Политическая корректность как языковое явление в США

VII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Политическая корректность как языковое явление в США

Ларин В.А. 1
1МОУ СШ № 83 Центрального района Волгограда
Павлова И.Ю. 1
1МОУ СШ № 83 Центрального района Волгограда
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The concept of political correctness over the years has been the subject of study and discussion of leading domestic and foreign researchers. The events of recent decades in the social, political and economic spheres have led to a sharp migration of representatives of various ethnic groups. Currently, as a result of this process, there is an extremely high interest in the study of cultures of different nations at both the state and household levels. Numerous publications in various media channels demonstrate the relevance of politically correct vocabulary. In the interaction of people in various fields of activity (literature, cinema, television, etc.), the main condition for effectiveness is primarily the dialogue of different cultures and tolerance, which determined the relevance of the topic we have chosen, while at the same time emphasizing the practical value and theoretical significance the results of our research.

Object of the study: political correctness as a linguistic and cultural-behavioral category.

Subject of research: content, functions and means of expressing the category of political correctness in American linguistic culture.

The hypothesis of the study: political correctness is a language and cultural-behavioral category, which has a certain content and means of expression.

Objective: to study the phenomenon of "political correctness" in American society, its influence on modern American English and the picture of the world of its speakers.

In accordance with the goal in research work the following tasks are solved: 1). Consider the history of the study, the development of the concept of "political correctness", its manifestation in the world, the criticism of this phenomenon in the United States; 2). Consider the concept of "political correctness", including in the lexicographic aspect; 3). Explore the content, functioning, and language means of expressing political correctness (euphemisms) in American English; 4). Identify and analyze the language means of representing political correctness on the example of contemporary journalistic texts, US television programs, as well as on the basis of the results of the research conducted by interviewing English-speaking and Russian-speaking respondents; 5). Based on the material of the study, study and compare specific cases of manifestation of the category of “political correctness” in the context of comparison of journalistic and colloquial styles of American English.

Research methods: observation, descriptive-analytical method; continuous sampling method; comparative method (derivational and component analysis), statistical method.

Research material: data of British and American explanatory, linguistic and cultural dictionaries, texts published in influential American periodicals, (1991-2019, 180 articles), data of sociological surveys conducted in the USA in 2018. The study analyzed more than 40 issues of American talk shows: «TheLarryKingLive», «The Ellen DeGeneres Show», «Late Night with Seth Meyers», «The Oprah Winfrey Show» from 1992–2018, about 50 speeches at the TED conference between 2014–2018, and a survey of 78 English-speaking and 30 Russian-speaking respondents (US citizens between the ages of 17 and 64).

Scientific novelty: a study of the diversity of politically correct language units not only on the material of publications of a number of influential American publications, but also on the material of contemporary American television shows, public speeches of famous and respected Americans, and native English speakers who live in the USA today - representatives of various professional fields activities, ethnic and gender groups with the subsequent identification of those language units that have taken a strong place in the current vocabulary composed of modern American English.

Theoretical significance: the use of theoretical findings in subsequent studies of political correctness.

Practical value: the use of research results in practical classes of the English language and elective courses at school, as well as in higher educational institutions (journalism, linguistics), theory and practice of intercultural communication in the practice of translation, lexicology, stylistics, and political science in the USA.

Testing: some research materials were presented at conferences and competitions of research works of schoolchildren of Volgograd and Moscow in 2019.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of political correctness

1.1 Sources and development of the concept of “political correctness” in the United States

Political correctness is defined as a linguistic-culturological phenomenon that has become prevalent throughout the world. It appeared in the USA thanks to three social movements: the university movement, feminism and the struggle of national minorities for deracialization and equality of language. Today politically correct language and rules of conduct are valid not only in the United States, but also in other Western countries.

In the 1990s, political correctness became common practice for the public. V.V. Panin in his work clearly showed that modern newspapers in the United States practically do not use politically incorrect words, although in the middle of the 19th century, their use was common practice.

The main reasons for the spread of political correctness in the United States include the following factors: 1) The United States grants its citizens a high level of individual and collective freedoms, due to which the society has a large number of organizations involved in protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, national minorities, animals, etc.; 2) the multinational population of the United States requires that society take into account the interests of absolutely all ethnic groups living in the United States, especially such as the Indians, Hispanics and African Americans.

