Куклы-обереги как отражение культурных традиций и народных верований

XXIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Куклы-обереги как отражение культурных традиций и народных верований

Ильичева К.В. 1Черкасова М.К. 1
1МБОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 им. А.С.Пушкина"
Михайлова О.В. 1
1МБОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 имю А.С.Пушкина"
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Of all the mysteries that exist in the world,

the mystery of the doll is the most mysterious;

Without understanding the essence of a doll,

it is impossible to understand a person.”

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Our lives are changing, and our ideas about the world around us are changing with it.Today there is unprecedented interest in Slavic culture all over the world.We learn a lot of interesting things during the lessons of History and Literature; on TV they often show how traditional Russian holidays are celebrated.Last summer, the Art School in our town hosted the exhibition “The Wonderful World of Dolls.”We were especially interested in the unusual “Amulet Dolls.”It turned out that Slavic protective dolls “lived” in houses for a long time, among people of all classes.They not only decorated the interior, adding zest and liveliness to it, but also served as assistants in everyday life, becoming intermediaries between the world of people and the subtle world of spirits.

Nowadays many people wonder how these “toys” appeared, what role they played in the life of our ancestors. We should say that we became interested in these questions, so we decided to explore them in more detail.

The topic is scientifically and practically substantiated, because in modern life, like our ancestors, we want to decorate and protect our home and our family members.

Therefore, we set up our goal:  get acquainted with the history of folk amulet dolls, the process of their manufacture and create ethnographic souvenir dolls, with the aim of familiarizing pupils with the folk cultural heritage of their native country.

The implementation of this goal is possible based on solving the following tasks:

- study the available literature and surf the Internet on this issue and find out what a “doll” and an “amulet” are;

- to visit exhibitions organized by pupils and teachers of the local Art school:

- to meet and interview the teacher of the “Art Department” of our Art school, Tatyana Viktorovna Sedova.

- get acquainted with the history of the appearance of dolls in human life;

- determine the types of dolls and their purpose;

- to conduct a survey among pupils of our school, as well as the parents of our classmatesto find out what they know about amulet dolls and what role amulets play in our life today;

- study the technology of making traditional folk dolls;

- conduct a master class on making amulet dolls for our school- leavers.

The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in the age of modern technology, the true purpose of dolls has been lost.Recently, people have been puzzled by the question of reviving the traditions of Slavic culture, of which amulets dolls were an integral part, because they were the ones who raised children and developed them.

1.Theoretical Part

1.1 A Doll and Its Features

What is a doll? To answer this question, we turned to S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary. [4]. It explains that a doll is a children's toy in the form of a human figure, made of fabric, paper, wood, porcelain, plastic or other materials.

The doll is the first among toys. Its history has been known since ancient times. [5]. Initially, the doll served as a totem, a ritual symbol, and later turned into a children's toy. Nowadays there are a huge variety of dolls. But handmade dolls are especially popular. Very often, your favorite toy is the one you made with your own hands, because your imagination and soul are invested in it.

Today, to the question “what is a doll?” many will answer very simply - a children's toy, believing that its significance is limited there. However, this is far from the case, as history eloquently tells us that jointed dolls appeared 200 years BC and before reaching us today in this form, they were subjected to various modifications. The doll was both a toy and an object of creativity, and subsequently a model for the presentation of outfits.

Time does not affect a doll; she still finds her way to the hearts of children and adults. Dolls are one of the main and at the same time most mysterious symbols in the history of mankind. They accompany us throughout almost the entire existence of modern civilization and they carry a deep philosophical meaning. After all, the most ancient amulets of primitive people and idols of pagan eras, in fact, are also nothing more than dolls. Created in the image and likeness of humans, dolls often “come to life”, endowed with human character traits and passions and seem to begin to live their own special life.

We have also learned that in Russia dolls were also made to perform various rituals. Children could play with ritual dolls, but play dolls could under no circumstances be used during the ritual.

A house without toys was considered unspiritual. There was such a sign: when children played a lot and diligently, there was profit in the family, if they handled toys carelessly, there was trouble in the house. People believed that toys protected children's sleep (still, according to ancient custom, children are put to bed with their favorite toy).

Traditional folk dolls did not have a face. It was believed that if you draw a face on a doll, an “evil spirit” can move into it.

There were also features in the manufacture of handmade dolls made for ritual purposes. They were done “in one sitting”, never leaving any imperfections for later.

According to their purpose, folk dolls are divided into three large groups: amulets, play and ritual dolls.

1.2 The Concept of “Amulet” and Its Varieties

The amulet is an original Slavic word. As V. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary says, “A talisman is a spell, spelled words and a ritual against damage; hex, whispers for the destruction or under-reception of harmful spells, a talisman, a pendant against the evil eye, against fire, water, snakes, death, damage to weddings, and diseases, etc.” [1]. Any object without exception can be a talisman. The most important aspect of endowing a certain object with the properties of a talisman is the sincerity of the desire and the absence of doubts. Depending on certain components, the amulet carries various symbols with certain properties.

