Бродячие собаки в нашем городе. Проблемы и пути решения. Stray dogs in our town. Problems and ways of solving.

XXI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Бродячие собаки в нашем городе. Проблемы и пути решения. Stray dogs in our town. Problems and ways of solving.

Дурновцев Н.А. 1Барнашова Я.Е. 1
1МБОУ "ООШ№36"
Минченко Н.Г. 1Резапова Е.А. 1
1МБОУ "ООШ№36"
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  1. Introduction

For a long time dog lives near our house. It's homeless. Neighbours call it differently. Someone brings him scraps of food from the table, someone spread an old mattress, and someone pushes it away. We feel sorry for the dog. Often carrying garbage, I see stray dogs digging in the debris. Sometimes they are so many that it becomes scary to go. We began to ask ourselves the question: "Why are there stray animals in the town? What do you need to less stray dogs? "This problem has become the theme of our research. It turns out that stray dogs in our town are very numerous. Meetings with them sometimes end with injuries and sometimes even tragically. Especially it’s scary when it happens with children. The question arises: "What should we do to avoid dog attacks?" With the increase of building new houses has increased the number of stray animals, so this topic is relevant.

The aim of our work is to find ways of solving the problems of our citizens arising from stray dogs. 


  1. to find out the causes of appearing stray dogs;

  2. to study problems of citizens arising from stray dogs;

  3.  to find out the possible ways of solving these problems;

  4.  to form a conscious attitude to the problem of stray dogs and try to involve people in its decision.

The object of our study is stray dogs.

The subject is the relationship of people and stray dogs. 

The hypothesis: the indifferent attitude of people to the lives of stray dogs cause problems to citizens affected by the increase in their numbers, but at the same time, there are ways to reduce the number of stray animals.

Methods of research are observation, specification, interview, data compilation of popular science literature, sociological survey, analysis and synthesis

    1. What kind of dogs find stray?

By definition the authors of the book "Animals in the street" Poyarkov D.V. and Rakhmanov A.I. stray dogs are dogs in the surrounding territory without direct human control (but there is still no common Russian terminology with respect to these animals).  People called them differently neglected, homeless, stray, street, semi free. It is well known that their high number makes a number of problems.

 Stray dogs are dogs that do not have a host and seek food on its own. They are usually without collars. They look pathetic; begging near bakeries, grocery stores, canteens, looking for food wastes in dumpsters and landfills, eating the corpses of dead animals. They gather in the pack to hunt wild animals near town or village. Sometimes during the persecution of the victim the pack can go more than 10 kilometers from the habitat. Concerns to sanitary stray dogs are very dangerous because there are many infectious animals among them that may contain from one to four agents of parasitic diseases.

 Rakhmanov A.I. and Poyarkov D.V. distinguish the origin of the main groups of stray animals:

      1. The animals were born in the street;

      2. Animals which stay ownerless on different causes:

loss of the animal;

 deliberate failure by the owner of the dog;

 owner's death. 

These dogs are the most dangerous category of neglected animals because they are not adapted to the homeless life; often they are angry with people.

 3. Animals having a holder but they are not controlled. The owner of the dog provides food, partially or completely, but he let it walk in a free-range for an extended period, or the dog can be left to its own. Most often the owners of such dogs are persons having dysfunctional lifestyle. 

4. Animals that live in a fenced area and partially supporting security functions. As a rule, these dogs do not have a permanent owner. They live near the factory gates, on a guarded parking lot, at the gates of businesses, shops and so on. Dogs carefully guard the territory from outsiders (regular visitors as they remember and do not touch). This is the most aggressive and dangerous type. The guards fed them. Dogs with special zeal begin to carry "duties" of guards. They are free to run out at a location nearby and can suddenly attack passersby. Such places are better to get round. 

    1. Ethology of stray dogs in the town

From the books "Ecology of the city", "Animals in the street" and observations of stray dogs in the streets we have made some conclusions about their behavior.

 In general any dogs’ ​​behavior is seen as a reaction to the highly developed animal's environment. Dogs are social animals, so their attention fixed on the leader or the person in pack (owner or guardian).

 We have observed the way stray dogs’ lives. Here are some of the findings. Under urban conditions stray dogs tend to gather in packs. This is the norm of their natural behavior. Pack means its territory and feeding places. There is a leader (male leader) inside the pack that suppresses others. At the next level are experienced females. The lower level is occupied by the very young or very old, infirm and female puppies. The leader of the pack always is the most powerful, aggressive, intelligent animal. He chooses the routes of the pack, action tactics in complex situations. A pack of dogs is most dangerous to humans. 