Initially, political correctness in the United States was directed against prejudice in matters of sexism, ethnicity, and race. At the moment, given the expansion of this concept to the totality of linguistic and cultural-behavioral social norms, it includes non-discrimination not only on national, racial, sexual characteristics, but also in appearance, health status, age, social status and many other featured.

1.2 Manifestations of political correctness in the world

Political correctness is not exclusively an American-English idea. A number of Russian linguists note that this phenomenon is international in nature. American English only involves other societies in this movement. Globalization and imitation of American society and lifestyle also contribute to this. This is clearly visible in the countries of Western Europe (in Germany, France, etc.).
In modern Russia, politically correct terms also appeared, such as “инклюзивноеобразование” (“inclusive education”), “лицокавказскойнациональности” (“person of Caucasian nationality”), “бомж (“homeless”) and others. However, at the moment in Russian there is only a small group of words and expressions, mainly euphemisms, which in some contexts can be interpreted as politically correct: “малоимущие” (“poor”), “людистаршегопоколения” (“older people”), “людисограниченнымифизическимивозможностями” (“people with disabilities”). It should be noted that the media traditionally occupies an active position in terms of building up and promoting specific politically correct vocabulary. Thus, one of the most recent examples of politically correct terminology is the expression “financial operations of the private sector” instead of the former name “финансовыеоперациичастногосектора (“import / export of capital”) introduced by the Central Bank of Russia as a result of a record outflow of capital from Russia by the end of 2018 (“On Improving Publication of Statistics of the External Sector”, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Press Service, December 28, 2018)

1.3 Criticism of political correctness in the United States

Definitely, the goal of the movement for political correctness is the desire to eradicate social and racial injustice in society. To this end, new terms are introduced in the language sphere, and discriminatory laws are being sought in the political arena. However, over time, political correctness in modern American English becomes censorship - tight social control of the speech situation and self-control of one's own speech inevitably leads to public censure.

A policy aimed at eliminating racism and sexism from the language leads to the removal of “politically incorrect” texts from educational programs, moreover, students decide for themselves whether the text is such. So, the works of such famous authors as D. Austin, D. Byron, D. Milton, W. Shakespeare, M. Twain and others fall into the banned lists. As an example of a literary work that is highly recommended for exclusion from the educational program in US schools, are works by J. R. R. Tolkien (Appendix 1)

Ideas of political correctness brought to the extreme point are sometimes the object of caustic ridicule. Chicago writer and actor James Finn Gardner rewrote the most famous tales in a politically correct language, and his book Politically Correct Bedtime Stories. The excerpts from these so-called "politically correct" fairy tales quite colorfully demonstrate the tendency of political correctness, brought to the point of absurdity (Fig. 1-2, Appendix 2).

Chapter 2. Political correctness as a phenomenon of language and culture in the USA

2.1 the Concept of political correctness in the lexicographic aspect

The study of the phenomenon of political correctness is mainly devoted to the work of American scientists (D. Ravich, D. Adler, A. Blum, D’Souz, D. Leo, D. Taylor, S. Walker, and others).

Let us define the term political correctness of a language - “the desire to find new ways of linguistic expression instead of those that hurt the feelings and dignity of an individual, infringe upon his human rights with his usual linguistic tactlessness and / or directness regarding race and gender, age, health status, social status, appearance, etc. "[Ter-Minasova 2008].

In the course of our research work, English-speaking respondents were asked to answer the question “What does it mean to be politically correct”? (Appendix 3). As a result of the survey, 88% of our respondents answered that this means replacing words that may seem offensive to the interlocutor to neutral ones, 46% determined that being politically correct means distorting, disguising a subjective attitude to something in order to meet generally accepted norms.

On the basis of the material studied and the information obtained during the survey of respondents, we have identified two main points:

1. Political correctness is closely connected with politics and ideology, it is considered as a cultural-behavioral phenomenon;

2. Some linguists highlight the linguistic aspect of political correctness, manifested in the search for new language tools and changes in the language code.

Some Russian scientists dealing with the problem of political correctness (A.V. Ostroukh, Yu.L. Gumanova) consider that in their main functions the politically correct vocabulary is similar to euphemisms - “emotionally neutral words / expressions that are used instead of synonymous words or expressions who appear to the speaker indecent, rude, or tactless” [Gumanova 1999].

