Анализ результатов губернаторской программы «Чистая Вода» в Московской области на примере Воскресенского муниципального района.

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Анализ результатов губернаторской программы «Чистая Вода» в Московской области на примере Воскресенского муниципального района.

Галкина А.М. 1
1МАОУ «СОШ «Гармония»
Базий Е.И. 1
1МАОУ «СОШ «Гармония»
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Setting of the problem

Water is the most precious natural resource. The availability of fresh clean water is a necessary condition for the existence of all living beings on the planet. The volume of all fresh water is about 2% of the hydrosphere. Scientists claim that in the next 25-30 years the world's fresh water reserves will be twice reduced. Since the beginning of this century the use of fresh water has grown 6 times. The water shortage is compounded by a deterioration of its quality. Since the problem is most crucial I've decided to consider it applying to the place where I live - the town of Voskresensk in Moscow region. The fact is that our region is rich in water resources but the inhabitants have to buy bottled water for cooking and drinking. Why does it happen on the territory full of rivers, lakes, springs and sources of ground water? To answer this question I will conduct my research in two ways: theoretical and practical part.

Theoretical partincludes the following issues:1. Water condition in Moscow region. In this part the peculiarities of Voskresensk location, complex rating in water pollution in Moscow region and different ways of water cleaning in comparison and contrast will be covered.2. Water pollution in Voskresensk. The main reasons of the problem with the influence on human bodies consideration and the ways of water cleaning in Voskresensk will be lightened. Meanwhile, the ecological map of Voskresensk Region and proper difficulties in solution the problem will be demonstrated.3. Long-lasting target program "Clean water of Moscow Region". Aims and tasks, territorial targets, plans and results as well as recent data will be reviewed.

The practical part includes: The survey of the students of school "Harmony", graphics design, analysis of the results of survey, graphics and ecomap.
Summary: To illuminate this problem, scientific articles, medical reviews, ecological surveys will be used. The Internet resources have been analysed.

Water condition in Moscow region

The location of Voskresensk

Moscow Region is a very complicated area with a large territory and a lot of industrial cities. Voskresensk is one of them. Voskresensk is located on the river Moscow, 80 km to the Southeast from Moscow.

The city consists of six isolated inhabited parts divided by industrial and warehouse zones, transport pipelines and inflows of the Moskva River. The total length of the city from the northwest on the southeast along the Moskva River and the railway line Moscow - Ryazan is 16 km. Voskresensk is an ecologically very unsuccessful and polluted city. The greatest contribution to pollution of the city is made by chemical fertilizers plant (JSC UralChem) and Gigant cement enterprise - Lafarzh. Besides, there are a lot of other plants and factories on the territory of Voskresensk.

Mineral Fertilizers is the city-forming chemical company. The plant is included into the four of the largest Russian enterprises for production of phosphorus-containing fertilizers, feed additives, phosphoric and sulfuric acids. In 2016 the start has been given to production of a modern line of water-soluble fertilizers.

Light industry is represented by Fetr and the German company on production of wall-paper of Erismann settled down in the residential district Novlyansky. At Krasny Stroitel plant asbest and slate and pipes are made. In 2007 the new plant on production of dry mixes, gypsum cardboard, tiled glue of the VOLMA company was opened.

The city is situated in the South-East of Moscow that is why water pollution is greater than in other parts of the region. Due to the Moskva River the water in Voskresensk is heavily polluted. In spring after snow melting the level of pollution in the river and nearby areas is the highest. In this work I will try to estimate the ecological situation in my hometown in comparison with other cities of Moscow region.

Rating in water pollution

Ecological situation in Moscow region is heavy; most cities and towns are polluted especially industrial regions of the East and South-East. The problem of water use and protection of the small rivers from pollution and exhaustion is among the major ones. The greatest ecological danger is caused by sewage of the industrial enterprises; emissions of the enterprises such as hydroelectricity power stations in Kashira and Shatura; household and industrial wastes, for example, the largest in Europe the Timokhovsky dump; growing old military and especially airfield and fuel-supply lines; storage of nuclear waste in the Sergiyevo-Posadsky district.

