Экотренды в современной жизни – залог экологической безопасности

XXI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Экотренды в современной жизни – залог экологической безопасности

Кондратович П.Е. 1
1Государственное учреждение образования "Средняя школа №3 г. Столбцы"
Наумович Е.В. 1
1Государственное учреждение образования "Средняя школа №3 г. Столбцы"
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In the Year of Peace and Creation, 2023, in order to strengthen the ideas of peace and creative work in society as the main conditions for the development of the Belarusian state, the key directions were the promotion of peaceful initiatives of citizens and the public, demonstration of the advantages of the Belarusian economic model, which puts the issue of environmental safety and environmental protection [1].

In 2024, in order to further improve the quality of life of the Belarusian people, create in society responsibility for the results of their work and a sense of belonging to the future of the country, within the framework of the Year of Quality, emphasis will be placed on increasing the competitiveness of Belarus through a careful and thoughtful attitude towards all types of resources and the environment [2].

Therefore, one of the tasks for all citizens, adults and children, will be the task of choosing the most rational ways of conscious consumption or environmental solutions to protect the environment from irrational consumption. How can I, an 8th grade student, contribute to protecting the environment? The environmental problem is not an actual problem of a single country, it is a problem on a global scale, it is an actual problem of each of us. I love my country, I am proud of it, I care about it. I am interested in all aspects of life in my native Stolbtsy District, in Minsk Region and in the country as a whole. I am also concerned about all the problems related to environmental pollution that our state is solving. I want to be an active citizen of my country and take part in solving issues of environmental safety and nature conservation.

Therefore, the aim of my research was to study sources of information, the opinions of peers, parents, teachers of my educational institution about environmental problems and trends, to determine the level of knowledge of The Law of The Republic of Belarus “On Environmental Protection” and materials of environmental legislation in our country. To do this, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

to study various sources of information about the attitude of modern society to environmental protection,

to study The Law of The Republic of Belarus “On Environmental Protection”,

to study materials of environmental legislation (The Code of The Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses, The Criminal Code of The Republic of Belarus),

to study the Program for the continuous education of children and students for 2021-2025 in The Republic of Belarus,

based on the information studied, to develop an online questionnaire in order to study the level of environmental knowledge, the opinions of 8th grade students, parents, teachers of our educational institution about the environmental situation in our country, areas of environmental activity,

based on the results of the survey, to identify problems that need to be solved in order to form an environmental worldview and environmental behavior of the country’s citizens,

to offer for use to the citizens of our country, and, first of all, to my peers, environmental projects and the most relevant, useful, practical environmental trends for living in an environmentally friendly and safe country.

The object of my research is the state of the environment.

The subject of the study is the opinion and life activities of students, parents and teachers of my educational institution, their level of knowledge about environmental trends and legislative documents on environmental protection and natural resource management.

The hypothesis for the research: let’s assume that citizens take little part in protecting and preserving the environment due to lack of knowledge, misunderstanding of the meaning of certain activities, and personal attitude towards the environment.

The research methods: studying of various sources of information, questionnaires using Google forms, methods of analysis and synthesis.

The novelty of my research lies in the fact that I will try to study the level of knowledge, attitudes and possible problems of citizens of Belarus regarding the issue of protection and preservation of the environment through compliance with legislation and the use of modern eco-trends for its protection.

The practical significance is the use of materials from my research work in educational and environmental activities, within the framework of studying the topics “Ecology”, “Environmental Protection” in academic subjects, as well as in working with parents.

Chapter 1. Environmental situation and conscious consumption

1.1 A trend is as a tendency of development or change

The word “trend” is an anglicism, from trend - tendency - a relatively stable direction of development of a certain phenomenon in which the development or change of something occurs (society, economy, education, culture, fashion, etc.). New trends in the life of society appear every day. The trend has a short and abrupt cycle, it consists of three stages:

1. Accumulation. At this stage, the trend is just emerging and is increasingly entering the lives of ordinary people.

2. Distribution. At this point, the trend becomes widespread.

3. Completion. After reaching the peak, the trend becomes stable or gradually loses popularity.

The most useful thing is the ability to recognize a trend at the accumulation stage. Many of the trends are forgotten, some are consolidated and turn into a way of life [3].

