The role of songs in learning English

XXI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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The role of songs in learning English

Жирнова В.И. 1
Бондаренко Т.И. 1
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя III степени
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The role of the English language in the modern world is invaluable. It is considered an international language in demand in many countries of the world. English is the language of politics and economics, study and entertainment, travel and business, music and art. Knowledge of English is extremely necessary in order to study abroad. Those who want to find a prestigious and well-paid job cannot do without it. That's why knowledge of English is necessary nowadays.

However, not everyone is interested in the process of learning English in schools and universities. Reading, grammar, memorizing words is not always interesting, especially for children. It gets boring quickly and does not bring pleasure. However, there are many different ways to learn English, one of which is to learn English through songs.

In our country, songs in English are very popular, especially among teenagers. I myself have been practicing vocals since I was 4 years old, and somewhere from the second grade, I started singing songs in English. In this case, the purpose of performing songs in English was primarily to expand my repertoire. At that time, I did not think that with the help of songs, you could improve your English language skills. I think that the use of such a rather pleasant way of learning English will appeal to many students: listening to your favorite songs in English, at the same time, you are still learning English.

Thus, the topic of the project is very relevant in modern society. For any person who wants to build a successful career, have a busy life and just keep up with the times, knowledge of English is essential. However, the process of learning English is sometimes very difficult, but learning it through songs, it seems to me, makes this process more exciting and interesting.

In this research, we will find out what role songs play in learning English. Are songs really one of the ways to learn English? In addition, to do this, consider the following questions:

1) Songs as one of the ways to learn English.

2) Why should I learn English from songs?

3) How to properly learn English from songs?

Purpose of the work:

Find out the effectiveness of learning English with the help of songs.


1. Determine the role of songs in learning English.

2. Analyze the results of the English lesson summed up by the supervisor using song material and draw conclusions.

3. Based on the results of the lesson conducted by the supervisor, conduct a questionnaire among classmates, analyze the results and draw conclusions.

4. Prove that songs are one of the ways to learn English.

Object of research: songs in English.

Study participants: my classmates, students of 5 "A" grade, school number 5, Berdsk.

Research hypothesis: I assume that using songs as one of the ways to learn English improves pronunciation, increases the stock of English words, increases motivation to learn English and supports students' interest in the educational process.

Research methods:

- collection of information and its analysis;

- survey;

- processing of survey results;

- generalization of the results, conclusions.

The main part

"Music is one of the most effective

ways to influence a person's feelings and emotions"

Levi V.

1. Song as one of the ways to learn English.

As we have already said, in our time, knowledge of English is necessary. There are many ways to learn English; one of them is through music and songs.

It is hard to imagine our life without music. Songs in English are most popular not only among teenagers and among young people, but among adults.

The practical use of songs in teaching is not a new technique. In the schools of Ancient Greece, many texts were learned by singing, and in the elementary school of India, the alphabet and arithmetic are learned by singing even now. Songs and music are effective methods of influencing the feelings and emotions of students, which can be of invaluable help in learning English.

It is known that the sensory organs are involved in the learning process, the more effective it is. Music, songs are an effective means of teaching English. Language, like music, has a certain structure, rules. Words and notes are arranged into phrases and sentences, where there is rhythm, size, and rhyme. Music in the classroom inspires, relaxes, captivates, and adjusts to a subtle but strong wave of perception. In addition, music develops memory and thinking.

note that songs in English have a positive impact on the process of perception and assimilation of language material by students: "Rhythm and rhyme make it possible to use poetic texts not only as a memorable illustration of a linguistic phenomenon, but also an effective exercise involving repetition of sounds, words, parts of sentences, grammatical constructions.

Lexical and grammatical constructions pronounced in a certain rhythm and accompanied by a musical background cause positive emotions, are easier to digest and are remembered for a long time." This conclusion was made by the authors of the textbook "Sing and learn English grammar" based on a long-term study of the influence of musical and poetic rhythm on the formation of communication skills.

