"Моя семья" (My family)

V Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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"Моя семья" (My family)

Хафизов А.Н. 1
1МБОУ "СОШ №2 г.Азнакаево" РТ
Рузиева Г.М. 1
1МБОУ «СОШ №1 г.Азнакаево" Азнакаевского муниципального района РТ
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My family

(by Amir Khafizov)

My mother’s face is full of grace,

It’s full of tender and of glace.

My mother’s like a magic flower

That blooms so often like no other.

Disperse the clouds can her cutie,

Her smile can spread all human beauty.

And I have a joy that have no other,

Because this woman is my mother!

That face is simile with mine,

It’s noble, handsome and so kind!

I loved to play with him so much,

I loved to fish, I loved to ride.

It’s very pity he is not here,

But I believe he may appear!

From Heaven he may see me crying,

I miss you much my dear father.

Thanks God he gave me little brother!

He is my treasure! He is my lovely!

My love, my pride is family!

We all are inseparable!

My family

(by Amir Khafizov)

My mother’s face is full of grace,

It’s full of tender and of glace.

My mother’s like a magic flower

That blooms so often like no other.

Disperse the clouds can her cutie,

Her smile can spread all human beauty.

And I have a joy that have no other,

Because this woman is my mother!

That face is simile with mine,

It’s noble, handsome and so kind!

I loved to play with him so much,

I loved to fish, I loved to ride.

It’s very pity he is not here,

But I believe he may appear!

From Heaven he may see me crying,

I miss you much my dear father.

Thanks God he gave me little brother!

He is my treasure! He is my lovely!

My love, my pride is family!

We all are inseparable!

Просмотров работы: 51