Буллинг в школе

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Буллинг в школе

Зверева А.А. 1
1МАОУ "Гимназия №6" г. Перми
Яруллина Р.Г. 1
1МАОУ "Гимназия №6" г. Перми
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Every child starts his life with communication. We talk with our parents, we go to the kinder garden, to school, university… In other words, a child goes through the process of socialization. It shapes the character and personality, teaches to overcome obstacles and communicate with different people.

That is true, every person is born with his own individuality. Some people are extroverts, some – introverts. It means that the process of communication is very individual for everyone. That is why in every group of society there is always a leader, neutral people and a “white crow”.

The goal of the project is to find out practical advices how to prevent bullying at school.

The objectives of the project are:

To examine information about bullying at school;

To compare and contrast popular films about bullying of different ages;

To conduct a survey among teenagers from different countries;

To analyze collected information.

The topic of the project is actual because nowadays people are becoming more and more aggressive as a result they start to humiliate people and poke them in their own failures. Some of them persecute other people. For example, offend a person, create a rumor or gossip about him, mock at a person. Sometimes it can have a harmful physical form. This is called bullying.

The novelty of the project is that nowadays the Internet makes a huge impact into communication, positive or negative, we can’t evaluate the effect now. Teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet, they have become more indifferent to the real life and to the situations that are happening around them. How we can make teens more kind and tolerant?

The project consists of two chapters, survey and analysis of its results.


1.1 The concept of bullying

Relations among people existed from century to century, that is why in the modern world there are a lot of books explaining our behavior. The main attention is devoted to some problems in relations. To speak about bullying, first, we need to find out its meaning.

The Oxford Dictionary gives the following definition: “Bullying – is a process when one person uses his power to harm another person physically or mentally” [Oxford Dictionary, 2002].

There are four types of bullying, which are given by The National Centre Against Bullying(NCAB) and they can also be combined with each other:

Physical bullying

Verbal bullying

Social bullying

Cyberbullying [National Centre Against Bullying, 2019].

There are three people, who always take part in bullying:

a bully – a person who does harm;

a victim – a person who look or behaves differently than others;

a witness – a person who sees everything, but does nothing or supports the stronger part.

The main reasons of bullying are covered in the bully. There are some reasons, explaining his behavior:

1)the bully is lonely; 2)the bully has got problems at home; 3)the bully has got low self-esteem; 4)the bully sees you as different from others; 5)the bully has mental disease; 6)and sometimes bullying happens, when the victim takes the blame of others [Children psychology, 2018].

That is why he acts against the victim in order to hide his own weakness.

Most often, the victims of bullying are:

uncertain, quiet babies who are somewhat different from the rest;

children who differ in race, have problems with the language;

those who have material wealth; successful school children;

looks very beautiful.

Bullying can cause to victim awful consequences: loss of self-confidence; mental and nervous diseases; the most horrible - mental and nervous diseases.

Bullying can happen anywhere with anyone in spite of race or your position in society. But usually bullying happens at school. We studied the main information about bullying. It gives the understanding why does it happen and which effects can be caused by it.

1.2 Bullying experience in different countries

Every country has its own culture and traditions, which influence the way of people’s communication. Bullying in different countries has its own shape and features. Its own peculiarities.

Bullying in Russia

According to the World Health Organization(WHO) research in Russia, annually 3 million children from 8 years are exposed to bullying.

Moreover, there is an interesting fact, that Russia is the most developed country for cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is also baiting, but on the Internet. The reasons and the effects of cyberbullying and bullying are the same, but bullies in cyberbullying don't want to be noticed and mostly stay anonymous.

So the Cambridge Dictionary gives us the following meaning “Cyberbullying – is a special process, which helps us to get rid of our tension and stress”[Cambridge Dictionary, 2015].

There are five following kinds of cyberbullying:

degrading comments: nicknames, insults, comparisons with other people;

distortion of photos of a person, inscription on these photos and publications of these photos on the Internet;

creating fake pages or account hacking;

videos taken about you without your agreement.

