The Gift From The God Of The Sun

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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The Gift From The God Of The Sun

Мигранова К.Р. 1Краилов Д.А. 1
1МБОУ "СОШ №12"
Байгускарова Т.Б. 1
1МБОУ "СОШ №12"
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2018 year, officially declared by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin the Year of Volunteer has come to an end. It was the year of kindness and tenderness, goodness and humaneness. And I should say that the brightest Projects of the year were really gratuitous, carrying kindness and hope to people. I often wonder at the question: Why do some people carry love and hope, help those who really heed it, asking no other material values instead, only for a broad happy smile of a child, a shy light of hope in an old man’s eyes! And today to my great satisfaction the number of these people has been increasing more and more!. Having studied a lot of special literature, the works of great classics, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, Internet resources, mass media materials and surveying results, I have taken the history of the concept «Kindness» and its phenomenon - Volunteering in the fate of the world through studying the works of Masters of Pen as the Subject of my Research…

My hypothesis is - “Life in 21 st century is impossible without voluntary actions and all of us benefit from charity, we receive help as well as those who give support”.

I have decided to study this problem in three cultures: Russia, Britain and Bashkortostan.

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:

-Kindness [‘Kaindnɪs] – a noun, date: 15th century, the quality or state of being kindly, a kindly deed.

In Muller Dictionary there are only 2 items of the word «Kindness».

1)доброта + доброжелательность; to have a kindness for smb. – любить кого-либо.

2) Доброе дело; одолжение, любезность to do a personal kindness – сделать личное одолжение.

In S.I. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language the word «kindness» means:

• Отзывчивость, душевное расположение к людям, стремление делать добро другим. Полондобротыкто-нибудь

V.Dal Dictionary of the Russian language shows the concept as:

• Доброта – в духовном значение благо, что честно и полезно, всё чего требует от нас долг человека, гражданина, семьянина; противоположно худу и злу.

According Scvotov Dictionary of the Russian language, the word «kindness» means:

• Доброта жен. Простое и устарело качество вещей; Доброкачественность чего-нибудь.

According to Indian Sanskrit the concept «kindness» in these cultures can be traced off in the linguistic picture of the word:

1. Old Slavic – dobrь, dobr, doba – 11th Century.

2. Turkic – iyilik

3. German – Gut, Güte, freundlichkeit.

4. French – gentillesse, Le bien, Bonté, Bienveillance.

5. Latin – misericordiam.

The most popular definitions of the concept in Bashkir language:

Яҡшылыҡ – kindness, доброта.

Изгелек – kind deed, доброе дело.

Рәхимлек – heartiness, добродушие.

Ирекле эш – volunteering, волонтёрство.

Ирекмән – volunteer, волонтёр.

Ихтыярлы – generous, великодушный

Methods of the research are: studying dictionaries context and Internet resources, searching and systematization of information, generalization and interviewing, audiovisual methods.

Theoretical value of our Project is to show that the meaning of kindness in our life is benevolence, politeness, sincerity, kind attitude to everything around us, it must come out from our hearts and help us to make the world better. The bright side of kindness is volunteering, it is a global movement, I am sure it will never stop. I hope that our Research will bring a lot of good and people around us will become kinder and more attentive to each other. We are all in one boat!.

Main Body

Никогда, никогда ни о чем не жалейте —

Поздно начали вы или рано ушли.

Кто-то пусть гениально играет на флейте.

Но ведь песни берет он из вашей души.

(А. Дементьев “Ни о чём не жалейте”


While researching our theme, I have studied a lot of fiction, Russian fairy tales, such as «Ivan – the peasant’s son», «The Scarlet Flower» and others. In Russian fairy tales kindness usually wins evil. Great Russian classics couldn’t help taking the theme of compassion and goodness as the most important topic of their works.

