The importance of patriotism in human life, in the development of culture and the whole society.

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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The importance of patriotism in human life, in the development of culture and the whole society.

Тюрина К.С. 1
1МБОУ СОШ №15 г.Красногорска Московской области
Черкашина С.Ф. 1
1МБОУ СОШ №15 г.Красногорска, Московской области
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«A patriot is a person who serves for the Motherland, and the Motherland is first all the people. »

Nikolai Chernyshevsky


The Russian land is a land of generous nature, unshakable traditions and eventful history. We live in Russia, we are citizens of the Russian Federation, which means that we must know and respect the traditions and history of our country.

Among the listed duties, there was a duty and a duty of each citizen of the Russian Federation - protection of the Fatherland. This means that it is the duty of each of us to defend our Homeland. So, we must be patriots of our country and our Fatherland. It means that the concepts of citizen and patriot are interrelated.

What our country will be depends largely on our attitude to it. It is necessary to learn, not only to take, but also to give something to the homeland. Today the relations of a Russian citizen with the state and society are radically changing. We get great opportunities to realize ourselves as an independent person in various fields (sports, art, science, etc.). In these conditions patriotism has become the most important value, not only social, but also spiritual-moral, ideological, cultural-historical and military-Patriotic. "We must build our future on a solid Foundation. And such a Foundation is patriotism. No matter how long we discuss what can be the Foundation, the solid moral Foundation for our country, we will not come up with anything else. This is respect for our history and traditions, the spiritual values of our peoples, our millennial culture…» these words were uttered by Vladimir Putin at the annual address of the President of the Russian Federation. Each of us should bear responsibility and pride for the right to be called a citizen of the Russian Federation.

To tell the truth, nowadays more and more people touch upon the topic of patriotism and its importance in our world. So, I decided that it would be very interesting for me to work on this topic and I was not mistaken. Having started my project, I realized that it is quite easy to find useful information on this topic; this way, using various sources I was able to learn a lot of new things.

Working on the project, I learned a lot about patriotism. And I strongly sure that the main thing is to remember all heroes of your country, to be a real patriot of your country.

So, my Project goal is to examine the question of the importance of patriotism in the modern world, in human life, in the development of culture and the whole society of the country.

Hypothesis: patriotism plays really important role in all spheres of our life and its influence is great.

The object of the exploration is origin, nature and role of the patriotism.

The following tasks were set:

To understand what patriotism is and elicit the main feature of the patriotism.

To answer the question why patriotism appeared.

To find out the information about patriotism.

To study and analyze the literature on civil and legal subjects

To collect the information about the role of patriotism in modern world by survey.

To study and analyze available materials related to patriotism during the great Patriotic War;

Confirm or deny the hypothesis

Methods of the research work: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the topic of research, survey, comparison.

Chapter 1. The term «patriotism»

What is patriotism? Its main signs

So, what is patriotism? Patriotism is a moral belief based on love for one's country, its traditions, history and cultural values. It is a desire to be a citizen of the state, a native speaker of its language, a desire to protect the interests of its people, often sacrificing of one’s own.

Patriotism is characterized by the following features:

1. Emotional attachment to their country.

2. A sense of unity with their state.

3. Concern for the present and future of the country.

4. Willingness to sacrifice one’s interests for well-being of the country.

The history of the development of the patriotism

As far as I know, the concept itself arose just in the era of the Greek city-States. The historical source of patriotism — centuries and millennia fixed existence of separate states, forming attachment to the native land, language, traditions. In the conditions of the formation of Nations and the formation of national States, patriotism became an integral part of public consciousness in the XVIII century, reflecting national moments in its development.

To continue, it is not a secret that ideas about patriotism are associated with love for the Motherland, but the idea of the essence of patriotism is different for different people. For this reason, some people consider themselves patriots, and others do not consider themselves patriots.

In history, patriotism, as a special feeling, called various phenomena in public relations. Often replacing the understanding of love for the Motherland, for example, love for the state, etc. so there appeared terms:

State (ethnic) patriotism-love of the state.

Imperial patriotism-loyalty (love) to the Empire and its government.

Kvass patriotism (Hooray-patriotism) - hypertrophied sense of love for the state and its people.

The policy of patriotism — love for the Polis, that is, the way of life, traditions, peculiarities, religious denominations. Existed in ancient city-States (Polis) and was based on local religious cults.

Ultra-patriotism-love for the Fatherland in extreme, reckless forms.

Ethnic patriotism-love for one's ethnic group.

Urban patriotism-love for your city.

