Собака - друг человека

XIX Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Собака - друг человека

Важенин П.В. 1Демьянов Т.А. 1
1МАОУ Гимназия № 17
Лузина Н.А. 1
1МАОУ Гимназия № 17
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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It is widely known that people cannot exist without animals. All over the world people keep animals as pets. The list of popular pets includes ferrets, iguanas, snakes, birds, guinea pigs, mice, freshwater fish, hamsters and cats. However, the most widespread pets are dogs. “Despite the fact that only about 17-24 percent of dogs are pets, the global dog population is approximately one billion, which means that the dog will never miss its leading position”.

We study the English language at school and at one of the lesson we came across the fact that the British are a dog loving nation. It seems to be interesting if it is true or not. Besides we wanted to find out whether British dog breeds are popular in Russia or not.

The main purpose of this research: to reveal the role of dogs in the life of people in Great Britain and popularity of British dog breeds in Russia.

For realization of this purpose it is necessary:

1. To consider how dogs became pets;

2. To consider which breeds of dogs were bred in the UK;

3. To find why some dogs became symbols of the countries;

4. To conduct a research which British dog breeds are popular in Russia.

The objects of our study: British dog breeds.

The practical value of the research: to get knowledge of British way of life, to learn more about dogs and to improve our English language skills.

The hypothesis of our research is that people in Britain and Russia keep dogs equally.

Chapter 1. The Role of Dogs in the Life of People in Great Britain

Domestication of the Dog

The dog was the first animal that was domesticated by man. Scientists still have not come to an agreement when it happened. According to the most common version, the dog was domesticated 10-14 thousand years ago.Some scientists found the imprint of a wolf's paw and a child's foot in a cave in France, which was made about 32 thousand years ago. Russian archaeologist Nikolay Ovodov analyzed bones of a dog found in a cave in Altai. The bones are also about 32 thousand years old.

The question of where the first domestication took place also remains open. The probable homeland of the dog was Europe. According to scientists, the closest relatives of the modern dog are found among some groups of European wolves.

It is not known exactly how domestication occurred.It is unknown how many generations it took the wolf to turn into a dog. Obviously, it took more than one hundred years.The main duty of the first dogs was to notify the people about the threat with loud barking. Later the need for a hunting dog was born. Unlike a guard dog, hunter knows how to keep quiet. After catching the prey, the dog brought it to the owner.Hunting breeds did not appear immediately, but after thousands of years. Following the hunt, they began to be used in various spheres of life.

New breeds for new tasks are being bred up to this day. Great Britain is one of the oldest countries in the world. Many popular dog breeds originate in the United Kingdom, particularly in England. The country has a long and rich history of dog breeding. That's why so many popular dog breeds today were bred in England. Many of them were bred in order to have specific work skills: hunting, destruction of pests, grazing. All these breeds have a set of certain characteristics (shapes, sizes) that help them succeed in their activities. The temperaments of dogs also vary: some are quite active and athletic, others, on the contrary, are much calmer.

Dog lovers’ nation

Great Britain is not very rich in different animals. The main representatives of the its fauna are foxes, hares, and hedgehogs. In the south of England, you can see wild goats, rabbits and wild ducks. The most significant representative of the animal world is the red deer. There are more than 200 species of birds. Many large animals that lived in Great Britain were killed, for example bears and wolves. In the UK there are approximately 300,000 farms. Farmers keep mostly cows and sheep. Other farm animals are horses, pigs, goats, ducks, chicken and so on.

However, tailed friends are in a special position. Sometimes, they joke: "if you want to become an Englishman's best friend, you will have to ... become a cat." Calling you favourite dog or cat “an animal” is not correct. Pet is a special word for it.

Cats and dogs are the most popular pets in the UK. They account for 42% of the total number of pets. Birds (2.2%), rabbits (0.8%), hamsters (1.4%) are significantly behind the leaders of the list. More than 40% of British families have dogs.

