Что для одного мусор, для другого предмет для фантазии и творчества

XIX Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Что для одного мусор, для другого предмет для фантазии и творчества

Миронова О.И. 1
1МБОУ "ВОК" СП Нижнегалинская школа
Лобашева Т.Н. 1
1МБОУ "ВОК" СП Нижнегалинская школа
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
Текст работы размещён без изображений и формул.
Полная версия работы доступна во вкладке "Файлы работы" в формате PDF


Currently, the ecological crisis has covered all planet. One of the problems is garbage. Billions of tons of household waste lie on the ground. And every year their number is constantly growing. People throw garbage everywhere: on the streets, in entrances, parks, forests.

This problem is also relevant for our area. I love my village very much, and it hurts me to watch it drown in garbage.

Taking the garbage out of the house, we rarely think about what will happen to it next. Basically, garbage is taken to landfills — there are about 11 thousand of them in Russia and they occupy huge areas. Burial is the cheapest way to get rid of waste. But the resources of our Earth are limited, and there is too much waste, and they simply do not have time to be processed naturally. It takes up to one month to decompose food waste in the natural environment, 2-3 years to decompose paper, cans - from 80 to 100 years, polyethylene - up to 200 years, plastic - up to 500 years, glass - up to 1000 years. Thus, recycling of garbage is a serious problem that affects not only Russia.

I thought about the question of how to reduce the amount of garbage in order to save my settlement. I decided to do a research and find ways to recycle household waste.

I believe that in order to preserve and maintain order in your home and the environment, it is necessary to properly dispose of those things that become unnecessary to us. The Russian people have always been famous for their craftsmen who could make something useful, interesting and beautiful with their own hands.

In everyday life, we very often encounter household waste such as glass and plastic bottles, corks, cardboard, cans, plastic bags, etc. But not everyone understands that these items can be made into very beautiful products for use in everyday life. After thinking about it, I decided to create a bank of ideas for the use of household waste and invite the students of our school in technology lessons and at home to make products that they like, or come up with something themselves.

Aim: to find out the possibilities and ways of using household waste for the production of new products in order to reduce the amount of household garbage.


1. Study the literature on this problem;

2. Conduct a survey among the students of our class;

3. Offer options for crafts made from discarded material in order to preserve the environment, create a bank of ideas;

4. Analyze the results.

Object of research: household waste.

Subject of research: the possibility of recycling household waste.

Research hypothesis: let's assume that most household waste can be given a second life. I think that students can make a feasible contribution to the fight against household garbage, using litter to carry out original design developments. This will reduce the amount of household garbage, preserve the ecology of the environment and save money for your family.

The practical significance of the study is to teach us to take care of the surrounding nature, use materials economically and make a small contribution to the fight against household garbage.

Research methods:

1. Theoretical methods: study and analysis of literature, Internet materials on the research topic;

2. Empirical methods: questionnaires; practical analysis of applications.

The place of the study: the territory of D. Lower Galino.

The study dates: December 17, 2022 - January 25, 2023.

Chapter I. The theoretical part

1.1 What is garbage?

"Garbage is waste, rubbish" (interpretation of the dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov). In other words, garbage is all things and objects that no longer have a use in everyday life or purpose and that need to be disposed of. The reasons for its appearance are different, but its main source is human activity.

A whole science is engaged in the study of garbage, its composition and disposal – Garbology (from the English garbage "garbage").

Garbage is divided into several types. According to its physical condition, garbage can be solid, liquid or gaseous. According to the source of origin, it can be domestic (waste that accumulates at home) and industrial (waste from factories).

The most common type of garbage is solid, household waste (glass and plastic, wood and metal, textile and other items).

Russia produces about 4 billion tons of waste annually. On average, less than a quarter of garbage is recycled.

How can we help the Earth? The most common method of dealing with garbage is incineration. This method has a serious drawback – emissions generated during combustion. They contain very dangerous substances for health – dioxins, which develop the appearance of cancer cells and all kinds of allergies in humans.

Also, one of the ways of recycling is secondary use. Garbage can be useful, the one that can be reused, but we rarely think about the fact that the thing we threw away can find a second life.

