Викторина-опроса со сравнительной и превосходной степенью прилагательных

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Викторина-опроса со сравнительной и превосходной степенью прилагательных

Кузнецова Е.С. 1Шаройко А.П. 1Яснева А.А. 1
1МБОУ Лесногородская СОШ
Мирзаян И.Э. 1
1МБОУ Лесногородская СОШ
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Language plays an important role in every society, regardless of time period and the location of country. Social interaction and language have a reciprocal relationship: social interactions influences language, language influences social interaction.

Linguistics is the study of language through the use of different scientific methods. Linguistics is a scientific study of language.

The classification of nominative units - words, phrases and sentences - has always been at the center of linguistics. Traditionally, words were divided into parts of speech, although this term contradicts the modern meaning of the term “speech”.

Most linguists divide parts of speech into independent and functional words. The independent words include units that have full lexical meaning subjects and concepts (desk, table, love, friendship), actions (bring, buy), characteristic of objects (big, clever), characteristic of action (quickly, sharply).

Independent words can be divided into parts (noun, adjective, verb, pronoun, adverb, numerals, and modal words).

An adjective is part of the independent words. It’s a word that describes a noun or pronoun. An adjective phrase always has an adjective acting as the head. The adjective phrase may also contain words or phrases before or after the head (modifiers and complements).

Adjectives are one of the four major classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They give us more information about people, animals or things represented by nouns or pronouns. This all explains the relevance of our theme.

The main purpose of the paper is to define adjectives as one of the four major classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs and make own quiz with superlative and comparative forms of adjectives.

According the main purpose of the paper we will describe following tasks:

we will consider adjectives as one of the main classes of parts of speech;

we will describe forms of adjectives and make own quiz with them.

The research hypothesis is that this kind of quiz will motivate students in their future study to create the same things.

We used a group of methods to create the project:

working with different kinds of resources;

collecting information



scientific modelling

Practical significance of our project is that this quiz can be used at English lessons like handouts.

Our project doesn’t need any financial assets only students who want to do something new and unusual.

The paper consists of Introduction, Chapter 1 (Adjectives are one of the main classes of parts of speech), Chapter 2 (Adjectives – comparative and superlative quiz), Conclusion and List of Literature.

CHAPTER 1 Adjectives are one of the main classes of parts of speech.

Language plays an important role in every society, regardless of time period and the location of country. Social interaction and language have a reciprocal relationship: social interactions influences language, language influences social interaction.

Linguistics is the study of language through the use of different scientific methods. Linguistics is a scientific study of language.

Nevertheless the definition of linguistics as the study of language leaves out the formulation of how one should conduct such a study, and what the term ‘language’ means. Edward Sapir in his book “Language” defined language as follows:

Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols. These symbols are, in the first instance, auditory and they are produced by the so-called “organs of speech” [2].

On the basis of this characterisation, today’s linguists (Ronald Wardhaugh) consider language as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols that are used for the purpose of human communication [4].

According to Susan Gal, language not only reflects societal patterns and divisions but also reproduces them [1]. For example, accent reveals the social group of the given person and at the same time is the part of the given social group definition. Ways of talking are the reflection of social օrganisation and at the same time form a practice that is one of the central parts of the social organization.

Also, linguistics may be defined as the study of language [3].

Mainstream academics divide its study into different sub-fields: the study of the structure of language (grammar) and the study of meaning (semantics). Grammar includes morphology (words composition and formation), syntax (the rules of word combination), phonology (the study of abstract sound units and systems of sounds).

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics studying properties of non-speech sounds and speech sounds, the way they are perceived and produced. Other approaches towards language have included the study of semiotics, narrative, literature, discourse, the appreciation of texts (often referred as "post-structural") [4].

Parts of speech in modern English

The classification of nominative units - words, phrases and sentences - has always been at the center of linguistics. Traditionally, words were divided into parts of speech, although this term contradicts the modern meaning of the term “speech”[6].

In fact, parts of speech are classes of linguistic units, not units of speech. However, this term is so familiar that it is used by most linguists of the world. When people talk about parts of speech, they usually mean the grammatical classification of lexical units of a language, that is, the selection in the language vocabulary of certain classes of words that differ from other classes in some grammatical grounds or characteristics.

The study of this problem raises the question of why the number of parts of speech varies from author to author, why there is no uniform classification of parts of speech, for example, in modern English, German, Russian?

This situation is explained, obviously, by the fact that the classification of parts of speech cannot be built on the basis of a single attribute, because the vocabulary of a language is a natural system that has been created spontaneously over many centuries, not according to a single plan. Nevertheless, the principles of the basis of classification by parts of speech are developed in linguistics in sufficient detail. The most common definition is the following: parts of speech are the lexico-grammatical sections of words that are grouped on the basis of all the characteristic of the word, such as: semantic, morphological and syntactic, when the ability of a word to perform a particular function into a sentence [6].