Social networks started to influence teenagers so much. In 2015 Russia faced a huge problem – «groups of death» appeared in the social network “VKontakte”, in which the victims could share everything that happened to them and open the soul. After some time, the curators of these groups began to go into the confidence of the participants and give them various tasks, which threaten their lives. Nowadays these awful groups are prohibited and since June 7, 2017, Russia has a law on criminal responsibility for the creation of «death groups» on the Internet providing for up to 6 years in prison.

Bullying in Great Britain

According to a survey conducted by the Society for the Protection of Children 90% of girls are bullied and two-thirds of teenagers admit that they are mocking their peers without feeling any guilt.

Schools in the UK have a real epidemic of bullying – systematic physical abuse, verbal abuse and intimidation of children by their classmates. Sometimes children, unable to withstand the daily bullying and beatings, commit suicide.

"Schoolchildren should know that they will be held accountable for their actions if they step over the red line" said the minister of education in the UK Jackie Smith.

Nowadays there are many bullying prevention laws, for example: School leaders have the legal right to punish bully and go to court if parents show indifference to the seriousness of misconduct committed by their children. Parents are forced to attend courses on education. In case of refusal they will face a fine of 1000 pounds (about 87 000 rubles).

Bullying in the USA

Anti-Bullying Institute investigation 75% of shooting incidents at schools have been linked to bullying and harassment. Nearly 9 out of 10 youth were verbally harassed at school in the past year because of their sexual orientation.
America is a country that is thought the most developed country for bullying. Of course in the United States, as in all countries bullying exists, in the UK, it manifests itself in the usual verbal and physical form of bullying in real life, but in the US, harassment occurs on the Internet – cyberbullying. It is promoted on the Internet. The quietest victims could do the most terrible things. Nowadays there are many terrorist attacks at schools by the victims of bullying.

There is another remarkable thing that American celebrities also support the problem of bullying and help the victims. Moreover, there is an important American teens site, called StopBullying.gov, where anybody could publish an anonymous question and everyone could also anonymous answer it. Any student who is willing can talk about this with the school psychologist, even with the director and most importantly, he will not be afraid to talk about it, because in any case the information will remain confidential.

As a result, we can see, that bullying is very developed in all these countries: in Russia it is mixed (usual bullying and cyberbullying), in Great Britain bullying takes place in real life at school and in the USA bullying has the hardest form and mostly happens on the Internet.

If in Russia it is not customary to talk about bullying at school, then American students have special bullying lessons, school antibullying weeks are held. In the UK people are also very educated about bullying.


2.1 The analysis of bullying in cinematography

Mass media influences us, it shapes our way of thinking and speaking. A lot of films all over the world show us the scenes with bullying, some films are dedicated to this topic. To understand how films teach us to prevent bullying and be tolerant we compared three films: Russian soviet film “The Scarecrow”, collection of 8 films from 2000 to 2011 “Harry Potter” and modern American TV series “13 reasons why”. (Appendix 1) To compare and contrast these films we had to analyze:

the victim of bullying;

represented age;

The way of bullying, effect of bullying.


The Scarecrow”

Harry Potter”

13 reasons why”





The victim of bullying and represented age

A new girl at secondary school

A new boy at secondary magic school

A new girl at high school

The way of bullying


reflects both cases

physically hard

Effect of bullying

Moves to another city

Becomes stronger

Commits a suicide

1)“The Scarecrow” – the film that is shown in every school. Secondary school pupils act against a new girl Anna in the class. In “Harry Potter” – a collection of 8 films, which are seen by every teenager, there are acts of bullying against a new boy in the family and at school. Pupils and teachers from the Slithering Faculty offended the main character Harry. In “13 reasons why” heroes are older and they are students of high school. Hannah is the main character.

