Sysert Porcelain: fairy tales... magic... reality

XXI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Sysert Porcelain: fairy tales... magic... reality

Мануйленко А.Н. 1Минина М.М. 1Ечков Е.А. 1Шамшуров К.С. 1
Ваторопина Е.В. 1
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Урал! Опорный край державы,

Ее добытчик и кузнец,
Ровесник древней нашей славы
И славы нынешней творец.


Everybody knows these lines from a popular poem of the famous Russian poet Alexander Tvardovsky since childhood.

We live in the Ural. Our land is rich in iron ore and coal, natural gas and oil, gold and semi-precious stones and other natural resources.

Our famous countrymen glorified our region and Russia all over the world – Pavel Bazhov, a writer, the author of a collection of fairy tales based on Ural folklore; Alexander Popov, the inventor of radio; Igor Kurchatov, a scientist and nuclear physicist; Mikhail Kalashnikov, an engineer and developer of the AK-47 assault rifle.

We live in a small but very beautiful town. There are many interesting places in Sysert. We’ll tell you about one of them – Sysert Porcelain Plant. The products of the plant (tea and coffee sets, vases, jewelry boxes, toys, etc.) are loved by customers for their quality and beauty. They have a great popularity, both in Russia and abroad.

The aim of the project is to learn more about Sysert Porcelain Plant and its products made on the basis of Bazhov’s tales.

The object of the investigation is Sysert Porcelain Plant.

The subject of the investigation is the history of Sysert Porcelain Plant and its most popular products.

The objectives of the workare:

  • to go on an excursion to Sysert Porcelain Plant;

  • to visit Sysert Local History Museum;

  • to make photos of the products made on the basis of Bazhov’s tales.

  • to share interesting information on the project at the school conference and in the school magazine «Friendship».

We will tell you about Sysert porcelain plant, its amazing products and people who create them and turn magic into reality.


Sysert is famous for its natural attractions. Many tourists come to our native town to take a walk in the parks and forests. We like to walk in the «Bazhov’s Places» Natural Park and near the Talkov Stone Lake. It is wonderful there!

In July 2020, the «Summer at the Plant» project was launched in Sysert. The territory of the Turchaninov – Solomirsky plant, founded in 1723, blossomed with new life. «Summer at the Plant» is a creative cluster. It is what makes our city modern and attractive for talented people and tourists. More than one and a half hundred events, large and small, take place on the territory in a few weeks: performances for children and adults, classical music concerts, creative meetings, festivals, master classes, numerous excursions, etc.

There are four museums in our town: Pavel Bazhov’s Memorial House-Museum, Local History Museum, Sysert Plant-Museum, and Sysert Porcelain Museum. All of them are very popular among the residents of the town and our guests.


One of the main attractions of our town is Sysert Porcelain Plant. Excursions and master classes for tourists are often held there. Everyone can paint their own unique piece of porcelain. There is a shop near the plant. You can buy wonderful Sysert souvenirs there. Handmade porcelain products are very popular among the tourists and are sold in different cities of Russia and abroad.

In the homes of Sysert residents you can see dishes (cups, plates, and vases), toys, and souvenirs made at the Sysert porcelain plant.

We wanted to know more about the history of the Sysert porcelain plant and its products. We found a lot of interesting information on the Internet and visited the Sysert Local History Museum.

Olga Makarova, a researcher and a tour guide at the museum, told us about the history of the porcelain plant. [3]

Local ceramic production has long existed in Sysert. The clay was mined on the banks of the Sysert River and along the banks of the plant pond. [1, 5] In the XIX century, one of the first workshops, «Goncharka», appeared. Pots, krynki and other ceramic utensils were bought by residents of all the surrounding villages.

In the pre-war and post-war years, dishes, sculptures, and toys were produced there. In 1953, Sysert ceramists began casting small porcelain objects and sculptures using local colored and white clays. Since that time, the production of porcelain has become the main specialization of the Sysert ceramic plant. They produce dishes, sculptures, toys, and dolls.

