Агрессия и её проявление в 21 веке. История возникновения: от Холокоста до "Буллинга"

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Агрессия и её проявление в 21 веке. История возникновения: от Холокоста до "Буллинга"

Эртурк Лара Эргенеконовна 1
Черкашина С.Ф. 1
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace.” George W. Bush

1. What comes to your mind at first, when you hear a word ‘aggression’? It might be an argument with your relatives and friends or just a highly emotional discussion with your teacher.

I need to say that aggression has kept up with humanity since the very beginning – it was evolving with us. The more we discovered about the world, the more violence appeared in our life, when it seems to be exactly the opposite.

It goes without saying, aggression is a feeling that everyone has ever felt at least once and we do not pay too much attention to it just because it became a part of our existence. It seems normal for some people nowadays to raise voice, throw a thing into an opponent or even kick a person.

The thing is that aggression is tightly connected with Flora and Fauna, with Nature itself and it is one of the reasons why people start acting aggressively, why many wars were started and one nation killed another.

1.1 So today I want to make a research work about aggression, but not just about its effect on our lives nowadays. I think that it will be much more interesting to show which marks has it left on the history of our county, development of some nations and the city where I am living, and by analyzing them to make a decision about our time.

1.2 My goal is to make you be sure that aggression is not just a little punch, it is one of the most powerful engines in which ‘hands’ there are the ability to change the world upside down.

1.3 I have chosen this topic to discussas I am highly interested in gestures of people around, their emotions and way of talking. Moreover, aggression is something that more or less has an effect on all countries and there are many worries because of politic aggressions or strained relationships between countries. In order to this folk is suffering from hesitation in peace and quiet tomorrow, which comes as a reason of making campaigns that are aimed on helping and supporting people who are suffering because of the politic “weather”.

As a result, it will be exciting to compare feelings of animals with people, to discover where they have common and different points in showing emotions (based on the enormous work of scientist).

In addition, I am going to show you some statistics and give my own opinion about aggression in the past and nowadays.

Nowadays aggression is still a current living problem. Despite politic relationships between countries, there are that kinds of aggression such:

1) Bullying in school because your race, gender, religion, opinionand etc.

2) The lack of tolerance so you may be discriminated for some or no reason.

3) Physical force.

However, I’d like to pay more attention to bullying as it is a popular problem nowadays and I am a student of a high school so I have an exact opinion about it. There is no doubt that bullying is one of the factors why child may lose his/her ambitions, desire to discover something new.

What is bullying? Bullying – is a result of human’s aggression to others through ages. If we look more detailed, then we will see that since the times of wars some people had started to humiliate others and I will discuss it later as well. Nowadays definition of bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. There are several types of bullying such as: verbal (teasing, name-calling), social (embarrassing someone in public, telling other children not to be friend with someone) and physical(kicking, pushing someone). I think that children who bully others are just lack-loved in the family, so they are trying to have an attention on them all the time in the school or over against they are spoiled children who think that because they have something that others don’t they have the ability to humiliate and shame other pupils. They do not think about future of children who are bullied and that because of their mockeries children may become emotionally stunted person, who will have the anxiety of performing on stage and the bag of complexes that should be overcome. In addition, it might be hard to hear, but people are acting aggressively not only to other humans, but to animals as well. I think that both ways are awful and there is a need in making such things disappear.

I think that there is always a solution in any situation. As for me, I would help a person who is bullied as if you see that in your school there are children who are being bullied by someone, you should definitely talk to them as soon as possible. Believe me, there is a need in conversation with someone when you are bullied. Try to give advice, to understand the position of a child and her/his emotional state. If your advice helps, don’t stop communicating with this student as it might be just a temporary result. Of course, if we want to make our world less violent, then there is a need for parents to make the time of playing, watching ,reading and listening to some aggression included content as it is also one of the reasons why anger appear. I am sure that you don’t want to be bullied ever in your life, so if there is an ability to help someone in overcoming this problem you can’t just miss it! Let’s understand that we can change this world together and if we try our best, then there will be a result some day! It is a long process that need a lot of effort to put, but step by step we can change our world to make it even better.

In addition, I’ve asked some people about their attitude to aggression nowadays and most of them replied that bullying is a great problem today and it should the one with which we fight.

3.1. From where does aggression take its origins?

It goes without saying, aggression is a feeling that mainly appears in animals, so we can equate the two definitions of the word to see the relationship between human and animal aggression.