1.2 The main reasons for conscious consumption

Many manufacturers of branded goods refuse disposable products, accept secondary raw materials for processing, and buyers try to make do with a minimum of purchases, give preference to products marked BIO, ECO or Organic, and come to stores with their own bags. All this is not an indicator of savings, but an indicator of conscious concern for the environment. Why is conscious consumption and an appeal to the environment becoming popular in our country? Its main reasons are identified:

Negative environmental situation and reducing the role of plastic. There is a huge amount of plastic in lakes and rivers. Consumers are already looking to reduce their use of non-recyclable plastic and choose biodegradable packaging, and this trend will only increase. The air is polluted by exhaust gases and carbon monoxide.

Saving money. Adopting a minimalist lifestyle can save you a fair amount of money. Many retail chains additionally encourage their customers to consume rationally - in order to receive a discount on a new product, they offer to recycle old items and household appliances. In some places, fandomats - devices for accepting aluminum, plastic, and glass bottles - have begun to be actively used. For using the machines, discount coupons for purchases are awarded. The issue of saving money is reflected in the eco-trend “freecycling” - affordable, conscious consumption of things, when old things can be donated to relatives, friends, the poor, to an orphanage or large families, or sent to humanitarian aid or child rehabilitation centers.

Consumption of organic products. Such consumption has a positive effect on both the environment and human health. Ecological products do not contain pesticides or harmful compounds, and environmental technologies are used in the production of such products. Organic food reduces the risk of toxins entering the body and contains many nutrients and biologically active substances, minerals, vitamins, and microelements. Natural fruit, vegetables, meat, fish help proper digestion.

The national sign of The Republic of Belarus “Organic product” is associated with ecological agriculture and evokes positive emotions and means environmental cleanliness. The graphic image is a green ring, in which a green leaf is depicted on a white background and the inscription “Organic product. Belarus”, which is applied to consumer packaging or other documentation, provided that the product meets the requirements of organic standards and has passed the conformity assessment (if the product certificate expires, the manufacturer no longer has the right to label the product with it). The color green unites us with nature and helps us be closer to each other, symbolizing life, growth and harmony. The green leaf (not related to any specific plant) is the most important thing, the sprout of life from which the entire food chain begins. The efficiency of organic production helps to increase economic potential, conserve natural resources, and improve the quality and safety of food products. Eco-labeling helps the buyer choose the product he needs, and the manufacturer helps him distinguish his products from similar ones, prove their higher quality and reap greater benefits [4].

Support for regional products. Modern public opinion advocates public catering in the traditions of national or local cuisine as opposed to global fast food [5].

Recycling and composting. People make and will continue to make goods from metal, glass, plastic, paper and other materials, and when they reach the end of their useful life, recycling them into new, useful products is the optimal solution. The “upcycling” trend (upcycling is the creation of new things from old ones, which does not imply industrial processing) is actively used by many people. Recycling plastic bottles into bags, hats, jackets, trousers, while their quality will not be inferior to goods made from primary materials - this is a different type of processing. The eco-trend “recycling” has gained relevance in this direction. The eco-trend “downcycling” is a subtype of recycling, that is, also recycling. During the processing process, the quality of the raw material decreases, so it is no longer possible to make an identical product from it. Recycling organic waste involves using it to produce fuel, and this trend will gain momentum. Composting with the help of black soldier fly larvae (a species of Diptera) is one of the main discoveries of recent times. The black soldier fly larva produces very high-quality compost, which nourishes plants better than chemical fertilizers. It, unlike worms, can compost meat, fish and other complex proteins and is capable of consuming and producing approximately twice its weight daily. In the near future, this insect may save the world from landfills. And the larva itself is an excellent source of protein for reptiles and chickens [6].

Youth activism. These are social movements whose demands are addressed not only to energy companies, but to all other people. People on social networks, during forums, exhibitions, international and public events, call on governments and businesses to take action in the field of ecology. Their consumer loyalty will go to companies that protect the environment.

Changing of the climate. Over the next decade, companies will increasingly compete to reduce their climate impact by introducing separate waste collection and recycling, improving energy efficiency and sponsoring environmental initiatives. In particular, one of the criteria for choosing a car will be its environmental friendliness, as people increasingly understand that reducing their own carbon emissions is a a real way to help fight global climate change.

Reduced energy consumption. Electric vehicles (especially trucks), hybrid and all-electric vehicles, LED lighting, smart homes and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified buildings are all important elements of progress. These elements change how much and how we consume energy. Smart homes will allow you to use less energy and not spend it where it is not needed. Such a house will be equipped with smart light bulbs, extension cords, thermostats, and energy meters. In particular, all kinds of gadgets such as motion sensors, virtual digital assistants, robotic vacuum cleaners, should come into everyday life [6].