Considerable impact on an ecological situation in the area is exerted by the industry, transport and municipal services of Moscow. Moscow, receiving water from the North and the West, dumps sewage to the south and the southeast downstream Moscow-river.

Recent researches have shown that the highest level of pollution is noted in Voskresensk, Klin, raised in Dzerzhinsky, Kolomna, Mytishchi, Podolsk, Serpukhov, Shchyolkovo and Elektrostal, low in Prioksko-Terrasnom biospheric reservation. The specific contribution to the general background of atmospheric pollution for Moscow are formaldehyde and phenol, for Voskresensk they are ammonia and fluoride of hydrogen, for Klin, Kolomna, Mytishchi and Podolsk it is formaldehyde, for Serpukhov it is phenol. Due to the economic recovery of the 2000th years and, in particular, high speed of construction the quantity of the objects which are carrying out emissions of pollutants in the atmosphere has increased from 2005 to 2010 twice.

The greatest pollution of surface water is noted in the centre and in the east of the Moscow Region; the rivers Moscow, Oka, Klyazma are strongly polluted. On the volume of dumping and water pollution the Moscow region steadily takes the second place after Moscow. Also, near Moscow and in the large cities (particularly, in Podolsk, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Serpukhov, Lukhovitsy, Stupino) ground waters are strongly polluted. Soils of the Moscow region are polluted by mineral fertilizers and toxic chemicals and also household and production waste, garbage. Extent of pollution of soils and water is especially big in Voskresensk district. APPENDIX1

Different ways of water cleaning: comparison and contrast

The inhabitants of Moscow region suffer from water pollution all around the area. Different districts face the same problem but in various ways. While in the Northern part towns are poisoned with ammonium nitrogen, the Southern part has oil products. The East is known for its phosphate water pollution while the West drinks turbid water. Therefore, different solutions of water cleaning are implied according to water pollution peculiarities. The list of these problems includes: brackish (hard) water, iron in water, smacks and smells, turbidity, the increased salinity, acidic water.

Brackish water (Hard) - Voskresensk, Kolomna, Mytishchi.

Way of water purification. The rigidity is lowered by filtration via special filters softeners. Thanks to special ion-exchange fillings, filters of this extensive class possess not only ability to reduce rigidity, but also some of them delete manganese, iron, organic compounds, nitrites, nitrates, sulfates. Restoration of the filtering properties of filling happens in the course of regeneration by hydrochloric solution.

Iron - Serpukhov, Shchyolkovo and Elektrostal

There are many various ways of water purification from iron. In fact they are as follows: in the filter of cleaning of iron the water containing iron is conditioned by oxidizer for his transfer to an insoluble form (most often as oxidizer oxygen, ozone, chlorine, potassium permanganate is applied), and then under pressure the deferrization, with the special materials having catalytic properties for cleaning of the dropping-out iron is passed via the filter.

Smacks and smells, turbidity - Klin, Dzerzhinsky, Podolsk.

Cleaning: apply the systems of water purification in as which filtrational environment absorbent carbon, absorbent carbon from a shell of a coco and quartz sand act to elimination of a smell, foreign smack, turbidity. To avoid volley emission of pollution in the systems of filtration they use washing of filtrational filling with the return current.

The increased salinity - Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Serpukhov, Lukhovitsy

The way of the return osmosis is the most applied in the household sphere. Filters with use of the return osmosis at which as a basic element for filtration the membrane with microopenings is used clean from impurity almost for 100 percent (these membranes detain even viruses).

Acidic water - Stupino, Staraya Kupavna, Voskresensk.

To provide optimum acidity, correct the pH level, applying to this method of water purification of filling from natural calcites and also adding certain chemicals are helpful.