Chapter II. Research part

In the course of the study, I conducted a survey among students of grades 5 - 9. In the survey, I used a questionnaire in Google Form, which includes 9 questions in order to find out in which packages they buy goods and how they use these packages and other garbage in the future. Links to the questionnaires were published on the VKontakte social network and in the conversations of each class.

27 respondents took part in the survey. The results of the survey are displayed in diagrams .

As a result of the work done, the following conclusion can be drawn: the guys don't know much, and most of the students don't even think about the possible reuse of unnecessary things, and basically everything that can be used again falls into the landfill. This means that it is necessary to carry out work to promote the recycling of household waste.

Chapter III. Bank of ideas (proposals)

3.1 Design of products from secondary raw materials

There are many things left in the house that belong in the landfill, but our imagination can create masterpieces at home from improvised means. Designing products from materials already used that are different in shape, color and size develops not only imagination, but also constructive thinking, creativity, perseverance, accuracy, and forms labor skills.

In English, geography, and literature lessons, we talked about nature conservation as a global problem, and in technology lessons we learned that useful things can be made from unnecessary things. These are interior details (sofa cushions), organizers, toys, souvenirs, etc.

3.2 Crafts made of plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are an amazing material for crafts. How many unusual and unique masterpieces can be made from them. These are crafts for the garden, vegetable garden, summer cottage, playground, as well as toys, souvenirs. Practical flowerpots for flowers and greenery, stands for stationery, roomy boxes and storage for bulk products in the kitchen, practical drinkers and feeders for domestic and wild birds, containers for seedlings, etc. will be useful in the household.

3.3 Flap products

Patchwork sewing, patchwork technique, patchwork mosaic, textile mosaic (also patchwork, from the English patchwork — "a piece of patchwork") is a type of needlework in which, according to the mosaic principle, a whole product is sewn from pieces of fabric (scraps). I believe that a patchwork product created with my own hands warms, decorates and expresses individuality. The range of patchwork products is diverse. These are pillows, mats, potholders, napkins, tablecloths, blankets, dolls.

3.4 Crafts from disposable tableware

Any children's event leaves behind not only pleasant memories, but also a huge number of plastic spoons, forks, plates and cocktail tubes. Many will be surprised to learn how many truly beautiful products can be made from ordinary plastic tableware. DIY disposable tableware with your own hands is not only fast, but also probably the cheapest way to have fun.

You can make tulips or a water lily, a picture frame or a clock, a wall panel or a fan, or a multicolored peacock.... Everything will be limited only by the amount of material and your imagination.

3.5 Crafts made of plastic lids

Lids from plastic bottles, yoghurts, ketchups, medicines are a good material for children's, family and even professional creativity! In addition, plastic is practically not recycled here - and you can help preserve nature without sending another portion of garbage to the landfill.

From plastic lids, you can create a huge number of crafts — children's toys, fridge magnets, hot plates, curtains and many other useful things, for example: a massage mat, as well as a variety of crafts from lids can decorate your home.

3.6 Crafts from tin cans

Tin, aluminum ... yes, it is not particularly important what numerous cans of condensed milk, coffee, sardines, peas and so on are made of. What can be made from a jar with your own hands — so that it acquires a new function, continues its service and thereby helps the environment at least a little, at least a little? It can be – planters for flowers, stands for pencils and pens, candlesticks, toy furniture, trays for kitchen utensils and much more.

3.7 Crafts made of cardboard and paper bushings

Cardboard is a common material that is widely used today for the production of containers, as a packaging material. For the manufacture of crafts, in addition to cardboard boxes, you can also use bushings from toilet paper, paper towels, packaging for medicines and cosmetics, etc.

Cardboard is remarkable in that it can be used to build both flat and three-dimensional models, which turn out to be strong and durable. You can make: all kinds of rockets and airplanes, photo frames and picture frames, houses and models of palaces, dollhouses and furniture, toy castles, boxes, Christmas toys, organizers and more.

Cardboard has qualities such as strength, plasticity, is well amenable to processing: it bends easily, cuts, paints, glues, stitches and holds its shape, and it is also always available.

3.8 Crafts from disks

From CD and DVD discs, you can make magnificent crafts that will serve you for many years to come as original home decor elements: candlesticks, caskets, vases, photo frames, paintings, etc.