V.Korolenko is one of my favorite Russian writers of the XIX century and his book «The Underground Children» shows us the horrible helpless state of children, thrown out into the out shirts of life. Starved, without home and comfort, with numerous illnesses, they were usually doomed to death.The author underlines a great role of a doll, so kindly presented to Marysya by Valek. This present was a sort of magic in poor child’s life: «Маленькаякукласделалапочтичудо! Маруся, давно не сходившая с постели, стала ходить, водя за собой со белокурую дочку, и по временам даже бегала, по-прежнему шлёпая по полу слабыми ногами.» We can see here, that the doll a real medicine, it was the first and the last joy in her short life. (p.32 V.Korolenko, «The Underground Children»)

G.Troypolsky in his tragic brilliant work: «The White Bim – the Black Ear» showed great moral problems – mercy and cruelty, humanism and treachery, going together hand in hand in our life. The writer wrote: «В моей книге единственная цель – говорить о доброте, доверии, искренности, преданности…» His book teaches us to be indifferent and kinder to animals. His main character, the White Bim – the Black Ear is often more human than people, to our great regret: «О, великоемужествоитерпениесобаки! Какие силы создали вас такими могучими и неистребимыми, что даже в предсмертный час вы движете тело вперёд? Хотьпомаленьку, новперёд. G.Troyepolsky wrote: «Nature is not a shrine there is a real battle between kindness and evil.

The great British Masters of Pen of the past often took the theme of kindness in their immortal works as the top.

Robert Burns wrote a lot of poems, devoted to the great feeling of love and tenderness, to his people and Motherland. The best work, to my mind, is «My heart in the Highlands», where the poet describes the Beauty of his land with a lot of kindness and love:

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.

Oscar Wilde is also one of the most talented writers who brilliantly depicted the divine force of kindness and nobleness in his fairy-tales: «The Selfish Giant», «The Faithful Friend», «The Star Kid» and others. I felt a deep sense of joy when was reading the lines of magnificent transformation of the main character into a kind, benevolent son in his «The Star Kid.» The main character of «The Star Kid», the prince, was born as a star, but the moral of the fairy-tale is in the idea, that to become a real star one must toil day and night, getting rid of such negative features of a character, as: egoism, pride, heartlessness, wickedness. According to O.Wilde the main human features are: to serve people, to be honest and loyal, to love Motherland and be kind, though in real life, to our great regret kindness still deserves protection and defenсe.

«Учитесь делать из себя людей

И только в этом ваше оправданье…

Один человек – а сколько огня и света

оставил он!»

Мустай Карим. (стихотворение «Сәсән»)

When analyzing the works of the great Bashkir classic M.Karim I couldn’t help noticing especially peculiar kind attitude of the Poet to Nature: he is describing Nature and talking to it:

«Я иду цветущею долиной Говорят цветы мне:

В свой аул из дальнего похода, «Здравствуй, здравствуй!» -

Землянику рву и пью горстями Лёгкие головки наклоняя…


The great poet M.Karim is my favorite writer whose immortal love for people will live forever in his great work: “I am releasing birds”

Ваҡ мәшәҡәт,ығы-зығы тамам, Аҡлыҡ,хаҡлыҡөсөнкөрәшселәр!

Бар эшемдең сыҡтым осона. Тәүбүләгемһеҙгә,ҡарағыҙ:

Шуға күрә бөгөн таңдан алып Ҡанаттарынғорурҡаға- ҡаға

Күкрәгемдәнҡоштаросорам. Күтәрелдекүккәҡарағош.

«Все завершил. Покончил с мелочами, Идущие на бой во имя чести!

И суета осталась позади… Вам - первый дар, всем прочим не в укор:

И вот сейчас с рассветными лучами Для вас, взгляните, в дальнем поднебесье

Птиц выпускаю из своей груди. Орелмогучийкрыльяраспростер.

M.Karim is very dear to us, he is talented, and his poetry is so natural in his great human’s kindness, kindness, that gives life to heroes, to all beautiful in the world!. About the character of his creation he says in his poem «A talk with my song».

«Надеждой я селюсь в сердцах А мысль, что дремлет, как струну, И прочь гоню тоску я, Нечаянно задену…

А души, где ютится страх, Коль каждый день моя строка

Отвагой атакую. Даст людям каплю света,

Слезу увижу хоть одну, Я заслужу, наверняка,

Сотру ее мгновенно, Быть в полный голос спетой.»

