Научно-исследовательская работа на тему:"Джинсы"

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Научно-исследовательская работа на тему:"Джинсы"

Козлова Е.С. 1
1МБОУ Лесногородская сош
Логвинова Л.А. 1
1МБОУ Лесногородская сош
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Цель исследования: выяснить, почему так много молодых и пожилых людей любят джинсы.


Перед автором были поставлены следующие задачи:

- изучить историю джинсов;

- узнать какие существуют виды джинсов;

- выяснить какие чувства и мысли вызывают джинсы;

- выявить преимущества и недостатки джинсов;

-провести опрос среди учащихся 5-11 классов.

Методы исследования: изучить литературу по данной теме, классифицировать виды джинсов, провести анкетирование среди учащихся по данной теме. В теоретической части работы представлен обзор литературы по теме, классифицированы виды джинсов, представлены различные точки зрения по данной теме. Практическая часть содержит описание опроса общественного мнения среди учеников школы. Работа представляет интерес для учащихся и их родителей, кто увлекается джинсами. Работа имеет практическую значимость, т.к. может использоваться на занятиях английского языка и других предметах. Работа оформлена грамотно и в соответствии с требованиями к работам такого типа. Следует отметить актуальность данного исследования. Оценка работы – отлично. Ученик самостоятельно провёл исследование, построил предположение и сделал выводы


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….…..2

History of denim …………………………………..………….……………........…....3

How it can be …………………………………………………………….….………...4

The Levi’s brand ……………………………………………………………………...5

Jeans in fashion ………………………………………………………………….…….6

Jeans in different countries ……………………...………..……………….....…..7-8

Clothing application …………………………………………………………..….9-11

Harmful clothes …………………………………………………………….……….12

Jeans’ symphony …………………………………………………………………….13

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….….....14

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………15

Appendix 1 ………………………………………………………...……….…. 16-18

Appendix 2 …………………………………………………………………..............19


Do you know what is «jeans»? Well, as a very narrow concept, it is a part of our casual wardrobe. These are trousers made of the jean, cotton fiber. But if we look at it a bit wider, we will understand it’s a long history about one of the most using clothes. It has many kinds and differences such as shape, colour, a way of producing, quality and etc. In different countries people have different attitude to it. As for me, jeans is something greatly and interesting. It’s amazing in all ways : history, comfort, producing. So I decided to show people that the thing they wear daily is incredible. That is why I am doing this project.

The Aim of the research :

to learn what is jean itself and how it affects our lives

The tasks of the research:

to learn the history of the jeans

to learn the kinds of jean

to see what is jean in modern world

to analyze all the materials collected and to sum everything up

The Hypothesis of the research:

jeans as one of the best material in ratio price/comfort

The object of the research : jeans

The subject of the research : the factors which motivate people to buy and wear jeans

The denim history

In the middle of the XIX century there was a man named Levi Strauss. He and his mother emigrated to USA to help his brothers with their business – selling fabric. When the Golden fever had begun, Levi decided to bring his goods to the West Coast of the US, to San-Francisco. The fiber was immediately sold out for making tents for miners. And as for the left material, he ordered to sew trousers, which appeared very comfortable and qualitative. In the 1853 Strauss found a firm named «Levi Strauss & Co» in San-Francisco. Even since now the most famous jeans-making company is named «Levi’s».

The word «jeans» itself is derivative coming from genes, which means Genoa in Italian – the city in the north of Italy. The cotton fiber made in Genoa was already famous in Europe in XVI century. The material was called gene in Italy, jane in France and jean in America. Originally, it was the name only of the fabric, but then people started naming the jean-made trousers as jeans

How it can be

Absolutely all kinds of jeans contain cotton. For making the denim – jean fabric – people use yarn. The finished threads are made by the yarn’s twisting. Then the fabric is dyed into the blue by using the indigo dye. Due to the colour and the consist jeans can be :

Denim – a dense, rough and blue material

C hambre – soft material

Jean – monophonic fabric

Stretch – cotton with the addition of lycra, elastic fiber

Natural stretch – elastic fiber without synthetics

Jean-silk – a smooth material with glossy shine

Aikru – not-dyed light-yellow cotton fabric

Jeans are also differed by their shape and the way they fit your body :

Slim – tapered fit, high rise and fully slinky jeans

Regular fit – classic jeans with five pockets, can taper

Loose fit – wide tubes-jeans

Skinny – narrow, slinky jeans

Low waist

High waist

Jeggins – the trousers between jeans and leggins

The Levi’s brand

As we have already mentioned, Levi Strauss was the person who found a new firm, which produced jeans. Nowadays his company is still alive and is the most popular jean-making brand all over the world. Today it doesn’t only make jean, they even started making other clothes using cotton. Those are T-shirts, snickers, jackets and sweatshirts.