Based on the studied works of famous scientists, as well as additional linguistic sources and specialized dictionaries, euphemisms were divided into the following groups:

I. Euphemisms, directly reflecting the ideas of political correctness, that is, mitigating various types of discrimination. This group consists of several subgroups: 1). euphemisms that eliminate racial and ethnic discrimination (Jewish person, Afro American); 2). euphemisms that mitigate gender discrimination, created to raise the status of women and eliminate sexism in the language (firefighter, flight attendant, domestic partner); 3). euphemisms that mitigate age discrimination (golden ager, citizen); four). euphemisms against appearance discrimination (big, big-boned, full-figured); five). euphemisms against health discrimination (physically challenged, immuno-compromised); 6). euphemisms created to exclude discrimination on social status (low-income (instead of poor), economically disadvantaged, vehicular consultant); 7). euphemisms against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation (gay, alternative life); eight). euphemisms associated with the protection of the environment, the animal world (animal companion, free-roaming animal (instead of wild animal);

Euphemisms, correlated with the ideas of political correctness, among which stand out: 1). euphemisms that distract from negative economic consequences (to downsize, period of negative economic growth); 2). euphemisms aimed at covering the anti-human policy of the state, aggressive military actions (limited air strike, pacification, air support).

2.2 Means of linguistic expression of political correctness

During the study of American contexts, we identified, analyzed, and classified the means of linguistic expression of political correctness. (Appendix 4)

1. Vocabulary aimed at eliminating discrimination on the basis of race. As we noted earlier, the reason for introducing this vocabulary into speech is the historical aspect - the period of slavery in the United States. Among the first politically correct language units to designate members of the non-white race are person / people of color.

At the moment, the most common are the appeals of African American / Afro-American. The latest official appeal to the black population of America is considered to be “The representative / member of the African-American Diaspora”, which appeared in connection with the pressure of the Black Radicals.

Representatives of indigenous Indian tribes received their politically correct appeal First Nation, Native American or American Indian. Native Alaskan and Alaskan Native are customary to talk about indigenous Eskimos, and Inuit, if we are talking about a Canadian Eskimo. To appeal to representatives of China, it is politically correct to use the lexemes of Asian-American / Asian American, Chinese American. Latino person / Latino citizens / Latino appeals are used for immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean. To address the representatives of the Jewish population, the phrase Jewish people / Jewish person is currently used as the correct alternative to the word Jew, which has a negative connotation in the English language (to jew, to jew down - “beat down the price, cheat”).

To avoid insulting religious feelings, it is currently incorrect to use the word Christmas as part of a greeting greeting and propose replacing it with Happy Holidays, Winterval (winter + festi) val, Season's Greetings.

2. Vocabulary aimed at eliminating discrimination based on gender. In our opinion, the use of this vocabulary is intended primarily to take into account cultural, social and political changes in society, for example, women's struggle for equality.

The main innovations should be considered:

1). Appearance of Ms treatment instead of the usual Miss / Mrs (as determining the marital status of a woman), excluding the assignment of a woman to married or unmarried women;

2). Words containing -man are excluded from use and are replaced by –person (gingerbread man - gingerbread person). Modern feminists are actively working on the development and introduction to mass use of neologisms that exclude discrimination on the basis of sex, but many of them do not find application in modern American English: wofem / womban / womon (woman); wimmin / wimyn / womyn (women); herstory / hystery / his’n’herstory (history); womage (manage), which was confirmed by us in the study of research materials.

3). Regulates the use of personal pronouns, directly pointing to the male gender - "he". The introduction of the alternative pronoun "thon", "ve", "heshe" and others is proposed to replace "he" in situations when it comes to people of either sex. However, it becomes more familiar and less radical to replace the pronoun “he” by “they” / “he or she” / “someone” / “everybody” or exclude any hint of gender from the sentence;

4). It is recommended to exclude non-politically correct names of professions with suffixes, which designate the distinction of specialists for people of different sexes (-or, -er / -ess / ette): for example, with the word “actron” replace the words “actor” / “actress”, “waitron” - “waiter” / “waitress”;

5). In order to exclude a “derogatory” attitude of women towards the feminist movement, it is proposed to exclude from the use of such words as “honey”, “sweetie”, “broad” (girlfriend), “chick” (girl), and others in situations where the speaker does not have a close relationship with the woman, as offensive language units;

6). It is proposed to replace the word "girl" with the word "woman" when referring to adult women.