Manifestations of patriotism

When do the manifestations of patriotism begin? I believe, it begins from the love to Motherland. So, what does the world «motherland» mean? First, it is the place you were born in. then it means the house or district in which one was born.

Love of the Motherland comes to people in different ways. For some people their motherland begins in a city street. For other people it is their own village or a house in which they have grown up. Usually this place is «the best place in the world». As the English people say, «East or West, home is best» or «There’s no place like home».

You think about this little place as your motherland, and only later you will see the whole country behind the world Motherland.

Talking about patriotism, we immediately remember a terrible war-time.

The hardships and the horrors of war make children precocious adults, and their actions are heroic .In 1941 the teenagers of 13-14 years replaced their fathers in the factories. Our boys and girls fought fearlessly.

For instance, Lenka Golikov (appendix 1) was a good guerrilla at his fourteen. He went to investigate, blew up the train, hit a car with a grenade, shot the General and brought him to the detachment portfolio. The documents were so important that the pioneer was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Lenka died as a hero in the battle under the village of Sharp Bow. Homeland of Lenka Golikov is a Novgorod land.

To continue, Marat Kazey (appendix 2), who was a boy-guerrilla, accepted his last battle on May 11, 1944 in Belarus. When he was surrounded, he detonated a grenade. What was the teenager thinking in his last moments? That it's scary to die at 15? That he would never see his father or his sister again? That his death would bring victory closer? In my opinion, he was thinking about it all. That death is not terrible, because Gaidar correctly wrote before the war that all the same the enemies will run in fear, loudly cursing this country with its amazing people, with its invincible army and with its unsolved Military Mystery. And this Military Mystery is a true patriotism of our people.

Another example of true patriotism is partisan Zina Portnova (appendix 3). She worked as a dishwasher in the kitchen. Zina poisoned a hundred German cadets of an officer school. But her classmate betrayed her. During the interrogation Zina grabbed a gun, shot two officers, but bullets were run out. The girl was captured and shot. It happened on January 13, 1944 in Oboli. Zina Portnova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

It is important to know that our country numbered thousands of heroes. Moreover, the entire world could see not only the heroism of Russian soldiers during the Great Patriotic war, but also the heroism of the whole population. You remember, of course, that the people of our hero-cities fought bravely against the fascists. Anyone of them was ready to defend country to the death and defended it. Exactly this is a real patriotism, a true devotion to the country.

Chapter 2. Patriotism in our life, its role and importance

What is the patriotism in the modern world?

Conducting a survey for students of my school about what the term patriotism means (appendix 4) and who are the heroes of the twentieth century (appendix 5). According to my survey about 5 percent of respondents could not define the concept of "patriotism" at all. On request to call the most famous heroes most of students called heroes of the Great Patriotic war. On the question of whether there are heroes in the XXI century, 35 percent of respondents said that they do not. Those who agreed with the statement that there are heroes after all, pointed out only one or two surnames. If we proceed from the generally acceptation that patriotism is love for the Motherland, then it is necessary to determine what we put into the concept of "homeland". Motherland is a place to which a person is experiencing a spiritual connection. Homeland is the native open spaces and paternal home. But it is also something more than a settlement or place of residence. First of all, the homeland is people. From here it becomes clear that heroism for the good of the Motherland is aimed at the benefit of people and, first of all, relatives. To tell you the truth, for the Russian people, the Motherland has always been Holy and it has been always protected as a shrine. Patriotism is not just love for the Motherland. This is willingness to overcome any trials with the country (to protect it from enemies, to raise it from the ruins, to defend the honor and rights of the state on the world stage), respect for their history and traditions, the desire to serve the interests of the country by their actions (to benefit, take responsibility, work for the benefit of the Motherland (yard, city, country) for themselves, relatives, neighbors, Russians...). Patriotism implies not only a sense of pride for the country, but also a willingness to be with her in difficult times. The great military time and labor past of our country knows many heroes: Alexander Matrosov, Nicholas Gastello, Alexey Maresyev and others.

In our days some young people think that only cosmonauts or pilots can become heroes. But profession does not make a hero. The most important thing is your attitude to people and to life. There are still a lot of things in life against which we must fight. And we must have courage for the struggle against those things.