Listening to songs performed by native speakers contributes to the correct pronunciation and training of perception and understanding of the text by ear. Songs offer a variety of mnemonic codes, such as repetition, rhyme and melody, which help better memorization. The integration of the songs of the studied language into the fragments of the lesson devoted to grammar significantly increases the ability of students to recall certain rules. Unlike exercises that fly out of your head as soon as the lesson is over, students can remember songs for a long enough period in their lives.

The use of songs contributes to the development of various aspects of students' mental activity. During the sound of songs in the classroom, an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity arises. In these conditions, an inattentive student becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the song, students need to make some effort. So involuntary attention turns into arbitrary. Moreover, the intensity of attention affects the process of memorization.

What are the methodological advantages of songs in teaching English?

1) Grammatical constructions are better absorbed and activated in songs. For example, already in the names of the songs of the band “The Beatles" you can find many grammatical structures to be learned: "I've Got a Feeling”, "I Saw Her Standing There”, "Don't Let Me Down”“ "I Will”“ "I Want to Tell You"“ "I'm Only Sleeping”.

2) Songs are a means of stronger assimilation and expansion of vocabulary, as they include new words and expressions.

3) In songs, already familiar vocabulary is found in a new contextual environment, which helps to activate it.

4) Songs contribute to the improvement of pronunciation skills, the development of musical hearing, listening skills. It has been established that musical hearing, auditory attention and auditory control are closely related to the development of the articulatory apparatus. Learning and performing short, simple melodic songs with frequent repetitions help to consolidate.

5) Songs stimulate monological and dialogical utterances; serve as the basis for the development of students' speech-thinking activity.

6) Songs make it possible to relax, take a short break in the lesson, this is a kind of relaxation in the middle or end of the lesson, when unloading is needed, relieving tension and restoring efficiency, language activity is activated, emotional tone increases. Thus, thanks to songs and music, a favorable psychological climate is created at the lesson, the psychological load is reduced, and interest in learning English is maintained.

2. Why should I learn English from songs?

Learning English from songs is useful because you:

1. Increase your vocabulary. Listening to the songs and delving into their meaning, you are acquainted with new words and phrases. By the way, thanks to the rhyme, the lyrics and words from it will be remembered more easily than words or phrases from a textbook.

2. Improve your listening skills. Listening to any material in English, you are working on listening. Songs are no exception: favorite hits will help you get used to the sound of English speech. However, regular background listening will do little good. It is necessary to delve into the text in order to gain maximum knowledge.

3. Improve your pronunciation. Listening to a good pronunciation, we involuntarily copy it and transfer it into our own speech. To do this, of course, it is better to choose songs by artists who are native English speakers (for example,” The Beatles”). Repeating the lyrics of the song after such a performer, you can slightly improve your own pronunciation.

4. Learn English anywhere. Songs and lyrics to them are easy to find on the Internet in free access, so this is one of the most accessible methods of improving English. In addition, you can easily save these materials to your phone or tablet and work with them on the road, in the car.

At the same time, when learning English by songs, three important features should be taken into account:

1) incorrect grammatical structures may occur in songs;

2) there are a lot of slang in songs, so when learning new words, always check in the dictionary whether they relate to slang, and use them accordingly;

3) there are incorrect pronunciation of performers who deliberately distort some words, so if you decide to work on your phonetics, choose only a native speaker and only with good pronunciation as an example to follow.

3. How to learn English from songs correctly?

1. Choose a song.

To begin with, we choose the composition with which we want to work. One of the selection criteria is to take into account the interest in the song. You should like the song, as you will have to listen to it many times in a row. However, if you have difficulties with the perception of English by ear, it is better to focus on a composition that is performed at a slow or medium tempo, so that it is easier to make out the words.

2. Trying to understand the text.

We listen to the composition, trying to understand as many words as possible. At the same time, you need to listen not only to the text, but also to the intonation of the performer - this will also help you catch the meaning of the song. If you have chosen a new composition for yourself, listen to it several times to catch the motive, the essence, the mood.

3. Listen and read the text.

We find the lyrics of the song on the Internet. We listen to the song and read its text at the same time. You need to try to make out every word in the performer's speech, you can even listen to illegible passages several times and read them with the text.

4. Work with lyrics translation.

If there are unfamiliar words and expressions in the text, you need to look at their meaning. It is better to read and disassemble the translation of the entire text of the song in order to better understand the meaning and remember it.