It is incorrect to think that the stray dogs possess conscious aggression towards humans. Most often the dog does not have contact with a person at the meeting trying to escape. They have their own self-distance like any other animals. If it is broken and created a critical situation, the animal seeing exit escape moves to attack. Thus the most aggressive attacks of stray dogs - a response to the violation of human boundaries pack territories, places output puppies, food plots.

 Author of the book "The word about the dog" Korneev L.A. describes another important fact of dogs’ behavior in the pack. If at least one dog from the pack frightened or forced to flee human, this experience becomes the property of the whole pack. Other members of the pack will try to scare the person and make him retreat too. Dogs remember their experience and use it repeatedly. Most often women and children are frightened by dogs.  Stray dogs may receive a fitting rebuff from men. It stops them from attack.

People can provoke an attack of stray dogs. Some owners of fighting dogs set their dogs against stray dogs when they are roaming. Stray dogs remember the owner of such a dog and when he without it they can really take revenge - pounce on him. 

Sometimes very hungry stray dogs surround a passerby or a student and begin to nibble his hands gently, the tails of clothes. So they ask him for food. Perhaps these people smell food. Pupils often feed stray dogs and they know this very well.

According to our observations and the information received from the citizens of our town we marked on the map of Anzhero-Sudzhensk places where we could find high numbers of stray dogs (see. Appendix 1).

 1 - Zhelyabov Street near the supermarket «Magnit».

2 – the area of ruined houses. Citizens move in new flats and leave their pets alone.

3 – «Uzhnyi» District. A large number of heating in these areas becomes a refuge for stray dogs in the winter. 

4 – Pushkin Street near town market and restaurant «Russ’».

5 - Lenin Street behind the supermarket «Sibirskiy Gorodok» near the lake Goryachka.

6 – near the railway station.

7 – near schools.

8 – the private sectors.

    1. The problems associated with stray dogs

The problem of stray dogs is acute in all Russian cities and towns. And Anzhero-Sudzhensk is not an exception. This issue is considered from different perspectives:

      1. The sanitary – epidemiological.

There are some cases of infected stray dogs with infectious diseases that infect both human and owners' dogs. The most dangerous disease transmitted by stray dogs is rabies. It cannot be cured and lead to death. In 2023 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk there were 2 cases of rabies among stray dogs. Fortunately those dogs were only carriers of the virus and a great danger to humans were not represented.

      1. The psychological.

People feel discomfort from the presence of stray dogs in the streets such as fear and aggression. They meet some hungry and muddy dogs, often with bleeding wounds, frostbitten feet, etc. 

It makes people to feel disgusting and often sorry for the animals, experiencing severe pain during movement.

      1. The Secure.

People get serious injuries from attacks of stray dogs. We have developed some rules for people who can meet with stray dogs (see. Appendix 2). We hope that they help people to get out of difficult situations.According to the information of "Ambulance" more than 3 persons ask for help in the emergency room because of injuries from dog bites every day. In 2023 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, 285 people applied to the emergency room with injuries from animal bites. 70% of them are domestic dogs’ bites, 30% - the bite of stray animals. 35% of victims are usually children. This is a very serious problem that requires immediate measures to help at least partially for solution of this issue. Moreover stray dogs are a source of traffic accidents.

    1. The environmental.

The damage caused by stray dogs urban fauna is significant. Dogs attack domestic cats whose owners let them out for a walk. There are many dog`s attacks on flocks of birds such as doves, crows and jackdaws. Stray dogs are forced to hunt due to the reduction of forage areas. Perhaps the only positive aspect of hunting stray dogs in the town is hunting for rats, which are competitors for dogs in garbage cans.  Sometimes there are some torn rats near cans; it is the work of stray dogs.

5. The results of a sociological survey

We carried out a sociological survey of the inhabitants of several apartment buildings. In total 100 people were interviewed. The answers of people were divided into 4 groups (according to their similarities and differences): the opinions of men from 30 to 60 years old (26 people), young mothers under 35 years old (38 people), women from 40 to 60 years (16 people) and opinions of children (20 people). All people answered the same questions: 1) “How do you feel about the stray dogs?” 2) “Are stray dogs dangerous for humans?” 3) “What are the ways to reduce the number of stray dogs?” 4) “Could you take a dog from the street to your home?”

5) “Would you like to help a shelter for dogs?”

      1. How do you feel about the stray dogs?


men from 30 to 60 years old

young mothers under 35 years old

women from 40 to 60 years


% ofsurveyed people

It doesn`t matter to me

19 people19%

12 people12 %

5 people5%


36 people - 36%

I have negative attitude to them

5 people5%

24 people24%

3 people - 3 %


32 people - 32%

I feel sorry for them

2 people2 %

2 people2 %

8 people - 8%

20 people –100%

32 people – 32 %

The conclusion: It is alarming that more than one third of the surveyed people are indifferent to stray dogs. Moreover, the highest percentage was obtained in the group of men. We are very glad for children’s relation to stray dogs - 100% of the children feel sorry for dogs. It means that the younger generation care about fates of stray animals.

