Успешный Человек

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Успешный Человек

Ярошенко О.С. 1
Черкашина С.Ф. 1
1МБОУ СОШ № 15
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«If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting…»

Rudyard Kipling


Why does somebody achieve success in life, but another fails? How to become a successful person and how to be a strong personality? These questions have arisen recently as I’m going to finish my school. Presently, I’m hardly finding my own life course. So, becoming a successful persons is really actual for the representatives of our generation.


It seems to me the main problem of developing the successful human being is like that: what traits are necessary for forming such a person and what are the efficient ways for up-bringing.


In my project I intend to investigate the members of our modern society in order to understand what people may be called successful and prosperous.


For solving the abovementioned problems I will use such methods as:

Searching the information in the Internet and in the print media

Studying the person’s biography


My suggestions are like that:

To work with parents at the special preparatory course giving useful recommendations for children up-bringing

Helping in determination of the propensities and interests of children

Everyday work with yourself and your drawbacks using other people’s practice and pieces of advices.


Definition of successful person

To begin with, I consider that the successful human-being is the self-made man which is happy and goal-seeking. That is the successful person is able to reach the worthy aims, and the people surrounding him will admit them. Besides, such a person is confident in himself, and so all his actions are meaningful and thoughtful. He never stops with the results previously achieved, and he constantly tries to cultivate himself. Additionally, the successful individual can transmute one’s dreams into real purposes.

7) Personal qualities of successful person

But what personal qualities must the successful and the strong person possess?

First of all, it seems to me, his power of will determines the success of all his beginnings. To my mind, he possesses heightened responsibility and self-control. Furthermore, the successful man or woman should develop such useful habits as:

Inclination for permanent learning, he is able to get new knowledge and change his mind in a good way.

Aspiration to leadership, he is active and he involves other people. Such a person knows how to overcome obstacles but he doesn’t expect miracles.

Being a dynamic personality, he leads a healthy lifestyle.

Clear daily routine. He necessarily make plans for his scheduled deals every day.

It’s important to note that the successful person must perceive any events, positive or negative, to be positive after all. He understands that these situations may be considered as beneficial experience. To my mind, the above person must always be friendly in order to make pleasure for other people and to achieve cooperation. He must be intelligent and charismatic.

8) Family significance

I consider that the features of the successful person should be formed from the early childhood. It’s important that the childhood of a child must to be happy and safe. It means that the parents adore their children and they pay them enough attention. The child should be well-off for arising no inferiority complex. Moreover, one’s mother and father have to teach the children to control their wishes. The soul of the child should be formed in such a way that one must be able to soak goodness and to reject evil.

It’s advisable for the parents to direct the child to attend various special classes. He should find his preferable occupation and discover his own hobby in accordance with interests.

Besides, sport achievements impact positively on the individual. As a result, one feels more confident and relies on one`s inner strength. By the way, active attendance of sport events without omissions helps to form self-discipline. In general, sport learns how to work in a team.

9) Significance of education

It’s impossible to imagine the successful human being without having no perfect education. He must diligently and seriously learn, must be responsible and active. The successful person should take part in diverse creative events and competitions. This will allow one to get a good job and will ensure worthy occupation.

10) What are the ways how to become the successful person?

To my mind, first of all it’s necessary first to set real, attainable goals and one should realize them by all means. Moreover, one may gradually complicate the aims. In sucha way, the self-esteem of a person will be improved. It will create additional

motivation. I’m sure the person must struggle for his dream. One must get rid of one’s lack of self-confidence and laziness.

In order to understand better the way of maturing the successful person I would like to describe the Mozart’s biography.

As a child Volfgang Mozart displayed genuine interest in music hearing the sounds of the reverberating clavecin. The father noticed this and he began to teach him. It’s amazing how Mozart caught on fast. His extraordinary skill developed rapidly. Mozart never attended school because his own father taught him perfectly. By the way, the child fell into studying any subject with great passion. Volfgang Mozart was so firm of purpose that he sometimes covered all the surfaces of his room with mathematic writing. This is the exact example showing the role of family for forming the successful personality. As a result, his persistence and the parent’s help afforded him to develop the talent immensely and Mozart became the genius composer and musician.

What about our contemporaries? Let’s consider the biography of the excellent opera singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky. He was a real self-made man. And again the parents played the decisive role in his life. The father was a chemical engineer, but he loved signing and playing piano at home. So, the family has engendered Dmitry’s passion for music.

Though Dmitry Khvorostovsky had some problems at school, he never stopped to strive towards his dream. Unfortunately, being the perfect opera singer, he failed to enter in The Bolshoy Theater. This notwithstanding, he reached the worldwide fame and had a great success.

I’m convinced that the family and special personal qualities promote achieving the incredible heights. The person of success never takes thought for giving up. In due time, he necessarily will become a really useful member of the society.


Undoubtedly, almost all people aspire to become the persons of success. But very often they fail to reach wishful results because of difficulties occurring in their life.

It seems to me the family must support children’s reverie and help their dreams to come true. As for my parents, they worry much about my future. That’s why my father and mother tried to develop my different capabilities. I had total freedom concerning my right for choice. I was involved in dancing, singing, drawing, sports and so on. So, I’m able to choose the suitable sphere of interests.

Frankly speaking, I have some lack of self-control, self-confidence and perseverance.

I feel like giving a few pieces of advice:

- be sure in your success

- keep your day schedule

- never compare yourself with other persons

- improve oral speech, get rid of undesirable worlds

- create useful habits

- watch yourself

If we follow these advice our life will be changed in a better way. Certainly, even every little step is important in order to reach our success.

I would like to site the words of such a prominent person as M. Cervantes, the famous Spanish writer: «Nothing is impossible to a willing heart». And additionally, the words of an outstanding English politician Winston Churchill: «Success is movement from failure to failure without missing enthusiasm».

I share the opinions of both of them because everybody is a maker of his own destiny.




А. Шитикова «Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт»

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