Легенды нашей Победы

XIX Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Легенды нашей Победы

Беляев А.Ю. 1Беляев В.Ю. 1
1МБОУ Барвихинская средняя общеобразовательная школа
Бунтина Н.К. 1
1МБОУ Барвихинская сош
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The Great Patriotic War is the greatest and most tragic event in the modern history of Russia, a chronicle of unparalleled courage and dedication. In the heat of this war, in the flames of its fires, real legends were born, which became symbols of the Great War and the Great Victory.

That is whywe chose this topic for our project, this topic has always been and will be important and actual to us. This is our national treasure, our common memory, which we must preserve for posterity.

The subject for the study of our project is the collection of medals "Legends of our Victory".

The purpose of our project is to find out what events these medals are dedicated to.

The Project aim is :1.To reveal the role of symbols in the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War on the basis of the numismatic collection of medals "Legends of Our Victory", issued by the Imperial Mint in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Victory.

2.To promote the disclosure and realization of creative opportunities of students, taking into account their interests and the promotion of research and project activities in the knowledge of foreign languages among classmates.

Project tasks are: 1. Systematization of information about the symbols of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

2. Registration of the results of the work with the possibility of their further use in the form of a Central Research Center.

3. Mastering the skills of search and project activities.

4. To promote the disclosure and realization of creative opportunities of students, taking into account their interests and the promotion of research and project activities in the knowledge of foreign languages among classmates.

The result of our project is the creation of a poster advertisement.


Last year our family bought an unique collection of medals “Legends

of Our Victory”, issued by the Imperial Mint in honor of the 75th

Anniversary of the Victory and we decided to find out, what events these

medals are dedicated to.

These valuable medals are a reminder of the events in the Great

Patriotic War. These medals are a tribute to the memory of hundreds

оf thousands of soldiers and civilians who gave their lives for the

liberation of the country. These medals should be in every family so that

we can keep the memory of it forever! A memory preserved for generations!

In the heat of the Great Patriotic War, in the flames of fires, real

legends were born, which became symbols of the Great War... and of the

Great Victory.

In these chronicles there are the names of the greatest battles, there

are songs, from which even now tears come to the eyes and take one's

breath away. They are our national treasure, our common memory,

which we must preserve for posterity.

These chronicles are inscribed with the golden letters in the annals of

the Great Patriotic War: the names of brilliant designers, talented

engineers, scientists and artists, the names of the greatest battles, which

have no analogues in world history, songs that even now bring tears to

peoples’ eyes and take their breath away. Each of the pages of these

chronicles is filled with inexhaustible faith and the desire for Victory,

arouses our admiration and pride. This is our national treasure, our

common memory, which we must preserve for posterity.

Thousand years of our history Fatherland forever captured many

memorable significant dates. But the most precious and sacred is the

Victory Day.

The Great Patriotic War was the hardest of all wars in world

history. It was on huge territories - from the Barents to Black

Seas. Tens of millions of people participated in it, and the victory required

an enormous effort of all physical and spiritual forces. And therefore, by

right, this Victory is called the Great.

75 years of the Great Victory Day is the brightest, most joyful and at

the same time the saddest holiday. For each of us it is a memory of the

dead and gratitude to the living. This is the day of national glory for all

those who worked in the rear, fought shoulder to shoulder on the fronts of

the Great Patriotic War for the bright future of their descendants. This is a

holiday that unites us, allowing us to feel like a single great nation with a

heroic history.Our Victory in the Great Patriotic War is the most important holiday for all citizens of our country.


Today I am proud to present to your attention the first issue of the

collection “Legends of our Victory” - a medal: “Get up, the

country is huge.” It is dedicated to the song “The Holy War”, which

became a national anthem during the Great Patriotic War, gained mass

popularity and maintained high morale in the troops, especially in

heavy defensive battles. And now, almost eighty years later, “The

Holy War” is known to everyone and is a symbol of our Victory.

It's time to approach the creation of a song with a heartfelt thrill,

with a hot soul. This is the only way to create songs, because a song is,

first of all, an excited speech,” said the author of the words to the song

The Holy War’ V.I. Lebedev - Kumatch.

With such an excited speech echoing in the hearts of millions of

compatriots, and the first song of the Victory, which was still a long

and difficult four years away, was the “ The Holy War”.