(переводЕ. Николaевской)

For him virtue is the best quality of a soul: Where there is kindness – there is honor.! M.Karim has been programmed to love:


Я повторяю вновь и вновь

И в летний зной, и в летние метели –

Хлеб, Родина, Любовь

In my Research I’d like to show one more work by M.Karim: «The Joy of Our Home». And again the poet raises the most important theme in our life: the theme of love for family and home. The novel "The Joy of Our Home" teaches compassion and mercy, the main idea of the novel "The Joy of Our Home " - everyone needs a family and it is very important to have a family and home:

«…Если ты человек, если в твой груди бьётся доброе сердце, ты всегда поймёшь боль другого человека, и протянешь ему руку помощи.»

The poet is a great patriot of his dear Bashkortostan and in a lot of his poems he sings his love for the Motherland:

«Урал, Урал мой, колыбель моя,

Твои кусты, деревья – братцы мне,

Твоя трава – сестра моя, Урал,

К тебе склоняюсь в звёздной тишине,

Но где стихи мои,

Ты не видал?»

In the Poem «In the Way - Legs» the poet describes the motive of his life on the Earth:

«В дороге - ноги. В песне - думы... Хочешь

Прислушайся!.. Я по земле иду.

И днем по солнцу и по звездам ночью

Свой путь определяю на ходу.

«Не бойтесь дарить согревающих слов,

И добрые делать дела

Чем больше в огонь вы положите дров,


In 2016 year the Council of senior schoolchildren of School №12 offered to launch the wide scale action: «The Sprouts of Kindness» for the next three years. The action was devoted to the 100th anniversary of Bashkortostan. The motto of the Project was: «Hurry up to create kindness». There are the following directions of this Kind movement:

«The Olympus of Kindness and Charity» - for veterans, elderly people, orphans and the disabled kids.

«Let the Earth become cleaner and nicer» - ecological activities.

«Our younger brother and pets» - a help to the shelter of animals and the action «Seed cans for birds».

«Stamp your feet, a kid!» -the action for kindergarten children of the town.

«The Town of Kind Hearts» -the action «My Dear School», «My native Town», «Flowering garden», «The Sportsground», «Clean School – our Pride», «The Raiding Party for residents of the settlement», The lessons of Kindness in the format of «The Meeting of Generations».

The aim of the Project – propaganda and promotion of positive voluntary work for the society and its realization in practice.

The goals of the Project for the schoolchildren:

1. Develop a sense of responsibility.

2. Create concrete kind activities.

3. Form positive relation of the elderly generation to the younger one.

4. Develop a sense of cooperation in the school collective.

5.Present additional possibilities for creative abilities of schoolchildren.

T he Project «The Sprouts of Kindness» is aimed at the realization of 100 “kind” deeds by school collective during three years. We must look around and find those, who want our support, our hand and kind word. We all are a particle of this life. The better become we – the nicer becomes our life. What is more significant for our schoolchildren – they can see their kind deeds on the Tree of Kindness in our Assembly hall. –their proud results!

2018 year of Volunteer was also very significant for our home town Kumertau. It was a new step in the voluntary movement of our town. The Club of Volunteers «The White River» is a community of like-minded people united by a desire to support children in orphanages and social care. Marina Safonova, the leader of the Centre said, that the motto of the club was: «From activities to effective results». The Club is running several charitable projects connected with each other, which help is to foster relations between children and society. The aim of the voluntary movement is to develop charity, healthy lifestyle, to raise the concept of family, circuit responsibility, self-improvement and personal creativity and increase self-confidence. Practically all significant municipal projects have involved the assistance of these young people, whose work is very different and always brings kindness and hope.

Today the Voluntary Centre «The White River» is a real river with a lot of brooklets carrying several socially significant projects: “Family volunteering and silver aged people”, “Voluntaries of Victory”, “Voluntaries – medical workers”.

Volunteering will never disappear, it is a global event, and nobody can’t stop it. And I believe it will help to change today’s world for the better. There are more than 100 members in the organization. And what is more precious: a lot of people understand the work of volunteers and try to support and develop their movement: «The bouquet of flowers», «The Mum’s town», «Darmarka», «Help Children to be ready for school».

K umertau – the town of kind hearts!