We should say that not only objects can be called amulets, but also a word, a spell, a song, a ritual, an action, a gesture, a sound. The meaning of the amulet is to create a barrier between the protected object and danger, to magically “close” the protected object, to make it invisible, to ward off danger, or to endow the protected object itself with protective properties and the ability to resist evil.

The history of the emergence of amulets is lost in the depths of centuries. [3]. Even our ancient ancestors noticed that a fancy plant root or an enemy’s tooth brought good luck in a hunt or a love victory - and the history of amulets began. Primitive people were surrounded by so many real and imaginary dangers that their main task was to survive.

From time immemorial, people have tried to protect themselves from troubles and misfortunes. At first, anything was used as amulets - from pine cones and roots to the skull of a defeated enemy and the tusks of a killed mammoth. Then only those objects that were “charmed” by shamans and thus acquired magical powers began to serve as amulets.But the concept of “amulet” is much bigger. Many amulets are not objects at all. They cannot be touched with your hands.

Since ancient times, prayers, as well as incantations and spells have been considered the most powerful amulets. Gestures are also amulets. For example, the sign of the cross. To protect against evil spirits, people threw salt over their left shoulder. Usually this amulet was performed when someone spilled salt, which was very expensive back then. Throwing a stone behind your back when a black cat crosses the road is also a talisman. And vice versa, the custom of being the first to let a cat into a new home is also a talisman. Moreover, even a lucky number is a talisman. So, some truck drivers believe that they will be lucky if they come across cars with symmetrical license plates on the road, for example, 22-22.

Since ancient times, the stork’s nest has been considered a powerful amulet, and its destruction has been considered a grave sin. Many villagers still believe in this. It should be added that a bird, not necessarily a stork, was considered by many peoples to be a symbol of the family, its talisman.

Thus, amulets can be either man-made or created by nature.

We would like to note that when making a talisman, it is important to know for whom it is intended, in order to make it from such materials and in the form that are most suitable for its future owner. The craft must necessarily absorb the energy of the craftsman, his thoughts and desires - only in this case the amulet will be endowed with magical properties and will work. The best time to make amulets is considered to be the period when the moon begins to rise. You cannot make amulets during illness or severe stress, since all the vibrations of the human body will certainly have an impact on it.

So, when choosing a talisman, you should be guided not only by the material from which it is made, but also by the desire to eliminate a certain danger. As practice shows, it is in this process that the amulet finds itself!

2. Practical Part

2. 1. Questionnaire

As part of our study we wanted to find out what people know about amulet dolls and what role amulets play in our life today.

To achieve these goals, we conducted a survey among pupils of our school, as well as parents of our classmates. (Annex A). The survey consisted of the following questions:

  • Do you believe in magical signs and amulets?

  • What amulets do you know?

  • Do you have any items at home that have a protective function?

  • Do you like handmade toys?

  • Have you heard about amulet dolls? If yes, what kind of amulet doll can you name?

  • Do you know what functions amulet dolls have? If yes, please write down some of them.

  • Do you know the rules that must be followed when creating an amulet doll? If yes, please write them down.

  • Do you want to learn how to make an amulet doll?

  • Do you want to have an amulet doll at home?

Well, we`d like to let you know the results of the survey. (Annex B)

Totally 66 pupils participated in the survey.

The first question is: Do you believe in magical signs and amulets?

Nearly half of the respondents gave positive answer to this question, which proves that magical signs and amulets continue to play quite an important role in our life today.

The second question is: What amulets do you know?

The answer to the second question showed that most popular amulets among children are dreamcatcher, brownie and red thread.

The third question is: Do you have any items at home that have a protective function?

The answers to this question proved that many pupils, around 65%, keep objects that have protective function in their homes.

The fourth question is: Do you like handmade toys?

As it was expected the majority, or rather 59%, gave a positive answer, that is quite many pupils like handmade toys.

The fifth question is: Have you heard about amulet dolls? If yes, what kind of amulet doll can you name?

We were pleased to learn that most children heard about amulet dolls. Many pupils could name amulets for love, luck, a hostess amulet, an angel. At the same time it became clear that children did not know the types of the traditional Slavic amulet dolls.

The sixth question is: Do you know what functions amulet dolls have? If yes, please write down some of them.

It turned out that many pupils know what functions amulet dolls play. The most popular answers are: to guard the house, to protect a person from the evil eye.

The seventh question is: Do you know the rules that must be followed when creating an amulet doll? If yes, please write them down.

As it was expected the majority of respondents do not know the rules that must be followed when creating an amulet doll.

The eighth question is: Do you want to learn how to make an amulet doll?

We were pleased to learn that quite many pupils, around 68%, were interested in learning how to make an amulet doll.

  • The ninth question is: Do you want to have an amulet doll at home?

The answer to the ninth question proved that 65% pupils would like to have an amulet doll at home.

The same questions were offered to parents of our classmates. A total of 19 parents participated in the survey. Results of the parent survey are presented below:

The first question is: Do you believe in magical signs and amulets?