On June 24, 1941, the newspapers “ Izvestia” and “Krasnaya Zvezda’’

published a poem by V. I. Lebedev - Kumatch. It began with the words:

Get up, the country is huge, get up for a mortal battle...” On the same

day it was recited on the radio by the famous actor of the Maly Theater

Alexander Ostuzhev. The poem made a strong impression on the head

of the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of the Red Armin A.V.

Alexandrov, and next day he wrote music for it. Later Alexandrov wrote:

I have never been a military man, but I still had a powerful weapon

in my hands, this is a song. “

On January 3, 1941, at the Belorussky railway station one of the

groups of the Red Banner Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance

of the USSR performed the song “ The Holy War” for the first time.

Again and again - five times in a row! - the ensemble sang “The

Holy War”.

The Holy War” was not widely performed, since it was believed

That it had an excessively tragic sound: it was sung not about an

imminent victory with “little blood”, but about a difficult mortal battle.

The Holy War” began to sound daily on the All – Union radio - every

morning after the battle of the Kremlin chimnes.

The Holy War” was adopted by our army, by all the people, and

became the musical emblem of the Great Patriotic War.


Today I am proud to present to your attention the next issue of

the collection “Legends of our Victory” - the medal “The Voice of

Victory.” It is dedicated to Yuri Borisovich Levitan, who became the

voice of an entire epoch in the history of the country.

Attention, Moscow is speaking!” - with these words, Yuri Levitan

during the Great Patriotic War began to read out on the radio all the

orders of Joseph Stalin, government statements, the most important

reports of the Soviet Information Bureau .

For the front – line soldiers, Levitan was like an entire division

that came to the rescue at the most important moment of the battle!

Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky spoke about him: “It is not

surprising that Yuri Levitan was officially recognized as the number

one enemy of the Hitler Reich. The Fuhrer promised a reward of

250 thousand Reichsmarks for his head. Two services - the Abwehr

and the SS - immediately began to develop an operation to capture


After the war, a curious document was discovered in the archives

stored in the DDR: a written order from the Reich Propaganda

Minister Goebbels, in which he wrote with his own hand: “Moscow

radio should be silenced. Together with the Kremlin, the Mausoleum,

the Bolshoi Theater, the Central Telegraph, railway stations, power

plants and other strategic objects of Moscow.”

In the autumn of 1941, Levitan was evacuated to Sverdlovsk (now

Yekaterinburg) together with the announcer Olga Sergeevna Vysotskaya.

Broadcasting from the capital by this time had become technically

impossible - all the radio towers near Moscow were dismantled,

as they were good landmarks for German bombers. The Ural studio

was located in the basement, the announcer himself lived in a barrack

near under conditions of complete secrecy.

Information for radio releases was received by phone from Moscow.

From the studio, the signal went via cable to a repeater (in those years,

the most powerful in the country) located in the area of Lake Shartash,

and dozens of broadcast stations across the country did not allow

to locate the head radio node. Information about the speaker's stay in

Sverdlovsk was declassified only a quarter of a year later.

In March 1943 Yuri Levitan was secretly transferred to Kuibyshev

(now Samara), where the Soviet radio committee was already located.

And later he returned to Moscow.

There is a well – known anecdote that was in circulation during

the Great Patriotic War: Stalin is asked: “Joseph Vissarionovich, when

will the war end?”. - “But when Levitan announces - then it will end!”.

On May 9, 1945, at 21:55, Levitan read on the air the text about

the Victory over Nazi Germany:

"Attention! Moscow speaks! All the radio stations of the Soviet

Union are working! The Great Patriotic War, which was waged

by the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders, has been victoriously

completed. Fascist Germany has been completely defeated!"

After the war, Levitan continued to work on the radio and

retained his status as an announcer for messages of special

national importance. So, in 1953, he informed Soviet

radio listeners about Stalin's death, and in 1961 — about Yuri

Gagarin's flight into space. Levitan's voice became one of the symbols

of the Great Patriotic War and Victory.


Today I am proud to present to your attention the next issue of

the collection ‘Legends of our Victory’ - the medal “The T – 34 Tank”.