3. Vocabulary aimed at eliminating discrimination of socially vulnerable groups of the population.

1). In order to eliminate age discrimination, supporters of the political correctness movement pay special attention to the word “old”, as a term having a negative association with old age (“loneliness, illness, loss of opportunities and abilities”) and replacing it with senior / the seniors and the elderly / the elderly, and the term “old age” is defined by the phrase “advanced age”. Neologisms offered by specialized explanatory dictionaries (longer-living, chronologically gifted, experientially enhanced, seasoned, golden age) have not been widely used among native speakers.

2). In order to eliminate discrimination on the basis of health, political correct lexemes are also introduced. Appealing to them as disabled is not just unacceptable, it is simply perceived in society as a manifestation of absolute ignorance. The most common appeal to people with physical disabilities is “physically challenged”, i.e. “People overcoming difficulties because of their physical condition.” Phrase combinations such as disabled people, physical disability, special needs, differently abled, mentally, as well as person difficulties and learning problems have also become common.

3). In order to eliminate discrimination on the basis of nonstandard appearance, for example, in relation to people with overweight, the most correct treatment was the language units “big”, “plus-size”.

4. Vocabulary aimed at eliminating discrimination against members of the flora and fauna. So, supporters of the movement of political correctness of domestic animals are urged to call animal companions (“animal companions”), not the word “pet”, but domestic plants - plant companions (“botanical / floral companions”).

The international social movement Greenpeace also influenced the input and use of specific “environmental” euphemisms that would reflect “environmentally correct speech” - “environmentally correct / correct thinking and lifestyle”: “Biodegrade”, “ Environmentally-friendly, Ozone friendly, CFC free, Good wood, Ethical wood / managed wood. However, “environmental political correctness” is noted only in specialized, thematic contexts. In wide use by native speakers is not seen.

5. Vocabulary aimed at eliminating discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. We noted the fact that a group that resonates in society along with ethnic and gender groups that advocate equal treatment - a group that represents sexual minorities - is represented by a small amount of politically correct vocabulary (“alternative lifestyle”, “gay”, “lesbian” “Transsexual”)

In American society, the adoption of the fact of changing sex at any age is actively broadcast. Corresponding information boards are installed in public places (“Gender Neutral Restroom”). However, according to our respondents, the issue of gender self-determination is still causing aggression by certain groups of the US population, especially territorially living further from the administrative center.

According to the data obtained in the course of our study, there is no hard limit on the gender-based definition of partners in same-sex relationships, appeals to each other constitute “wife” / “husband”, “boyfriend” / “girlfriend”.

2.3 Representation of the concept of political correctness in the context of the comparison of journalistic and colloquial styles of American English (according to the results of the study)

In the course of our research, English-speaking respondents were asked to answer questions that determine their personal attitude to the phenomenon of political correctness (Appendix 5). After conducting a survey in our study, we made the following conclusions:

1. The majority of respondents treat political correctness as a demonstration of a good upbringing of the speaker himself and a show of respect for the origins, attitudes, and religion of other people;

2. The use of politically correct vocabulary is not limited only to public places, it is also used in everyday life;

3. A significant part of the respondents expressed a negative attitude towards political correctness as a phenomenon in society due to the fact that, in their opinion, it restricts them in expressing their own opinions, imposes imposed censorship.

Next, we analyzed the contexts in American English in order to identify and analyze language means of representing political correctness in journalistic texts and colloquial speech in the United States, a comparative analysis of political correct language units of journalistic and colloquial styles (detailed results of the study can be found in the full version of our work ).

Thus, according to the results of our study, the issues of racial, gender discrimination, and discrimination on the basis of physical and psychological health and appearance are of the greatest real importance for modern Americans. At the same time, society broadcasts to the average American the need to “choose words” on a much wider list of issues. In this regard, the Americans, noting the absurdity of many of these restrictions and “guides”, sometimes come to the conclusion that sometimes it is easier not to get the “problem topic” at all, than to excel in politically correct word forms.