Ecological style. An environmentally friendly lifestyle for every person, every family, every institution and organization, every village and city, every producer and consumer, aimed at preserving the ozone layer, maintaining biodiversity in various ecological systems, protecting water from pollution, refusing to test on animals, natural origin, and not through genetic engineering and cloning, the possibility of recycling is a style of intelligent life.

Environmental initiatives of manufacturers. Manufacturers feel responsible for polluting nature and want to reduce their negative impact on the environment. To do this, they switched to packaging in biodegradable bags and are holding campaigns to collect glass bottles, plastic or used batteries.

1.3 The legislation of The Republic of Belarus on environmental protection and natural resource management

Based on The Law of The Republic of Belarus “On Environmental Protection”, citizens are obliged to comply with legislation on environmental protection: environmental culture, promote the education of the younger generation in this area, preserve and protect the natural environment and rationally use natural resources, comply with requirements in the field of waste management, fire safety requirements, comply with the rules of hunting and fishing, comply with the requirements established in order to combat household noise, requirements (instructions) of government bodies and officials exercising control in the field of environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, compensate in the manner prescribed by law, harm caused by their actions to the environment [7].

Violation of environmental legislation entails administrative, disciplinary, financial and even criminal liability with mandatory compensation for damage caused to the natural environment. In the field of environmental management, the most common measures are administrative penalties in accordance with The Code of The Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses - fines, warnings, prohibitions (temporary closure of an enterprise or ban on the use of natural resources). Disciplinary liability is provided for failure or improper performance by persons of their official duties, leading to a violation of environmental legislation without causing significant damage to the state of the natural environment or the health of citizens. Measures of such responsibility include reprimands, deprivation of bonuses, and demotion. The material, or property, liability of violators of environmental legislation consists of compensation for damage caused by their unlawful actions. Subjects guilty of causing significant damage to the natural environment, resulting in the death of people or particularly large material losses, are brought to criminal liability. Specific elements of environmental crimes are established in The Criminal Code of The Republic of Belarus (Articles 263 – 284) [8].

1.4 The actual eco-events within the framework of environmental education of students in The Republic of Belarus

Based on the content of the Program for the Continuous Education of Children and Students for 2021-2025, it can be concluded that in The Republic of Belarus, environmental education is aimed at developing in students an ecological worldview, social activity in addressing environmental issues, environmentally literate behavior, and the development of values of sustainable development, skills and abilities of research activities in the field of ecology through the following environmental events: conducting environmental campaigns, startups, volunteer events to develop conscious consumption and use of resources; measures aimed at energy and water conservation, waste management, careful treatment of the country's forest fund; competitions for the collection of recyclable materials, popularization of separate collection of garbage and solid household waste, and others [9] (Appendix 1). Detailed information about environmental events and the conditions for their implementation are available on the website of The Republican Center for Ecology and Local History in the public domain [10].

1.5 The eco-trend “The Broken Windows Theory

The Broken windows theory” means that chaos can spread like an epidemic. In 1982, American sociologists James Wilson and George Kelling developed and formulated “The Broken Windows Theory”. This provocation is based on a psychological mechanism when a person asks himself the question: “If others can perform such actions, then why can’t I do them?” A person witnesses how established rules are violated and the people who violated them remain unpunished. As a result, a person ceases to perceive these rules as mandatory. If such a trend is maintained over a long period of time, then the average level of “admissibility of violations” decreases, which leads to an increase in crime rates. Thus, for example, throwing garbage in the wrong places can lead to more serious environmental violations or eco-vandalism. The practical implementation of this theory is observed in all spheres of human life [11].

Chapter 2. Eco-trends in modern life are the key to environmental safety

2.1 Is eco a fashionable prefix or a lifestyle?

The questionnaire, “Is eco a fashion prefix or a lifestyle?” was completed online using the Google Form service, is a survey with 16 questions (Appendix 2). 34 willing respondents took part in the survey. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn. 28 respondents (82.4%) believe that everyone should take care of the environment because those who do not respect nature do not respect themselves first of all (Appendix 3). All respondents know the meaning of the word “trend” (Appendix 4).