What is similar? In all films bullying is directed to a NEW PERSON.

2) In the first film the main character – Anna was beaten, her classmates burned her favorite dress and took away her school bag. Although many people did a lot of wrong things to her, she took the blame of one boy to herself. The main reasons that Anna was bulled are that she was kindhearted, she was blamed for other people; her grandpa was strange, she was thought strange too.

(Way of bullying: physical, verbal and social)

In the second film the student-wizard Harry was bulled by foster family (brother and aunt with uncle), pupils discussed his zipper scar on his forehead. Also Harry’s classmates insulted him, mocked him and taunted him, when Harry became the fourth champion, everyone except his two friends turned away from him and once teacher Severus Snape cursed him. Harry was bulled because he was exemplary and gentle teenager and he had a strange history of his family.

(Way of bullying: physical, verbal and social)

In the third film there were a lot of gossips about the main character – Hannah and her classmates pocked at her with a finger, because she wasn’t like everyone else and followed her, secretly photographing. But the worst thing that was done to her is that her friend, who she thought was her real friend, got drunk her and raped. She couldn’t cope with her feelings, that is why she committed a suicide. The reasons that Hanna was bulled are that she was unsociable and trustful.

(Way of bullying: physical, verbal, social and cyberbullying)

What is similar? In all films bullying is presented in different forms, that are mixed with each other.

3)In “The Scarecrow” after bullying girl becomes stronger, but moves to another city, in the second film a boy becomes a good magician and has a lot of friends and in the third film girl commits a suicide.

In the first and third story the ending is good, on the one hand bullying causes hard effect and on the other hand it makes the main heroes stronger.

The difference between first and second film is 17 years, between second and third – 16 years. The difference between first and third film is 33 years. And we can see that nowadays bullying is harder and it has got some new forms like cyberbullying. Our world develops and bullying develops too. That means that modern generation of children is crueler and more aggressive, at the same time they are more closed and don’t know how to share their emotions. That is why nowadays we have much more aggression.

In “The Scarecrow” the bullies were only Anna’s classmates. They took away Anna’s school bag, burned her favorite dress and hit the main hero. In this film there are really a lot of witnesses and they all behaved like they don’t see the problem. They understood who was more honest in the situation but didn’t have enough courage to protest to the majority, in order not to become victims too.

In “Harry Potter” teachers and students bulled the main hero, because he looked and behaved differently. But this film is a good example to all the witnesses of bullying, Harry had perfect friends, who always protected and supported him. Only with his friends Harry could talk about his problems and share his secrets.

In “13 reasons why” student-bullies bulled many people (the victims were beaten and called with nicknames). As a result, some of them visited psychologists and three people underwent treatment in the hospital. In spite of the fact that film has a bad ending, witnesses tried to communicate with the victims (the head teacher and school psychologist took a lot of discussions with Hanna and her best friend always supported her and listened her sadness).

All these films make us think about our life. They teach us to be more kind with people who really take care of you, not to hear other people who only envy you and who wish to be like you in their soul, but they don’t have enough power.

You can avoid such terrible consequences in your real life if you call someone whom you trust to help you at the right time. Such films are made to show us that our life is in OUR HANDS and only WE can change the future life for better or worse side. Films show some good life examples and warn us not to make some mistakes in our real life.

2.2 Survey and analysis of bullying in different countries

To find out more about the phenomenon of bullying we conducted a survey among 90 teenagers from Russia, Great Britain and The United States of America. At first, we prepared a questionnaire, where we asked the following questions:

Why bullying happens?”

How is bullying manifested in your country? And Do you talk about bullying at school?”

Do you think bullying can be stopped?”

We chose teenagers from 13 to 17 years old, to investigate the situation among the students, who are studying at school. We sent the questionnaire to the opponents in different social networks: VK.com, Instagram.com and Speaky.com.