      1. Are stray dogs dangerous for humans?


men from 30 to 60 years old

young mothers under 35 years old

women from 40 to 60 years


% ofsurveyed people


23 people23%

38 people38%

16 people - 16%

18 people – 18%

95 people - 95%

not dangerous

3 people – 3 %



2 people – 2%

5 people - 5%

The conclusion: Most of the surveyed people said that stray dogs are dangerous - 95%. All respondents, young mothers and grandmothers worry about not only for themselves, but for their young children and grandchildren. Adult women are afraid of stray dogs` attacks.

      1. What are the ways to reduce the number of stray dogs?


men from 30 to 60 years old

young mothers under 35 years old

women from 40 to 60 years


% ofsurveyed people

Only by human ways

26 people26%

29 people29%

16 people – 16%

20 people20%

91 people - 91%

By all means


9 people9%


9 people - 9%

Conclusion: 91% of respondents agree with the humane ways to reduce the number of stray animals, and only 23.6% (group of young mothers and grandmothers) considers acceptable any methods, even the cruelest ones. Perhaps it happens because of aggressive attitude of young mothers and grandmothers for their children and grandchildren. 

      1. Could you take a dog from the street to your home?


men from 30 to 60 years old

young mothers under 35 years old

women from 40 to 60 years


% ofsurveyed people


23 people23%

1 people1 %

1 person1%

6 people6 %

8 people – 8%



36 people36%

13 people13 %

4 people – 20%

82 people - 82%

don`t know

3 people3%

1 person1%

2 people -2%

10 people10%

10 people – 10%

Conclusion: Only 8 % of the total number of respondents is ready to take a stray dog. This is a very low number. 82% does not want to take the dog from the street categorically. It happens because of their living conditions and lack of money for buying dog`s ​​food. And most people want to keep a purebred dog. Children are not sure whether they will be allowed to bring home a stray dog or not. We can change the low level of demand for the animals from outside. To do this, we should carry out explanatory work among adults. For example we can do it at school parents` meetings, conferences, in different actions concerning stray dogs, through mass media and so on. Children also need thematic lessons, class hours, discussions about stray dogs, drawing contests on the theme such as "My dream is to become a pet dog," " I and my new boss "," I`ve became a home dog! " and so on.

      1. Would you like to help a shelter for dogs?


men from 30 to 60 years old

young mothers under 35 years old

women from 40 to 60 years


% ofsurveyed people


22 people22%

10 people10%

3 people3%

16 people16%

51 people – 51%


4 people4%

28 people - 28%

1 person1%

4 people4%

33 people – 33%

don`t know



12 people12%


16 people – 16%

Conclusion: The percentage of people who wants to provide a shelter for dogs among young mothers, grandmothers and women is rather low. May be it is due to the fact that they are very busy with their homework and children. As for grandparents they have no energy and health for it. This group of respondents believes that dogs should be euthanized in shelters; there is no need to take care of them. Children depend on their parents, although there are the majority of them who have a desire to help. At the same time, more than half of the respondents want to help a shelter for dogs.

    1. Ways to solve the problems

Unfortunately many citizens of our town are indifferent to the problem of stray dogs. But the problem of wandering dogs becomes more serious nowadays and requires urgent solutions. The number of homeless animals in Anzhero- Sudzhensk does not get smaller. Any citizen of our small town can prove it. It is indicated by the data of our town public organization "Ostrovok Dobroty".

Traditionally stray animals in towns are caught.  It is done to avoid such conflicts as bites of people and infection of different diseases. Such cases of cruelty to homeless animals injure people's minds seriously. Such strict treatment to animals is not compatible with children and a revival of public morality. That is why it requires the development of humane ways to control the number of stray animals.

    1. Humane methods of population control of stray dogs

Humane methods include a sterilization of dogs, a control of their breeding, a providing for shelters, a finding an old or a new owner and an introduction of the law on the responsibility of owners of dogs who throws them into the street. 

Humane treatment of animals is based, primarily, on the observance of the rules for keeping dogs when the owner constantly monitors the behavior of the dog, its location, physical condition, appearance, ability to control reproduction. It helps to avoid the increasing of the number of stray dogs. People are responsible for those who tamed.