No 23% yes - 77%

The second question is: What amulets do you know?

Dolls, stones, pins

The third question is: Do you have any items at home that have a protective



The fourth question is: Do you like handmade toys?

No - 15%, Yes- 85%

The fifth question is: Have you heard about amulet dolls? If yes, what kind of amulet doll can you name?

Maslenitsa, Bereginya.

The sixth question is: Do you know what functions amulet dolls have? If yes, please write down some of them.

Protection from the evil eye.

The seventh question is: Do you know the rules that must be followed when creating an amulet doll? If yes, please write them down.

They don't know the answer to this question.

The eighth question is: Do you want to learn how to make an amulet doll?

No-23% yes-77%

  • The ninth question is: Do you want to have an amulet doll at home?

No- 46%, yes-54%

The answers given by parents support the conclusions that we have made based on the analysis of the results of the pupils’ survey.

Conclusion:having analyzed all the information obtained through the questionnaire, we could say with confidence that amulets continue to play an important role in our lives. Well, exactly half of our peers who have answered the survey questions do not believe in the protective function of objects. We believe that this is due to ignorance of the true meaning of this or that amulet. Moreover, neither adults nor children could not only name amulet dolls, but also name the functions of these dolls. Well, absolutely no one knows about the peculiarities of creating these amulets. although many would like to have them at home. What is more, the pupils of our school are interested in learning how to make amulet dolls.

Therefore, our work will be interesting and instructive not only for pupils but also their parents. Thanks to it we will let the children know more about the amulets that have been guarding and protecting our home from misfortunes for many years.

We think that it is not surprising that we decided to start by getting acquainted with the history of amulet dolls.

2.2 Amulet Dolls

2.2.1 The History of Amulet Dolls

In order to find the necessary information, we looked through some specific literature and surfed the Internet sites. [2]. We are looking forward to sharing with you all the material we have studied. Well, what are amulets dolls? [9]. The oldest of them are many thousands of years old, they are almost older than the Egyptian pyramids. As for the amulets, they owe their birth to paganism, during which some natural phenomenon was perceived by a man as the presence of something divine. In pagan Russia, they carved gods out of wood, created rag and straw dolls-amulets. They were an important part of the life of the Slavs. They were worshipped and used as a means of protection from misfortune. After a while, hand-made dolls began to decorate everyday life, pleased the eye and occupied the children. The manufacture of such amulets became possible after the linen cloth came into use. The head was made of this fabric for the amulet doll, the hair was made from threads and ropes. The legs, arms and torso were made with the help of rods and linen fabric.

The primary task of the Slavic folk doll is to attract what is desired for a particular person or family. [6]. It was used in magical rituals and as a participant in the most significant events in life, as well as for holidays. When creating dolls, only natural materials were taken, prepared in a good mood. For example, for the newlyweds, "lovebirds" were made — two dolls from one piece of fabric with a common hand. Well, with the doll "kuvadka" a husband imitated the process of childbirth in order to protect a newborn from dark forces. Beregini dolls were carved by men for beloved women from the branches of sacred trees broken by the wind. Symbols of female fertility were applied to the miniature wooden figure. A husband put such a doll in a linen sweet bag, which a woman wore on her belt, so that there would be healthy children in the family.

Amulet dolls were made without the use of needles and scissors, so that they could not harm their owners. Threads were cut off by hands or snapped by teeth. Even the fabric in the old days was torn by hands. When they made the doll's breasts, they thought about happy motherhood and abundance. Those dolls were created on the woman's knees and not on the table, because it was considered a common place.

Each doll was made with a white or monochrome face, symbolizing the purity of thoughts. In the process of creation, they kept repeating: "A bright head, clean, filled with kindness and love." The Slavs never painted or embroidered their dolls eyes, a mouth and a nose, so that evil spirits would not enter them and evil thoughts would not be transferred. Even though most dolls were made without a needle and thread, they were very long-lasting and could be passed from generation to generation.

The Slavs considered needlework to be the creation of the world, when something harmonious came out of chaos. Pieces of fabric were folded into a system, which gave the product integrity. The raw edges emphasized the connection with chaos. Such amulet dolls are quite easy to make; they can simply be disassembled into rags. This suggests that a person comes into this world easily and temporarily. Each doll contains the wisdom and strength of the ancestors. According to mythological consciousness, a rag doll is a magical object that is an intermediary of communication between a person and another world. In ancient times, amulets-dolls helped to establish connections with higher energies. [8].

Amulet figurines have existed for all occasions. Depending on the role they are divided into 7 categories:

protective (against disease, spoilage);

to fulfill desires (a doll was gifted with something);

guardian (for the well-being of the family);

symbolic (a symbol of the connection of a mother and a child, the love of the newlyweds);

festive, solemn, ceremonial (for the day of Ivan Kupala, the feast of Evdokia-Ivy, on Palm Sunday);

everyday (the figure "The Girl-grandmother" as a hint that the future bride lives in the house);

assistants (in the household, at home).