Original crafts from CDs are a wonderful opportunity to turn junk material into a unique gift that you can't buy anywhere.


I think in my work I was able to show how you can reuse household waste that is in every home.

It is not always necessary to rush to throw away unnecessary things. Think about it! Perhaps they will make a beautiful toy, a decoration for the house or garden, an interesting bird feeder or a convenient device. Then you will definitely make the planet cleaner and your life more beautiful. If we use waste material wisely and smartly, we will learn ourselves and teach others to take care of nature and the resources of our country.

The hypothesis of research is correct – most household waste can and should be given a second life. I believe that the students of the school can make a real contribution to the fight against household garbage. By giving a second life to household waste, we will be able not only to make our lives easier, but also to preserve nature, as well as save money from the family budget. In the right hands, a plastic bottle, a box, an unnecessary thing can turn into useful things for the home, for the garden, as well as an original and exclusive gift for friends and relatives

I hope that the guys will be interested in these crafts, and this research work will help bring their fantasies to life.

In the future I plan to tell my classmates about the ways of making various products and crafts from household waste, hold a master class at a technology lesson and organize an exhibition of works at school.

Sources of information

  1. Valova V.D. (Kopylova): Fundamentals of ecology: Textbook, Moscow: Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2002. – 264 p.

  2. Konopleva, N.P. "The second life of things" Do–it–yourself series. /N.P. Konoplev, M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - pp. 3-20.

  3. Pereverten, G.I. Homemade crafts from different materials./ G.I.Pereverten - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

  4. https://dnevnikmastera.ru/sites/default/files/styles/780w/public/photoart/podelki_iz_tkani_1.png

  5. https://build-experts.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2-29.jpg

  6. https://infinittonews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/adorno-basurero-tapasplastico.jpg

  7. https://severdv.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/podstavka-iz-kartona-dizajn.jpg

  8. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-flqZSIAwdsQ/WAanaclNyvI/AAAAAAAABX4/t4EzYWgN2nQDc8kQVEHiWF02kVKv3qSMwCLcB/s1600/rousokutate1.jpg

  9. http://lachat.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/post_5c7056395ac4b.jpg

Appendix 1


  1. В каких упаковках вы покупаете товары чаще?

А) в пластиковых

Б) в бумажных (картонных)

В) в полиэтиленовых

Г) без упаковки

Д) другое__________________________________________________________

2. Что вы делаете с мусором (пластиковые бутылки, фантики, лоскуты, пробки, коробки и др)?

А) Выбрасываем в мусорку

Б) Используем в быту

В) Другое________________________________________________________

3. Как Вы считаете, наносит ли вред природе выброшенный мусор?

А) Да  Б) Нет  В) Не знаю 

4. Знаете ли Вы, что 80 % мусора – это предметы, которые можно использовать еще раз?

А) Да Б) Нет

5. Как можно вторично использовать (ваши предложения):


6. Как можно вторично использовать (ваши предложения):

Алюминиевые банки

7. Как можно вторично использовать (ваши предложения):

Бумагу (картон)

8. Как можно вторично использовать (ваши предложения):

Пластиковые бутылки и крышки

9. Пользуетесь ли Вы советами из интернета и телевидения по использованию вторичного сырья и изготовлением поделок?

А) Да

В) Нет

Appendix 2

В опросе приняли участие 27 респондентов.

Appendix 3

P lastic bottle products

Baskets for flowers, sweets Cups for cold drinks

Bird feeders Piggy bank

Pencil case for pens, pencils Planters for flowers

P lastic bottle products for garden and vegetable garden

Appendix 4

Products made of flaps




T oys Coasters for hot


Bedspread on the sofa Shopping Bags

Appendix 5

Disposable tableware products

Candy stand Toys

Picture Wall Clock

Fan Decoration - peacock


Appendix 6

Variants of plastic lid products

Pencil case Curtains

Fence design

Garden path Trash can Massage mat

Appendix 7

Variants of tin can products


Pots for flowers

Crafts (toys)

Appendix 8

Variants of products made of cardboard and paper bushings

Decorations on the wall Organizers


Stands for pens and pencils Letter box Decorations for the New Year


Appendix 9

Variants of disc products

Wall clock Carpet



Просмотров работы: 46