Павловское водохранилище - жемчужина Башкортостана

XX Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Павловское водохранилище - жемчужина Башкортостана

Байдуганова А.А. 1
1МОБУ Ургушевская СОШ МР Караидельский район РБ
Праздничных М.В. 1
1МОБУ Ургушевская СОШ МР Караидельский район РБ
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My Motherland is the village Chebykovo. It is situated on the banks of the Pavlovsk Reservoir which is very beautiful at any time of the year. A photograph of one of its banks shows a mirrored water surface and a curious cliff. Many people call the pond as little Switzerland. There are many steep banks with rocks of the most fantastic shapes, there are also gentle places, convenient for parking and installation of tents.

This topic interested me 3 years ago, when I participated in the Republican contest of creative Works "Land Owner" and received a diploma in the nomination "Ah, this is a miracle, our native land".

Relevance: the topic is relevant in connection with the fact that today the Pavlovsk Reservoir is a natural monument and a favorite place for modern tourists of Bashkortostan and other cities of Russia. I would like to share my impressions of the places in which I live and express my pride in my village Chebykovo which is located on the territory of the Pavlovsk Reservoir.

Subject of research: the Pavlovsk Reservoir and the native village Chebykovo located on it

Object of research: attractive recreation centers in the Pavlovsk Reservoir, the village Chebykovo, its location, people living in it.

The purpose of the study: to explore and study the amazingly beautiful places of the territory of the Pavlovsk reservoir.

Research objectives:

-To intensify the attention of schoolchildren to such a wonderful natural monument as the Pavlovsk Reservoir;

- to generalize and deepen their knowledge about the traditions and customs of the native village Chebykovo on the river Ufimka;

- to continue education of the patriotic relation to native edges

Hypothesis: the most popular holiday destinations in Bashkiria are the banks of the Pavlovsk Reservoir.

1. Chebykovo is my Homeland

1.1 From the history of the village Chebykovo

There were 3 villages under the name Chebykovo in the XVIII century. One of them was located on the Bashkir patrimonial lands of the Kanl insky volost, now the Mari settlement of the Mishkinsky district of the Republic of Belarus. The second and third appeared on the estate of the Bashkirs of the Eldyak volost. The second settlement of Chebybovo was founded under the agreement of the Bashkir patriarchs, given to teptyar Turgeney Toktarov on July 21, 1750 for the eternal use of land from the quarter 4 marten per year. In 1816, 120 lived, in 1834 - 160 people. Subsequently, it was called Chebykovo (Turgenevo). In the 40s. XIX century it consisted of 21 yards (85 men and 75 women from the Bashkir estates and teptyars from the Tatars). Teptyars used the land in conjunction with the Bashkirs, fellow villagers. In 1859 the village was called Turgenev, where there were 50 households with 182 men and 179 women from the estates and parishioners. In 1917, in the Baikibashevsky volost there were 2 villages of Turgenev: Upper and Lower (both on the left bank of the Ufa river). In the Upper Village there were 125 yards of teppers, Tatars, Mishars, Bashkirs (747 people), in the Lower - 64 teppyards with 414 inhabitants. There was the village of Sredneturgenevo. Today, these three settlements of teppers on the map of Belarus are not. Their inhabitants were resettled in other villages due to the construction of the Pavlovsk hydroelectric station.

So the turn came to the Mari village Chebykovo in Eldyak volost. After the issuance of the decree of 1832, the Mari of this village presented the original contract of May 10, 7135 (1627), given by the Bashkirs of the Eldyak volost to the cheremis from the tepters, Semenka Semeneev, his sons Bakbik, Sadiy, Baigu Semenkeev. But it turned out that the presented agreement was written on paper produced by the factory in 1803. This was evidenced by the watermark of the paper. On this basis, the contract was recognized as false. But in fact, the Mari for settlement and cultivation of the land received by contractual allowance of the Bashkir patrimons of Eldyak volost from April 10, 1737.

The population growth is visible in the figures given: Mari - 1816 - 128, 1834 - 118, 1859- 114, 1870- 125, 1917-280, 1920-249.

Eli Manaev at the baptism of Ivan Ivanov in 1861 was counted among the state peasants of the Birsk district of the Orenburg province.

1.2. Culture and traditios of the village Chebykovo

My village Chebykovo is located on the bank of the Pavlovsk reservoir, on the South side of the village is a reservoir, on the opposite bank are also mountains, but already covered with coniferous forest, there is taiga. The streets of my native village are straight and strict: parallel and perpendicular. In spring, when the cherry blossoms, white fragrant stripes are drawn along the street on both sides (as all in the garden grows cherry), exuding a wonderful aroma. In the village, not far from the river, there is a dry big pine, in the spring evenings starlings gather on it, like a big orchestra, and arrange a concert.

The people there are mainly Mari. They have their own customs and culture. The holiday "Shorykyol" (sheep's foot) is celebrated at the beginning of the year during Christmas, mummers go home dancing and singing.

