Education in Russia and Great Britain

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Education in Russia and Great Britain

Бегун Ю.О. 1
1МАОУ СОШ №3 г.Щелково ЩМР МО
Говорова А.И. 1
1МАОУ СОШ №3 г.Щелково ЩМР МО
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Education in England and in Russia

Education in England and in Russia.

I am Julia Begun, a student of 8"B" class from the Moscow region decided to conduct research and learn about the similarities and differences of education in Russia and the UK on the basis of reliable sources.

Russia and England – are absolutely different countries. Each country has its culture, customs and traditions. I could choose another theme for my project, but I am interested exactly in education. I would like to compare the systems of education in these countries.

Education in England.

At the age of 2 years children go to the kindergarten, where they learn to read and write. The load is small, mainly monitor the discipline and upbringing. Staying in the kindergarten is not free: the state pays only 15 percent , the rest you pay yourself.

Secondary education in England includes four main stages (Key Stages): primary from 5 to 7 years and from 7 to 11, secondary for children from 11 to 14 years and from 14 to 16. Core Subjects change with age: in primary school children learn English, mathematics, history, geography, music, industrial technology and the arts;at the age of 11 students begin to study mathematics and science (there are also optional subjects which students can choose on their own, depending on what they like or what they want to do in future);from 14 to 16 years students are preparing for the exam GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).Those who are planning to get to work, go to professional colleges. After 2 years of training, they receive GNVQ's (certificate of secondary special education) or BTEC'S (diploma of secondary technical education). Those who are interested in further admission to the University, remain at school in the Sixth form. During this period – 16 to 18 years – students are preparing for the delivery of A-levels in selected subjects.The academic year in the English school is divided into trimesters, the duration of each is 12 weeks. The number of lessons depends on the age of the students, but always includes creativity and sports. In England there are municipal and private schools: private schools have a separate education (boys and girls separately).The assessment system in British schools is alphabetic: from “A*” (excellent) to “ U “ (extremely unsatisfactory). Some private schools give a second grade – for diligence, from 1 (active work and interest in the subject) to 5 (the student does not try). The system of higher education in the UK is considered to be one of the most advanced in the world – this is demonstrated by the world rankings of higher education institutions.The sector of higher education in the country include:

~classical universities and University colleges, in which much attention is paid to research activities.

~polytech institutes and colleges of higher education, where they train specialists in applied specialties.

Training includes 3 stages:

Undergraduate (3 years except Scotland), graduate (1-2 years) and doctoral (2-3 years). The academic year consists of 3 trimesters. Classes are held in both classical formats of lectures and seminars. Students' academic performance is assessed by intermediate work and the results of final exams.Students from all over the world come here for the quality of education, ready to pay a lot of money for a diploma: a year of study in an English University costs from 10 000 to 25 000 pounds. Education in England is not for the poor people.

Education in Russia.

In Russia children go to kindergarten at the same age as in England. In Russia kindergartens are unexpensive, within 3 thousand, there are no free ones. There is a discount for parents of 2 or more children. And private kindergartens cost from 25 thousand, but if there is a registration in the Moscow region, the state pays 30% of the cost.

The training system is exactly the same as in England. After kindergarten children go to school. In Russian school there are 3 levels - primary, secondary and senior level. Primary link lasts from the 1st to the 4th grade: students learn basic subjects (Russian language, mathematics, music, drawing, etc.); the middle link begins with the 5th and finishes with the 8th grade: at this point student begin to study a lot of new subjects (biology, history, physics, chemistry, geography, etc.).Senior level continues from 9th to the 11th grade: after the 9th grade students can leave school and go to college (so they will receive only secondary education); if a student wants to get higher education, he finishes 11the grade and receives a diploma of leaving school.In Russia the scoring system is:"5" is put for an excellent answer and "2" - for unsatisfactory one. Students are evaluated by the quality of the research and answers during the lesson. The teacher can give a grade from "1" to "5".After leaving school, students can go to college or institution. Education can be free or paid: if you pass the entrance exams well, you study on a budget (free). After completing these educational institutions, you can go to work, but the type of work depends on the education received. Interesting fact:students, who come to Russia to study from other countries will not be able to enroll in free education and will not be able to qualify for free accommodation (even if they pass exams for higher scores), because in Russia there is a law confirming that foreign students who come to Russia must pay for their own education (because they are not citizens of Russia);

So,now we can look at the table below:

Education in Russia and England:similarities and differences

The object of comparison




Go in kindergarten at the same age.In both countries there are private kindergartens.



Pupils in both countries learn the same subjects. Passobligatory exams in both countries.

In England pass three exams:GCSE,GNVQ's,BTEC'S. In Russia two:OGE and EGE. Also in England pupils in primary school themselves choose a subjects, which they would learn. In England children go to school in 5 years and after graduation pupils can work without education. Different systems of assessments.

university, college

In both countries pass entrance exams.The same form of education.

There is free education in Russia (if you pass exams very well). In England very pricy education and educationconsists of 3 trimesters.

And in conclusion, I would like to say, that as you can see from the material, education in Russia and the UK has its similarities and differences, but the main thing is that the level of education in both countries is at a very high level in the world.

The list of used literature and sources:

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