Measures to protect Moscow City's drinking water sources from pollution, i.e. planning and setting up water protection zones, include the relocation and remodelling of livestock farms and poultry factories, mineral fertiliser and toxic chemical warehouses and other agricultural units, the introduction of new agricultural practices for the rational application of fertilisers and pesticides, and the construction and rehabilitation of wastewater treatment facilities. Water protection measures are enforcing compliance with regulations by economic enterprises in water protection zones, riparian belts and sanitary zone. A water quality monitoring system contains 10 monitoring sites in the Vazuzskaya system, 19 in the Moskvoretskaya system, 11 in the Volzhskaya system hydrometric. An automated management system for water conservation combines telemetry, computer networks, data banks, simulation modelling and decision support systems.Appendix2

Water pollution in Voskresensk

The main reasons

The quality of water and extent of its pollution is influenced by the chemical and paper industry. The number of Voskresensk enterprises is really huge: Voskresensk Plant Of Chemical Reagents, JSC Voskresensk Research Industrial Complex On Fertilizers And Phosphoric Acid, Neo Chemical, Nordiks Rkhz, Tsertus Plant, Voskresensk Electromechanical Plant, Voskresensk Woodworking Plant, Voskresensk Mechanician plant , Voskresensk Plant of Reinforced concrete Designs and Products, Voskresensky Paint And Varnish Olive Plant, Stalyinvest, Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, Erismann, VSK-STORY, LLC "Kolloidno - Grafitovye Preparaty", Bentoprom - Moscow region Ltd company, Gigant, Plant Krasny Stroitel, LLC "Fetr"

All these plants are located in Voskresensk and influence the ecology of the district as well as water poisoning. In some parts of the Moscow river below Moscow it is dangerous even to swim.

The level of pollution of the Moscow river below the city of Moscow remains high due to the receipt of nutrients from household waste in Moscow, Dzerzhinsky, Zhukovsky, Lytkarino, Khotkovo, Egoryevsk, Ramenskoye, Voskresensk, etc., of an offensive operation of wastewater treatment plants ( in the city of Dzerzhinsk OS with capacity of 20 thousand m/ day. actually miss 18,9 thousand m / day., in Zhukovsky, respectively, 80 and 69 thousand m / day. in g. Ramenskoe - 60 52,1, in the city of Voskresensk - 160 and 100.

The next reason to worsen ecological situation is transport. This network is the main artery providing the town existence. The railway transport network is located in the town and, in fact, it is surrounded by the town. Transportation is maintained from all the parts of the country and abroad. The traffic flood is so huge that the railway is loaded 24 hours. Chemical waste, industrial litter, coal, petrol cause air, water and soil pollution as their transportation is not always proper. Meantime, federal highway M-5 is nearby so lorries, trucks, refrigerators, let alone private cars, exhaust harmful fumes making the situation worse. Water transportation makes contribution to pollution: barges, ferries, bulk carriers. Two international airports such as Zhukovsky and Domodedovo and local airports in Voskresensk and Egorievsk don't improve the ecological situation.

The ground of household waste in Ashitkovo and so called "White Mountain" are situated near the town. It is the third reason of ecological disaster.

The most unpleasant thing and the major reason of water pollution in Voskresensk is people’s indifference to the problem. They don't sort out the rubbish, litter the forests, lakes and rivers, don't pay attention to the rate of death the cause of which is poisoned water.

The water influence on human bodies

Every human body consists of about 80% of water which plays different roles in body function: transportation, maintenance of a homeostasis, thermoregulatory, metabolic and desintoxication. Transportation means transfer of nutrients, products of exchange, gases, antibodies. Maintenance of a homeostasis means reserving osmotic and haemodynamic balance. Thermoregulatory means return warm to the environment by means of evaporation of moisture from the surface of skin and through lungs. Metabolic means formation of biologically active agents. Desintoxication means removal of waste products of the body.

Ways of water cleaning in Voskresensk

The main part of the Voskresensky district is located in the zone of the Podolsko-Myachkovsky aquifer carbonate complex. The depth of the roof of the aquifer in the area of ​​Voskresensk is from 40 to 120 meters. The increased content of iron (up to 3 mg / l) and manganese (up to 0.3 mg / l) is kneaded, the hardness of water reaches 12 mg eq / l with an overall mineralization of 500 mg-l on average. Near Voskresensk, on the side of the location of phosphogypsum mountains, the limiting concentration of phosphates and heavy metals is observed. Also there is a lower PH

In the coming year, various measures are being taken in Voskresensk District to improve the quality of water supply. State regional program "Development of engineering infrastructure and energy efficiency for 2018-2022" (subprogram 1 "Clean water") and the municipal program "Maintenance and development of engineering infrastructure and energy efficiency in Voskresensky district for 2018-2022." (“Clean Water” subprogramme) the implementation of the following measures for the acquisition, installation and commissioning of a water treatment plant at 10 water intake sites in 2018 is envisaged:. Vinogradovo, Marchuts,. Kosyakovo, Tsibino, . Ivanovka., Vorschikovo, Tsyurupy, Voskresensk.

