Влияние алкоголя на организм человека

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Влияние алкоголя на организм человека

Тимофеева А.С. 1Еремина А.А. 1
1МАОУ "Лицей "Солярис"
Фролова Т.В. 1
1МАОУ "Лицей "Солярис"
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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Since ancient times, a people know a lot of toxic substances and many cases of their using. But there is a substance that is known in medicine as a strong protoplasmic poison. So, it is an ethanol which have bad influence on human’s health.

Ethanol, due to its physicochemical properties and biological and toxic effects, stands out sharply from a wide range of psychoactive compounds that have the ability to cause dependence.Systematic using of ethanol leads to the development of pathological processes in different organs and tissues of the body.

There are a lot of global problems in our world. One of them is excessive alcohol consumption. It is a very acute and urgent problem for all mankind.

The purpose of the work: to show the devastating effects of ethanol on the human body.

The objectives:

To study and analyze data on the causes of toxic effects of ethanol on the human body;

To explore the effects of ethanol on the human body;

To identify the causes of toxicity and effects of ethanol on the human body;

The hypothesis:alcohol has a negative effect on the human body.

1. Theoretical part

1.1. Description of the characteristics of ethanol

The structure. The molecule of ethanol consists of ethyl hydrocarbon radical that is connected with one gidroksipropil. The oxygen of the hydroxide group attracts the electron density of hydrogen hydroxide group and a nearby carbon atom. The oxygen has a partially negative charge, the hydrogen has a partially positive charge, the carbon atom restores the electron density due to the hydrogen and carbon atoms that are connected to it. The oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group has two unallocated electron pairs that is why the electronic bonds can be formed between the molecules.Therefore, ethanol has a unique solubility and a high penetrating power.

The physical properties. Ethanol is the inflammable colorless liquid with a characteristic odor and a boiling point of 78.3 Celsius. Ethanol can be mixed with water in any ratio.When 5 ml of liquid is mixing, the temperature rises to 32 Celsius. It shows that the formation of the hydrogen bonds between molecules of water and alcohol is an energy – efficient process.

The chemical properties. Ethanol has the properties of the monatomic alcohols. In addition, one of the most important properties of ethanol is the interaction with carboxylic acids. As a result, esters can be formed.

The reception. Production of ethyl alcohol is one of the oldest chemical reactions was discovered by mankind.Obtaining ethanol from solutions that contain carbohydrates is a rather difficult reaction that occurs in the presence of enzymes – special substances of natural origin that act as a catalyst. This process is calling as alcoholic fermentation: C6H12O6 = 2C2H5OH + 2CO2.

1.2. Ethanol in the human body

Let us trace the passage of ethanol in the human body:

1)Penetration through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach:

Ethanol enters the gastrointestinal tract burning the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus.

Digestive system:

Changes in some parts of the digestive system begin in the oral cavity, where alcohol suppresses secretion and increases the viscosity of secreted and swallowed saliva. Alcohol is quickly and completely absorbed in the stomach unlike many other substances. The mucous membrane of the stomach is irritated by excess alcohol that is why the functioning of the stomach is disturbed.

The composition of the released under the influence of alcohol gastric juice varies significantly. There become a lot of hydrochloric acid and little pepsin-an enzyme that breaks down proteins, resulting in a change in protein metabolism. The acid has a burning effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach, which can cause pain in it and contributes to the development of gastritis.Regular consumption of ethanol leads to atrophy of the stomach (reducing the size of the stomach).

2)Absorption into the blood:

After about an hour, ethanol reaches its maximum concentration in the blood,easily overcoming biological membranes. The small sizes, weak polarization of the ethanol’s molecules and the formation of hydrogen bonds with water molecules allow them to freely overcome the biological membranes of ethanol.

