Убийцами рождаются или становятся?

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Убийцами рождаются или становятся?

Романова П.К. 1
1МБОУ СОШ школа №15
Черкашина С.Ф. 1
1МБОУ СОШ школа №15
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя III степени
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The emergence of new technologies has opened up new opportunities for humanity. They even help to go deep into the subconscious of a person, and this moves psychology and psychiatry forward. In my project, I am going to answer the question "Are killers born or made?" using the knowledge gained by scientists and psychologists during a lot of research, as well as real stories of famous serial killers.


I will consider the problem of committing serial murders and draw an analogy between genetic factors and external causes


I use the following problem analysis methods in my work:

Search for the necessary information on the Internet

Identifying cause-effect relationships


To my way of thinking, there are not even two absolutely identical people in the world, because each individual is born with a unique set of qualities and characteristics of character and psyche. The formation of man begins from the moment of his conception and prenatal development. Therefore, it is impossible to predict how a person will live his life and what model of behavior he will choose based on his personal qualities.

The crimes of serial killers have always amazed and huffed the public with their cruelty and inhumanity. That's why serial killers seem to people almost insatiable monsters with fangs and red eyes who go out to a hunt for people with hatred for all living things. But in reality it is almost impossible to distinguish a serial killer in a crowd, as much as it looks like ordinary people. Honestly saying, that is quite frightening: he can be a student, colleague, neighbor, and even someone from friends. Moreover, serial killers are often creating a good impression people from loving families. It is difficult to believe in the murders of such friendly and kindly people. However, while reading about their crimes, hair stands on end. What causes such deviations? Congenital propensity or environmental influences?



Serial killers are distinguished by crime:

Hedonists, who commit crimes for pleasure. Murder is considered a way to meet their needs.Some kill for sexual pleasure, others seek material or personal gain, the third motive is to inflict suffering on another person, outrage upon the victim

Visionaries. They commit murder “at the instigation” of God or the Devil, they hear voices, they suffer from hallucinations.

Missionaries. They kill for a specific purpose. In some cases they try to improve the world, change society for the better. The victims of this type of killers are mostly women of easy virtue, homosexuals, people of different religions with

them. Moreover, such criminals are often not mentally ill. They believe that their actions will be able to change the world for the better.



Quite often, various infectious diseases that can directly affect the brain cause the pathological changes in the patient's mind. Also the cause of such disorders can be exposure to various chemicals, these substances can be drugs, and food components, and industrial poisons. This factor also includes the situation when the mother of a person during pregnancy is exposed to toxic industrial fumes and other substances, and this has a direct impact on the further development of the fetus.

Moreover, as a result of various traumatic brain injuries, passing, prolonged and chronic mental disorders, sometimes quite severe, can occur. Brain oncology and its other gross pathology are almost always accompanied by one or another mental disorder. In addition, various defects and abnormalities in the structure of the brain go along with mental disorders.

In addition, burdened heredity increases the risk of developing mental illness, but not always. Some kind of mental pathology can appear if it has been encountered in previous generations, but it can also appear if it has never existed. The influence of the hereditary factor on the development of mental pathology is still far from being studied.

All these harmful factors can, under certain conditions, cause a mental disorder; under other conditions, they can only contribute to the onset or worsening of the disease.


Siberian scientists have investigated 161 criminals and concluded that potential maniacs have a genetic predisposition to aggression, and the D4 dopamine receptor gene is to blame for this. One of its effects is thinking outside the box that pushes crime.

To my way of thinking, if everything was so simple, then all serial killers, including potential, can be caught by the presence of a particular gene. It sounds like a solution to the problem, but not all people with such a gene will necessarily commit or have already committed a murder. I adhere to the point of view that such a predisposition may never manifest itself in a person’s life. But some provocative situation or event may cause its aggravation, and the situation will get out of control.


One of the innate factors that can affect the development of a serial killer is psychopathy. This is a pronounced antisocial personality disorder, which creates serious obstacles to adaptation in society. It is expressed in the totality of such features as heartlessness towards others, reduced ability to empathize, inability to sincere repentance of harming other people, deceit, self-centeredness and superficiality of emotional reactions. However, it is important to understand that not all psychopaths are serial killers, and not all serial killers are psychopaths.

One of the most famous and dangerous serial killers, Ted Bundy, was a psychopath. Bundy confessed to 30 murders, but he never repented of his deed. He led a family life, dressed with a needle, was liked by women and was the soul of the company. None of the victims could not have imagined that he was talking to a psychopath who was ready to do everything to satisfy his fantasies. The psychopath makes an

impression of a warm and sincere person, and it was precisely this quality that Ted Bundy used to lure his victims and remain uncaught for a long time.



In this case, we can consider both the experienced violence and its observation.

In the first case, in childhood, sexual, physical and / or mental violence was used against a serial killer. Of course, this is not the best way to influence the development of the future personality. A child subjected to violence in the family may develop an “inferiority complex”, he is prone to solitude, fantasies, as well as aggression and antisocial behavior. At the same time, aggression can be directed both against others and against itself.