During the study of specialized literature, analysis of the contexts of periodicals and popular TV programs, as well as on the basis of the data obtained as a result of the survey, we identified the main politically correct terms and phrases that are freely and often used by native speakers in the following subject groups: “exception racial discrimination”, “exclusion of discrimination on the basis of sex”, “exclusion of discrimination on the basis of health”. Moreover, in connection with the results, we concluded that a small group of politically correct lexical units actually consolidated their positions in a conversational style, and the use of lexemes inherent in the journalistic style is not only perceived as inappropriate, but causes an extremely negative reaction. Thus, according to the results of the study, we found that euphemisms that exclude racial and ethnic discrimination (32%) and euphemisms that were created to eliminate discrimination on the basis of health (18%) predominate in the conversational style, while in publicistic style, euphemisms take the first place, mitigating gender discrimination (21%) (Picture 4-5, Appendices 6-7).

In our opinion, this fact is primarily related to the attitude of Americans to political correctness as a phenomenon in general (perception of it as imposing excessive censorship, violating the rights to freedom of speech, etc.) (Appendix 8), as well as to the situation of “one-sided” correction of the linguistic act (the use of politically correct units is compulsory for members of one race in relation to another, while intra-national circulation allows the use of “incorrect” vocabulary “nigga”, “black”, etc.) – according to the opinion of modern Americans because of “excessive excesses” of political correctness to the representatives of various racial, ethnic and gender groups, as well as representatives of the “alternative lifestyle”, a growing percentage of negativity towards them. So as a result, it is the “white straight man” that becomes a truly vulnerable member of contemporary American society, deprived of the right to self-expression as much as possible.


Summing up the study, it should be noted that we have achieved the goal we set, the hypothesis was confirmed: political correctness was defined as a linguistic and cultural-behavioral category, the content and means of expressing political correctness were identified and summarized.

In our opinion, respect for the representative of another culture, race, nationality, religion, gender, etc. It is an integral and important component of modern society. In this regard, correctness in the process of a language act is a determining factor for successful intercultural communication. It should be emphasized that in Russia there is definitely political correctness, but unlike the United States, it has not developed into an ideology.

In this paper, only politically correct units of American English were considered. Prospects for further study of the phenomenon of political correctness could be a detailed study of the use of this vocabulary in terms of its differences in comparison with Russia, as with a different culture, as well as in the context of different periods of development of this phenomenon in American society and the impact of this difference on changes in the means of political correctness.

List of sources and literature

Adler, J. Struggle against political correctness // America, September - 1993. - № 442. - c. 11 - 14

Adler J. Taking Offence // Newsweek. – 1990. – December, 24. – pp. 48-51.

Afanasyev, I.V. Euphemization as a means of formation of ethical standards in the speech behavior of students in English classes // Young Scientist. - 2015. - № 9. - c. 13

D’Souza D. Illiberal Education: the Politics of Race and Sex on Campus. – The Free Press, NY, 1991. – 250 p.

Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins by Robert Hendrickson (New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1997), p. 662. - 35

Gumanova, Yu.L. Political correctness as a sociocultural process (on the example of the United States): Dis. ... Cand. sociol. sciences. - M.: Moscow State University. Mv Lomonosov, 1999. - 157 c.

Larin, B.A. About euphemisms [Text] / Boris Aleksandrovich Larin // Larin B.A. Problems of linguistics: Coll. articles dedicated. 75th anniversary of Acad. I. I. Meshchaninov. - L.: Leningrad State University, 1961. - (Uchen. Zap. Leningrad. University, № 301: Ser. Filol. Sciences: Vol. 60). - p. 110-124.

Lobanova, LP. Caution: Political Correctness! // Verb. 2004. No. 9. http://www.glagol-online.ru/arc/n9/Politkor

Moskvin V. P. Euphemisms: system communications, functions and methods of education / V. P. Moskvin // Questions of linguistics. - 2001. - № 3. - P. 58–70.

Ostroukh, A.V. Political correctness in the USA: cultural aspect of the problem: Dis. Cand. filol. Sciences [Text] / A.V. Ostroukh - M., 1998. - 179 p.

Panin, V.V. Political correctness in the texts Мad Мedia., 2002. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://lingvoforum.ru (Contact date 25.09.18).