Nearly 6 million dogs live in Great Britain.An Englishman will never kick a dog out into the street because of love that has already developed from generations to generations for "man's best friends". In England, dogs have long been given a place of honor, because they have always served man faithfully: they guarded rural settlements, fearlessly went to the beast, decorated the royal chambers.

A lot of sayings and proverbs connected with dogs prove great role of them:

  • Every dog has his day.

  • Every dog is a lion at home.

  • Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

  • An old dog barks not in vain.

  • A good dog deserves a good bone.

  • Dog does not eat dog.

  • Let sleeping dogs lie.

Dogs as national symbols in Great Britain

Some dogs were so important in Great Britain that they became unofficial symbols of the country.

English Bulldog is a symbol of England. The English Bulldog is a powerful dog with well–developed muscles. For his calm character, natural intelligence and cleanliness, the bulldog is called an "English gentleman".

The ancestors of the current Bulldogs were very angry. They were used to entertain the crowd, set off against bulls, horses, and even bears and lions.The name "bulldog" fully corresponded to the purpose: dog that fights bulls.

The English bulldog is not only an excellent bodyguard, but also a true friend. Even if you are sad at heart for some reason, this "Englishman" with a funny face will be able to cheer you up. The English bulldog is the owner of a very characteristic appearance, which can not be confused with any other. Because of its appearance, it may give the impression that the pet is by nature clumsy and slow. However, if there is a real danger to himself or the owner, the dog will react quickly and will be able to defend himself.

The Scotch Terrier is considered to be aristocratic, being one of the symbols of Scotland. Choosing a Scotch Terrier, you will find a faithful companion and a wonderful friend.

The Scotch Terrier got its name from the Latin word "terra" – earth. Terriers were considered "earthen" dogs and helped to hunt for badgers and foxes. The first mention of Scottish terriers dates back to the XVI century. The first description of the exterior is given in the breed standard in 1883.

It is known that the owners of Scotch terriers were such important people as T. Roosevelt and A. Einstein.

Now the Scotch Terrier has become a home breed.The advantages of the breed include its decorativeness, funny character and cute appearance. They are easy to care about and have good health.

Welsh corgi is one of the most ancient breeds, it appeared more than 3000 years ago. The breed originates from Wales. The history of the corgi is surrounded with many legends and mysteries.According to one of the legends, a fairy gave a puppy to little shepherds who got lost in the forest. It helped them find their way and stayed with them.According to other sources, the origin of corgi is connected with the appearance of Celts in the British Isles. The first mention of small shepherd dogs is found in documents of the X century.

Until 1850, corgis were the only domesticated dogs in Wales. They were used for looking after cows and mountain ponies, driving them into stalls. The dogs bit the animals' limbs, directing them in the right way. Extremely active and quick they could easily avoid hooves and horns.

The animals gained their greatest popularity after the Duke of York, later king
George V, presented corgi puppies as a gift to his daughters Margaret Rose and Elizabeth – the upcoming Queen of Great Britain.

Welsh corgis are still used as shepherd dogs. But more often they become just pets. They are self-confident, with excellent intelligence and quick wit, at the same time they love active games. Dogs are very energetic and loyal to both the owner and the whole family.

British dog breeds

Professional dog breeding started in England at the beginning of the 19th century. England gives the world the best hunters, shepherds, keepers and companions. Great Britain is the ancestor of more than 50 dog breeds, and some of them (dorgi, fergi) were bred by the queen herself (Russian specialists have bred about 25 breeds).

British fighting breeds:

English mastiff, Bull terrier, Bullmastiff, Staffordshire terrier, etc.

The term "fighting dog" speaks about the occupation of the animal. They are breeds participating in battles. Species were bred with signs giving an advantage in the fight: a strong body, developed muscles, a large head, powerful jaws. Modern fighters are descendants of dogs that took part in wars. Now these strong and brave pets can act as guards and companions, leaving their fighters instincts far behind.

British Hound breeds:

Basset hound, Beagle, Beagle, Harrier, Felhound, etc.

