Англицизмы в китайском языке

XXIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Англицизмы в китайском языке

Вахрамеева В.В. 1
1Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Гимназия №122 имени Ж.А. Зайцевой»
Абдуллаева Т.И. 1
1Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Гимназия №122 имени Ж.А. Зайцевой»
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The research goals: indifications of the reasons for penetration and assimilation of anglicisms and also the need for the Chinese language.

The main concern of the research is :

1.To find out the reasons for the appearance of Anglicisms in the Chinese language.

2.To explore ways of assimilation

3. To consider the need for Anglicisms in the Chinese language.

The relevance of the research:the continuously growing influence of the English language and the culture of English-speaking countries on both China and the Chinese language, as well as on the rest of the world as a whole; secondly, the status of English as an international language, as well as the rapid approach to this status of the Chinese language.

The object of the research- loanwords from English in Chinese.

The subject of the research- ways to enter Anglicisms in Chinese


Currently, in the context of globalization and the determination of the status of the English language around the world as an international one, it is possible to note the active introduction of words and phrases from English into other languages. It is currently the official language in more than 60 countries.

It is mentioned that penetration of Anglicisms into Chinese is a modern trend, especially in the field of computer technology.It is also noted that morphemes of borrowed words, penetrating into the Chinese language, take part in word formation as classifiers, becoming a permanent component of a complex word, which ensures the productivity of a certain model in the Chinese language.The research of borrowed vocabulary in the Chinese language began in the first half of the 20th century, the focus of linguists' attention was on the spheres of functioning of borrowed words, their etymology and history of appearance in the Chinese language, methods of translation of borrowings, the normative aspect of their use, etc.

Since the end of the 20th century by virtue of expansion of international contacts, also as a result of the economic, political and cultural expansion of American and British cultures, English has become the main language of international communication.

As a result, English is currently the main source of borrowed vocabulary in many languages. To date, borrowed words from 84 languages are recorded in the Chinese language. With the beginning of the reform and openness policy in China in the 70s and 80s, English became the main source of borrowing words. A research was carried out on the basis of linguistic notes and abstracts.

Last summer, I commenced the study of the Chinese language in preparation for my impending professional pursuits. As I immersed myself in its intricacies, I discerned auditory echoes of familiarity within the lexicon, enabling me to promptly furnish accurate translations. This revelation sparked both surprise and intellectual curiosity, studying the genesis and evolution of these linguistic phenomena. Thus motivated, I have decided to explore it.

  1. The reasons for the penetration of Anglicisms into the Chinese language.

For many centuries, China was isolated from the Western world and limited to contacts with its immediate neighbors - the Manchus, the Mongols, the Indians, the peoples of Tibet and North Korea. In the 5th-3rd centuries, commercial relations between the various kingdoms of Historical China expanded..

The trade, cultural, and political interaction of peoples and the need to nominate new objects and phenomena determined the introduction of some elements of foreign vocabulary into the Chinese language. But it was at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty that a large number of Anglicisms entered the Chinese language. China had frequent contacts with the East and the West. External contacts during this period were very positive, and some positive borrowings appeared. But after the Opium War broke out in 1840. Many people who are actively demanding progress and want to learn from advanced Western countries have begun to actively explore new words, new concepts, and new cultures. They studied Western military technologies, political systems, and cultural ideas, translated a large number of foreign ones, and introduced a large number of loanwords. Borrowings introduced during this period covered a wide range, including politics, military, culture, daily life, mathematics, astronomy, geography, chemistry, physics, and other aspects.Such as 阿司匹林 (aspirin),(iron ),布丁 (pudding),沙龙 (salon),啤 酒 (beer),咖啡 (coffee),三明治 (sandwich), 奥林匹克 (Olympic games), 革 命 (revolution) etc. During this period, not only a large number of borrowed words from English appeared, but also a large number of words borrowed from Japanese not directly, but through the vocabulary of other languages. Most of these kinds of borrowings have made their way into the Chinese language through English.

  1. The ways of exploitation Anglicisms in the Chinese language.

Over the past 25-30 years, the scale of foreign words has grown significantly, but most importantly, the composition of foreign borrowings has changed. In addition, not only words are borrowed, but also affixes and even word forms.

Traditionally, Chinese linguists distinguish the following ways of exploitation Anglicisms in the Chinese language:






The first type is phonetic borrowing, which consists in conveying the sound of a foreign language unit. An example of phonetic borrowing is English word - coffee translated by Chinese phonetic characters kā and fēi, which are similar only in sound and have no semantic meaning. They are commonly referred to as modern borrowings.

For instance :




















kāngbài yīn


The second type- - semantic borrowings .They are the most important source of vocabulary of the Chinese language, especially in the field of term formation. Borrowings of this variety, often called calques, arise as a result of the translation of foreign vocabulary into Chinese. Tracing is the most important way to borrow foreign words. The nature of cripples is twofold: on the one hand, these are the native words of the Chinese language, on the other hand, they are borrowed foreign words, and only the semantic side is borrowed, as it were. Semantic borrowings (calques), unlike phonetic borrowings, are created from Chinese lexical elements. They easily enter the language system and function freely in speech. In terms of syllables, semantic borrowings are compound words that overwhelmingly consist of at least two morphemes. Structural calques borrow the external form or image of a foreign word and give a direct translation of its structural elements.

For instance:



1st word

2nd word









to move


















The third type is semi-tracing or phonetic-semantic borrowing, the first component of which is a phonetic imitation of the first part of the borrowed word, which has no meaning in Chinese, the second component is semantic, which is a literal translation of the second part of the borrowed word.