Independent and functional words

Most linguists divide parts of speech into independent and functional words. The independent words include units that have full lexical meaning subjects and concepts (desk, table, love, friendship), actions (bring, buy), characteristic of objects (big, clever), characteristic of action (quickly, sharply).

Full lexical meaning of independent words has same syntactic positions in the sentence and can function as specific members of the sentence (subject, predicate, definition, addition, circumstance) [5].

Independent words can be divided into parts:







modal words [8].

Grammatical meaning of independent words can be divided into:

parts of speech that refer to objects, phenomena, or their signs (noun, adjective, numerals, verb, adverb);

parts of speech pointing to objects like quality or quantity, without naming them (pronouns);

parts of speech expressing the speaker's attitude to the content of the utterance, his/her feelings and will (modal words, interjections) [8].

Functional words in English are used to link words in a phrase or for grammatical (syntactic) characteristics and are unable to act independently as members of a sentence [6].

Functional words in English are divided into the following groups:

prepositions (of, at, in, without, between etc.);

pronouns (he, the, it, one etc.);

determiners (the, a, my, more, much etc.);

conjunctions (and, that, when, while, or etc.);

auxiliary verbs (be (am, is, are), have, got etc.);

particles (no, not, as etc.) [9]

An adjective is part of the independent words. It’s a word that describes a noun or pronoun. An adjective phrase always has an adjective acting as the head. The adjective phrase may also contain words or phrases before or after the head (modifiers and complements) [5].

Adjectives are one of the four major classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They give us more information about people, animals or things represented by nouns or pronouns [10].

CHAPTER 2 Comparative and superlative adjectives – grammar quiz

Adjectives are one of the four major classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They give us more information about people, animals or things represented by nouns or pronouns [10].

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun (a big house, a beautiful village etc.). One of the main functions of adjective phrases is that they go after nouns and change or add to their meaning.

When and adjective is used with a noun, the usual order in English is:

adjective + noun [5].

Order of adjectives.

When more than one adjective comes before noun, the adjectives are normally in a particular order (table1) [7].

Table 1 - Order of adjectives



good, bad, beautiful etc.



huge, big, tiny etc.



old, modern, new etc.



round, square, oval etc.



red, pink, dark blue etc.



Russian, Italian, Greek etc.



leather, silver, wooden etc.

E asy to change

More difficult

to change

Examples (table 2).

Table 2 - An example

















2.1. The comparative and the superlative forms of adjectives.

Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between two objects they modify. They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared, in this pattern (pic. 1) [7]:


Noun (subject)


Comparative adjective

Noun (object)


Picture 1. Scheme of the comparative form of adjective

The second item of comparison can be omitted if it is clear from the context.


My house is larger than hers.

Your dog runs faster than Ann’s dog.

Brian and Larry are both my friends, but I like Larry better. (“than Brian” is understood).

Superlative adjectives are used to describe and object which is at upper or lower limit of quality. They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects (pic. 2) [7].


Noun (subject)

Superlative adjective



Noun (object)

Picture 2. Scheme of the superlative form of adjective


My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.

Your dog ran the fasters of any dog in the race.

We all threw our rocks at the same time. My rock flew the highest (“of all the rocks” is understood).

2.2. Forming regular comparatives and superlatives.

Forming comparatives and superlatives is ease. The form depends on the numbers of syllables in the original adjectives.

One syllable adjectives.

Add –er for the comparative and –est for superlative. If the adjective has a constant + single vowel + constant spelling, the final constant must be doubled before adding the ending (table 3) [9].

Table 3 - One syllable adjectives
















Two syllables adjectives

Adjectives with two syllables can form the comparative either by adding -er

or by preceding the adjective with more. These adjectives form the superlative either by adding -est or by preceding the adjective with most. In many cases, both forms are used, although one usage will be more common than the other. For adjectives ending in “y”, change the “y” to an “I” before adding the ending (table 4).

Table 4 - Two syllables adjectives














more titled

(the) most titled

Three or more syllables adjectives

Adjectives with three or more syllables form the comparative by putting more in front of the adjective, and the superlative by putting most in front (table 5) [9].

Table 5 - Three or more syllables adjectives





more important

(the) most important


more expensive

(the) most expensive


more beautiful

(the) most beautiful


Irregular comparatives and superlatives.

These very common adjectives have completely irregular comparative and superlative forms (table 6) [9].

Table 6 - Irregular comparatives and superlatives






(the) best



(the) worst



(the) least



(the) most




2.3. The Quiz.

In this project we tried to make a quiz with the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

Our project is divided into 3 parts (pic.3):







Picture 3. Scheme of the project

The first stage of our project was to collect information.

The second is to compose a text.

The third is to make a quiz with the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

The last but not least was to try this quiz among our classmates.

Now we would like to write more information about each stage.