Retzker, Ya.I. Allowance for translation from English to Russian. - M.: 1982. - 159 p.

Shemsurenko, OV. Euphemisms through the prism of the theory of political correctness [on the material of American printed publications of the early twentieth century]: 2013 - p.144

Ter-Minasova, S.G. “Language and Intercultural Communication”. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 2008 - 352 p.

«Womyn'sCentre» [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа: https://womynscentre.wordpress.com/why-the-y/ (Дата обращения 14.12.18).

Appendix 1

... because of their contradiction to the principles of political correctness. The major shortcoming of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien is the declaration of the unconditional separation of positive and negative characters. Unlike modern authors of the fantasy genre (M. Weiss, K. S. Friedman, L. S. Roen), Tolkien doesn’t introduce into the narrative a single positive image of the so-called dark ones, moreover, any attempt at peaceful coexistence with representatives of a different world outlook is sharp condemned by him (the stories of Saruman, Denethor, Ted Pesoshkins). In addition, representatives of the so-called dark side are pointedly disgusting, both externally and internally.

Such an artistic decision can only be viewed as propaganda of fanaticism in its most gross and disgusting forms. In addition, the works of J. R. R. Tolkien are characterized by undisguised propaganda of national, racial, sexual, religious and sexual inferiority. It is characteristic that all the positive heroes of Tolkien have a pronounced Caucasoid appearance, while all carriers of other types of appearance are negative characters: orcs (Mongoloid appearance), haradrim (African American appearance), Dunlanders (dravidic appearance). This allows us to classify works of Tolkien as falling under paragraph 12 of the Declaration on Information Security. Gender discrimination in Tolkien’s books is equally obvious: there are no women among the active characters in his books, in general women make up less than 10% of the total number of his characters. Some concession to public opinion is the image of Yovin - the princess-warrior, but by the end of the book the author gives her a passive character in marriage, thereby asserting the subordinate character of a woman in the world.Religious and sexual discrimination in the books of J. R. R. Tolkien is not so clearly manifested, but their existence is undoubted: the declaration of the existence of the only true religion, its moral and physical advantage over the rest, and targeted silence on the problem of non-traditional sexual relations are obviously discriminatory and contribute development of intolerance and fanaticism.”

(Source: Lobanova, LP. Caution: Political Correctness! // Verb. 2004. No. 9.


Appendix 2

Picture 1 - Collection of politically correct fairy tales in English

Garner J. F. Politically Correct Bedtime Stories, J. F. Garner

Picture 2 - Excerpt from the fairy tale "Snow White"

Источник: Garner J. F. Politically Correct Bedtime Stories / J. F. Garner. – Souvenir Press, 1994 – 79 p.

Appendix 3

  “What does“ being politically correct ”mean? (Question 1 of the questionnaire)

Picture 3 - The results of the survey of respondents (question 1 questionnaire questionnaire)

Appendix 4

Politically correct euphemisms identified during research

groups of euphemisms

use in publicistic style”

use in conversational style”

euphemisms that eliminate racial and ethnic discrimination






Cooper woman

Genetically oppressive

Ice people



Jewish person



Melanin impoverished

Member of the mutant albino genetic

Members of African diaspora/ Communities of African diaspora



Native Alaskan

Native American

Newly emerging peoples

Nonaboriginal Australians

Nonindigenous Americans

Nonminority impacted

Numerically challenged group

People first” wordings

Person of color

Person of noncolour

Skin- melaninated

Sun people


Ethnic cuisine                


Native Americans

Native speakers




People of colour

euphemisms that mitigate gender discrimination, created to raise the status of women and eliminate sexism in the language


Bartender/ Mixologist


Chief assistantright

Dinning room attendant

domestic partner (companion)