But we should not forget that heroes are still alive in the modern world. So, who are modern patriots and heroes? Yevgeny Nikolayevich Chernyshev is Soviet and Russian fireman, the head of the fire fighting Service of the main Department of the EMERCOM of Russia Moscow, Colonel of internal service, Hero of Russia (appendix). In duty bound Yevgeny Nikolayevich traveled on the most hard and complex fires in the capital. He had more than 250 major fires, saved dozens of lives. In 2000, he participated in extinguishing the fire at the Ostankino tower, in 2006 he led the fire in the Main building of Moscow state University. He died on March 20, 2010 when the structure collapsed during a fire in a business center in the North of Moscow, while he was bringing a group of people to the street and returning to the building. The Name of E. N. Chernyshev named the 13th fire Department of the Moscow MOE, fire and rescue boat of the Moscow MOE, a street in the village of Filimonki (Novomoskovskiy administrative district of Moscow).

How to develop patriotism in yourself and in others

To my mind, love of your motherland does not come on your own accord. You can love only what you know well. This way, we should now a lot about the history of our country. We should have some knowledge of our culture. As you know, it is rich in beautiful songs, music, arts, monuments of the past. And how beautiful is the Great Russian language.

The most important thing is when you love for your birthplace comes together with a great respect for the history of your country and its people.

This is why I believe, that family education helps to develop patriotism in children. Parents who show love and respect for their country, and instill these feelings in their children, raise their children as patriots. To continue, interest in national culture and traditions also increase the number of patriotic people. Only consciously studying the history of his people, a person brings up patriotism. By the way, patriotism implies pride in the achievements of their country. So, interest in information associated with all aspects of society and the country creates a basis for the development and manifestation of patriotism. This way, educational organizations should hold evens showing the greatness and loveliness of our country.


To sum it up, if you love the culture of your Motherland and are able to see the beauty of the Russian landscape, you certainly love your country, you are patriot. If you enjoy the beauty of Russian architecture and know the Russian language perfectly, you love your country, you are patriot. You know what your Motherland begins with.

Patriotism plays really important role in our life. It holds the nation together, creates moral values. I believe that patriotism is moral and political principle, social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland, pride in its past and present, the willingness to subordinate one’s interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and its people. To my mind, patriotism is a feeling of support for the country you live in. It’s when people feel proud of their country and are ready to defend it anytime. Being a patriot is important for every citizen. It cultivates the spirit of peace and love, creates inner harmony.

Making my project I was able to understand that the main role of patriotism is that patriotism as the basis of cohesion in the face of the enemy helped Nations win the most terrible wars if they were not invading. Also an integral sign of patriotism is readiness to defend the Homeland from the external enemy; the person who has chosen military service-shows patriotism. By the way, patriotism helps to create and preserve national customs, traditions and also national culture of the country. An example of "everyday" manifestations of patriotism can serve as unique national costumes of different peoples. Russian folk songs, the epic of the Yakut people, Scottish bagpipes - all these are examples of patriotism expressed in the cultural heritage of different peoples.

To be an active member of society means to fight for a better future, to be interested in social and political life. It means to know the present and the past of your Motherland. So, it means to be patriot.

People say that a man is known by his work, not by what he says about himself. We are proud of the thousand-year history of our ancestors, of their selfless struggle against aggressors, for a bright future for future generations. So, we should devote our energy to the happiness of our country, to the struggle for world peace.

As John F. Kennedy once noted, « And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. » Personally I agree with this statement, patriots are ready to do a lot for their country. They can write a book praising their motherland or sing a patriotic song. In difficult times they can even sacrifice their lives for the well-being of the whole country. Such people are usually selfless and caring. They think about further generations and the contribution which they can make to the future of their country. They say that patriots are immortal. Indeed, even when they die, their names are always respected and never forgotten.


Героическая азбука. В. А. Бахревский.  Художественное оформление 
А. И.Сухоруков.  ГУ МО «Издательский дом «Московия». — 2009. 232 с. с илл. Брошюра «Героическая азбука» подготовлена книжной редакцией  ИД «Московия» в рамках издания «Библиотеки газеты «Ежедневные новости. Подмосковье», с целью информирования жителей Московской области. Сборник, посвященный 65-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, содержит иллюстрированный материал, рассчитанный на эмоциональное восприятие читателя младшего и среднего школьного возраста, дает многоплановое представление о таком сложном и длительном по времени 
явлении, как Великая Отечественная война.

Островский Б.С., английский язык: Факультатив. курс: Учеб. Пособие для 10-11 кл. сред. шк. – М.: Просвещение, 1990.-192 с.

Островский Б.С., английский язык: Факультатив. курс: Учеб. Пособие для 7-8 кл. сред. шк. – М.: Просвещение, 1988.-192 с.