Childhood violence affected the subsequent life of the following serial killers:

John Gacy, who killed and raped 33 young people, was seduced by a father’s friend as a child.

Edmund Kemper, who killed 6 girls, his own grandparents, his mother and her friend, was bullied as a child, even though he was big and strong. In addition, his mother, who suffered from alcoholism, often screamed at him for no reason, and also forced him to sleep in the basement.

A considerable influence is exerted by the violence seen in childhood with my own eyes. Here we can take as an example the story of Richard Ramirez, convicted of killing 13 people and other crimes. At about the age of 10 he began to spend a lot of time with his cousin Miguel Ramirez, a Vietnam veteran. After returning from the

war, Miguel bragged about the stories of how he tortured and killed enemy soldiers and showed the young brother polaroid pictures of the maimed war victims. In 1973 Richard witnessed a quarrel between his cousin and his wife. The quarrel ended with Miguel killing his wife by shooting her point-blank in the face. This situation greatly influenced Richard's psycho-emotional state.


From my personal point of view, a situation in the family and relationships with its members have a considerable influence on a person. It has long been known that in dysfunctional families with a lack of love and care, children become bitter and embittered. In my experience, in such families the child is undesirable, so he acutely feels the indifferent attitude of parents. As a result, such negative aspects as self-doubt, bad behavior, selfishness or a feeling of lack of demand in society develop.


Human is a bio-social being which means that he cannot live without companionship. Communicating with the team, a person acquires new knowledge and experience and shares his thoughts and emotions. Socialization is especially important in childhood and adolescence, when personality is formed. However, conversation with peers is not always successful.

I'm utterly convinced that most of the difficulties in communication in adolescents are associated with violations in the passage of the regulatory crisis. If crisis results in the formation of a weak identity in a teenager, he will resort to self-isolation or enter into superficial contacts that do not bring him satisfaction and feelings of intimacy.

Difficulties in communication often occur in adolescents with an uncertain identity. They are dissatisfied with themselves in general or, perhaps, with their appearance, feel their difference from their peers.

Separately, it is worth mentioning child bullying, which most often occurs in school. A teenager becomes an outcast because he is unlike the other students. Children can be more violent than adults because, unlike the latter, they do not fully realize how a person suffers from such an attitude and what can happen in the end. Harassment can be expressed in insults, carping and even beatings. The injured teenager feels superfluous and unnecessary, he often has few friends. The victim of children's bullying is often not satisfied with his life and does not hope for good changes. This is a trauma that extends not only to youthful years, but also for the rest of his life.


According to the FBI, more than 70% of serial killers had problems with substance abuse (drugs). While only a few serial killers actually became addicted to alcohol and drugs, many of them faced them in their youth. Drugs kill a huge number of brain cells and violates the psychological perception of reality. In addition, the moral principles of the addict vary greatly under the influence of psychotropic drugs. Those acts and thoughts that yesterday seemed unacceptable are today perceived as self-evident.

Richard Chase, the killer of 6 victims, started drinking heavily and taking drugs from the age of 15. And Richard Ramirez, who was already mentioned earlier, started using soft drugs and smoking marijuana at the age of 10. He became addicted to heavier drugs later.



Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that a clear answer to the question of how a serial killer is formed does not exist. Some people may have a congenital pathology, but it does not make itself fell and a person lives a normal life. Otherwise, life circumstances leave their imprint on the person and a terrifying tendency to violence gradually begins to show itself. As far as I'm concerned, this phenomenon can be compared with the effect of a snowball when small unpleasant things eventually develop into an intractable problem. In our case in a brutal maniac terrorizing people.


Having identified the causes of cruelty and aggression among the murderers, we can change the situation. It is worth mentioning Richard Ramirez’s quotation: “The serial killer is the result of circumstances. And it appears like a prescription: poverty, drugs, violence ... You know, all those things that contribute to the formation of personality and entail anger and frustration. And then at some point in his life, he just explodes." We cannot predict genetics but we can do something to prevent the appearance of aggressive and capable of killing people. First of all, every person needs to understand that any psychological violence inevitably harms another person. It is important to instill in children that differences in appearance, character, hobbies, the material situation of the family, and so on should not be grounds for harassment.

Parents, in turn, should understand that every child needs tenderness and love, and hugs and kind words are an obligatory part of education. I tell you what I think, that the most difficult to solve is the problem of alcoholism. Some people think that they can always engage in dangerous addiction, but it delays them even more.

Therefore, this issue should be given a huge impact, while the person is in adolescence. It is necessary to inspire him aversion to alcohol and drugs. In addition, it seems to me, it is worth strengthening control over the distribution of drugs and the amount of alcohol produced. If it was my power, I would increase the term of punishment for storing illegal drugs, and also introduce a system of coupons for strong alcoholic beverages, so that adults can drink only a limited amount of alcohol per year or month. I think it would solve the problem of drunkenness.

We will not be able to get rid of these negative factors in a short period of time, but even the slightest efforts in the future guarantee a positive result.








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