On the one hand, aggression is overt, often harmful, social interaction with the intention of inflicting damage or other unpleasantness upon another individual. On the other hand, aggression is an animal behavior, as expressed in the attack or threat of attack to individuals of their species that is associated with the emotion of fear or rage, in the defense of its territory, prey, sexual partner, establishing the hierarchy in the pack, etc.

As a result, we understand that aggression is the defending feeling for each representative of life. It is something we feel when danger is near, when we are scared that our friends, family, nation may be put at risk.

T oday I want to tell you more about definition of animal aggression but in people’s behavior. I am convinced that human anger is the same thing with an animal’s one.

3.2. My research is based on huge work of an Austrian zoologist, ethologist, and ornithologist – Konrad Zacharias Lorenz. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in physiology or medicine. He is also the founder of ethology-the science of animal behavior. In addition, his theory about spontaneous aggression is the same with Sigmund Freud one – that aggression is not just a reaction for out coming stimulus. If we remove these stimuli, the aggressiveness will accumulate more and more and then the subject will explode with rage for no reason and maybe hurt his/her entourage during the fit.

By the way, he suggested that if the aggression is caused by out coming stimuli

(after all), then it won’t splash on the stimulus, it will be readdressed to individuals in the lowest hierarchy or to an inanimate things.

You will ask me how it is connected with Krasnogorsk?

Konrad Lorenz participated to National socialist German workers party in 1938. In addition, there are a lot of friends and colleagues who left him after becoming a part of the company.

The thing is that during the Second World War Konrad Lorenz was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1941 and once he saw transports of concentration camp inmates near Poznan, which made him "fully realize the complete inhumanity of the Nazis". After a while he was sent to Russian front where he became a prisoner of war in Soviet Union from 1944 to 1948. However, administration was always kind to him and he continued working as a medic. In addition, he was allowed to write his observations on coverings from potatoes and during these 4 years of incarceration, he achieved and came up with some new theories. I need to mention that he was a prisoner in a concentration camp in Krasnogorsk for some time. Konrad Lorenz work is also showed in local museum of Antifascism, where I actually saw them. It is understood that there are other problems we face nowadays – the disrespect and devaluation of Russian history. It is not a secret that teenagers start to pay less attention to the history and great feats our compatriots made years ago. I think that is it our duty to keep such destinies as buildings that were built in XX century alive or help the museums which are aimed at educating masses in such directions such times of the Second World War or Antifascism and etc. Talking about Konrad Lorentz, when he was repatriated, he was allowed to keep the manuscript of a book he had been writing, and his pet starling. The manuscript became his book Behind the Mirror in 1973.

This was one of the greatest works made by him but I want to pay more attention to another one named “On Aggression”. As I told you before, he put forward a theory about similar points in animal and human aggression, so I want to analyze his idea on the historical example as infringement of the rights of Jews and Genocide in the period of 1933 to 1945 years by Germans Nazis.

4.1 WhatdoesHolocaustmean?

Holocaust is a persecution and mass destruction of Jews living in Germany, on the territory of its allies and in the territories occupied by them during the Second World War, systematic persecution and destruction of European Jews by Nazi Germany and collaborators”

What were the prerequisites of Holocaust?

Firstly, we need to understand the meaning of word racial anti-Semitism - is hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. We know that Germans had been trying to grow the perfect race and they were quiet wary of other nations. It is not a secret that they thought that there is no peace and quiet life between Germans and Jews, so that is why the repressions and terror had started. Whole world knew that Jews had no motherland and that was the main thing why they were defective in everyone’s eyes and always been disturbed by persecutions. Also, Adolf Hitler was a person with not the best childhood and he was connected with Jews from the very young age and starting from there he became a non-lover of Jewish people.

My way of seeing this situation is: Germany was displeased with its position in the world, its reps were blinded with the idea of being the first and the best, but, unfortunately, their dream was not true. Therefore, this is the reason of aggression to come. I think that they were scared of being humiliated by other countries and just to show them that Germany is one of the strongest countries, they had stared the Holocaust. If I rely on the theory of Konrad Lorenz, Germans will splash their aggression on individuals in the lowest hierarchy – the Jews. Of course, Jews were not ready and there were no enough force to fight Germans back.

How did Germans deal with Jews?