In the past, the Mari associated this holiday with the well-being of their household and family and changes in life. Especially important was the first day of the holiday. On this day, the girls went home, always went into the shepherd and pulled the sheep by the legs. This ritual was supposed to ensure fertility and prosperity in the house. A number of signs and beliefs were timed to the first day of the holiday. Mari attached serious importance to various fortunetelling. They were mainly related to the prediction of fate.

An integral part of the Shorykyol holiday is the procession of the mummers led by the main characters - Old Man Vasily and Old Woman. They are perceived by the Mari as harbingers of the future. The owners of the house try to meet the mummers as best as possible. Among the mummers, a bear, a goose, a horse, a crane, a goat and other animals are often found. Hazelnuts which treat the mummers are specially cherished for the holiday. A significant role on this day is ceremonial food. A lamb's head is an obligatory dish, in addition to it, traditional drinks and dishes are prepared.

The next holiday “Uyarnya” (carnival) is celebrated four weeks after the holiday “Shorykyol”. The custom of the Mari ritual festival "Uyarnya" dates back to ancient times. The ancestors of the Mari at the end of winter held a holiday during which they spent the winter and a meeting of spring with its life-giving force and solar warmth. It combined elements of winter and spring rituals, which became a feature of the holiday. At the heart of the Shrovetide ceremonies lay an agricultural cult. The desire to awaken and revitalize nature, to revive the fertile forces of the earth, as well as to ensure the economic well-being of the family, to protect itself and its economy from dark forces - the original idea of Shrovetide is forgotten at the present time.

Shrovetide manages to do it within one week from Friday to Friday - 4 weeks after Shorykyol payre. The entire rural population participated in the celebration, regardless of age, but the main role was played by young people who had fun throughout the Pancake week. There was a feeling that during the whole Shrovetide people only did what they ate and drank, sang and danced, in a word they had fun from the heart.

Name Uyarnya is not accidental. In the church books, Shrovetide is called a cheese week, because the last week before fasting it was no longer allowed to eat meat, but dairy products: cheese, eggs, including butter, which were abundantly watered with pancakes - the main holiday dish - were not yet banned. Pancakes are the main treat of the holiday.

Mari on the day of prayer from the early morning drown the bath. After the bath, they put on clean linen. Only with a clean body and with bright thoughts can one begin to pray. To do this, you need to flood the stove early in the morning, bake pancakes, grease with butter and put in a stack. Hot milk is placed in a bowl next to a stack of pancakes and a little butter is put.

The head of the family reads the prayer. Very rarely, a woman can read a prayer, in which case she is required to wear a men's headdress. The family gets up near the table. The prayer picks up a white tablecloth, a stack of pancakes and in the direction of sunrise he says a prayer.

Each member of the family at this time can say this prayer in the mind.

The family is seated around the table. The very first pancakes are tried by the Head of the family, then by seniority.

A characteristic feature of the Mari Shrovetide is idle pastime with the reception of guests and going to visit. An important place is given to kinship. During the holiday, daughters and their husbands come to visit their parents. Other relatives also call in. The hosts greet them with a festively set table.

During the week of Uyarnya festivities are held in the form of skiing from the mountain. It was believed that if you pass from the mountain, then the year will be happy and without troubles. Both children and adults ride the mountain. They went skiing, sledding . Older people gathered at the snowy mountains, set up tables for refreshments, as each brought his own dish: pancakes, kvass, sweets, set a


There is a Mari holiday «Kugeche-koche» dedicated to the renewal of nature and the commemoration of the dead. It is held during the Russian Easter, only three days earlier. In summer people celebrate "Semyk", then " Trinity.” The Marian philosophy connects all forces occurring with the Wind, with the Cloud, with Fire and Water. There is a Holy grove behind the village -a place of sacrifice and prayers.

2. The natural monument the Pavlovsk Reservoir and its recreation centers.

2.1. “Three bears”

If we talk about the rest on the territory of Bashkortostan, the favorite place for modern tourists is the Pavlovsk Reservoir. A huge number of luxury boarding houses and recreation centers are built on its territory and this suggests that you will relax in a civilized and pleasant environment.

Thousands of people in winter and summer come to rest on their favorite Pavlovka. All bases give comfortable accommodation and a variety of services, including walks on the pond, excursions, fishing, sauna, summer and winter sports.

One of such recreation centers is a place “Three Bears". Every year a huge number of tourists come here to spend a weekend or vacation alone with the beautiful nature of Pavlovka. But you will get from the trip not only aesthetic pleasure, the administration of the recreation center has taken care of creating the most relevant entertainment for its guests.

On a large-scale fenced territory you will find a real tourist Paradise. Cozy wooden cottages designed in a rustic style will help you to feel the luxury of the suiTounding nature and comfortable stylish furniture of the rooms will contribute to relaxation and complete detachment from the bustle of the big city.

The recreation center “At Three Bears” is located in the village Novoyansaitovo, on the banks of the Pavlovsk Reservoir. The territory of the base is decorated with elements of landscape design. Here stone and wooden sculptures are installed, malls are laid, lawns and flowerbeds are broken.

The base is suitable for family vacations, parties in the company of friends or colleagues, for celebrations.

