The profession of programmer and English

XXI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

The profession of programmer and English

Лихотворик А.А. 1
Бондаренко Т.И. 1
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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The modern world is an information society. In times of huge speeds and globalization, the ability to extract information, as well as navigate through numerous information sources, becomes vital.

The development of the latest information and computer technologies, the emergence of the global Internet have had a huge impact on the formation of the so–called lingua france - the language of international communication for people for whom it is not native.

Emphasizing the relevance of the chosen topic, I would like to note that English has become such a language in the modern world.

The promotion of the English language to this role is historically conditioned by the expansion of trade and economic ties, the dominance of the United States in the world economy and politics, etc. Thus, there is an increasing interest in English as a means of communication with other cultures. There are great opportunities to visit English-speaking countries. Young people are interested in pop culture (music, cinema), produced in English. The desire to communicate and understand peers leads to an increase in the percentage of communication through computer and information technology.

It is impossible to imagine modern fields of production, science, culture, sports and economics where computers would not be used. Computers help people in work, entertainment, education and scientific research. And everything that a person faces at a computer is the result of the work of programmers. Well–coordinated work, picture quality, the ability to surf the Internet is the result of many years of intense development of this profession. And every programmer who plans to develop their skills and keep them up to date should at least understand English, however, this applies to specialists in any field.

The purpose of this work is to identify the connections of the English language with programming.

To achieve this goal, we have set the following tasks for ourselves:

1) consider the concepts: programming and programming language;

2) determine the reasons for the need to learn English to a programmer;

3) analyze the role of the English language in programming on the basis of the research obtained;

4) create a program

The object of study is the profession of a programmer.

The subject of study is English in the profession of a programmer.

The following research methods were used in the work: abstracting, taking notes, analysis and synthesis.

The practical value of the work consists in the possibility of using the material and results of this research in English lessons, computer science lessons, in everyday communication, as well as in further research of computer vocabulary.

To write our project work, the following sources were analyzed: Internet sites.

Study participants: my classmates.

The hypothesis of the study: knowledge of English is necessary when programming and it you want to become programmer.

Research methods: collection of information and its analysis; questionnaire; processing of survey results; generalization of results, conclusions.

1.The connection of English with programming

1.1 Programming and programming language

Programming is the process of creating computer programs [4]. Programming is based on the use of programming languages in which the source texts of programs are written. Most of the programmer's work is related to writing source code in one of the programming languages.

Different programming languages support different programming styles (so-called programming paradigms). In part, the art of programming consists in choosing one of the languages that is most fully suitable for solving an existing problem. Different languages require different levels of attention to detail from the programmer when implementing the algorithm, which often results in a compromise between simplicity and performance (or between the programmer's time and the user's time).

Programming is a very popular profession today, so many people ask this question to professional programmers and usually they answer: yes, you need to learn English for programming, but today we will find out why exactly English is needed in programming.

A programming language is a formal language designed for writing computer programs. The programming language defines a set of lexical, syntactic and semantic rules that determine the appearance of the program and the actions that the performer (usually a computer) will perform under its control.

Since the creation of the first programmable machines, mankind has come up with more than eight thousand programming languages (including esoteric, visual and toy). Every year their number increases. Some languages can only be used by a small number of their own developers, others become known to millions of people. Professional programmers can speak a dozen or more different programming languages (Appendix 1).

The programming language is intended for writing computer programs, which are a set of rules that allow a computer to perform a particular computational process, organize the management of various objects, etc. A programming language differs from natural languages in that it is designed to control computers, while natural languages are used primarily for people to communicate with each other. Most programming languages use special constructs to define and manipulate data structures and control the computation process.

Currently, the development of programming languages is moving towards improving security and reliability, creating new forms of modular code organization and integration with databases.

International standards have been created for many widely used programming languages. Special organizations regularly update and publish specifications and formal definitions of the relevant language. Within the framework of such committees, the development and modernization of programming languages continues and issues of expanding or supporting existing and new language constructs are being resolved.

Early languages that emerged in the era of 6-bit characters used a more limited set. For example, the Fortran alphabet includes 49 characters (including a space): A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = + - * / () . , $ ' :

A notable exception is the APL language, which uses a lot of special characters.