Hounds of dog breeds belong to the hunting group. Hounds are the most ancient of the hunting breeds. Representatives of the hound breeds search for prey on the trail and pursue it. Pets are active and adventurous, they accompany the chase with loud barking, signaling about their location to the owner.Hounds have developed muscles, powerful limbs, hanging long ears. Animals can run for a long time without slowing down. The key to successful hunting is the sharp nose of dogs.

British Hunting breeds:

Whippet, English cocker spaniel, English Pointer,English setter, Bedlington Terrier, Border terrier,Jack Russell Terrier, Fox Terrier, etc.

Hunting dog breeds are diverse, but there is something that unites them all –excitement and the desire to please the owner.Hunting dogs trust a person on the level of instincts, so it's easy to cooperate with them. Many representatives of this group are not used for their historical purpose, but become loyal pets and stars of exhibitions.

British Companion dogs: Bobtail, Border collie, Yorkshire terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Labrador retriever, Sheltie, Norwich Terrier, Scotch Terrier etc.

Cute companions are easy to contact; they love to sit on the lap of the owner or next to him on the couch. They become loyal friends, helping to relieve stress and have fun. This group also includes those breeds whose ancestors were hunting or service dogs.

British Herding dogs:

Sheltie (Shetland Shepherd), Scottish Shepherd (Collie), Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Welsh Corgi cardigan etc.

Since ancient times, shepherd breeds of dogs have helped a person to look after goats and sheep and to protect them. Most of them are sheepdogs. Shepherd dogs usually have thick hair. They can overcome long distances. They are attentive and sensitive. As for the size, it is usually medium or large. There are also miniature exceptions, for example, Welsh Corgi Pembroke. Shepherd breeds are easily trained. Shepherd dog breeds are ideal pets for families with children.

Top 10 world popular British dogs

English dog breeds are well-known and widespread all over the world.

Popularity rating given by https://pet-mir.ru/top-10-anglijskix-porod-sobak/

First place – Airedale Terrier. This is the king of all terriers, who comes from the town of Airedale in Yorkshire. These amazing dogs attract the attention of everyone around them, they look proud and inaccessible. However, when you get to know an Airedale terrier closer, you realize that this is a very cute and kind dog. Despite their kind disposition, Airedale terriers are used as police dogs in Germany, the USA and Britain. By the way, it is the Airedale terrier that guards Buckingham Palace.

Second place – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. This breed of dog has an amazing name; the dogs are named after King Charles II of Britain. Charles spaniels are kept by very famous and rich people. Dogs of this breed are very affectionate and cute animals, they quickly get attached to their owner and are loyal to him all their lives. Charles spaniels are excellent companions in all matters.

Third place - Clumber Spaniel. This is the largest dog of all spaniels, it was bred for hunting in lowlands. This breed got its name from the estate of the Earl of Newcastle. Amazing spaniels are very beautiful and elegant, just like real aristocrats. They are unpretentious in food and are always happy to meet new people. It is necessary to train dogs of this breed from puppy age, then the pet will quickly remember everything and will obey the owner.

Fourth place – English Bulldog. This is a very popular breed of dog, because the stocky little dog is very charming and cute. English bulldogs were originally bred for bull fighting, and today, it is simply impossible to believe. After all, everyone perceives a small puffing dog exclusively as a pet. The English Bulldog is a very smart dog, it quickly remembers commands and behaves properly.

Fifth place - English Foxhound. Dogs of this breed are very often used on fox hunts, the animals are very agile and fast. The English Foxhound looks very similar to the big beagle, and this is another reason that explains the popularity of this breed. The Foxhound is a cheerful and good–natured dog that can always cheer up its owner. However, with a dog of this breed, it is necessary to walk a lot and exercise, because this is a hunting breed and animals have a lot of energy.

Sixth place - Scottish Setter. This breed was bred in Scotland, on the estate of the Earl of Richmond and Gordon. This is a hunting breed of dogs, smart and agile. A dog of this breed was filmed in "White Bim black ear". However, this film starred a dog with a very rare and uncharacteristic color for Scottish setters.