The survey participants consider all the actions proposed for consideration to be modern eco-trends, however, the most popular respondents consider such eco-trends as: collecting and sorting waste (plastic, tires, glass, waste paper, scrap metal, household appliances, batteries, etc.) - 25 respondents ( 73.5%), cleanup days or events for landscaping - 17 respondents (50%), refusal of disposable plastic utensils and packaging - 14 respondents (41.2%), maintaining an environmentally friendly lifestyle for each person - 13 respondents (38, 2%), saving and purifying water, protecting water from pollution - 12 respondents (35.3%), using eco-packaging, creating and implementing environmental projects - 11 respondents each (32.4%) (Appendix 5).

During the survey, it was revealed that respondents were practically unfamiliar with the eco-trend “The Theory of Broken Windows” (Appendix 6) and did not have complete information about environmental projects in the Republic of Belarus. Some participants name only a few examples: separate collection of garbage, recyclable materials and waste, their sorting, holding clean-up days, conservation of biodiversity, the House of Environmental Education in the NDC “Zubrenok” and “Green School”, clean agriculture, the use of electric buses and electric gas stations, as well as the project “Ecological Research Laboratory - Laboratory of Beneficial Action” and the completed project of the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program in Belarus “Creating capacity for the development of a youth movement for the protection of transboundary watercourses, landscape and biological diversity” (Appendix 7).

25 respondents (73.5%) believe that disposing of garbage in a timely manner and in designated places, 23 respondents (67.6%) believe that environmental recycling, 21 respondents (61.8%) believe that planting forests, parks, and public gardens and 20 respondents (58.8%) believe that refusing disposable plastic tableware is the most beneficial action for the environment (Appendix 8). The most dangerous for the environment are burning plastic bottles - 25 respondents (73.5%), burning dry grass and garbage - 24 respondents (70.6%), deforestation - 21 respondents (61.8%) (Appendix 9). 16 respondents (47.1%) expressed their positive attitude towards the eco-trend “upcycling” (in clothes and shoes - the second life of things), considering it useful for the environment; 7 respondents (20.6%) do not want to remake old things into new ones), 5 respondents (14.7%) have a negative attitude (Appendix 10).

Eco-trend “recycling” (recycling without loss of quality) 16 respondents (47.1%) consider saving resources and money, 13 respondents (38.2%) have a very positive attitude, 2 respondents (5.9%) have a negative attitude (Appendix 11). The eco-trend “downcycling” (long journey to the landfill) is not understood by 20 respondents (58.8%), 9 respondents (26.5%) have a positive attitude towards it, 5 respondents (14.7%) have a negative attitude (Appendix 12). 23 respondents (67.6%) believe that people can give unnecessary things to others for use, so as not to throw them away, using the eco-trend “freecycling”, at the same time 8 respondents (23.5%) expressed the opinion that they cannot wear other people’s things. No one expressed a negative attitude (Appendix 13).

22 respondents (64.7%) are ready to take part in protecting the environment, while 5 respondents (14.7%) do not know how to take part in protecting the environment. 4 (14.8%) respondents each express the opinion that they have other things to do, there are janitors and other organizations for these purposes (Appendix 14). 6 respondents (17.6%) do not know about the measures of liability for violation of environmental legislation in The Republic of Belarus, 9 respondents (26.5%) consider such a measure of liability to be criminal with mandatory compensation for damage caused to the natural environment, and the largest number of answers were given for administrative measures – 16 respondents (47.1%), as well as financial liability – 13 respondents (38.2%) (Appendix 15).

What is the national sign “Organic product. Belarus” 15 p respondents (44.1%) find it difficult to answer, and 13 respondents (38.2%) know this sign (Appendix 16). If we talk about the consequences of environmental pollution, the respondents considered the following to be the most dangerous: extinction of various species of flora and fauna - 25 respondents 73.5%), deterioration in human health - 23 respondents (67.6%), destruction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere and climate change on the planet – 21 respondents each (61.8%) (Appendix 17). To the question about what actions citizens are required to perform in accordance with The Law of The Republic of Belarus “On Environmental Protection”, the most comprehensively correct answer was given by 30 out of 34 respondents (88.2%) - this is the answer about compliance with environmental legislation.

2.2 The environmental trends have chosen by citizens of The Republic of Belarus

Not all modern trends are trends for the benefit of people and nature. Eco-vandalism and violations of rules for protecting nature are negative. Environmental trends that have a positive orientation form an ecological worldview, social activity and environmentally literate behavior in the younger generation. Participation in environmental and charitable events and projects is an awareness among students and citizens of Belarus of the need for a responsible attitude towards nature and involvement in environmental activities. Participation in the implementation of social initiatives to promote and popularize the separate collection of waste and other material resources, the revival and development of affected areas, awareness in the field of radiobiology and radioecology are new eco-trends that need support and advertising.