The use of characters outside ASCII (for example, KOI8-R characters or Unicode characters) depends on the implementation: sometimes they are allowed only in comments and character/string constants, and sometimes in identifiers. In the USSR, there were languages where all the keywords were written in Russian letters, but such languages did not gain much popularity (the exception is the Built-in programming language 1C:Enterprise).

The expansion of the set of symbols used is constrained by the fact that many software development projects are international. It would be very difficult to work with a code where the names of some variables are written in Russian letters, others in Arabic, and others in Chinese characters. At the same time, new generation programming languages (Delphi 2006, C#, Java) support Unicode for working with text data.

Historically, almost all programming languages are closely related to English, and the documentation is also English-speaking. The language of Shakespeare and Tolkien, in addition to being metaphorical and diverse, is laconic. If you don't know a word of English (this is if you suddenly studied Sanskrit or Old Slavic at school), you will have to memorize the names of the methods, since you won't know what they mean and why they are needed.

English has become the language in which it is easiest to give commands to the computer. Yes, some programming languages allow you to write non-English commands. For example, in Ruby, you can call variables and methods with Russian words.


-the standard methods will still be in English, and in this case you will have to make a rattling mixture of two languages;

-documentation or help on the Internet is much easier to find in English, it is almost impossible to find it in Russian;

-it is usually easier to give names in English than in Russian.

1.2 Reasons for the need for a programmer to learn English

Every programmer who plans to develop their skills and keep them up to date should at least understand English. This, however, applies to specialists in any field.

And despite this seemingly obvious fact, many novice programmers ignore it. "Why would I do that?" they ask. "After all, there are so many Russian-speaking Internet around, which will teach and show and offer work."

This approach leads to degeneration, since stagnation begins without the influx of new knowledge from the outside. Development is carried out only at the expense of those who do not "cook in their own juice" and communicate with colleagues from all over the world. It is they who occupy the top of the food chain, and bring the light of knowledge to the masses.

There are many more reasons why the developer will need knowledge of English. Consider them.

1)Development environment

The most basic and primitive level. Even if nothing is clear what is written, you should avoid using Russian-language interfaces. So in any case, the familiar words of the menu items will be remembered, and you will intuitively understand what they do.

But if you use the Russian interface and you need help at some point, you will encounter the fact that you do not understand what people write about in guides on forums, since all the points are written in English there.

2)Technical documentation

In general, all technical documentation for all programming languages is compiled in English. The same Ruby was invented in Japan, and the documentation is written in English. What for? So that everyone understands her.

This is where the trait of the most basic level of language proficiency necessary for a programmer passes. It is not necessary to be able to pronounce words correctly. It is not necessary to be able to write them correctly. You do not need to be able to perceive them by ear. You need to understand only what is written on the screen.

This level is not difficult to achieve if you set yourself a goal correctly. You automatically cut off a whole layer of learning that you definitely won't need right now, like the pronunciation difference between /?/ and /θ/, and concentrate on replenishing your vocabulary.

3)Search for solutions on the Internet

When the documentation did not help, the Internet comes to the rescue. And here many make the mistake of formulating a search query in Russian. Thereby cutting off most of the available knowledge and solutions, and looking only among those who write in Russian. While the whole world communicates with each other in English.

It is worth asking the question: where are we more likely to find the right solution? Among programmers all over the world who communicate with each other in the same language in which the documentation is written, or among those who, like you, are waiting for translation into an understandable language?

A lot of programmers publish their wonderful articles. And very few of them are translated into Russian. And there is more high-quality material in English.

4)Professional literature

Professional and semi-professional literature, just like articles, is written in English. Not because it is aimed at an English-speaking audience, but because it is focused on the language of professionals. Professionals from all countries and all fields communicate with each other in English. Therefore, they also read books in the same language. Such a text will be understandable to everyone at once, which will greatly facilitate communication and increase knowledge.

5)Conferences, online reports and other webinars

Since we have already found out that the community of professionals consists of people of different nationalities, it is correct to assume that at the moments when they get together to publicly communicate about pressing things, they do it with the help of a language that everyone understands. Not everyone does it well, but it's still better than if they performed in their native language, and no one would understand them. Most often, this is where the most interesting things happen in any professional environment (Appendix 2).

6) International customers and work abroad

Moreover, knowing English, you get the opportunity to live and work anywhere in the world. Why? Because professionals speak English. And even if everyone around you speaks other languages, the professionals with whom you will be in contact, and who hired you, will speak to you in English.