3) Admission to the functional systems of the body:

Cardiovascular system:

The concentration of ethanol in the blood in the body of a non-drinking person is constant from 0.003 to 0.006%. The concentration increases when people drink alcohol.The body quickly gets used to the increased content of ethanol in the blood and then the body reacts with painful changes whenthe concentration decreases. The increased ethanol content causes spasm of blood vessels and heart muscle, also there is a possibility of having a blockage of blood vessels and an acute heart failure.

When the amount of alcohol in the blood is about 0.04-0.05%, the cerebral cortex turns off, a person loses control of himself, loses the ability to reason.

When the concentration increases to 0.1% the deeper parts of the brain that control movement are suppressed.

If the concentration of alcohol in the blood is about 0.3% people but do not understand what they see and hear. This condition is calling as alcoholic tiredness.

The 0,4% blood alcohol content may cause loss of consciousness.

When the concentration is about 0,6-0,7%, a person can die.

Alcohol causes expansion of peripheral vessels getting into the blood.At the same time a person feels warm. However, the thermoregulation becomes disturbed that is why a person can die because he cannot feel cold.

Nervous system:

The alcohol quickly affects the brain and slows down the activity of nerve cells. A poisoning comes. The body slowly loses its sensitivity. Then thinking abilities begin to weaken. Also, the work of the cerebellum which is responsible for the coordination of movements is disturbed. It takes time for the nervous system to recover after poisoning. Alcohol contains in the brain for a long time.

Respiratory system:

Getting into the lungs, alcohol damages their tissue, making it vulnerable to microbes that cause lung diseases.


There is a neutralization of toxic substances entering the blood in the liver. The liver destroys alcohol at an almost constant rate. As a result, this process covers about 90% of alcohol, forming carbon dioxide and water as final products. The remaining 10% is excreted through the lungs, with sweat. If the amount of alcohol consumed exceeds the capacity of the liver, the cells are dehydrated; in that case alcohol is stored in the blood for a long time. This leads to severe consequences (cirrhosis or liver cancer) and even death.

Per day, the liver can dispose of 20g of ethanol to water and carbon dioxide:

C2H5OH + 3O2= 2CO2+ 3H2O

At great volumes of alcohol liver cannot cope with complete oxidation, so ethanol is partially oxidized to acetic aldehyde:

C2H5OH + [O] = CH3SNO + H2O

Then aldehyde can be oxidized to acetic acid:

C2H5CHO + [O] = CH3CHO + H2O

4) Removing from the body

90 percent of ethanol is removing in the form of carbon dioxide and water through the lungs, kidneys. But 10 percent is removed unchanged through the lungs, kidneys and skin.

1.3. The role of ethanol in the body


provides the body with energy (alcohol has a high energy value, but does not contain nutrients);

acts as an anesthetic on the Central nervous system slowing down its work and reducing its effectiveness;

stimulates the production of urine. The body loses more water than it receives and the cells become dehydrated with a large intake of alcohol;

temporarily shuts down the liver. After a large dose of alcohol about two-thirds of the liver can fail, but the liver becomes fully restored after a few days.

The accumulation of intermediate decomposition products leads to a number of negative side effects: increased formation of fat and its accumulation in the liver cells; accumulation of peroxide compounds that can destroy cell membranes, all this leads to cirrhosis.

2. Practical part

2.1 Sociological survey

We decided to conduct a survey and here are results:



1. Do You drink alcohol?

Yes - 27,27%

No - 72,73%

2. Do you know about the ethanol content in alcoholic beverages and the consequences of its using?

Yes - 77,78%

No - 22,22%

3.What do you think, for what purpose do people most often drink alcohol?