My peers, parents and teachers know and everyone, to a certain extent, participates in such eco-trends as: collection and sorting of secondary raw materials (plastic, tires, glass, waste paper, scrap metal, household appliances, batteries), “upcycling”, “freecycling”, clean-up days or campaigns for landscaping, the use of eco-packaging, the creation of eco-fashion, fashion design, the use of secondhand, eco-leather and eco-fur, the rejection of disposable plastic tableware and packaging, the use of natural cosmetics, the consumption of natural products, planting trees and shrubs, caring for animals and birds in winter, photo hunting , using artificial Christmas trees instead of living trees, creating minimalism in things and reducing the needs in life, observing the positive side of “The Broken Windows Theory”, implementing an environmental approach in architecture and design: building “smart houses”, using natural stone, wood, greenery, dishes and clay bricks, choosing the sunny side, building large windows, banning synthetics, participating in environmental projects and startups, saving energy and installing LED lighting, saving heat, insulating rooms, saving and purifying water, protecting water from pollution, complying with fire safety rules , maintaining an environmentally friendly lifestyle.


The research revealed a number of problems that we all need to solve together:

insufficient level of knowledge of people and, in particular, the younger generation about the content of legislative acts on environmental protection and natural resource management, measures of liability for violation of environmental legislation;

insufficient awareness of environmental projects;

eco-trends “The Broken Windows Theory” and “downcycling” need more popularization;

insufficient level of awareness about the national sign “Organic product. Belarus”.

While conducting my research, I attracted the attention of peers, parents, and teachers to the issue of environmental protection, environmental trends and projects. Using an online survey, I introduced them to the legislative documents of The Republic of Belarus, the national sign “Organic Product. Belarus”, modern eco-trends, “The Theory of Broken Windows” as an eco-trend for resolving situations of environmental pollution.

My hypothesis that citizens take little part in the protection and preservation of the environment due to lack of knowledge, misunderstanding of the meaning of certain events, and personal attitude towards the environment has been confirmed. Joint solutions to identified problems will contribute to the implementation of environmental projects and trends. During the survey process, information was also obtained that the participants were grateful for the invitation to participate, educational and useful information, and expressed wishes for the protection of nature.


  1. Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь, 01.01.2023, 1/20659. Указ Президента Республики Беларусь, 1 января 2023 г. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://pravo.by/document/?guid=12551&p0=P32300001. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  2. Национальный образовательный портал [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://adu.by/ru/homeru/news/aktualnaya-informatsiya/2024-god-kachestva.html. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  3. Бизнес-секреты [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://secrets.tinkoff.ru/glossarij/trend/. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  4. Учреждение Администрации Президента Республики Беларусь «Издательский дом «Беларусь сегодня» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://www.sb.by/articles/v-kruge-zelenom.html. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  5. BRODURE [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://brodude.ru/eko-trendy-novogo-desyatiletiya-pochemu-ves-mir-stremitsya-k-osoznannomu-potrebleniyu/. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  6. OSQ GROUP [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://osqgroup.com/blog/eko-trendy-desiatiletia/. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  7. Государственная инспекция охраны животного и растительного мира при Президенте Республики Беларусь. Закон Республики Беларусь «Об охране окружающей среды», 26 ноября 1992 г. № 1982-XІІ. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://gosinspekciya.gov.by/actual/rybolovstvo-i-rybolovnoe-khozyaystvo/355/. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  8. Борисовская районная инспекция природных ресурсов и охраны. Ответственность за нарушение природоохранного законодательства [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://ostrovets.grodno-region.by/uploads/files/Otvetstvennost-za-narushenie-prirodooxrannogo-zakonodatelstva.pdf. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  9. Постановление Министерства образования Республики Беларусь, 31 декабря 2020 г. №312 ПРОГРАММА непрерывного воспитания детей и учащейся молодежи на 2021-2025 гг. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://adu.by/images/2023/vosp/programma-vospitaniya-2021-2025.pdf. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  10. Республиканский центр экологии и краеведения [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : https://rcek.by.Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.

  11. Блог Даниила Ткаченко [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : https://dnevnik-znaniy.ru/psixologiya/teoriya-razbityx-okon.html. Дата доступа: 22.01.2024.