The T – 34 was not as perfect tank as it seemed to the Germans

at that time. But when tanks were used properly, these machines

worked wonders. Tanks appreciated the maneuverability and mobility

of the T - 34, as well as its unique cross – country ability - in autumn

and winter.

The tank made its way where other cars were stuck. The real gift

was a 76 - millimeter gun - in 1941, in dueling situations, the T – 34

had no competitors among the German tanks. The T – 34 really became

one of the main trump cars of the USSR in World War II.

By the end of 1941, the T – 34 had become the main Soviet tank,

playing a key role in all major battles.

Since 1942, “ T-34 Tanks” were produced more than all other Soviet

Tanks combined. During the Moscow winter campaign and later in

Stalingrad the T - 34s were widely used for the first time and pushed

through the defense. It was the 5th Tank Army that broken through to

the rear of Paulus in November 1942, allowing the liberation of

Stalingrad and changing the course of the war. And just a couple of

months later, its success was repeated by the 3rd tank, which staged

a less well - known, but almost as large – scale "cauldron" under Rossosh.

On the Kursk Bulge, Panthers with Tigers invulnerable from afar were

hit by thousands of T - 34s striking at close range from all sides. Such

recognized tank aces as D.F. fought on the T - 34. Lavrinenko (52 destroyed

German tanks in 2.5 months - the best result among Soviet tankers),

V.A.Bochkovsky, N.D.Moseev, K.M. Samokhin, A.F. Burda and others.

The T – 34 is the only model of weapons and military equipment

in the world to which a personal museum complex is dedicated.

And according to the results of the twentieth century, experts from

various countries recognized the Soviet tank T – 34 as a masterpiece

of world tank building.

Being still in service with a number of third world states, in the XXI

century, the thirty - four performs primarily the role of a historical

monument. Some of the surviving cars are memorials to the heroes

of the war, others are exhibits of historical exhibitions. Since these

are not models, but quite real combat vehicles, theoretically some of

them can join the battle after repairing.


I am proud to present to your attention the following medal

The Banner of the Victory”. The Victory Banner is a state relic

of Russia, the official symbol of the victory of the Soviet people

and its Armed Forces over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War.

The Banner is an assault flag of 150 of the Order of Kutuzov of the 2nd

degree of the Idritsky Rifle Division. The Banner was hoisted over

the Reichstag in Berlin by Soviet soldiers on May 1, 1945. The tradition

of hoisting assault flags originated during the fighting during the liberation

of settlements. The Reichstag became the last such frontier.

The Red Banner was installed by the valiant sons of the Soviet

people Yegorov M. and Kantaria M. on the dome of the Reichstag.

On May 9, 1945, the Banner was removed and sent to Moscow. Now

the Victory Banner is kept in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces

in Moscow.

After 1945, the Banner was taken out in 1965 — on the occasion

of the 20th anniversary of the Victory. The flag bearers of the

Victory Parade on May 9, 1965 were: Colonel K. Samsonov, Sergeant

M. Egorov, Junior Sergeant M. Kantaria. Until 1965, the original

Victory Banner was displayed in the former museum building. By

1965, an honor guard was attached to the Banner. In 1975, the

Victory Banner was carried in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses

at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Victory.

The Victory Banner, hoisted on the night of May 1, 1945

over the Reichstag building, was never taken out to military parades

after 1965. During the celebrations on Red Square in Moscow on

Victory Day, an official copy of the Victory Banner stored in the

Central Museum of the Armed Forces is used. This rule comes out

of the provisions of the law on the Banner of Victory.

During the Victory Day Parade on May 9, 2015, the Victory Banner

was carried in front, and the Russian tricolor — after it. At the

Victory Day Parade on May 9, 2016, the Victory Banner again followed

the Russian national flag.

The Victory Banner can be seen in the paintings of Soviet and

Russian artists: Vakurov I. P. “Victory” (on the Palekh miniature,

the victorious warrior holds the Victory Banner over the dome

of the Reichstag);

Bozhko V. N. ‘Hoisting the Banner of Victory over Berlin”;

Mochalsky D. K . “Victory. Berlin 1945” (1947);

Loginov P., Pamfilov V. E. “Victory Banner’ (the Banner fluttering

on the dome of the Reichstag )

Solomatin G. M. “Zhukov in Berlin”;

Titov V. G. “The Banner of Victory”.