5. Listen to a song without a reference text.

We listen to the song again and, without peeking into the text, we try to make out by ear every word of the performer and remember what the new words mean. At this stage, you already need to fully understand the text.

Now you need to listen to the song periodically, analyzing all the words by ear and remembering from the translation what they mean.

4. Practical research and its results.

1) During the research, I agreed with my supervisor to conduct an English lesson using songs. In the lesson, we did the following:

1. Choose a song.

2. Found it on the Internet.

3. Listened to the song, tried to understand the lyrics, the meaning of the song.

4. Read the text.

5. Translated the lyrics.

6. Listened to the song without the reference text.

7. Sang a song based on the text.

8. Sang a song without relying on the text.

Following the results of the lesson, I asked the scientific teacher to summarize the results and found out the following: most of my classmates like to listen and sing songs in English, they also believe that singing English songs increases interest in learning English and improves pronunciation.

2) I also conducted a survey among my classmates. The survey was attended by 26 students of the 5th "A" grade, who were asked to answer several questions.

In the first question, the students had to answer whether they listen to songs in English.

In the second question, the students were asked to answer the question of whether they understand the meaning of the song and whether they are watching the translation of the composition.

In the third question, the students had to answer the question about what skills can be improved by listening to songs in English:

According to the results of the survey, we see that most of the respondents 96% listen to songs in English, and sometimes only 4% listen.

In the second question, the students were asked to answer the question of whether they understand the meaning of the song and whether they are watching the translation of the composition:

Based on the results of the second question, we can say that most 70% of respondents watch the translation and delve into the meaning of the song they listened to, only if they like the composition, 25% watch the translation of any song they listen to and 5% do not watch the translation at all.

In the third question, the students had to answer the question about what skills can be improved by listening to songs in English.

To the third question, 50% of respondents answered that the pronunciation of English speech can be improved best of all, 30% of respondents believe that auditory perception will improve, 15% answered that vocabulary can be significantly improved and 5% are sure that with the help of English songs, communication skills can be improved.

3) As I said earlier, I started singing songs in English from the second grade. Over time, I began to notice that I like to listen to songs in English. When listening, I try to listen to the lyrics of my favorite English songs and remember the words in spite of myself, only the meaning is not always immediately clear. In addition, in order to understand what is sung in a favorite song, I translate some words. Sometimes whole expressions are automatically memorized, which later allows me to sometimes use them in my studies. I can also say that my pronunciation has improved. I made this conclusion based on listening to videos of my performances from previous years and the present.

Thus, based on the results of practical research, it can be concluded that songs play a special role in learning English. Thanks to the use of music, the psychological climate of the class improves significantly, tension disappears, the emotional tone of the students increases, interest in the subject is maintained. Even students who have not shown high achievements feel more confident and comfortable.

5. Conclusion

After conducting research, I came to the following conclusions:

1. Using songs to learn English is really necessary and useful. This is a good way to improve your English language skills.

2. I think my hypothesis has been confirmed in the work. Songs play an important role in learning English. This can be seen by the results of the lesson, the results of the survey of students, as well as my own results.

Now songs in a foreign language are very widespread and relevant among teenagers. We love listening to them. We like them, so we like to sing them ourselves, thereby learning to pronounce English words well, we begin to understand the meaning of songs, if something is unclear, we look for a translation of phrases, thereby enriching our vocabulary.

Listening to your favorite songs in English:

- stimulates interest in learning English;

- improves pronunciation;

- expands vocabulary;

- helps to build correct grammatical constructions;

- and just improves mood, and also causes positive emotions.

This method of learning a foreign language is suitable for people with any level of English: both young children and teenagers, as well as adults. The main thing is to choose the right composition that will match the level and age of the listener, and soIt is also necessary to understand that learning English through songs is only one of the additional ways to learn the language. They cannot fully replace textbooks and a normal English language course. It is better to use them as additional classes for learning English, as an opportunity to combine business with pleasure. Sometimes it's enough just to love this song.


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6. Семь причин, почему музыка поможет вам быстрее выучить иностранный язык

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