Iron removal stations at Lopatinsky were reconstructed. In the course of modernization, water treatment plants are installed at water intake points (OVC), outdated equipment is being replaced with modern and more efficient ones. Due to this, water quality indicators are brought in line with regulatory requirements - the proportion of iron and other impurities is significantly reduced, turbidity is reduced. Construction and modernization of OVS is carried out mainly with the use of domestic equipment.

At present, four iron removal stations with a capacity of 10 m3 / hour and 40 m3 / hour in the Fetrovaya, 40 m3 / hour in the village of Chemodurovo and 120 m3 / hour in the Lopatinsky are installed in the territory of the urban settlement of Voskresensk.

Long-lasting target program "Clean water of Moscow Region"

Aims and task

Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on holding the year of ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017. This year in Russia was held under the auspices of the environment. Among the priorities of the state and business is to regulate waste management, eliminate illegal landfills, re – equip large-scale production facilities and introduce "green" technologies in the country.

In General, the budget of the year of ecology was about 350 billion rubles. What was this money spent on, what personalities, events and trends were the focus of attention this whole year? As the President stressed, the year of ecology was just the beginning of a long journey. Programs that started during 2017 are designed not for decades2.

Plans and Results

Partly the problems have been solved due to expansion of power of the East System of Water Supply (ESWS). It though was constructed at the time of the USSR - in 1987, but it is loaded so far only on a third. Also it pumps water from artesian underground sources on border of the Moscow and Vladimir regions.

"VSV water meets all health requirements - iron in it is three times less than maximum permissible norm, the turbidity is five times lower, - the deputy chairman of the government of Moscow area Dmitry Pestov says. - Now such water is received by 400 thousand consumers, potentially it is possible to increase this figure to 1,1 million and thus in many respects to solve water supply problems in the east and the northeast of area".1 By 2018 the authorities connected the most part of these municipalities and all Orekhovo-Zuyevo water supply system to East system.

Drinking water supply in municipalities of area, remote from VSV, is saved by the construction of stations of deferrization and water purification. Last year 28 were planned to be constructed, but 41 were ahead of schedule and put into operation. The Klin district in the territory of which in a year there were 9 treatment plants that has


1«Наше слово», www.in-voskresensk.ru, выпуск от 25/10/18, №157 стр 4

brought security of inhabitants with qualitative drinking water to 95,4% has especially caused a stir. "In plans for this year there is construction of 30 stations of deferrization and water purification in 18 municipal units, among which Voskresensk, Dmitrovsk, Yegoryevsk, Lenin, Mytishchi, Krasnogorsk, Naro-Fominsk, Odintsovo districts, Domodedovo, Railway, Kotelniki, Fryazino", - the Minister of Housing of area Evgeny Hromushin tells. By 2019 clear drinking water will be received by 90% of residents of the most problem areas.

Practical partThe survey of the students of school "Harmony"

At school “Harmony” a questionary about water pollution has been conducted.It contains 10 questions:
1. What water does your family use for cooking and drinking?
2. How often do you buy water in bottles?
3. How many litres of water does the family use every day/every week?
4. Is the family satisfied with water quality?
5. What part of Voskresensk region do you live in?
6. What do you think about the water problem in our region (bad,normal,good)
7. Do you drink runway water without boiling it?
8. Have you got a well near your house (flat)?
9. Have you ever checked the quality of water?
10. Have you ever thought what water you use?

Analysis of the results of survey, graphics and ecomap

The questionary has covered 102 pupils of our school. According to the survey 100% of pupils have thought what water they use as the problem is widely discussed both in families at home and on local TV channel in Voskresensk. Unfortunately, only in 2 families people have checked the quality of water as their domestic animals got ill.

Almost all pupils who live in the houses have wells (about 72%).Those who live in flats buy water in bottles or take it from springs in Khorlovo or Elkino. Although every second pupil drinks running water without boiling when he feels thirsty,3% has estimated this water as rather good,33% has considered it normal,66% has claimed it bad.