The most common dolls amulets in Russia were:

Ash doll — protected family well-being

Krupenichka – a talisman for satiety and prosperity

Pot-herbalist – for the purification of the atmosphere and energy in the house

Pelenashka is a talisman for an unborn child

Lovebirds – a wedding doll for joint happiness

Zhelannitsa – a talisman for the fulfillment of a wish

Cleansing doll — got rid of diseases and ailments

One more interesting fact that a girl was allowed to make a doll on her own at the age of 11-13. It was a kind of a test. According to how a daughter coped with the task, they assessed her readiness to become a wife. The dolls of future brides were carefully kept in chests until the wedding date, and then passed on by inheritance.

2.2.2 Amulet Dolls Nowadays

(Attending an Exhibition at the Art School)

At the beginning of autumn, we decided to attend exhibitions organized by pupils and teachers of the local Art school again. One of the exhibitions was dedicated to Amulet Dolls made by students of this school. In order to obtain the information, we needed, we decided to meet with the teacher of the “Art Department” of our Art school, Tatyana Viktorovna Sedova. (Annex C)

We would like to share with you all the information we got during our interview with Tatyana Viktorovna.

- Tatyana Viktorovna, why did you decide to organize an exhibition of amulet dolls?

- There were always several magic dolls in ancient Slavic families, and each had its own purpose. Slavic amulet dolls protected from damage, the evil eye and all sorts of misfortunes, took care of the health of family members and ensured well-being in the home. In our high-tech times, amulet dolls, of course, can be found much less frequently, however, recently there has been an increase in Russians’ interest in magical ancestral items. I thought that modern children should know the history and traditions of their country.

- Yes. You're right! Tatyana Viktorovna, you`ve said that in ancient times people had different amulet dolls. There are many dolls presented at your exhibition and they are all different! Please tell us about the dolls made by your students.

- My students and I were very interested in getting to know a wide variety of folk amulet dolls. In fact, there are many of them! Our exhibition presents the most common amulet dolls of our ancestors. Look at them!

Ash doll - protected family well-being and hearth;

Krupenichka - a talisman for satiety and prosperity;

Travnitsa-Kubyshka - to cleanse the atmosphere and energy in the house;

Cabbage Doll - a talisman for an unborn child;

Lovebirds - a wedding doll for joint happiness;

Zhelannitsa - a talisman for the fulfillment of desires;

Likhomanki Dolls- relieved diseases and illnesses;

I should say that these folk dolls were amulets and protection from negative influences. Of course, I can tell you about our dolls in more detail!

  • Well, one of the very first amulet dolls was Ash Doll. Ash Doll

This doll was sure to be in every home. It protected the house and the people in the house from all sorts of attacks by dark forces. When creating it, they used a handful of ash from the hearth, that is why its name is Zolnaya.

The Ash was mixed with something for strength, so that the mixture could be rolled into a ball. This ball became the basis for the doll's head, and the rest, as usual, was done using fabric and threads. This doll differs from the others in the fact that it didn`t have any hair or headdress.

Ash doll stayed with the family throughout its life; it was often inherited by subsequent generations, but it was passed down only through the female line.

Ash doll symbolized the unity of generations and helped young women who had just become housewives in taking care of their home and family.

Ash doll was also made when moving to a new place. The ash was taken from the hearth of the old house.

- Girls, almost no house could do without such amulets dolls as Krupenichka, Doll, Pelenashka Doll,Travnitsa-Kubyshka Doll and Lovebirds Dolls. Krupenichka Doll

T he processes of sowing and harvesting grain was very important for peasants. For this reason, since pagan times, the Slavs came up with the idea to sew a doll that was tightly stuffed with cereals. Initially, it was a nurse of buckwheat, then oats, rye and peas were added to it, which were in the greatest demand among the peasants. It was with them that ordinary people usually sowed their fields and ate them all winter.

Krupenichka amulet had a clear purpose - to attract prosperity to the house and provide residents with a prosperous life. At the same time, several grains stuffed with different cereals could be stored in the hut. Accordingly, each of them had an additional meaning:

  • buckwheat was known as a source of prosperity and abundance;

  • oatmeal - health and physical strength;

  • barley groats - satiety;

  • rice - wealth.

Traditionally, a doll was made in the autumn after a harvest. It was packed tightly with fresh selected cereals - preferably obtained from the first sheaf - and left until spring, when it was time to sow the fields. It was believed that the first handful thrown into the ground should be taken from Krupenichka Doll. This prosses promised a good harvest in the future bringing prosperity to the family.

800×800 Lovebirds Dolls

T he Slavic amulet of a Lovebirds doll was a mandatory gift for newlyweds in ancient times. After the wedding, it was carefully kept in the red corner for years.

The amulet was a symbol of family unity. It protected good relations between a wife and a husband, helped to maintain mutual understanding and support, protected the household from negative energy, attracted prosperity and well-being to the house.