Sysert Porcelain Plant was founded in 1960. In 1970, the plant found its own unique style – painting household utensils and folk Ural house painting.

The founders of artistic porcelain in Sysert were ceramic artist Nikolai Sergeevich Inozemtsev and Nikolai Fedotovich Malyshev. [3, 5] They came to Sysert and began working at the plant in 1963. They worked at the plant for almost 40 years.

In 1964 Nicolai Inozemtsev created his first tea set. It was called «Small Bells». Nicolai Malyshev made beautiful sculptures of the Bazov’s heroes. One of them is Silver Hoof.

Since 1964, the plant’s assortment has expanded significantly, the artistic level of products has increased, shapes and decor have become more complex and varied. Today, Sysert Porcelain Plant maintains and develops the best traditions of folk art of the Urals of the XIX-XX centuries.


An outstanding Russian writer Pavel Bazhov became the art inspirer of the plant. «Mistress of the Copper Mountain», «Danila Master», «Golden hair» and others in a series of sculptures were made on the basis of his fairy tales. [2]

We can see many heroes from the books written by famous Ural storyteller: «The Mistress of the Copper Mountain», «The Stone Flower», «Silver Hoof», «The Malachite Casket», «The Dancing Fire Maid», «The Blue Snake», «The Great Serpent» and others. [Appendix 2]

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain is a beautiful young woman with green eyes and dark hair. She is magnificent and magical, powerful and wise, fair and cunning. The factory worker Stepan (from «The Mistress of the Copper Mountain») and Danilo the craftsman (from «The Stone Flower») are hard-working, smart and bright. Daryonka (from «Silver Hoof») is kind and just, merry and trustful. The Dancing Fire Maid is merry and generous.

When we look at them, it seems to us that we read wonderful fairy tales of our great fellow countryman.


Last year our class together with our parents and a teacher went on an excursion to the Sysert porcelain plant. [Appendix 3]

We walked through the workshops of the plant, saw large furnaces for drying and firing porcelain products.

We were told that porcelain production technology is a complex multistage process – from preparation of raw materials till painting of porcelain products. [Appendix 3]

After the excursion around the plant, we took part in the master class. Talented craftsmen of the plant showed us how to paint a plate and a mug by hand. The plant’s artists create real works of art. They often use paints of delicate transparent colors, blue, pink, and green shades.

During the master class we made drawings on the porcelain mugs ourselves. [Appendix 3] It was so interesting and exciting! We were presented with our porcelain «works of art».


  • Working on the project we learnt many interesting and unknown facts about Sysert Porcelain Plant and its history.

  • We visited Sysert Porcelain Plant and Sysert Local History Museum.

  • We made photos of the products made on the basis of Bazhov’s tales and found many photos on the Internet.

  • We presented the results of our project at the school conference and in the school magazine «Friendship».

We love and are proud of our native land and its craftsmen who create such wonderful products. They turn magic into reality!

Welcome to Sysert!


  1. Еремин В. И., Кузнецов Ф. Ф. Из истории уральских заводов: Сысерть рабочая // Свердловск: Сред.-Урал. кн. изд-во, 1964. – 176 с.

  2. Сказы Бажова в уральском фарфоре [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.12.2023)

  3. Сысертский форфор [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.12.2023)

  4. Сысертский фарфор: от «Гончарки» до художественной скульптуры [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.12.2023)

  5. Фарфор СССР. Сысертский фарфоровый завод [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.12.2023)

Appendix 1.

Our friendly team


Appendix 2.

Heroes from Pavel Bazhov’s tales


Appendix 3.

Excursion to the Sysert porcelain plant


Porcelain production technology is a complex multistage process:

  • production of porcelain mass – preparation of raw materials

  • molding

  • drying

  • firing in special furnaces (firing temperature – 900-1000 С)

  • painting of a porcelain product

Просмотров работы: 62