Picture of the world

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Picture of the world

Наушерванова Э.Р. 1
1МБОУ СОШ № 2 имени А. М. Мирзагитова с Кандры
Абзалетдинова Г.М. 1Наушерванова З.Ф. 1
1МБОУ СОШ № 2 имени А. М. Мирзагитова с. Кандры
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
Текст работы размещён без изображений и формул.
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The world is a fabulous, beautiful and indescribable place where many people and animals live. We all represent this world in different ways- for someone it is unusually beautiful, as well as an excellent place, but for others it is a terrible unfair world. And we should respect other people’s opinion. This is a main point!

The object of the research: the common picture of the world

The subject of the research: representation of a fantastic world

The aim of my research: toprove that the world is diverse

The general objectives of our report are the following:

to gather and study the information on the topic

to compare paintings of some artists

to conduct a survey among the students

to collect photographic material

Methods of research:

Study of the literature

Capture of data



Analysis of results

Practical implications: the subject of this project is of great interest to the students who learn English. Also, this material can be used at the English lessons to broaden the knowledge about artand to further discussion about the topic.

The hypothesis:people represent the world in different ways. It depends on their emotions and character.

1. How wonderful the world is!

People nowadays are so busy that they start to forget the beauty of the world. If you keep your eyes open, you’ll see how fantastic the world around us is. It is full of wonderful things: the blue sky and sunshine, black nights with sparkling stars, green grass and trees, high mountains and deep seas.Keep your ears open and you’ll hear the wind in the willows, the noise of the sea, sweet songs of nightingales and tender whisper of a warm spring rain.

Our planet is like a small ball in the infinite Universe which never stops spinning. The sun always kept and will keep the Earth warm. Without it nothing would grow and there would be no life. Water on the Earth is a real miracle. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. It’s even in the air though you can’t see it. Nothing can live without water. There are millions of plants, animals, birds and insects of all shapes and colors.

We are happy to have eyes, ears, nose and hands. With the help of them we can feel and admire all the diversity of the world surrounding us.The term “nature” includes all around us: trees, lakes, mountains, seas, animals, flowers, etc. So, nature is something special not controlled by humans. How marvelous and rich nature is! [2]

I guess that the nature can be compared with a piece of art or even a master who creates all these beautiful and fantastic things around us. Nature is responsible for our mood and can make us happy and inspired or sad and depressed. Probably, indescribable waterfalls, eye catching meadows with flowers, mysterious mountains attract people’s attention because human being is just a small part of nature and can’t exist separately from it.

2. The concepts of people about the world

2.1. Look at the world through the eyes of the artist!

Most people are embedded in the system and begin to see the world boring - gray days, gray faceless houses ... gray mood. Theartists see the world more brightly, more intensely, and not only see, but also can transmit their feelings through creativity. Being engaged in creativity you can not be bored. To see like an artist you should be a little more attentive and be able to feel objects at a distance. The artists notice such little things that are invisible to others, such as a highlight on a lonely drop of rain, petal movement from the breeze, the sky in a puddle, a smile in a flying sheet ... After all, you can see and depict the whole world in one drop! Try this and become an artist [1], [3].

Creativity is a great thing that is not given to everyone.My favorite artists are Rob Gonsalves and Vladimir Kush.

Master of illusions Rob Gonsalves

Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter of magic realism with a unique perspective and style. He produces original works, limited edition prints and illustrations for his own books.

During his childhood, Gonsalves developed an interest in drawing from imagination using various media. By the age of twelve, his awareness of architecture grew as he learned perspective techniques and he began to create his first paintings and renderings of imagined buildings. Although Gonsalves' work is often categorized as surrealistic, it differs because the images are deliberately planned and result from conscious thought. Ideas are largely generated by the external world and involve recognizable human activities, using carefully planned illusionist devices.

Gonsalves injects a sense of magic into realistic scenes. As a result, the term "Magic Realism" describes his work accurately. His work is an attempt to represent human beings' desire to believe the impossible, to be open to possibility.

Nowadays Gonsalves has 70 paintings and he is working on more. Heusually finishesabout four paintings each year[3].

Surrealist Vladimir Kush and his mysterious paintings

One of my favourite painters is Vladimir Kush. Delicate, saturated colors, slightly blurred lines and visual images of Salvador Dali, create a magical world of dreams and reality of paintings by Vladimir Kush, one of the most famous Surrealists of our time. The artist writes about his work: "Working on the creation of paintings, Ides covered a language that is understandable to many people. I draw not just cute, sentimental pictures, but try to Express something that is perceived and understood by many people, something that would leave a warm trace in the soul"[5].And he is doing a greatjob!

Vladimir Kush’s works are light and positive (Appendix 3).

2.2. Children’s view of the world

The first breath … It is sweet! The first sun`s beam… It is delightful! The first kiss of a mother… It is gentle! In these minutes a baby feels all charm of this world and all caress of mum`s care. Everything that happens around the new born child is a riddle, which he hastens to solve. The kid is surprised when the snowflake, just fallen on his palm, turns into the droplet of water in a flash. He aspires not only to embody this fantastic instant but to catch the moment of transition from one condition to another.The baby gradually, step by step, opens this magnificent world of mysteries for himself. Now every moment is imbued with the innocence, which this baby radiates. He can be compared only with an angel, marvelous angel, who flies over his life on wonderful air wings of freedom. He sees harmony everywhere, feels sensitively the beauty of the nature, not only visible, but also audible. It is entirely inflated with life. It sounds, hears, feels, breathes and sees. The baby doesn`t guess how rich he is now. In fact, only the one, who can be satisfied with the little, can be considered as the rich.