In the warmer months, water attractions, a beach, and boat rental for boat trips operate on the territory of the base.

Fans of winter entertainment are offered ice skating on an outdoor ice rink and tubing on a specially equipped track.

Service and entertainment:

  • parking

  • brazier zone

  • bath ‘

  • boat rental

  • catamaran rental

  • billiards

  • water slide

  • rink

  • track for tubing with a lift

  • rental of balls for playing soccer, basketball, volleyball -gym

  • banqueting hall

  • organization of weddings, corporate parties, birthdays, New Year's banquets, parties

On the territory of the recreation center "Three Bears" there is a restaurant decorated in the style of a village hut. The menu offers Russian home cooking. There is also a karaoke bar and places for cooking on the grill.

2.2. "Bashkir Ritsa".


The next base of rest is "Bashkir Ritsa". It is located in the village of Pavlovka, 100 km from Ufa, on the banks of the Pavlovsk reservoir. This is an elite country complex, which offers its guests a wide range of services for recreation and entertainment. For those who want to spend time in a calm atmosphere and relax from the usual everyday life there is an opportunity to visit a real Russian bath on firewood, relax on the shore of the reservoir, relaxing in a sun lounger, go for a boat trip on the ship or spend the evening in a cozy restaurant. Fans of more active leisure will like the local gym, rope park, the opportunity to rent equipment

and go for a walk on the water or by bike. In winter time on the territory of the base there is a skating rink and rented snowmobiles. A playground is built for the youngest vacationers, there is a room with an animator and a special children's track is allocated in the rope park.

2.3. "Three Minnows".

Since ancient times the South Urals are full of legends and mysticism. The waters of mountain rivers carry the energy of our ancestors, feeding a huge River.

The most intimate dreams come true here. A miracle was happening in families which did not have kids. No wonder that the inhabitants of the surrounding villages have not even two, but three or even four children in the families.

That is why storks appeared in the family cottages at the camp site "Three Minnows".

It is believed that storks are endowed with magical abilities. "Stork on the roof-happiness in the house" - says folk wisdom. And after all there is indeed something in it. No wonder since ancient times children are told that they were brought by a stork.

In many cultures, the stork symbolizes a new life, a happy family, love, family values and loyalty. For example, the order to take care of parents in ancient Rome was called "the law of the stork". The Romans believed that during a long flight storks carry weakened members of the flock and take care of elderly parents.

Therefore, when a pair of storks appears on the roof of the house (by the way storks choose a pair for life) - is a very happy sign, which means that very soon there will be an addition in this house.

If your family does not yet have children, but you really want them, to spend time in the house with storks is a good sign. And the waters of Pavlovka will wash away all past sorrows and give energy to the South Urals.

In "Three Minnows" you will be able to touch the magic that is sure to work!

Three minnows” is an unforgettable vacation for both couples and large companies.

Accommodation in comfortable wooden houses with all amenities allows you to feel the unity with nature and European comfort. Clean air and forest silence will help to relax and restore vitality. It offers a lot of entertainment: in winter - skiing, skating, snowmobiling, in summer - AT Vs, boating, hunting and fishing, paintball.

2.4. "Star"

Sports and recreation complex "Star" is also located on the banks of the Pavlovsk reservoir. It is located on a beautiful peninsula, surrounded by water on three sides. It is at this point that the width of the reservoir reaches its maximum size. The shores are gentle with a sand and pebble beach. You will feel the cleanest air, filled with the aromas of herbs and growing trees. You will enjoy unique sunsets and a charming view from the mountain.

There are all conditions for a good rest:

comfortable rooms from "economy" to "luxury" class;

luxury bungalow houses;

guarded parking lots;



bowling, Russian and American billiards; rental of sports equipment and fishing equipment; bar, phytobar; spa, massage room;

Sauna, bath;

hairdresser, solarium;

disco, cinema, children's room.

For lovers of active winter recreation in the complex are located:

two ski slopes, also suitable for snowboarding;


cross-country skiing track.

Snowmobile routes, walks and excursions, boating, ATVs, jet skis and bicycles are organized. Collective applications for fishing are being received, delivery to the place of fishing is organized.


The South Urals is rich in beautiful places. Pavlovsk Reservoir is one of the most popular recreation places for residents of the region. It is no accident that the inhabitants of the republic lovingly call this place Pavlovka. This is a real artificial sea, framed by overgrown forests, mountains and picturesque beaches.

Rest in the complex is designed for family holidays, friendly companies, corporate trips and business events.

That's why the Pavlovsk Reservoir is popular. I am proud that I was bom in such a paradise pearl comer, on the territory of the Pavlovsk Reservoir!

How wonderful is our world,

How nice to have the peace in whole How wonderful is Father’s home,

How nice to be with Him alone.

It makes no difference to me What is the weather like may be Either it’s thunderstorm or rain Or dripping off the roof or hail.

Like child with love I am abound,

You can’t but love the world around, It’s weaved of beauty all way through, Of heaven’s pureness anew.

I’d like to open heart to world To look at it from out of soul Absorbing whole scope inside To burn the fire of love and light.

Olga Kruber-Fyodorova

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