Collecting information was very interesting for our group and help us in our future research.

Next step was to compose a text. Our text is about two gymnasts. The card consists of six sentences with tasks and with the statements True or False.

We used a group of methods to create the project (working with different

kinds of resources, collecting information, comparing, analysis, scientific modelling).

This quiz can be used at English lessons like handouts.

In this project we compared two famous Russian gymnasts (Alina Kabaeva and Laysan Utyasheva).

Alina Kabaeva and Laysan Utyasheva are two of the most favorite gymnasts among all students of famous coach Irina Viner.

Laysan was born in 1985. She became the European champion for two times and a multiple winner of the World Cup. She is an author of four original elements in rhythmic gymnastics. Lyasan started doing gymnastics at the age of four. In 2002, she got a serious injury of her foot. But she has managed with her problem. She completed her career in 2006.

Alina Kabaeva was born in 1983. In 2004, she became the Olympic champion. Alina Kabaeva is considered to be one of the most titled gymnasts in the world. Alina started doing rhythmic gymnastics at the age of three. At the age of 15 she won the European Championship. In 2001 she was disqualified for doping for 2 years. She completed her career in 2007.

Quiz. Task: find out if you are a true fan with our quick quiz (table 7).

Table 7 – Quiz



1. Alina Kabaeva and Laysan Utaysheva are two of the ___________ (favorite) gymnasts among all students of famous coach Irina Viner.


2. Lasyan Utyasheva started doing gymnastics _________ (late) than Alina Kabaeva


3. Alina Kabaeva completed her career __________ (early) than Lyasan Utyasheva


4. Alina Kabaeva is one of the _________ (titled) gymnast in the world.


5. Alina Kabaeva has ________ (many) Olympic medals than Lyasan Utyasheva


6. Alina Kabaeva is __________ (young) than Lyasan Utyasheva


The card of our quiz and the text you can see in the picture 4.

This quiz was used in English lessons as handouts and became very popular among students. Also, they wanted to do the same quiz. It’s a very interesting task for the students because they can choose characters that they like and try to do something new about them. It was a good motivation for all students for their future study. So, our research hypothesis was confirmed.

Some quizzes of other students are in appendix 1.

One quiz became the most popular among students not only in our school but also in other schools. This quiz gained 2000 likes in social net vkontake.ru and got a lot of positive comments from students.

We consider that our project is very useful for both students and teachers.

For students it is an interesting task, because they can show their creativity. Also, this kind of project can develop patriotic views among young generation. There are so many outstanding people in our country. And our students have different views. So, everyone can choose whatever he/she likes with the person whom they admire.

Our project doesn’t need any financial assets only students who want to do something new and unusual. We have proved this in our project. If the task is interesting for students they surely will try to do their best to solve this task with pleasure.

Picture 4. Our grammar quiz


Adjectives are one of the four major classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They give us more information about people, animals or things represented by nouns or pronouns.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun (a big house, a beautiful village etc.). One of the main functions of adjective phrases is that they go after nouns and change or add to their meaning.

Using some of methods such as working with different kinds of resources, collecting information, comparing, analysis, scientific modelling in this project we tried to make our own quiz with two forms of adjectives.

In this project we compared two famous Russian gymnasts (Alina Kabaeva and Laysan Utyasheva).

Our project is divided into 3 parts: the first part is the text about gymnasts, the second is the card with six sentences which include two forms of adjectives, and the third is the statements True or False about gymnasts.

In addition, this quiz was used in English lessons as handouts and became very popular among students. Also, they wanted to do the same quiz. It’s a very interesting task, because they can choose characters that they like and try to do something new about them. So, our research hypothesis was confirmed.


Gal, S. (1989), ‘Language and political economy’. ARA 18: 345–67.

Sapir, E. (1921), Language. New York: Harcourt, Brace, World.

Sapir, E. (1929), ‘Male and female forms of speech in Yana’, in St W. J. Teeuwen (ed.), Donum Natalicium Schrijnen. Nijmegen and Utrecht. Repr. in D. G. Mandelbaum (ed.) (1964), Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press; London: Cambridge University Press.

Wardhaugh, R. (1978), Introduction to Linguistics, 2nd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс Английский язык 7 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. Организаций / [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс] – 6 изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2015 -152с.

Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс Английский язык 8 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. Организаций / [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс] – 8 изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2018 -216с.

Казанцева Я. Н., Немчинова Н.В., Семенова Е.В. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка: учеб. пособие / Я. Н. Казанцева, Н. В. Немчинова, Е. В. Семенова.  Красноярск: Сибирский федеральный унт, 2015.  135 с.

Cambridge Dictionary [electronic resource] // https://dictionary.cambridge.org 10.03/2019

Study English [electronic resource] // http://study-english.info/comparison.php 10.03.2019

Wikipedia [electronic resource] // https://wikipedia.com 10.03.2019


Appendix 1

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