One of the plots of the Soviet feature film directed by Mikhail

Chiaureli “The Fall of Berlin” (1949) is dedicated to the hoisting

of the Victory Banner.

The Banner of the Victory is the official symbol of the victory

of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic

War of 1941 - 1945. The decree “On the Banner of Victory” was

signed by the President of Russia. The decree regulated its use

and introduced the concept of “the symbol of the Victory Banner”.


The theme we have chosen "Legends of our Victory " is very actual

and important now. Symbols have always played an important role in the

history of the country, because it is the most international and timeless

language. We see them every day and roughly know what they mean.

For some the symbols of victory are the defeated Germany and the

Victory of the USSR, for others it is the memory and pain of relatives

and loved ones who died or are still considered missing, for others

it is a tribute to veterans, for the fact that he.

We learned about the war only from history books, films and

stories, from parents and teachers. This topic is so immense that they will

talk about it as long as Planet Earth exists.

In addition to the already listed symbols of Victory, we can name

memorial structures, the Katyusha rocket launcher, soldiers' letters - triangles,

the song “Victory Day”. Almost every city has a Victory Park,

which is dedicated to the feat of our fathers and grandfathers.

There are many symbols of the Victory, they look different, but they

all show the significance of this event for Russia and our people,

help to cultivate a sense of love and respect for the Motherland.

Symbols of Victory show that we remember and are proud of the feat

of our soldiers!

Therefore, the value of the presented commemorative medals is not

limited to investment benefits, not even their collectable status. These

precious medals contain something more: the idea of national treasure that

we must preserve for posterity.

By ordering these medals, we get a privileged right to receive the

next issues of “The Legends of Our Victory “ collection. The circulation of

The Legends of Our Victory “ collection is strictly limited. In Russia only

1 out of 5,000 families will be able to receive these valuable medals: the

collection " The Legends of our Victory".

Legendary symbols of the Great Victory on medals covered with pure gold!

In the year of the anniversary of the Great Victory, the medal was minted

as a tribute to the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who

defended the right of the people to peace and freedom.

Items minted as part of this collection are dedicated to the heroes of our

Fatherland, who accomplished a colossal feat and, at the cost of great efforts, were

able to give humanity freedom and a chance for a peaceful life.

Now we are the happy owners of all the medals of “ The Legends of our Victory.”

Each of these medals causes admiration and pride - this is our national

treasure, our memory, which we must preserve for posterity, preserve the history

of our country and capture important events.

The result of our work is the poster advertising . It can be used both in the

classroom and in extracurricular activities.

List of used literature

1.»Легенды нашей Победы»ООО»Императорский монетный двор»

2.imdvor.ru официальный сайт Императорского монетного двора

3.ru.wikipedia.org.История песни «Вставай,страна огромная!»

4.ru.wikipedia.org. «Голос Победы. Юрий Левитан»

5. .ru.wikipedia.org. «Танк Т-34»

6. .ru.wikipedia.org.Знамя Победы»



The song "Holy War" Get up, the country is huge, ... Everyone knows these words. The verses for the song that became the anthem of the Great Patriotic War were written on the first day of the war by the Soviet poet Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach. Already on June 24, they were published in the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda. After reading the poems, the composer Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov wrote music for them


Yuri Levitan is the voice of the epoch, the voice of war, the voice of Victory, the official voice of the Kremlin. During the war years, he read more than 2,000 front-line reports, which were listened to by people all over the country. His voice–always clear and even–inspired hope. It was he who, on May 9, 1945, read the act of surrender of Germany on the radio.


T–34 is a legendary Victory tank that went through the entire war, the brainchild of the brilliant Mikhail Koshkin. The design of the tank combined three important characteristics: firepower, protection and mobility. During the war, several tens of thousands of T–34s were produced. Officially, the tank was withdrawn from service only in 1992.


The Victory Banner is a state relic of Russia, the official symbol of the victory of the Soviet people over nazi Germany.It became the assault flag of the 150th Order of Kutuzov II degree of the Idritsky Rifle Division, hoisted on May 1, 1945 over the Reichstag building.It is kept in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces.


Просмотров работы: 53