    1. Life of Anzhero-Sudzhensk animals` shelter "Ostrovok Dobroty"

The town public organization «Ostrovok Dobroty" was founded in 2012. We decided to find out how does it work and what is the life of our town stray animals there. At the shelter, we were able to talk with its workers. They said that there are about 150 dogs and 50 cats in it now.  New pets come here about once every two days. Every month 12 dogs and 12 cats find a new house there. During the period of existence of the shelter 807 animals have passed through it.  Someone has been already housed, but someone is looking forward to their new owners. The shelter is financed by the local budget partly, and other part of the funds comes from the stores located in special boxes and other donations. For example in 2023, the shelter has been allocated 240 thousand rubles from the local town budget. The funds from the budget go on staff salaries, purchase of medicines and food, a variety of building materials and many others things.  All additional funds are spent for medicines. Nowadays people of our own ask just the same question- if we have such a specialized agency, when the issue with homeless animals will be resolved. This summer, the town administration has allocated to the shelter about 20 thousand rubles for the organization of catching stray dogs. These funds were spent for equipment and drugs, for immobilizing animals for some time and moving them into a shelter, without harm to their health. The trapping is being continued now and will be implemented in the nearest future.  Obviously, the organization is unable to provide food, shelter and medical assistance to all needy four-legged tramps and instantly solve the problem of stray animals. More often, the "lodgers" of "Ostrovok Dobroty" are animals whose owners have moved out of the barracks into the comfortable houses and have not found a place in a new home for their pets. Perhaps the problem with stray animals cannot be resolved until the legislative responsibility of pet owners begins to work. Today, this question is still open. Our town shelter needs regular help and support of volunteers. If you are not indifferent to the state of our smaller brothers, you can bring some animals` food, iron bowls, toys or provide financial support to the animals. Of course, if you can find at least one loving and caring owner for the pet, it would be the greatest boon. 

    1. What have we done to solve the problems associated with stray dogs

The opening of shelters does not fully solve the problem of stray animals. It is important to find the old or the new owner for a homeless dog while its staying in the shelter. To do this, we should have a constant search service in our town that must account and find lost animals. In order to give the dog into "good hands" it is necessary to work with people continuously to help homeless pets to find homes. For this purpose, we and our schoolchildren have organized actions such as “I - yours!”, “Take me!”, “Let's help the shelter!”. We appealed to the citizens of our micro district where we live and study with slogans: "Do not throw the four-legged friend", "Help! I do not want to die! "," My dream is to become the family dog! " (See Appendix 3).

As the result of our work we were able to determine three stray dogs into "good hands". Now the dogs live with new owners in the yards of private houses. They feel good. We visit them with our classmates and observe how they get used to the new living conditions. We also arranged a drawing contest among elementary school students on the theme: "Do not be indifferent to the fate of stray dogs!". 

    1. Conclusion

As a result of our research we came to the following conclusions: 1) the number of stray dogs increases due to the indifference of people and nonobservance of the rules for keeping dogs; 2) opening of a shelter for dogs helped to reduce the number of stray animals in our town; 3) the introduction of legislative fixed responsibility of the owner will reduce the number of stray dogs; 4) the number of stray dogs is necessary to reduce by humane ways; 5) it is necessary to work with our citizens to reduce the number of stray dogs.

Thus, we think that as a result of our work we have managed to change the attitude of many people to the problem of stray dogs.

    1. Literature

        1. Denisov V.V., Kurbatov A.S. Ecology city. M. - 2008, 234 p.

  1. Volodin V.A. Encyclopedia for Children. Ecology. M.- Avanta Plus- 2005, 256 p.

  2. Poyarkov D.V. and Rakhmanov A.I. Animals in the street.- M.- 2012, 356 p.

  3. http://ostrovokdobroty.ucoz.ru/

  4. http://vk.com/pomogipriuty

  5. http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/anzhero

  6. http://riopress.ru/news/

  7. http://priut-info.ru/

  8. http://antv.asgs.ru/

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Rules of conduct dealing with stray animals

1. It is impossible to talk loudly with the owner’s dog, hitting him on the shoulder, waving his hands in front of him.

2. At the meeting with the stray dogs, vote how it reacts to your appearance. In some cases, simply pass by the dog, without provoking it to attack.

3. Even if you're scared, try not to show it, aggressive dog can only be excited, feeling your fear.

4. Do not try to run away from a dog: its movement speed up to five times higher than human.

5. Do not turn your back to a dog to attack at the time had the opportunity to dodge. It confuses the animal and reduces the degree of aggression.

6. Try to scream at a dog to let it know that you are not going to retreat.

7. In order to prevent injury, wrap own clothes on your hand, give a dog to grab your hand, and at the same time try to put the dog painful blows.

8. It is important to know that the most vulnerable part of dogs` body are the tip of the nose, the bridge of the nose, base of the skull, the middle of the back, the belly, the transition from the muzzle to his forehead.

9. If the dog has bitten and keeps you, you can greatly compress her trachea, feeling it under the lower jaw.

10. In the event of the threat of stray animals attack call for help.

Appendix 3

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