The doll is recognizable at first glance. It is paired: it consists of two figures ‒ a male and a female. The peculiarity of the wedding doll is that the figures are tightly connected by a common hand. Without words, this image speaks about the basis of a strong family relationship ‒ a community that should be constantly present in all the affairs and thoughts of the spouses.

When the family was replenished with newborns, thread baby dolls were hung on the hand connecting a male and a female. The more they appeared, the stronger the family became according to Slavic norms.

Keeping their owners from evil, unrighteous thoughts, Lovebirds dolls helped them fulfill the vow of fidelity given at the wedding. It was important from what kind of wood the common hand was made — a symbol of the unity of the spouses. It was good to choose a sprig of a fruit tree for that purpose. But carriers of negative energies such as alder, aspen were strictly prohibited.

Often a coin was placed inside the head with a request for material well‒being, wheat or rye seeds with the wish to be healthy. Pelenashka Doll

T his amulet was similar to a baby. Pelenashka Doll was made by the expectant mother during pregnancy exclusively with her own hands. The doll was put to the baby in the cradle, where it was necessarily until christening. It was believed that the doll protected a child from danger, evil spirits and took on all the misfortunes that threatened an unprotected baby with a cross. Only after the christening, the doll was taken out of the cradle. Then Pelenashka Doll was removed from the cradle, but not destroyed. If a child fell ill, Pelenashka again became his protector, being next to him and taking on his illness.

One more Russian ritual is connected with this doll. When a bride moved to the groom's house, a swaddled doll was placed on the bride's lap. It was believed that after that, maternal strength came to the young wife.

Doll Pelenashka was also made for children to play with. They usually used household items – sheets, blankets, etc. A doll was wrapped in a blanket and tied with a belt or string. Such a doll could later be made by older girls for younger ones. After a game, a doll was unwrapped, and things were again used for their intended purpose.

This doll is very easy to make. This is a baby in a handkerchief, swaddled in a diaper and wrapped in a swirl. The doll is made from a piece of white worn fabric. It was believed that the worn fabric contained a piece of the life force of a person who wore clothes made of this fabric or at home where it was used. Travnitsa-Kubyshka Doll

Herbalist doll was a rag amulet, twisted only with natural threads, decorated with a handkerchief, an apron. They were stuffed not only with a cloth component, but also with threads or cotton wool, dried grass, dried flowers.

Our ancestors believed that "Travnitsa-kubyshka" strengthened health, helped in the treatment of ailments and drove away evil spirits thanked to the aroma of herbs with which this doll was filled.

The process of making this doll was simple. The main ingredient for creating the doll was fragrant, medicinal herbs. Mint was most often used to improve mental activity; lavender–to relieve headaches and for relaxation; melissa – against heart diseases; hypericum – to relieve headaches; oregano – was used as a good relaxing remedy. Our ancestors could collect all these herbs in the fields. Herbs were collected by hand, harvested in various ways and stored for a long time.

The basis of the doll was a twist of linen fabric. In the hands of the herbalist there were bags stuffed with herbs. Much attention was paid to the apron: the longer an apron, the more children a girl will have. The embroidery on the apron had to have a vertical pattern, not a horizontal one, since a herbalist should keep prosperity in the family. The doll's head was covered with a scarf. The ancient Slavs believed that the covered head was considered a symbol of chastity, wisdom and prudence. The peculiarity of this doll is that under the scarf it should have small "horns". Ten-Handed doll

T he appearance of a Ten-Handed doll in our national folklore is associated with one giving. There was once a woman who worked day and night, but still did not have time to do anything. She was tired of such a life and decided to ask for help from the goddess Makosh — the patroness of all women, their fate and needlework. The goddess took a pity and gave her another pair of hands. The woman began to have more time, but she never finished everything that had been planned. Makosh gave the woman another pair, then another, and so on until she had ten hands. Despite such a gift, the woman never completed all the cases. The goddess got angry and took away all the donated hands from the woman, leaving only two. In return, he gave her an assistant amulet - a doll with 10 pairs of hands. Since then, everything went well with the hostess, things were completed on time and as expected.

Slavic women began to make Ten-Handed dolls for themselves and their loved ones, so that they would help them around the house. Only natural materials were used for this doll. If a Ten-handed doll was made as a gift, it was kept in a prominent place in the house so that it would help in the household.

Often, a Ten-handed was presented as a gift to young girls who were going to get married. The doll was supposed to help a young mistress to establish life in a new family. Amulets for mature women were also made. Even if they had considerable experience in household chores, the doll helped them to keep their strength and not overwork. Podorozhnitsa Doll

The most common travel amulet in Russia was Podorozhnitsa Doll. Every traveler, setting off on a long and difficult journey, was sure to take this amulet with him.

The face of Podorozhnitsa Doll was sometimes depicted in the shape of a cross. In the hands of the amulet, there was a small bundle with the soil, taken from the place where the person was born. The protective properties of the Plantain were enhanced if the process of making the doll was accompanied by the reading of certain prayers. Karelian Rvanka or Cabbage Doll

This doll was a guard for the baby. They made it from colored fabrics. Its main task was to protect the child from any negative things. The doll was made before the birth of the baby, and it was placed in his future cradle. Likhomanki Dolls

These dolls are intended for healing of diseases. If someone in the family suffers from illness, you need to wrap up several dolls and put them under the pillows of family members. They will attract the disease and keep it within themselves, and as soon as the person recovers, it is necessary to burn these dolls and scatter the ashes to the wind so that the disease will not return to the house.