The Russian audience is worried about bullying at school. They say that it happens because of the social inequality and social environment. For instance, teenagers from dysfunctional families take the role of bully and act against people who look different. The same happens with teenagers from rich families who mock at classmates who do not have the same financial abilities.

Teachers and school psychologists in Russia do not talk much with students.

If something happens, they as witnesses try not to pay attention in public. Teachers have a strict personal talk with bully and victim together that don’t influence much, because they don’t discuss the problem, teachers just talk in a very strict manner. On the other hand, this kind of talk teenagers are afraid of having harder punishment and they stop bullying.

Students in Russia have an opinion that bullying could never be stopped. They say that in our society there always will be a person who behaves or thinks differently and seems to be unprotected, and a person with the weak character and problems who will find victims weaker than he.

The UK teenagers are not agitated about bullying. They think it happens because people stand out in society.

The Society for the Protection of Children in UK has a special regular meeting with parents. School psychologists pay great attention to children from disadvantaged families and to students who excel from other teenagers.

In comparison to Russian students, British children have a suggestion that bullying can be stopped. They have a negative attitude, but in school society there is always a person who cannot live in peace. He is a hooligan all the time and damage the property of others.

American teenagers are people who really want to get rid of bullying. In their opinion, it happens because every child has his proper education and perceivesracial structure in its own way. One interviewer told me, that in the role of the bully there are often African Americans. They split in groups and feel more powerful, that is why it is always better not to meet them at school.

American schools are afraid of bullying because they have a special rating among schools in the United States of America. Сhildren in America are embarrassed to tell their parents about their bullying experience. If parents find out about this, they write a threatening e-mail to school administration. Then school psychologists against bullying start to talk firstly with the victim, after with the bully and finally – witnesses. When things go too far, parents start a court process. It is proceeding, when the victim’s parents sue not bully’s family, but school. The punishment in American schools is not strict; bullies stay home for some days. The largest part of American students think that we can stop bullying but only if we make big efforts. They mean that it always will be, but there should be some kind jokes, not insults.(Appendix2)

We can see that bullying became a part of the process of communication; sometimes we do not recognize it. Schools all over the world try to work with this problem. I think that strict punishment will have much more effect than a simple talk. Also the American experience having personal talks with every «hero» of the bullying process that give a chance to analyze the problem and watch on it from different sides and seems to be effective.

2.3 The advices how to prevent bullying

Bullying is an issue, which must be discussed and prevented, that is why after the research we found out some interesting advices how to prevent bullying, based on our project results experience, these advices can be useful for all the participants of the bullying process.

Advices from films


Advices from the survey


have good close friends

they can protect and support you

don’t be afraid to tell your parents about your bullying experience

they can send an e-mail to your school and your problem will be eliminated

don’t be afraid to tell about your feelings

this person will support you and help to solve the problem

stand up for yourself

you can catch two rabbits at once: firstly to revenge the bully and secondly to show that you are stronger than others

be attentive to the nature of people with whom you communicate

they can substitute you

call the trust service

you talk to a specialist anonymously, and he will help you find ways to solve your problem

don’t let people to take over you

they can use you

try to talk with the bully

You can know the real way, why he/she act against you

be yourself

people treat you the same way you treat them

if you become the witness, try to talk with the victim

you can protect him and change his life

We always thought that the main role in bullying was given to the bully, as the main aggressor or to the victim, because they always have bad effects of bullying. Many advices are written to them, but why? We try to talk to the participants who already have some problems and can’t always have a proper reaction, to be honest our talks and our advices don’t always help them.

We came to the biggest discovery of this project: the main role in the bullying process is given to the witness. The faster he reacts, the braver he behaves, the faster he can help to stop the conflict. It sounds impossible but the witness is the only person who sees the conflict from both sides. He has a real power to react if he sees bullying and prevent awful consequences.