The international labor market is huge and constantly needs new personnel. In the coming decades, this trend will only intensify.

If you seriously expect to develop as a professional and plan to build a career as a successful programmer, you cannot do without knowledge of English.

1.3 The role of English in programming

System administrators, programmers, IT specialists are all professionals, often engaged in the same business. To talk about the role of the English language in the lives of these people.

Let's start with the fact that today the IT sphere is a dynamically developing industry almost all over the world. And development is always the cause of constant change. Therefore, the expediency of English proficiency for people working in this field is no longer in doubt. On the one hand, proficiency in English is an opportunity to acquire new knowledge, on the other hand, it is an opportunity to constantly exchange information with colleagues from other countries. At the same time, the exchange of experience allows you to always stay on the same level of knowledge with your foreign colleagues. However, let's consider the reasons justifying the need for modern IT specialists to study English in more detail.

Any programming language is based on words borrowed from English. In other words, after learning English, it will be much easier for a programmer to do his usual work.

Almost all specialized literature for IT specialists is created in English. At the same time, not all of it is translated into our native language (an even smaller percentage of it is translated competently and clearly).

If you are ambitious and aim to build a career in one of the largest IT companies, then you just need to know English. After all, the main representative offices of Microsoft, Apple, Google and other "sharks" of the IT sphere are located in the USA. Moreover, even in their Russian representative offices, communication takes place in English.

Very often, foreign customers become clients of IT specialists. Needless to say that communication (negotiations, drafting contracts and technical specifications, interaction during the execution of work, etc.) is carried out exclusively in English.

If you plan to listen to a master class from a well-known IT guru or a webinar useful for your own activities, then be prepared for the fact that the information will be presented in English.

Getting a special status and a high-paying job helps only passing a special certification in companies of such a level as: Microsoft, CISCO, etc. And this, as you may have guessed, requires knowledge of the English language.

The resolution of difficulties arising in the course of work requires the search for specialized information. It is not always possible to find it on the Russian Internet, while the English-speaking environment almost always allows you to find the right solution (especially related to the IT topic).

Considering the fact that the description of all innovations, developments and concepts arising in the IT sphere is made in English, its knowledge ceases to be a whim, but becomes an inevitable necessity.

Hence the conclusions:

Today it is quite possible to work as a programmer with only a superficial knowledge of English.

Knowledge of English opens up unlimited career prospects for an IT specialist.

In order to be a truly sought-after specialist in your field, it is necessary not only to be fluent in English, but also to know specialized professional vocabulary.

Chapter 2. Practical part

All over the world, IT specialists and software developers are required to know English at a high level in order to be able to cooperate with colleagues and help customers.

We all want to make a good professional impression on the people we work with. Having replenished your vocabulary, you will feel much more confident.

The most effective way to replenish vocabulary is to "take out" words from a live context. For example, read an article about a professional question and write out new words from there. Such vocabulary will be better remembered, because it will be associated with a qualitative context.

But, English for programmers, engineers and IT specialists has its own specifics, In this part of the project work, the author will consider some of the most commonly used words that are used in computer work, software and information technology. Developers already know a huge number of English words. But using professional slang does not mean fully proficient in English. Therefore, the author made an attempt to collect English words in a small dictionary that can be fully used for further work. The dictionary includes 75 words with translation. An explanation is given for each word and an example of the use of this word in speech is given. (Appendix 2)

I also conducted a survey among my classmates. The survey was attended by 24

students of the 6th "A" grade, who were asked to answer several questions.(Appendix 3)

In the first question, the students had to answer the qwestion:Do we need to know English for programming?

According to the results of the second question, we can say that most of the respondents 98% know computer terms in English.

To the third question What programming languages do you know 32% named Pascal, 4KidsStratch-22%, Python-10%, Java-20%.


After conducting research, we came to the following conclusions:

1.English is much better for programming than Russian. The code in English will be much more readable due to the absence of changes in the endings of words and will be read almost like a simple text in English and you need to program in a language that the maximum number of people know.

2.English is the world's international language. If you write code in English, then even comments on the code, according to a good programming tone, do not need to be left in Russian.

3.The profession of a programmer has always been and will always be directly related to the knowledge of languages – programming languages and, of course, English.