Earth children


Ego– testicle worldview




Flight attendant



Kin Literary person

Law enforcement officer



Nursery worker

Office assistant

Person of gender

Police officer



Sales associate

Sales worker


Sewing machine operator



Significant Other                         

Snow creation

Snow human

Snow icon

Snow person

Trash collector










Young female person

First Partner

Flight attendant



euphemisms that mitigate age discrimination

Chronologically gifted Citizen

Experientially enhanced

Golden ager

Increasingly distracted

Longer living


Middlescence senior




euphemisms against discrimination in appearance

Alternative body image

Alternative dentation


Comb– free

Cosmetically different

Dermatologically challenged

Differently hairsuite

Differently sized

Fat – Metabolic overachiever


Follicularly challenged

Hair disadvantaged

Heavily laden


Hispes survivor

Horizontally challenged

Larger-than-average citizen

Nondiscretionary fragrance

Person of size

Person of substance

Physically challenged

Vertically challenged

Vertically constrained

Vertically inconvenienced




euphemisms created to eliminate discrimination on social status

Assault with a deadly weapon

Cerebro-atmospheric individual

chronic underachiever

Client of the correctional system

Criminalized populations

Custody suite

Differently advantaged

Difficult to serve

Economically exploited

Economically marginalized


Guest in a correctional institution


Involuntarily undomiciled

Late developer

Less prepared individual

Low– income

Mentally challenged person

Neuronically challenged

Nonvagrant homed

Person of differing sobriety

Person of stupor

Person with a pharmacological preference

Persons with difficult-to-meet needs

Residentially flexible

Selectively perceptive

Socially misaligned person

Socially separated

Substance abuse survivor

Substance abusers

Temporally homed


Vehicular consultant



Low– income


euphemisms against health discrimination

Acceptional child

Aurally challenged

Aurally inconvenienced

Cerebrally challenged


Developmentally challenged

Differently abled

Emotionally different



Human difference



Mental activity at the margin

Mentally challenged


Optically inconvenienced

Orally challenged

Orthopedically impaired

People with special needs

Physically challenged

Physically different


Temporally able

Temporally able-bodied person

Uniquely abled


visually challenged

Visually oriented

Vocally challenged – having a speech impediment, mute


Special needs people


Physically challenged

Mentally challenged

euphemisms associated with the protection of the environment, wildlife

animal companion

free-roaming animal


animal companions

botanical companions

floral companions

human animal

nonhuman animal/being

animal guardian

environmentally correct speech



Ozone friendly

CFC free

Good wood

Ethical wood

managed wood


euphemisms against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation


alternative life




alternative life



euphemisms that distract from negative economic consequences

period of negative economic growth

to downsize



period of economic adjustment

negative cash flow


euphemisms aimed at covering the anti-human policy of the state, aggressive military actions

Aggressive defense

Preemptive counterattack

Air support

Armed reconnaissance



Arbitrary deprivation of life

Aversion therapy

collateral damage

Controlled flight into terrain

Failure to maintain clearance from theground



Energetic disassembly

Forest management

limited air strike

Mutually empowering shared experience


Painful procedures

Interrogation support

Enhanced interrogation technique

Service a target

Street orientation

Visiting a site


Appendix 5

We kindly ask you to take part in our survey.

Please, answer the questions:

1. What does “being politically correct” mean?


2. What is your personal attitude to political correctness?


3. Do you use politically correct terms and phrases? In what situations?


4. In what spheres of life is political correctness usually used by people?


5. In what spheres of life is political correctness used by you?


6. Do you feel comfortable when people use politically correct terms and phrases talking to you?


7. Give examples of politically correct terms and phrases that you use or hear most often:



Appendix 6

Picture 4 - The use of politically correct euphemisms in the journalistic style of American English

Appendix 7

Picture 5 - The use of politically correct euphemisms in the conversational style of American English

Appendix 8

«This is the kind where people are offended by common words or phrases, and throw tantrums about them. I don’t mean words that are obviously offensive, like racial slurs, I mean regular, common phrases, like the example another poster put up of Justin Trudeau saying you shouldn’t say “mankind.” And yes, people like this really exist, although thankfully not many.»

(Source: Comment from one of the respondents.)

«It means that someone doesn't want to say what they really mean, and find it advantageous to camouflage it by that gibberish phrase.», «It means that you have to please everyone regardless of what's fair and right. I hate political correctness.», «I am stronggly against political correctness and make an effort specifically to be unpolitically correct as a tribute to the freedom of speech», «To the best of my abilities I do not use politically correct terms and phrases», «I feel annoyed. Things are what they are. It is not offensive to say that a man with black skin is a black man.», «It is a growing cancer affecting all spheres of life»

(Source: Comment from one of the respondents.)

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