  • Well, dear girls, I`d like to tell you about one of my favourite dolls in this exhibition. Here it is! Doll

The name of this amulet indicates that the doll is trying to make your dreams come true. This doll can do a lot, but... There should be only one dream, so choose the most intimate one!

When making a talisman doll with your own hands, you need to concentrate all your thoughts on what exactly Zhelannitsa Doll must do. Having finished the work, you need to take the doll in your arms, go up to the mirror with it and say out in a loud voice what you dream about.

Place the doll in a place of honor, talk to it, pick it up from time to time and mentally repeat what you want. The doll will fulfill your dream as soon as she can. According to the legend, she will need little time.

In ancient times after the doll had fulfilled what it was intended to do, it was burned. By the way, if you make Zhelannitsa, don’t forget to express gratitude to her when burning it.

In appearance, Zhelannitsa dolls were different from each other, but they always were decorated elegantly. Various types of embroidery on clothes, ribbons, beads and other similar things were used for this purpose.

2.2.3 Manufacturing Features

After having studied all the dolls at the exhibition, we fell in love with these small but significant talismans that connected us with the history of our country. That`s why we decided to try to make amulet dolls ourselves. But as it turned out, it was not so easy! We should say that this process has got a lot of basic rules and everybody should follow them while making a doll, otherwise, an amulet doll will not work! [10]. Having learned about our desire to create an amulet doll, Tatyana Viktorovna told us about all the features and rules that must be followed when creating these extraordinary dolls!And we are happy to share them with you now!

Rules for creating amulet dolls:

You have to start working with a pure heart and good thoughts. Remember that the doll absorbs part of the energy of the craftswoman, so you should not start working in a state of irritation, fatigue or illness.

Only a woman can make an amulet doll, as the continuer of the family and the keeper of the hearth; men are not allowed to do this. Moreover, there should be no men or grown-up boys near craftswomen.

Create a doll not on the table, but on your lap. Cover yourself with a scarf to prevent hair from accidentally getting into the doll.

Do not touch the doll with sharp objects (scissors, knives, needles) or glue. Clothes should be sewn separately and then put on the doll.

Use natural materials to create a doll. It could be cotton and linen fabrics, matting, threads, ropes, ribbons, straw, etc. Bright colors, especially red, predominated in the creation of dolls. Red colour was considered the most powerful protective magical colour in Russia.

Pay attention to nodules. When tying knots, of which there should be an even number, repeat your wishes and kind words. It is advisable to do this in a loud voice. You need to make a doll with love. This condition is the main thing! You must like your doll and you must put your whole heart into sewing it.

Dolls were not depicted with faces, since it was believed that, having a face, the doll would have a soul. And through the eyes, which are the mirror of the soul, an evil spirit could penetrate into the amulet.

. Try to make the doll before you go to bed.

  • The lucky doll must be kept clean and treated with great respect. Slavs regularly turned to her for help in the implementation of desires, as well as in the preservation of health and love.

  • Finished dolls cannot be washed or thrown in the trash. If you need to get rid of a doll, it should be burned. Don’t throw away the remaining ashes either, just scatter them outside the window.

  • The very first doll should be made for yourself and left in your home.

Remember, you can only make an amulet doll with your own hands, strictly following all the recommendations. Only in this case will the use of this type of amulets be effective.

To understand where a doll should beplaced, you need to sit in silence and completely relax. Pick up the doll, mentally ask her where she would like to be. Put it where you want to go first.

We tried to make talismans following the instructions. And we got wonderful dolls!!!

From all the many amulet dolls, we decided to make Zhelannitsa doll,Pelenashka Doll, Krupenichka Doll and Lovebird Dolls. Our first doll was Zhelannitsa Doll. Why this particular doll? Because we really want our wishes will come true! Of course, we understand that everything mainly depends on the person himself. However, we believe that it would not be superfluous to know that something or someone can help you achieve your goal.

2.3 Zhelannitsa Doll Сreation

I n order to make Zhelannitsa Doll with your own hands you will need: white fabric, several multi-colored scraps of fabric, strong threads and your chosen decorations (beads, lace or threads of various colors). (Annex D)

Zhelannitsa Doll learns about your dreams while winding the threads. The colors you choose for your amulet are also of considerable importance:

  • red is the color of love and great vital energy;

  • yellow symbolizes fertility and life itself in the physical world;

  • green color is a symbol of prosperity and physical health;

  • blue colors are the colors of spirituality and creativity;

  • golden colors speak of love for God;

  • purple color is a symbol of wisdom.

Not only the colors of the fabrics matter, but also the threads that hold the amulet together.