To relieve the stress-42,11%

To cheer up-15,79%

To support the company-21,05%

On the occasion of important events-21,05%

4.What are the main causes of drinking among young people?(multiple answers)

Negative example of adults-25%

Influence of friends-75%

The lack of willpower/inability to refuse-31,25%

Desire to stand out-37,5%

For bravery-6,25%

5.What measures do You consider the most effective to combat drunkenness?(multiple answers)

Reducing the availability of alcoholic beverages-58,82%

Promotion of healthy lifestyle-52,94%

Conclusion: in general, the respondent’s attitude to alcohol is twofold: on the one hand, they define it as a poison for human’s body and on the other hand, they consider that alcohol is necessary for relaxation, rest and pleasure.The level of awareness of people about the impact of alcohol on health is quite high. In addition, the majority of respondents believe that people should deal with this problem.

2.2. Experimental part

I. Oxidation of ethyl alcohol

1) Total oxidation (Annex 2.1)

The reagents and equipment: ethyl alcohol, porcelain cup, matches.

Progress of work: 3 ml of alcohol was poured into a porcelain cup and set on fire.

Conclusion: ethanol was completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, releasing a huge amount of energy, as alcohol is a high-calorie substance.

2) Partial oxidation (Annex 2.2)

Equipment and reagents: copper wire, ethyl alcohol, spirit lamp, matches, crucible tongs, beaker.

Progress of work:

We took the copper wire in the form of a spiral and calcined in the flame of the spirit lamp;

Then we put the wire in a beaker with alcohol;

We have done this several times.

Conclusion: as a result of calcination, the copper wire was covered with a black coating of copper oxide, but after interaction with alcohol, the copper wire was restored, and the smell in the chemical glass became specific – acetic aldehyde, which is 30 times more toxic than ethyl alcohol.

II. Destruction of blood cells under the influence of alcohol (Annex 2.3)

Equipment and reagents: 0.85% sodium chloride solution (saline solution), ethyl alcohol, a few drops of blood, two tubes.

Progress of work:

We poured 10ml of salt solution into test tube №1;

In a test tube №2 – 10 ml of alcohol solution;

We added 3-4 drops of fresh blood (from the finger) to both tubes;

Then we had shaken the contents of two test tubes.

Conclusion: there are seals in the form of a blood clot are visible in the test tube containing an alcohol solution.These clots are stuck together red blood cells that occurred due to degreasing of the surface of red blood cells.Such cells are not able to perform their function of transporting oxygen.This clot is able to clog blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack and stroke.


Drinking alcohol is a serious problem nowadays. But ethanol is a very important product of the chemical industry,perfumery, medicine.

Ethanol causes great harm to the human body:

disrupts the functioning of the stomach;

breaks down proteins;

promotes the development of gastritis;

leads to gastric atrophy;

causes liver damage;

causes spasm of blood vessels and heart muscle;

leads to the possibility of blockage of blood vessels and acute heart failure;

disrupts the function of cells that leads to their death;

harms the reflexes.


The textbook "Chemistry"/ 10thgrade /N. E Kuznetsova, T. N. Litvinov, A. N. Levkin/ "Ventana-Graf"/2018;

The textbook "Biology"/ 8thgrade /A. G. Dragomirov; R. D. Mash/ "Ventana-Graf"/2007;

Effects of ethanol on the human body/[Electronic resource] URL: http://www.hintfox.com/article/vlijanie-etilovogo-spirta-na-organizm-cheloveka.html (date of application 16.02.2018);

Ethyl alcohol – composition and properties/ Types and harms of ethyl alcohol/[Electronic resource] URL: http://findfood.ru/product/jetilovyj-spirt (date of application 16.02.2018);

Medical encyclopedia/Ethanol/[Electronic resource] URL: http://forensicmedicine.ru/wiki (accessed 18.05.2018);

Integrated lesson "Biochemical study of the influence of ethanol on the human body: causes and consequences"/ 10th grade/[Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn--p1ai (accessed 18.05.2018);

Ethanol toxicology/Wikipedia/[Electronic resource] URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki (accessed 18.05.2018).

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

2.Experimental part

2.1 The full oxidation of alcohol

2.2 Partial oxidation of alcohol

2.3 Destruction of blood cells because of alcohol.

Test tube with alcohol Test tube with salt solution

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