Appendix 1


Appendix to the Program for the continuous education of children and students for 2021-2025.

Action plan for the implementation of the Program for the continuous education of children and students for 2021-2025. pp.21-24.

№ п п

Содержание деятельности

Сроки исполнения

Ответственные исполнители

Экологическое воспитание


Мероприятия, приуроченные трагедии на Чернобыльской АЭС: республиканская декада общественно значимых дел «Чернобыль. Сохраняя память...»; республиканский проект «Чернобыль: через призму десятилетий»



РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома,

учреждения образования


Мероприятия по реализации экологического образовательного проекта «Зеленые школы», развитие сети «зеленых школ»


РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Республиканский конкурс экологических проектов «Зеленая школа»

2021, 2022

РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Мероприятия в рамках Дня охраны окружающей среды, Всемирного дня Земли, Дня памяти погибших в радиационных авариях; неделя экологического десанта


РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Мероприятия, направленные на формирование ответственного и ценностного отношения к природному наследию страны: республиканский конкурс «Юный натуралист»; республиканский конкурс-выставка «Юннат года»


РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Мероприятия, направленные на формирование бережного отношения к природным объектам, лесному фонду страны: работа школьных лесничеств, реализация природоохранных проектов;

участие в республиканской добровольной акции «Неделя леса»;

республиканский слет юных лесоводов;

Постоянно Ежегодно


РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Мероприятия по популяризации раздельного сбора мусора и твердых отходов: конкурсы и акции по сбору вторичного сырья, элементов питания (батареек), различных видов пластика; экологическая акция по пропаганде раздельного сбора отходов и других вторичных материальных ресурсов «Кто, если не мы!»


РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Мероприятия, направленные на формирование экологического мировоззрения и экологической культуры: республиканская экологическая акция «Сцяжынкамі Бацькаўшчыны»;

республиканский экологический форум «Вместе за будущее планеты!»;

республиканский конкурс экологических видеорепортажей «Моя родина - Беларусь!» республиканский конкурс фотографий и рисунков на экологическую тему «Созидая, не разрушай!»;

республиканской акции по наведению порядка на земле «Экослед»;

экологический проект «Экология глазами детей»;

республиканские профильные оздоровительные лагеря «Юный эколог», «Юный исследователь», «Юный биолог»;

республиканский слет юных экологов;

республиканский экологический Интернет-конкурс;

разработка экскурсионных маршрутов, создание экологических троп и др.



2024, 2025

2022, 2024

2024, 2025



2022, 2024



Минобразования, РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Исследовательская деятельность: республиканский конкурс научно-исследовательских работ/проектов эколого-биологической направленности учащихся; республиканский конкурс исследовательских проектов в сфере охраны водных ресурсов; республиканский конкурс проектов по экономии и бережливости «Энергомарафон»;


Минобразования, РЦЭК, структурные подразделения облисполкомов, Мингорисполкома, учреждения образования


Конкурс Молодежных послов Целей устойчивого развития «Будущее планеты в наших руках»

2022, 2024

НЦХТДиМ, учреждения образования


Организация экологических стартапов, волонтерских акций по развитию осознанного потребления и пользования ресурсами и др.


РИВШ, учреждения образования


Республиканский конкурс стартап-проектов по альтернативной энергетике


У О «Гомельский государственный технический университет имени П.О. Сухого» (далее - ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого), учреждения образования


Республиканский конкурс научно-исследовательских проектов эколого-биологической направленности «Прозрачные волны Нарочи»


Минобразования, НДЦ «Зубренок», структурные подразделения облисполкомов,

Appendix 2

The questionnaire «Is eco a fashionable prefix or a lifestyle?»

Appendix 3 Question 1

Appendix 4 Question 2

Appendix 5 Question 3

Appendix 6 Question 4

Appendix 7 Question 5

http://sgp-gef.by/ru/programm/sgp-gef.html - Small Grants Program of the Global Environment Facility

Appendix 8 Question 6

Appendix 9 Question 7

Appendix 10 Question 8

Appendix 11 Question 9

Appendix 12 Question 10

Appendix 13 Question 11

Appendix 14 Question 12

Appendix 15 Question 13

Appendix 16 Question 14

Appendix 17 Question 15

Appendix 18 Question 16

Appendix 19 Thanks for your answers and participation

Просмотров работы: 40