The First Stage

We prepared parts for the body, head and arms. They were placed on the table. A piece of fabric for the body, a piece for the head and arms, padding polyester, red threads.

The Second Stage

We start making Zhelannitsa Doll from the body. We twist the fabric for the body, fold the left and right edges of the flap inward to make the edge beautiful. Then we tie the body with red thread in the shape of crosses, and then fasten the thread with 3 knots.

The Third Stage

We go on making a head of the doll. We roll the filler into a ball and attach it to the top of the body.

Then place a white square piece of fabric under the so called head, a corner down. The filler should be exactly in the middle. Fold the edges of the fabric down, tying the ball with thread where the neck is.

Important: you only need to wind the thread in one direction - away from you. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, this thread is the thread of fate.

The Forth Stage

Next we make the doll’s hands. It is not difficult.We bend both sides of the sleeves inward, then we bend the corner and fold it in half, tying it with thread.

The Fifth Stage

Next we do the waist. We put a little padding polyester in the chest area and tie the waist. We make a protective cross on the back by winding the threads crosswise.

The Sixth Stage

We make the straps of the sundress. We take strips of fabric, fold the edges inward, and fold them in half along the strip. We apply a strip of braid or fabric as desired, and tie it with threads at the waist in such a way as to hide the protective cross.

The Seventh Stage

Let's start with the skirt. Make a skirt and an apron from prepared colored pieces of fabric. The fabric is applied to the body with the wrong side and pulled over the upper part of the body, gathered at the waist and tied with thread, and then the fabric is lowered. The apron is attached in exactly the same way. Tie a skirt with an apron with a ribbon at the waist. You can also make an apron out of lace.

The Eighth Stage

If desired, you can make hair from any wool or cotton threads. We take the yarn, wrap it around the shape, and cut it on one side. We tie it in the middle and apply it to the head. We fix the hair on the head.

The Ninth Stage

Zhelannitsa 's head must be covered. Take colored fabric and make a neat headscarf for the doll. Attach the headscarf with a thread of the same color so that it holds well, but do not use a needle; you just need to tie the scarf.Also, you may tie a ribbon on the head of your doll. Satin ribbons can be tied to the hands.

Y ou can make not one, but several outfits for your doll. Such amulets were often passed down from a mother to daughter, and the doll was considered a full member of the family, and for every significant holiday she had an appropriate outfit. Zhelannitsa is usually decorated with beads or small objects - symbols of a certain desire.

There are certain rules that must be followed when making Zhelannitsa amulet doll.

  1. When making the amulet, have a confidential conversation with the future doll, at least mentally, this way you will establish a harmonious connection with the amulet.

  2. Prepare a “home” for your doll, such a stylized house. The house will first need to be energetically cleansed using essential oil and lightly salted water.

  3. It’s better if your Zhelannitsa Doll will be hidden from stranger`s eyes, don’t put it in a visible place, and especially don’t let strangers hold it in their hands.

  4. Zhelannitsa doll is a member of your family, so give her a gift for her “birthday”. Let it be, for example, a mirror. It must be the property of Zhelannitsa and be kept in her house.

  5. Tell your doll about your desire during the growing moon. The wisher will try to make it come true before the next full moon.

  6. Don’t forget to thank the doll for taking care of your dreams, give her small gifts - beads, ribbons, pieces of lace etc.

If you fulfill all these simple requirements, then a real Zhelannitsa doll, your protector will settle in your house.

2.4 Master Сlass on Making Zhelannitsa Doll

Having become the owners of this valuable material about the history of amulets dolls, their types, functions and their meanings for Russian people, we decided to share it with the students of our school and fill their gap in knowledge on this topic, which we had discovered during our research. Moreover, we decided to hold a master class with graduating class girls on how to make Zhelannitsa Doll. Firstly, this doll cannot be given as a gift that is why it should be created by a girl whose desire this doll will bring to life. Secondly, we offered this master class to girls from grade 11, since they are the ones who have their deepest desires now! That’s why, when we offered them a master class on how to make Zhelannitsa Doll, the girls agreed without hesitation! (Annex E)

First, we prepared a presentation with step-by-step instructions and illustrations for making a talisman doll. (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/uYwo/62SaJWoBv) Then, we prepared all the necessary material for Zhelannitsa Doll.

We started by asking the boys to leave the class where the master class was taking place, since there should be no men or boys in the vicinity while making amulet dolls. We warned the girls that they should be in a positive mood and work on the doll with love. For the master class, we placed the chairs in a circle. According to the rules, girls should make dolls not at the table, but on their laps. This is how the dolls receive the warmth and energy of the girls. We showed and taught girls how to make dolls. The girls did not use needles or scissors. The girls wound the thread only from themselves; the number of turns of the thread always had to be odd. When making dolls, the girls were communicating with them, uttering the wishes that they wanted to put into the doll. After completing the entire process, each girl went to the mirror and repeated her wish three times with a magical thing in her hands.

It must be said that all the girls, without exception, enjoyed making dolls, everyone was satisfied with the result and everyone said that they loved their dolls. Of course, we are pleased that we were able to convey information and teach the girls what our ancestors did in every family!