The southern part of Voskresensk is polluted more than the northern part according to pupils’ opinions .The cleanest part of Voskresensk is admitted to be in the east where the respondents are sure that the quality of water is up-to-the mark. The citizens of the western part of the city are divided into 2 almost equal groups. They suppose it is possible to use runway water for cooking, washing and feeding the domestic animals but most use the water from springs for drinking.

About 82% of the families are not satisfied with the water quality in Voskresensk region. They declare it to be firm sometimes yellow or even brown and is impossible to use in house holding.72% of families prefers buying water in bottles thinking it is better quality than running water.A family of 4 members uses about 15-25 litres of water a week for drinking and cooking.Those who do not buy water, try to bring it from natural springs in Ashitkovo, Khorlovo, Elkino, Tsibino.

In conclusion I have come to the following results:

The water problem in Voskresensk is really crucial as people health depends on its quality.

Most inhabitants at our region are aware of this problem and try to cope with it finding alternative ways of water resources.

The citizens prefer bottled water considering it less dangerous for children.

Most responders are sure of water quality in private wells and have never checked it.

Without the government program “Clean Water” in Moscow region Voskresensk would not have improved the ecological situation with water, as the people’s opinions have shown.

The practical importance of this research work includes the monitoring of water pollution in my native town .Also, I have attracted the attention of pupils in school “Harmony” to the problem of drinking water in our region.

The research work touches the critical questions of water cleaning, people’s health in the region ,the sources of water in Voskresensk areas. Moreover, it shows the solution of water problems in our region thanks to the governmental program “Clean Water”


According to the governmental program “Clean Water” 31 water intake units have been built and modernized on the territory of Moscow Region since 2017. Vice-governor Dmitry Pestov has declared that 109 water supply objects are planned to be reconstructed. The quality of water supply will be improved and 210 000 people of Moscow Region will get better water system in 2019. Thus, such water supply objects as water intake units, water purification stations and water lines have been commissioned in the following urban districts: Voskresensk – 4, Balashikha – 3, Pavlovsky Posad – 5, Sergiev Posad – 7, Istria – 1, Roshal – 4, Ruza – 1, Solnechnogorsk – 2, Taldom – 4.

During the modernization iron removing stations were established as well as old equipment is being changed into more modern and effective. Hence during the period from 2014 to 2018 216 water intake units have already been built in Moscow Region. Due to this modernization as well as to water supply development of the eastern areas of Moscow Region more than 1,2 mln people receive pure water of normal quality. The number of population provided with well-qualified water from the centralized water supply sources has increased from 83,2% to 94%.

To conclude it is evident that governmental program “Clean Water” is working. The results achieved proclaim the high effectiveness of the program mentioned above. In Voskresensk Region the number of utility works with water equipment has decreased and the quality of life in this region has improved according to recent survey.

Appendix I

Wastewater discharge

Appendix II

Water intake units in Moscow region

Appendix III

Water intake units in Voskresensk

Appendix IV

Analysis of the results of survey


"О федеральной целевой программе "Чистая вода" на 2011 - 2017 годы": Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 22 декабря 2010 г. N 1092 г. Москва [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.rg.ru. – (Дата обращения: 26.02.2019).

Экологический паспорт Московской области: Воскресенского муниципального района [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.ecopassmo.mosreg.ru. – (Дата обращения: 26.02.2019).

Карта загрязнения воздуха,воды и почв в Московской области: Чистые районы Подмосковья [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.nedvio.com-(Дата обращения: 27.02.2019).

Facts and details:Water pollution in Russia [Электронныйресурс]. – Режимдоступа: http://wwwfactsanddetails.com-(Датаобращения: 27.02.2019).

Экология и климат города Воскресенск [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://wwwbetosteel.com- (Дата обращения: 27.02.2019).

Самые экологически грязные города Подмосковья: Воскресенск [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.msknov.ru-(Дата обращения: 27.02.2019).

Башкирова Л.И. / Итоги проекта «Чистое подмосковье»  [Текст] журнал «Наше слово»: - выпуск от 25/10/18, №157 стр 4

Просмотров работы: 40