For example:













The fourth is graphic method. Borrowing English words into the Chinese language allows for preserving the phonetic pronunciation of foreign words while adapting them to the Chinese writing system. This is convenient for denoting foreign names, terms and others linguistic elements in Chinese text.

In the “great Chinese encyclopedia” there are 30 lettered words mentioned, whereas in the “Cihai” dictionary 97 such words. According to Yan Hua’s research, there are 180 units in the “Dictionary of Modern Chinese Language”.





A xíngxuè

the blood bank A

手机 app

shǒu jī app

application for mobile phone




T 恤衫

T xùshān


The fifth is abbreviation. The full letter words of English origin in Chinese are exactly the same as the form of writing or pronunciation of the original words: BBS, CD, CPU, DNA, Facebook- (соцсеть признана экстремистской и запрещенной на территории России, заблокирована РКН) , MBA, MSN, GDP, ICQ, ID, IT, PK. It should be noted that there are abbreviations of English origin that have phonetic and semantic borrowings in Chinese at the same time.

3.The need for Anglicisms in the Chinese language.

Anglicisms in Chinese are an integral part of linguistic dynamics and are widely used for several key reasons.

According to statistics, approximately 20-30% of words in modern Chinese are Anglicisms. This percentage indicates a significant influence of the English language on Chinese culture and daily life.

  1. International Communication:

International communication plays a key role in the spread of Anglicisms. With the growth of globalization, English becomes the primary means of communication, and the use of Anglicisms in Chinese simplifies communication with English speakers, reducing language barriers and promoting global integration.

  1. Technological Progress:

Technological progress also plays an important role in the spread of Anglicisms in the Chinese language. Modern technologies, scientific terms, and concepts often first appear in English, and the use of Anglicisms helps the Chinese language remain relevant and up-to-date with new developments.

  1. Prestige and Fashion:

Prestige and fashion also motivate the use of Anglicisms. They can give the language a high status and modern image, especially in the context of youth cultural trends and lifestyles.

  1. Economic Benefits:

Economic benefits represent yet another important reason for the incorporation of Anglicisms into the Chinese language. In the business environment, especially in international companies, the use of English facilitates communication and business dealings with foreign partners, supporting economic development.

  1. Education and Science:

Education and science incorporate Anglicisms to convey modern knowledge and terminology. This helps students and scholars stay abreast of the latest discoveries and developments in various fields.

  1. Cultural Exchange:

Cultural exchange and attractiveness contribute to drawing attention from foreign tourists, students, and businessmen, fostering an open and hospitable atmosphere for international contacts and collaboration.

In conclusion, the use of Anglicisms in the Chinese language spans a wide range of areas, from communication and business to education and cultural exchange, highlighting their significance in contemporary Chinese society.

In support of my research, a survey was conducted among people of different age categories. There was 6 questions. The respondents had to try to guess the Anglicism and give its translation into English.

1. The phonetic way is the use of hieroglyphs that sound similar.

Example : shāfā- sofa ( диван)

A transcription of pinyin in Chinese is given. What does this word mean?

yōumò (йоумо)-humour

31% of respondents did not answer or wrote "I don't know"

18% gave the right answer

51% another variant of translation

2.àolínpǐkè (аолинпикы)-olympiad

27% of respondents did not answer

36% gave the right answer

37% another variant of translation

3.kāngbàiyīn (кан(г)байн)-combine

72% gave the right answer

4,5% another variant of translation

23,5% did not know the right answer

3.Semantic method. A translation of each hieroglyph is given, of which one word is composed.

Example : wéitāmìng (wéi)- поддерживать(tā)- его(mìng) - жизнь-vitamin

kěkǒukělè (kě)(kǒu)(kě)(lè) (可乐-заставлятьчувствоватьрадость)-coke

31% gave the right answer

40% gave not right answer

29% did not know the right translation

5.xiāngbō ((xiāng)- ароматный(bō) - волна )-shampoo

13% gave the right answer

36% gave not right answer

51% did not the right translation

6. mǎlì ( (mǎ) -лошадь(lì)-сила)- horsepower

54% gave the right answer

27% gave not right answer

19% did not know the right answer

The survey shows that Chinese remains one of the most difficult languages to learn. Not being able to understand and not knowing Chinese can make it difficult to perceive even words like anglicisms that are usually recognizable to a native speaker of other languages.This difficulty stems from various linguistic features inherent in the Chinese language, including its tonal nature, complex writing system, and distinct grammar structures. As a result, individuals lacking proficiency in Chinese may find it arduous to grasp both spoken and written forms, thereby underscoring the intricate nature of this language.


  1. I've achieved my goal by considering indifications of the reasons for penetration and assimilation of anglicisms and also the need for the Chinese language.

  2. Thus, Anglicisms in the Chinese language play an important role in enriching the lexicon and ensuring wider communication with the English-speaking world. However, their use also causes certain problems, such as the loss of the uniqueness of the identity of Chinese culture. It is important to find a balance between the introduction of foreign words and the preservation of one's own linguistic tradition in order to ensure the high-quality and harmonious development of the Chinese language.




Семенас А. Л. Лексика китайского языка / А. Л. Семенас. — Москва : Муравей, 2000. — 312 с



Особенности англоязычных заимствований в китайском языке | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый» (moluch.ru)


1739 (nauka-dialog.ru)

Chen Xue. (2021). Features of Adaptation of English Borrowings in Chinese

Англо-китайский словарь, 2001а — 英汉高科技词典

Просмотров работы: 5