20 декабря завершилась социальная акция «Клубок добра» приуроченная к году добровольца и волонтера. Организаторы акции – участницы студии мастерства «Ажур» модельной библиотеки-филиала №3 «Центр по организации работы с людьми с ограниченными возможностями здоровья» приготовили «теплые» подарки для воспитанников группы социальной реабилитации «Солнышко» ГБУ КЦСОН Куюргазинского района. В холодное время особенно приятно получить вязаные шапки, шарфы, снуды, варежки, носки, сделанные с добрыми чувствами от «теплых рук». Руководитель студии АльфияДавлетшина поздравила ребят с наступающим новым годом, вручила символический букет и пакеты с подарками.

Surveying the concept«kindness» among

senior and younger schoolchildren ofSchool № 12

To sum up my research, I have conducted a survey among schoolchildren of my school: the 5th and 9th grade students. The purpose of the survey was to find out the main meanings of the conсept «kindness» and volunteering in their lives:

1. Are you kind?

2. What kind deeds have you done lately?

3. How often have heard the word “volunteer”?

4.Would you like to join the volunteering movement at your school?

5. Do you believe that the volunteering movement will change the world for the better?

The results of the survey showed that:

More than 50% out of them understand the concept «kindness» as the top humane feeling, in general, children’s kindness is a help to their people at home, care for pets, Nature, veterans, elderly people. Students consider themselves kind people. Children agreed with my opinion to make the world better is to smile often, be friendly, more tolerant to other people and forgive their mistakes.

70% of students noted the positive impact of «kindness», 30% does not matter

For 95% of kids «kindness» recalls positive mood, 5% does not matter

The most children believe that «kindness» will make the world better!

Conclusion The deep thought of y work is that we all still have time to hurry up to create kind deeds. We are all a part of this life, everything depends on us. My hypothesis was the following: «Life in the 21st century is impossible without kind actions and all of us only benefit from charity. I think it’s better to give than to take». During this research I confirmed my hypothesis. One of the bright sides of kindness today is Volunteering. I think that this movement shows us that the world is really becoming better, kinder and cleaner. With the help of volunteers life becomes easier for many people.I’m proud that my school has piloted the Project: «The Sprouts of Kindness». It has given a lot of for us, children. I also hope that «The White River» of Marina Safonova will become a sea of kindness and charity one day and all my townsmen will be involved in this great movement-Volunteering. To sum up my research, I have conducted a survey among schoolchildren of my school: the 5th and 9th grade students. More than 50% out of them understand the concept «kindness» as the top humane feeling, in general children’s kindnees is a help to their people at home, care for pets, Nature, veterans, elderly people. Students consider themselves kind people. Theoretical significance is to disturb my contemporaries, to draw their attention to a great gift of Kindness from the Gods.

“….I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

«The Road Not Taken» by Robert Frost

Reference Literature

The United Nation Convention on children’s Rights Moscow, 2010

V.Korolenko “The Underground Children” Moscow, 2000

R.Burns “The Poems ”,“Prosveschenie”, 1985

V.K.Muller “English-Russian Dictionary ”, Moscow, 1973

Russian-English Dictionary. Moscow, 1993

Longman New Contemporary Advanced Learner’s English ‘’Express Publishing”,1981

O.S.Akhmanova, Russian-English Dictionary, «Russian Languages Publisher» 1981

Tsaryov A.; Humane English; Sterlitamak, 2003

O. Wilde, Prosveschenie”, Moscow, 1990

W. Shakespeare, Prosveschenie”, Moscow, 1984

G.Troypolsky «The White Bim – the Black Ear», Moscow, 2007

M.Karim Moscow, «Hudojestvennaya literatura», 1973

The Universal Dictionary Of the Russian Language, S.Petersburg ''Vest'', 2009



Copies of the articles from the Dictionaries.

Copies of the stories of Russian classics.

Copies of the stories of British classics.

Copies of the extracts from the fairy-tales by Oscar Wilde.

Copies of the poems by Mustai Karim.

Copies of the photographs and materials of the Pilot Project at School №12 – «The Sprouts of Kindness».

Copies of the photographs and materials of the social Project «The White River».

Copies of the articles from “The Vremya”

Copies of the results of surveying among schoolchildren.

Просмотров работы: 30