The Levi’s jeans used to be very cheap and available for all. But when the company had grown and gained popularity, it extremely increased in price. So these days “Levi’s” is also one of the expensive brands, but people still like it. Today the owners of the company are Levi’s descendants, the chairman of the board of directors is Richard L. Kauffman and the CEO is John Anderson.

Jeans in fashion

The role of the jeans in modern fashion is defined as one of the most functional and comfortable wardrobe item. The last collections are full with new rainbow ideas and the classical denim. Today, one of the most stylish kind of fit is the high rise. This means the high level of jeans up to the waist. It becomes popular because of their ability of combinating with other clothes like shirts, singlets, T-shirts and etc.

The second popular jean-fit is the shortened jeans. Women all over the world adore it because it really matches with high-hill shoes. The next popularity-gaining denim is overalls, which are really common between teens. As for the last trend, it’s torn jeans. They look cool and ragged, so many girls prefer wearing it when it’s hot.

Attitude to jeans in different countries

People from countries in Europe prefer wearing jeans as a daily and casual clothes. They wear it to work, school and for walking. In my country, people wear jeans the same – it’s comfortable and good-looking. But Asia countries have another attitude to it. For example, people in Korea are not allowed to wear blue jeans, Japan society doesn’t admit jeans in school or work.

There’s another situation in USA. People here adore denim. It’s everywhere – advertisement, social media, shoes, bags and even as a food! The level of jeans’ development in this country is much higher. The most stylish women and other celebrities also wear jeans. For example, an extraordinary singer Lady Gaga, who always amaze people with her dresses, is a great fan of denim, but her look is still in her «crazy» style.

Clothing application

As I already mentioned, jeans can be used in many spheres, also including clothes. I was literally surprised to found out what can be made of it. To start with, there’s a huge usage of denim among military. Soldiers chose wearing jeans since the WW2, because it’s easy to produce, comfortable to wear and hard to cut. People in war used to wear jean as trousers and jackets, when it wasn’t very cold. In modern army there’s also a tendency of wearing denim. The only thing that is different between casual jeans and military ones is the colour – usually it is blue, but soldiers wear it in dark green or marsh.

The second clothing sphere is swimsuits. The jeans swimsuits are really getting popular within women nowadays.

Pets are also not the exception. Many people like buying their pet something pretty, and jean’s producers have gained benefit from it. How? They just started making new denim collections for our little friends.

Kids and their parents have also found a way of using denim. Many people are really keen on having hand-made stuff such as bracelets, necklaces and toys. So there also appeared a new trend of sewing toys including jean.

And as for the conclusion, jeans have a great demand between our old generation. Pensioners also choose jeans as a part of everyday look. Old people also want to be fashionable.

Harmful clothes

Nowadays most people like being stylish and fashionable, many want to be “catchy”, which means good-looking, attractive. But some of them don’t see the boundary between healthy fashion and harmful clothing. I want to tell you about one woman, whose aspiration of being gorgeous had led to great problems. She wanted to look as skinny as some celebrities and decided to change her look using very skinny jeans – jeggins. After a day of wearing it, she was brought to the hospital. Her neighbours found her laying on the ground just in front of her house. After a doctor’s check-up it was found out that her muscles were badly injured. She spent 5 days in a hospital and now nothing threatens her health.

According to the results of numerous studies, personal observations of beautiful ladies and doctors, jeans can be really dangerous to health. And it depends not so much on the quality of their tailoring as on the style. Today, at the peak of popularity are skinny jeans. Slips, rolls, jeggings can harm the health.

Jeans’ symphony

The jean-wave haven’t bypassed this huge realm – music. Many bands used jean in their look, songs or even in their whole career. Some of them have devoted songs or albums to jeans. One of these people was Alex Farnham, who wrote a song called “The jeans song”. Originally, he’s an actor, but he decided to show that acting is not his only talent. I enjoyed he’s song, because it’s positive and makes me dance.


To sum it up, I come to the conclusion that the jeans don’t have a great print in history, but it does have a great print in our life today. It was interesting to get to know something new about, because I like wearing it myself. It’s so surprising that a usual part of clothes became such a huge industry in our world. Jeans became something very common but unusual at the same time. There are so many kinds so you definitely find the one you’d like. You can even taste a denim cake or listen to a song about you trousers.

People choose jeans because of its comfort, look and its ability to go well with everything in your closet. You can wear it as trousers or as shoes, as jacket or as shorts. It’s popular because of a huge variety of shape. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine our world without this part of clothes, especially in summer.








Appendix 1

People in my hometown in jeans

Appendix 2

Do you like wearing jeans?

Which kind of jeans do you like wearing most of all?

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