But it continues not very long… Gradually, maturing, this pure child becomes ordinary under the action of the insincerity, the hypocrisy, the people`s treachery. He stops to notice that beautiful world which breaks your breath. He doesn`t see that gentleness and kindness any more. The sense of anxiety from the everyday vanity creeps in his soul.

The betrayal, the meanness, the people`s degradation, crosses change strongly even an adult person, not saying about the kid, who has just began his course of life, and who can`t withstand this severe reality. This way becomes difficult, fill with drastic contradictions. This fatal side of life takes away his winged dream from a little light creation! This dream is to solve this world!

While we are children, we are free internally and we are independent emotionally from others, and the world seems to us a certain conformable musical unity!

2.3. Mysenseof life

 World around us is enormous and beautiful, but we think about it differently. Some people suppose that they are at the centre of the universe, but the world is around them. But there are people, who consider the world to be a part of the universe.

Therefore I think that the world is a part of the universe, which we belong to. My point of view includes five main components: family, friends,health, my development and knowledge of the world.

I do not insist that this list is fully complete. It changes like the whole world and our life impression. But all of them have a great importance for me.
We are surrounded by trees, animals, birds – in a word, nature. It can be bright and dull. I like it! Without nature we will not survive. Every day is an adventure for me. Every day we learn something new. And so the world consists of colors for me.

My favorite hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was three. My mother was a great teacher in my childhood, she always encouraged me and praised my funny drawings. She even decorated the house with them. Of course I was pleased and quite proud of my works. Since then this hobby has become a very important part of my life. My hobby made me observe the world around me every minute of my life. I realized that observation was the main thing in the art of painting. Today drawing and painting are so much fun to me. And I feel happy and never get bored with my hobby. I try to show all my devotion, imagination and creativity in my works. Mostly I am fond of landscapes in light colors. I don’t consider myself to be a great artist but my friends and teachers are always amazed at my pictures and they find them unique. Drawing brings me real satisfaction. It is my own little world.




Survey results

A survey was hold among the students of 6 form in my school No.2, Kandry about their vision of the world. The questions the respondentswere asked are the following (Appendix 1):

Do you like to draw?

How do you imagine the world?

The first question showed that the majority of students (65%) gave positive answers, and only 35% - negative.

The second question “How do you imagine the world?” had the following results:

65% of students count that the world is beautiful, fabulous, 13% - sad, awful, colorless (Appendix 2).


The hypothesis that people represent the world in different ways and it depends on their emotions and character was proved.

What does the artist see and how does his view differ from the view of people who are not engaged in creative work? The artist makes a picture of the world from lines, shapes and colors. He often sees that which is hidden from others. The artist reveals the secret of the world, creativity and reality. Being able to see is one of his basic abilities.

On the result of the survey, I learned that the majority of children like drawing. I find this work quite interesting not only for me but for other students who want to know more about the art.

Everyday you have to meetwith a smile, to enjoy the little thingsand tolovetheworld.

And each person with his small inner and fragile world makes "Our world" even more beautiful. Let uslearnnot to destroyotherpeople's hopes, other people's worlds,whicharesoimportantforeveryoneandespeciallyforourbigworld,so that there isbalanceand as much happiness aspossible on Earth.

How wonderful is our world,
How nice to have the peace in whole
How wonderful is Father’s home,
How nice to be with Him alone.
It makes no difference to me
What is the weather like may be
Either it’s thunderstorm or rain
Or dripping off the roof or hail.
Like child with love I am abound,

You can’t but love the world around,
It’s weaved of beauty all way through,
Of heaven’s pureness anew.
I’d like to open heart to world
To look at it from out of soul
Absorbing whole scope inside
To burn the fire of love and light. [4]

We all see the world differently, everyone has the right to present it the way he wants to see and no one should laugh at someone’s ideas and opinion.

Do you agree with this conclusion?


Херлуф Бидструп. Мир глазами художника. – М.: «Детская литература»,1988.- 56 с.

Хижняк Ю.Н. Как прекрасен этот мир! – М.: «Просвещение», 1986. – 160 с.

Как художники видят мир [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:https://vizual.club/2017/09/01/kak-hudojniki-vidyat-mir/ (дата обращения:29.12.18)

Крубер-Фёдорова О. Как мир чудесен [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим

доступа:https://www.stihi.ru/2013/10/11/5519(дата обращения: 08.01.2019)

Художник с безграничным воображением [Электронный ресурс]. –

Режим доступа: http://fb.ru/article/217936/hudojnik-s-bezgranichnyim-voobrajeniem-vladimir-kush (дата обращения: 07.01.19)


Appendix 1


Do you like to draw?

How do you imagine the world?

Appendix 2

Survey results of students

Do you like to draw?

How do you imagine the world?

Appendix 3

Master of illusions Rob Gonsalves

Surrealist Vladimir Kush and his mysterious paintings

Просмотров работы: 173