They wanted Jews to leave Germany and at first, they evicted them from the country by persecution. Itcontinueduntil 1940.

Germans started to move Jews in to ghettos and occupied places of Poland, where lately they killed them. (Beginning with the invasion of Poland during World War II, the regime of Nazi Germany set up ghettos across occupied Europe in order to segregate and confine Jews, and sometimes Romani people, into small sections of towns and cities furthering their exploitation.).It continued until 1942.

Final decision about Jews – was to destroy their nation with physical strength. Likely, it was the order signed by Heinrich Himmler.

C oncentration camps, mass executions, complete exclusion of Jews from all spheres of society. In my opinion, that is not just aggression, it is truly a violence in its worse condition.

I cannot even imagine how people could think of such cruel things. We are all humans and we have to help each other otherwise our world won’t be in harmony. I am sure, that there was the lack of tolerance and, unfortunately, this problem is still nowadays. What is he even worse than that is the fact that Nazi Germans didn’t spare anyone – children, little babies, women, oldsters and men were in danger. Here are statistics of Holocaust.

4.5. As we can see, not only Germany was the country who repressed Jews.

Over 5,500,000 people died and I don’t think that any Nation deserve such fate. Konrad Lorenz wrote that especially this kind of behavior and aggression are the main reasons of war. I absolutely agree with him, as without anger and the desire to be better than someone else there will be nothing to fight for. Nowadays there are of museums and centers that are dedicated to the history of Jews and tolerance all around the world. Luckily, I had a choice to visit Jewish museum and memorial monument of

Holocaust in Berlin, also I’ve been in Krasnogorsk

Antifascism museum and the Jewish museum/Centre of tolerance in Moscow and I think that it is well worth to visit each of these places as there you dig deeper into the history of the nation and you more or less can imagine the pain and horror they experienced. I am not talking only about Jews, we need to remember history of each nation and respect it from the depth of our hearts.

5.1. In Conclusion I’d like to say, that let’s remember that we are humans and we can live in peace and quiet. I am strongly against violence and aggression today and I think that I’ve convinced you that aggression is not just a feeling; it is something that can change the direction of the whole nation, the history itself.

It goes without saying, we face aggression every single day in different ways of its appearing, but as far we will pretend that it is OK to be angry or bully someone, as bad the situation will be. I am convinced that there are many ways how we cannot totally get rid of aggression, but to make it appear less. We may take part in such campaigns that are aimed to help people or to make them ourselves and present at schools, universities, and works. There are many programs on TV aimed on tolerance as well. All in all, 21th century is the century where we can find and achieve whatever we want, so it won’t be a problem for us to promote kindness and responsiveness to the masses with the help of gadgets and the Internet. Do not forget to take care of animals as well.

5.2 Of course, another thing – is to remember the history of each nation and respect it. We live in the modern world and it is just cruel to be intolerant to someone because of his or her nationality, religious opinions, gender or their appearance.

Museums, centers and monuments are something that we have to visit, as these places are where we understand and feel their history and pain. There is a huge power in these places and well worth to mention that nowadays these places are modern and with many functionalities in them as children centers or language courses on the native language of the country. I cannot fail to mention that people do care more about situation on Earth by making demonstrations, posting and promoting the tolerance and no aggression movements on social media. There are many charities and shelters nowadays, so there is still the hope that our planet will become better and kinder. Humanity knows and sees what consequences war brings to people, in all we can imagine what will happen to us. We shouldn’t make this mistake otherwise it will cost us our lives. Remember, that every change in the world starts from yourself. We can make a place where we live better with the help of our cooperative work with sufficient effort put in and our dreams will come true.

I’ve showed you on example of Holocaust of Jews how the theory of Konrad Lorentz about animal aggression is similar with human’s aggression. Aggression teaches us a lesson to what will we come if we repeat the same mistakes of previous generations.

It is time to be tolerant and understanding.

We all want a world without war, without conflict, without human suffering.” Jeremy Gilley.

6.Literature. 1)

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD% D1%86,_%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4Конрад



https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A5%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA %D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82Холокост

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust#Terminology– Holocaust Terminology

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism- Anti-Semitism


https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%BB% D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%8F_%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B5%D







https://www.stopbullying.gov/what-is-bullying/index.html- What is bullying?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Lorenz- Konrad Lorenz.

https://antibullyingsoftware.com/- How to stop bullying at school

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