Thus, we conclude that English plays an important role in programming. English is very important for the IT industry as a whole, as a rapidly developing industry.

And so we answered our question how exactly knowledge of English influences programming and that English is very important for profession of programmer.

List of used literature and internet souses:



  • Важен ли английский язык программисту? «Stack Overflow на русском» — сайт вопросов и ответов для программистов. Режим доступа:Важен-ли-английский-язык-программисту

  • Зачем программисту английский. ABC. Режим доступа:

  • Насколько программисту важно знать английский язык? Можно ли обойтись без этого? Tproger. Режим доступа:

  • Программирование. ВикипедиЯ. Свободная энциклопедия. Режим доступа:Программирование

  • Программирование. Викиучебник. Режим доступа:Программирование

  • Почему языки программирования только на английском языке? Можно ли создать язык программирования на русском? Анонимный вопрос. Режим доступа:

Appendix 1

Компьютерные профессии на английском

Разработчик программного обеспечения, программист (Software Developer, Computer Programmer) — разрабатывает приложения для выполнения различных задач на компьютерах и других устройствах.

Исследователь в области вычислительной техники и информатики (Computer and Information Research Scientist) — придумывает новые технологии для решения сложных проблем в различных областях, таких как медицина, образование или бизнес.

Системный аналитик (Computer System Analyst) — анализирует бизнес-требования к создаваемому программному продукту и предлагает наилучшие пути их воплощения.

Сетевой архитектор (Computer Network Architect) — специализируется на создании корпоративных сетей для предприятий и организаций.

Веб-разработчик (Web Developer) — разрабатывает веб-сайты для предприятий и организаций.

Администратор баз данных (Database Administrator) — занимается организацией и хранением данных, а также их защитой от несанкционированного доступа.

Системный администратор (Network and Computer System Administrator) — занимается установкой и поддержкой компьютерных систем для различных организаций и учреждений (школы, больницы, банки).

Графический дизайнер (Graphic Designer) — создает компьютерную графику.

Тестировщик ПО (Software Tester, Quality Assurance Person или QA) — тестирует программное обеспечение.

Технический писатель (Technical Writer) — создает документацию к программному продукту.

Специалист техподдержки (Computer Support Specialist) — помогает пользователям решать проблемы с компьютером.

Appendix 2



англо-русских слов

для программистов

Приведем примеры нескольких слов.

abbreviation – аббревиатура

Сокращенная форма слова или словосочетания из первых (нескольких первых) букв.

The abbreviation ’RAM’ stands for Random Access Memory. — Аббревиатура ОЗУ обозначает «оперативное запоминающее устройство».

analysis – анализ

Критическое изучение, разбор чего-либо
A financial analysis was carried out in order to improve cost efficiency. — С целью повышения экономической эффективности был проведён финансовый анализ.

compatible – совместимый

Допускающий совместное использование с другим оборудованием.
ThepartsIorderedwerentcompatiblewith myPC. – Заказанные комплектующие оказались несовместимыми с моим ПК.

database – база данных

Способ организации больших объёмов информации.
This software creates a customer database to eliminate paperwork. — В этой программе формируется база данных клиентов, что позволяет избавиться от бумажной работы.

equipment – оборудование

Устройства и инструменты для определенной цели.

No recording equipment is allowed in the conference room. — В зале для совещаний запрещено пользоваться записывающим оборудованием.

install – устанавливать

to install software — устанавливать программное обеспечение.
You’ll have to install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. — Вампридётсяустановитьпоследнююверсию Adobe Flash Player.

intranet – интранет

Локальная компьютерная сеть.

Ouronlinelibrarycanbeaccessedon thecollegeintranet. — Доступ к онлайн-библиотеке нашего колледжа можно осуществить через интранет.

remote – удалённый

Thissoftwareprovidessecureremoteaccessof computersfrom anylocation. — Эта программа обеспечивает безопасный удалённый доступ к компьютерам из любой точки.

replace – заменить

Занять место чего(кого)-либо.

How can I replace my laptop fan? — Как мне заменить кулер в моем ноутбуке?

transfer – переводить, перемещать, пересылать

You can transfer money online with PayPal services. – PayPal позволяетпереводитьденьгионлайн.

Appendix 3

Просмотров работы: 125