Witness can stop the problem, can prevent bullying and save someone’s life. Everyone can became a witness by chance: parents, teachers, classmates or friends, it does not matter who, only your fast reaction makes sense. Nowadays many people, who play the role of witness, are afraid of having a conversation with the victim because they think that they would be bulled too. Moreover, they do not have any desire to talk with the bully because they do not want to have problems. However, they can talk to the adults who will be ready to help.

Pieces of advice that can be useful for the witness:

1)Don’t be indifferent and try to talk with the victim or give him the contacts of the trust service. You can change his life.

2)React fast and you will reduce the effect of bullying.

3)If it is impossible to talk with the victim, try to have a conversation with the bully.

4)If the situation is out of control find the way to talk with parents or school teachers. May be victim’s parents don’t even know about the problem.

5)Don’t be afraid to show you position.

British scientists have proven that witnesses of bullying, who are outside of the conflict, very often start to have mental disorders because of the understanding that they could stop the conflict, but they did nothing.

The film analysis has also shown us that witnesses who didn’t stay away from the problem helped the victim to escape from the process of bullying and made him a stronger person even saved his life.


The way of bullying has quietly changed over the years. If earlier people just insulted each other, put steps to students and put buttons on a chair for teachers, now they beat an innocent student, shoot him without his agreement, use cyberbullying to damage his personality.

Different ways of analysis helped us to investigate the phenomenon of bullying from different corners. The imaginary (films) and real life. We can make an assumption that the image of bullying is not distorted in films and very close to the reality. That gives a chance to learn about bullying and know how to act if we face the same situation in real life.

After conducting a survey, we understood that bullying exists in all countries and cities. Every person tried the role of a victim at least once. The survey helped us to understand that it is possible to analyze bully’s behavior and find the mutual language with him. The discovery we have made during the research is that the most important role in the process of bullying is given to the witnesses; they have a real power to change the situation.

Nowadays social networks enclosed the whole world. Teenagers look at beautiful photos of bloggers, read from thoughts on various topics and watch their fake lives. Then they start to be envious and imitate them. However, it is possible to make modern teenagers more tolerant, bullying must be discussed.

Bullying is an unstoppable process it was, is and always will be. We cannot stop it, but only our efforts can make people more kind and attentive to each other. It is possible to reduce the level of bullying and increase positive consequences for its victims.


1.School bullying: how to stop it [Электронныйресурс. Режим доступа: https://psycho4you.ru/lichnost/detskaya/bullying-v-shkole]

2.Cyberbullying definition /Cambridge Dictionary [Электронныйресурс. Режим доступа: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cyberbullying]

3.Psychology and psychiatrybullying at school [Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://psihomed.com/bulling/]

4. David A.Lane «Bullying at schools» [Электронныйресурс. Режим доступа: https://docviewer. /view/15449430/]

5. Zharova D.V. «Psychological peculiarities of teenagers bullying » [Электронныйресурс. Режимдоступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ -osobennosti-podrostkovogo-bullinga]

5.How cyberbullying influence to teenagers [Электронныйресурс. Режим доступа:https://rosuchebnik.ru/material/kak-kiberbulling-vliyaet-napodrostkov/]

6.Types of bullying/National Centre Against Bullying [Электронныйресурс. Режим доступа: https://www.amf.org.au/bullying-advice/bullying-for-parents/types-of-bullying/]

7.Escher Jay 13 reasons why [Текст]/Jay Escher . – М.: АСТ, 2018. -228 c.

8.Rowling Joanne “Harry Potter” [Текст]/Joanne Rowling. – М.: Росмэн, 2005.-224с.

9. Железников В. К. “Чучело” [Текст] / В.К. Железников. – М.: Детская литература, 1988.-239 с.

10.Bullying definition/Oxford Dictionary [Электронныйресурс. Режим доступа: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/]

11. Kristin Aumayer «How to protect you child at school» [Электронныйресурс. Режим доступа: https://www.bullying.co.uk/bullying-at-school/]


Appendix 1

Film analysis

A ppendix 2

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