We would like to note that there are certain rules for keeping Zhelannitsa Dolls in homes. Of course, we let the girls know these rules. Let's see if the girls managed to create magical dolls!

We would like to note that it is a personal matter for each person to believe in dolls or not! The main thing is to believe in the good and not doubt, think only about what you want and strive for it!

Most people believe in the power of amulets and use them. And just like thousands of years ago, amulets are present in our lives. Personally, we think that amulets add fabulousness and mystery to our lives. The main thing is to believe in the good and not doubt, think only about what you want and strive for it!


After analyzing all the materials, we came to the conclusion that we carried out the goal of our project. We can surely say now that of all the mysteries that exist in the world, the mystery of the doll is the most mysterious.

Firstly, we conducted a survey among pupils of our school as well as the parents of our classmates to find out what people know about amulet dolls and what role amulets play in their life today. As it turned out, neither adults nor children could not only name amulet dolls, but also name the functions of these dolls. Well, absolutely no one knows about the peculiarities of creating these amulets. although many would like to have them at home. That`s why it was clear that our work would be interesting and instructive not only for pupils but also their parents.

Secondly, we got acquainted with the history of amulet dolls. We found out that amulet dolls owe their birth to paganism, during which some natural phenomenon was perceived by a man as the presence of something divine. It was interesting to know about the meaning of amulet dolls for our ancestors, about the peculiarities of making dolls, as well as the most famous types of dolls.

We are grateful for the opportunity to visit the exhibition of amulet dolls made by students of the local art school. Thanks to the exhibition we met a very interesting person, the teacher of the “Art Department” of our Art school, Tatyana Viktorovna Sedova, who gave us a tour of the exhibition, sharing with us all the necessary information about the dolls and the rules of creating them. Moreover, guided by her advice, we made our first amulet dolls. It was an unusual process, but very exciting!

Having become the owners of the valuable material about the history of amulets dolls, their types, functions and their meanings for Russian people, having learnt how to create dolls correctly, we decided to share our knowledge with the students of our school and fill their gap in knowledge on this topic, which we had discovered during our research. We decided to hold a master class with graduating class girls on how to make the Zhelannitsa Doll. Why this doll? Well, the name of this amulet indicates that the doll tries to make your dreams come true! We are sure that it is very important for our school leavers now! We must say that it was a very instructive and exciting master class. Eleventh graders were satisfied with the master class and the result of their work!

Thanks to our work, we practiced writing research, and it also gave us practice in English, which is very useful for us.

We think our work will be interesting to people who are interested in the folk cultural heritage of our country and learning English. To sum up, we will say that, despite the fact that it was quite difficult, we feel satisfaction and delight from our work, because we learned a lot of useful information and acquired the necessary skills.

In conclusion, we would like to say that most people believe in the power of amulets and use them. And just like thousands of years ago, amulets are present in our lives. We believe that amulet dolls is a part of the culture of the Russian people and retains the originality and characteristic features of the people in its image. Man-made dolls have become a living means of communication and familiarization with folk cultural experience.

Personally, we think that amulets add fabulousness and mystery to our lives. The main thing is to believe in the good and not doubt, think only about what you want and strive for it!


  1. Dahl V “Explanatory Dictionary”, Moscow, Sacred Art, 2016.

  2. Dine G.L., Dine M.B. “Russian Rag Doll. Culture, Traditions, Technology”. – M.: “Culture and Traditions”, 2007

  3. Kotova I.N., Kotova A.S. “Russian Rituals and Traditions. People's Doll". – St. Petersburg: “Paritet”, 2005. – p.240

  4. Ozhegov S.I “Explanatory Dictionary”.- Moscow, The Russian Language, 1984

  5. Yurina N.G. “I Explore the World: Children's Encyclopedia: Toys. - Moscow, LLC Publishing House ACT, 1999.

  6. Zimina Z.I. “Textile ritual dolls” M., 2008

  7. https://vashobereg.ru/kukly/kukly-oberegi

  8. https://dzen.ru/a/X6Llv_7vCxqBI4GH

  9. https://www.toysew.ru/kukly/obereg-svoimi-rukami-shit.html

  10. http://slavyanskaya-kultura.ru/slavic/trade/slavjanskie-kukly-oberegi.htmlhttp://nacrestike.ru/publ/interesnoe/kak_pravilno_delat_kukly_oberegi_svoimi_rukami/10-1-0-1422

Annex A

Annex B

Do you believe in magical signs and amulets?

What amulets do you know?

D o you have any items at home that have a protective function?

Do you like handmade toys?

H ave you heard about amulet dolls? If yes, what kind of amulet doll can you list?

D o you know what functions amulet dolls have?

D o you know the features that must be followed when creating an amulet doll?

D o you want to learn how to make an amulet doll?

D o you want to have an amulet doll at home?

Annex C

The Exhibition at the Art School

Annex D

Making the First Dolls

Annex E

Master Class

Просмотров работы: 13