Internet resources:


Lenka Golikov. His biography.

He was born June 17, 1926 in the village of Lukino now Parfino district of the Novgorod region. Lenka's father is Golikov Alexander Ivanovich, who worked as a master on the rafting of the forest. His mother is Ekaterina Alekseevna was a housewife. In 1935 Lenka went to school, which was near the village Manuilove. There he joined the pioneers. Like most boys, he grew up active and cheerful. Lenka loved to wander through the woods, sit with a fishing rod by the river, he was keen on reading books and singing. In 1939, his father took serious illness and Lenya had to work at the Tulitovsky medical center. He graduated from 5 classes.

When the war began and the Nazis occupied Lenka's village, he did not want to work for the Nazis and quit his job. Lenya learned about the formation of a partisan brigade from his teacher of the Manuilov school V. G. Semenov, so the boy appealed to the command with a request to enroll him in the detachment. With March 1942 Lenya Golikov became a scout of the 67th party of the 4th guerrilla brigades. 24 January, 1943 Lenya’s brigadewas surrounded by the Nazis. Lenya was smitten by machine gun fire. He was buried at home - in the village of Lukino Parfinsky district of Novgorod region.

Appendix 2

Marat Kazey. His biography.

Marat Kazey was born on October 29, 1929 in the village of Stankovo, Dzerzhinsky district, Minsk region, Belarus in a peasant family. He was Pioneer. Marat graduated from the 4th grade rural schools.

The war hit the Belarusian land. The Nazis invaded in the village where Marat lived with her mother, Anna Alexandrovna Kazey. In autumn Marat did not have to go to school in the fifth grade. The Nazis turned the school building into their barracks. The enemy was fierce.

For the link with guerrillas was captured Anna Aleksandrovna Kazey (she hid guerrillas). Soon Marat learned that his mother had been hanged in Minsk. Anger and hatred for the enemy filled the boy's heart. Together with his sister, Komsomolskaya Ada, pioneer Marat Kazey went to the partisans in the Stankovsky forest. He became a scout in the headquarters of the partisan brigade.

In the first battle, on 9 January 1943 in the area of Stankovo forest Marat Kazei showed courage and bravery. Being wounded in the arm, he went on the attack several times. Later, dozens of times he penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command.

11 may 1944 year, returning from a job, Marat and the commander of intelligence came upon the Germans near the village Jeromeskee, Minsk region. The commander was killed at once, Marat, firing back, lay down in a hollow. There was nowhere to go in the open field, and there was no possibility as Marat was seriously wounded. While there were cartridges the boy held the defense, and when the store was empty, Marat picked up his last weapon-two grenades, which were not removed from the belt. He threw one at the Germans and left the other. When the Germans came quite close, Marat Kazey blew himself up along with the enemies.

Marat Kazei was buried in his native village.

Appendix 3

Zina Portnova. Her biography.

She was born on 20 February, 1926 in Leningrad. She was a member of the Komsomol since 1943 and graduated from the 7 classes. In June 1941 Zina Portnova came with her younger sister Galya for summer holidays to her grandmother in the village of Zui, near the station Obol. She was only fifteen. There she found the war. She did not want to leave with the refugees and stayed in Obol. When the underground Komsomol organization "Young Avengers" was organized in the city, Portnova became its member. "The Avengers" was not only distributed and posted flyers, but also mined for partisan information about the actions of the Germans.

Zina managed to get a job in the German canteen for the staff. After working there for a while, she was able to carry out a cruel but effective operation, she should poison food. More than 100 Germans were injured. In response, the Nazis unleashed a wave of terror on the city and Zina Portnova had to go to the partisans to avoid arrest.

Since August 1943Zina Portnova has been a scout of the Voroshilov partisan detachment. In December 1943, she was assigned to identify the causes of the failure of the organization "Young Avengers" and establish communication with the underground. She managed to establish a connection, but she could not report it to the squadron. In the village someone saw her and told the policemen that the girl was not local. The police detained her and transported her to Obol and then she was sent to Vitebsk prison. There the Nazis forced her to confess to acts of sabotage in the dining room. Her eyes were gouged out, her ears were cut off. Needles were driven under her fingernails and her arms and legs were twisted. The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but she remained steadfast, courageous, unbending until the last minute. On January 13, 1944 Zina Portnova was shot.

Appendix 4

What does term patriotism mean for you?

% of people responding so

could not define the concept "patriotism"


It is love for Motherland


It is willingness to overcome any trials with the country


Other answers



Appendix 5


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