Сравнение городов: Ярославль и Стратфорд на Эйвоне. Comparison of cities: Yaroslavl and Stratford – upon – Avon

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Сравнение городов: Ярославль и Стратфорд на Эйвоне. Comparison of cities: Yaroslavl and Stratford – upon – Avon

Лужина Е.Г. 1Цимерман С.А. 1
Артамонова О.В. 1Кондратьева М.В. 1
1МОУ "СОШ № 16 УИОП"
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There are a lot of ancient cities in the world but we have decided to explore such cities as Yaroslavl and Stratford – upon-Avon. We were interested in it and decided to compare these cities, their attractions, famous people and what can be common in these cities. Two completely different, and at the same time something similar cities are the hallmarks of their countries which attract thousands of tourists every year.

In the history of both cities you can find some interesting facts, and sometimes there are some coincidences. Communicating with classmates, we have found out that a lot of students know little about these cities and what great names are associated with Yaroslavl and Stratford – upon -Avon. At school, we learn English, get acquainted with English cities, but few people know that Yaroslavl has an English sister city.

The relevance of our work is that today more than ever people feel the need to live in peace, need understanding and trust. Studying of culture, familiarity with the cities of other countries, the establishment of friendly relations between the cities will help to relieve tension in the world.

We have chosen this theme because we have been studying English for six years, and knowledge of the language, as you know, is impossible without studying the history of the country in which it originated and became widespread. The chosen theme is also interesting for us because the UK and our country have long been linked by cultural, historical, economic and political ties.

With the help of the Internet we have found some interesting information: Yaroslavl was one of the first cities in Russia which began to establish friendly relations with England.

The object of our researching is two ancient cities in England and in Russia.

The subject of our studying is a comparison of attractions and great people of Yaroslavl and Stratford- upon- Avon.

The purpose of this work is to explore the cities’ sights and their similarities.

Problems are:

learn the history of cities and explore their sights;

compare cities from the point of view of the famous poets;

learn about the activities of the friendship Society Yaroslavl-Exeter.


Yaroslavl is the capital of the Yaroslavl region. Yaroslavl was founded by the prince Yaroslavl the Wise. Yaroslavl is one of the cities included in the famous tourist route «the Golden Ring of Russia». It is the oldest of existing settlements on the Volga river, there are more than 140 architectural monuments on its territory.

There is the most beautiful embankment in Yaroslavl. On the one hand — the Volga, on the other hand — an equal number of ancient houses, almost each of which is an architecture monument. There are interesting monuments on the squares and streets in Yaroslavl, such as the monument to Nekrasov. There are many museums in Yaroslavl. Lovers of Russian literature must visit the museum «Karabikha», here was the home state of the Russian writer Nekrasov. Yaroslavl is a center of Russian Orthodoxy. There are many beautiful churches, some of which were built of the wood during the reign of Yaroslavl the Wise and then reconstructed in stone. The picturesque St. John the Baptist Church, which is under UNESCO protection, is rightfully considered the most beautiful orthodox building of Yaroslavl. The Church of the Prophet Elijah and the Svyato-Vvedensky Tolgsky nunnery are also sites worthy to be visited during a trip to Yaroslavl.

The first public theater in Russia was founded in Yaroslavl.

For this reason, the city is considered the birthplace of the Russian theater.


Stratford-upon-Avon lies at the heart of England. It attracts people not only by its history and connection with William Shakespeare, but also by its wonderful nature and typical English character. Stratford stands on the river Avon. The houses are small and lots of them are very old. Some of them date back to Shakespeare`s time. Here you can visit Shakespeare`s birthplace (it is a museum now), Anna Hathaway`s cottage (the early home of Shakespeare`s wife), the foundations of the New Place, where Shakespeare lived when he retired and died in 1616 (now there is only a wonderful garden on the place of the house). Just round the corner there is Grammar school that Shakespeare used to attend. Here in Stratford there is Holy Trinity Church where William Shakespeare was buried. Thousands of people from all parts of England and foreign visitors come here on Shakespeare`s birthday (23rd April) to pay tribute to the great poet.

Among other sights connected with the name of Shakespeare there is an interesting monument with the statue of the great poet on top and with characters from his plays round it.

In the process of our researching, we have identified many similarities of these cities.

Both cities are located on the famous beautiful rivers. The history of these cities is closely connected with famous writers of Russian and foreign literature. Poets Nekrasov N. A. and W. Shakespeare have made a huge contribution to the literature and culture of his country in his era.

In the cities there are memorable places of writers, their houses-museums, churches, monuments are established.

Friendship society Yaroslavl – Exeter”.

Exeter is one of the most charming and amazing cities in the UK. It is located in the southern part of the country, in Devonshire, on the river Exe, which gave the name to this city.

Exeter is interesting for its history, attractions and the fact that on both sides it is surrounded by the ruins of the Medieval and Roman walls. The city is surrounded by beautiful countryside. It is close to Dartmore National Park and a few kilometers from the sandy beaches of Devonshire. Here you can feel the atmosphere of antiquity and special English greatness, get acquainted with the rich history of the country and interesting architectural buildings.

In 1989 Yaroslavl established friendly relations with Exeter. The official Charter of sister organizations was signed by the mayors of Yaroslavl and Exeter. Sister cities or twin cities are cities that have established permanent friendly relations for mutual acquaintance with life, history and culture.

The "Yaroslavl–Exeter friendship Society" was created in the same year. It helps to develop friendship, trust and mutual understanding between cities. The friendship Society consists of residents of Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region engaged in various fields of activity – teachers, doctors, students, architects, artists, musicians, librarians, businessmen, athletes, schoolchildren.

The Company's activities diverse and includes annual exchanges, participation in cultural events aimed at the culture of Russia, individual projects and programs, charitable activities in the social sphere. Visiting Exeter by Yaroslavl residents is always a great opportunity to get to know Devon County and immerse yourself in English and culture. Students of Yaroslavl are actively involved in the work of the Society and annually participate in the competition of creative works.


As a result of our researching, we have found out that the relations between our cities are very multifaceted. It is mentioned here that cultural ties prevail here. Interest in the great cities of Russia and England is growing faster. More and more people from around the world are discovering amazing cities. This is due to the development of our international relations.

Yaroslavl has an established system of interaction with foreign partners and an extensive structure of international relations. Both cities are located on the famous beautiful rivers. The history of these cities is closely connected with famous writers of Russian and foreign literature. Poets Nekrasov N. A. and W. Shakespeare have made a huge contribution to the literature and culture of his country in his era. These cities have great interest to tourists.


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Новый большой англо-русский словарь: Ю.Д. Апресян, Э.М. Медникова, А.В. Петрова и др.; Под общ. Рук. Ю.Д. Апресяна и Э.М. Медниковой. - 7-е изд., стереотип. - М.: Рус. Яз., 2002, с. 832.

Ощепкова В.В. Язык и культура Великобритании. - М./СПб.: ГЛОССА/КАРО, 2004, с. 336.

"A Short History of Stratford-on-Avon, Written in Ballad Form by an Old Warwickshire Boy" (Privately Printed, 1926), verse 12.

Harvey Bloom, Shakespeare's Church, otherwise the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity of Stratford-upon-Avon (1902).

 Levi Fox, The Borough Town of Stratford-upon-Avon, (Stratford-upon-Avon 1953).

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