people took part in the survey.

The results of our research: Many of the respondents consider muralism art. As it has turned out, the students of my school and my friends know little about the history of muralism, styles. As it has turned out, they thought that the drawings on the walls of buildings in our town were called graffiti. Their attitude towards this kind of art is positive. Few people know about the history of the appearance of murals on the walls of houses in our city. This is probably due to the fact that we live in a village and not everyone can go on an excursion to the city. I decided to speak to young people and tell them more about each mural. Most of all, these students and my friends liked such murals as "White Wolf", "Defender", "Moon and Sun". (Appendix No. 6). Respondents have no experience in executing. To my question, what would you draw on the walls of the buildings of Almetyevsk, if you were a painter, the respondents answered according to table No. 1 (Appendix No. 5)

1. Questionnaire (Appendix No. 3);

2. Results of a sociological survey of students of our school and friends (Appendix No. 4);

2.5 Work on the layout of the art object

After meeting with street art in Almetyevsk, I decided to create a layout of my art object. (Appendix No. 7)

2023 has been declared the year of national cultures and traditions in Tatarstan. At home I have a book about the mythology of the people of the Volga region. [2] After reading it, I decided to draw a picture of the Agidel River. In the Bashkir fairy tale, it symbolizes the image of a river with a broad soul. And the fairy tale itself teaches to never envy anyone. And of course, I would like all people to live together in peace, and I would like to paint my drawing on one of the houses on Mira Street.


After my research, I came to the following conclusions:

- The history of muralism has a long history.

- Muralism is the art of the 21st century with already formed styles of writing various works worthy of honor and praise. This art is constantly evolving, and in the future I think something even more stunning awaits us. This culture will develop further, and maybe soon our gray streets will turn into whole museums of street art, and it will not be necessary to visit museums to learn about traditions and modernity, about the past, present and future. So the history ceases to be archival, and is inscribed in the life of the city today and tomorrow.

- After excursion, I confirmed my hypothesis that through muralism it is possible to convey the history of the people and capture it for centuries. The drawings on the walls of my native land really keep the history and tell about the culture and traditions of my people.

- After interview with students of my school and my friends, I have realized that this is not yet a sufficiently studied art form and work can be continued in this direction.

- After drawing my art layout, I realized that this is a painstaking work that requires patience, imagination and talent.

- Such core values ​​for the Tatar culture as family and roots remain relevant at the present time.

I am very glad that the project "Tales of the Golden Apples" was organized in our town. Our small and cozy town is becoming more beautiful every day.


1. Vinogradov V.V. The history of words. - Moscow: V.V. Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009.

2. Galiakhmetova A.F. Mythology of the people of the Volga region. – Kazan. Tatar Book Publishing House. 2019. - 95 p.

3. Art in courtyards. Walking in Almetyevsk. Kazan. "Yulbasma", 2021. -64 p.

4.Mural is a monumental urban art on a huge scale. //Very important lot. – URL: https://veryimportantlot.com/ru/news/obchestvo-i-lyudi/chto-takoe-mural

5. Objects. URL: https://almetpublic.art/objects

Appendix №1

History of Diptych apples

Appendix No. 2


Appendix №3


1. Do you know what muralism is?

2. Your attitude to moralism: positive or negative?

3. Do you know the styles of muralism?

4. Do you know where the first mural was drawn?

5. Do you know the history of the creation of murals on the walls of houses in the city of Almetyevsk?

6. Do you think that murals transform the city and make it colorful?

7. Which mural do you like the most?

8. Do you consider muralism is an art?

9. Do you have any experience of making drawings or inscriptions in the style of muralism?

10. What would you draw on the walls of Almetyevsk if you were a writer?

Appendix No. 4

The results of a sociological survey of students of our school and friends

Do you know what muralism is?

Your attitude to moralism: positive or negative?

Do you know the styles of muralism?

Do you know where the first mural was drawn?

Do you know the history of creating murals on the walls of houses in the city of Almetyevsk?

Do you think that murals transform the city and make it colorful?

Which mural do you like the most?

Do you consider muralism is an art?

Do you have any experience of making drawings or inscriptions in the style of muralism?

Appendix No. 5

What would you draw on the walls of Almetyevsk if you were a writer?

Name of the group

Answers from questionnaires

Number of respondents (in %)


Images of famous people

Yu.Gagarin, the king of football Pele, historical figures, heroes of world-famous works of literature, heroes of ancient Greek mythology

30 %


Nature, flora, fauna, ecology

Plants and animals, flower garden, sun, space, sky, sea, landscapes, dancing animals, environmental disasters

20 %



Patriotic paintings, urban stories, historical events, military actions, world masterpieces of architecture, paintings by great artists

10 %



Abstract and geometric drawings, positive and funny drawings, 3D drawings, parallel worlds, drawings with meaning, food, movie posters

10 %



Catch phrases from films and works of literature, clever thoughts of great people, inspiring phrases

30 %

Appendix №6

White wolf Defender

Moon and sun

Appendix №7

Просмотров работы: 252