Cuba Plane Crash: Aero Caribbean Flight Goes Down With 68 Aboard

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Cuba Plane Crash: Aero Caribbean Flight Goes Down With 68 Aboard

Ахметзянова П.А. 1
1МБОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №31" г. Казани
Бикетова Я.О. 1
1МБОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №31" г. Казани
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This terrible plane crash happened in Havana-Cuba. A Cuban airliner flying from the eastern city of “Santiago de Cuba” to the capital crashed after declaring an emergency on November 4th, 2010 which is a Thursday. It said that there are 68 people on board of the plane. They also said that 28 of the travelers weren’t Cuban, they were foreigners. They didn’t mention if anyone on the plane has survived or not. The plane’s arrival time was supposed to be at 7:50 p.m but the emergency was reported at about 5:42 p.m. After the reported emergency, the land lost all contact with the people in the plane.

AeroCaribbean Flight 883 went down near the village of Guasimal in Santi-Spiritus province. Seven people on the plane were workers. Twenty eight people on the plane were foreigners and the other thirty-three were Cuban. A few of those foreigners were American citizens. That plane only flew twice a week from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to Santiago de Cuba to Havana. State media said that the plane was identified as ATR-72 twin-turboprop. The plane crash was near the Zaza reservoir, which is the biggest in Cuba. Authorities have mobilized doctors, paramedics, and emergency workers to the area of the crash which is about 200 miles from Havana. Relatives of those who were on the plane are standing in hope that maybe someone from the plane crash survived but the authorities said that the chances that anyone survived are very little. Investigation is in process at this moment. No one knows exactly what happened and what the causes of the crash were. The airplane company “Aero Caribbean” has postponed all of their flights because of storms in the flight zones.

This is the first plane crash in Cuba since 2002, when a plane with 16 people crashed into the same reservoir. There aren’t really any folktales this could possibly relate to but it relates to me, to the people who were on that plane and their relatives. It relates to me because when I was younger, I always wanted to be a pilot, but stories like this scare me and make me want to rethink what I want to be in the future. It also relates to the relatives that are in hope for those people on the plane to survive. It’s just sad that innocent people die for no reason in a plane crash. This happened on November 4th, 2010. I found this article on news source called “The Huffington Post “and it was written by Paul Haven.

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