Seventh place – Labrador Retriever. This is a very popular breed of dog, and it is known all over the world. Dogs of this breed are among the ten kindest dogs in the world, so they are very often started by families with children. Labrador does not require special care, most importantly, pay more attention to the pet. After all, dogs of this breed are excessively loving and affectionate, they love communication and attention.

Eighth place – Seelham Terrier. This is a very rare breed and it is on the verge of extinction. The fact is that it is not very popular with breeders, and this is very strange, because terriers are very beautiful and smart. This breed of dog gets along well with people and other animals. Despite their size, they are very brave and hardy dogs who are ready to protect their owner at any moment.

Ninth place – Sheltie. This is a shepherd dog from the Shetland Islands, which are located in Scotland. Externally, it is a reduced collie, and that is why the breed is so popular now. Animals of this breed are very smart and cheerful, they love new acquaintances and "communication". Keeping a shepherd dog is not very easy, because you need to walk a lot with it and do various physical activities. Otherwise, the dog will have too much extra energy, which it can use in the wrong direction.

Tenth place – Corgi. Dogs of this breed were the favorite animals of Queen Elizabeth II. They are very beautiful, smart and playful. Corgi is a great breed for a large family, because the dog loves to communicate and be "the center of attention". Keeping a dog of this breed is not difficult at all, corgis are unpretentious in food and do not need special care. This is a great pet for a friendly and cheerful family.

Chapter 2. Research “The Popularity of Dogs in Russia”

We conducted a survey among fifth- and sixth-grade students to find out how popular dogs are in our country. 75 people (32 girls and 43 boys) took part in the survey. The first question was “Do you have a dog?” 25 students (12 girls and 13 boys) responded positively. It means that only 33% of families have dogs. At the same time, one of the boys has got three dogs and one of the girls has got two dogs.

We asked those students who have dogs to mention what breeds their dogs are. The answers were: German shepherd, poodle, Sharpey, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, etc. 4 students have mongrels. Our schoolmates also have British dogs: Welsh corgi (2), Labrador, Jack Russell terrier (2), Yorkshire terrier.

The second question we asked was “Which dog from the list of most popular dogs do you find most attractive?” The leader of our rating is Welsh corgi. It is chosen by 25 boys and 9 girls. In the second place we have Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. 12 girls and 3 boys find this dog the most attractive. Labrador Retriever is the best for 3 girls and 5 boys. 7 students chose Sheltie; 6 students chose English Foxhound. 4 students like English Bulldog and 1 student likes Scottish Setter. Clumber Spaniel and Airedale Terrier were not chosen at all.


Working on our project we learned a lot of new things. Now we know how dogs became pets, which breeds of dogs were bred in the UK, why some dogs became symbols of the countries. We conducted a research about popularity of dogs in Russia.

We came to the conclusion that the role of dogs in the life of people in Great Britain is really big because throughout history, dogs have helped a person and been his faithful friend. British dog breeds are popular all over the world including Russia.

We got some knowledge about British way of life, learned more about dogs and improved our English language skills.

However, our hypothesis that people in Britain and Russia keep dogs equallywas not confirmed. The study showed that people in Russia have fewer dogs than the British.

Information recourses

  1. https://bugaga.ru/interesting/1146748902-top-25-samye-populyarnye-zhivotnye-v-poiske-google.html

  2. https://vitas1917.livejournal.com/617118.html

  3. https://zooblog.ru/angliyskie-porody-sobak/

  4. https://xn----8sbiecm6bhdx8i.xn--.html

  5. https://london.zagranitsa.com/article

  6. https://thelang.ru/proverbs/animal-proverbs

  7. https://doberman-help.ru/vse-porody/skotch-terer-otzyvy.html

  8. https://vplate.ru/sobaki/velsh-korgi/

  9. https://lapkins.ru/dog/angliyskiy-buldog/

  10. https://hvost.news/animals/dogs-breeds/angliyskie-porody-sobak/

  11. https://pet-mir.ru/top-10-anglijskix-porod-sobak/

Просмотров работы: 24