Влияние исторических памятников на воспитание патриотизма

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Влияние исторических памятников на воспитание патриотизма

Романова П.К. 1
1МБОУ СОШ школа №15
Черкашина С.Ф. 1
1МБОУ СОШ школа №15
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Each city has its various unique attractions: from commemorative plaques on brick buildings to entire museums that store many artifacts. All of them fill the world with the memory of the past and forever remain in our hearts. I am going to study the influence of historical monuments on the upbringing of patriotism, using information obtained as a result of a search on different sources.


I use the following problem analysis methods in my work:

- Search for the necessary information on the Internet

- Identifying cause-effect relationships


The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of the modern school, because childhood and youth are the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the motherland. Unfortunately, at present, patriotic education has practically disappeared. In recent years, many factors have contributed to this: increased media outbreaks of opinion about the erroneous path of Russia's development, lack of a common state, so to speak, basic ideology.

Patriotism is a love of the good and glory of the Fatherland and a desire to contribute to them in every way”

N.M. Karamzin

What is "patriotism"?

To start with, the word “patriotism” is translated from Greek as “fatherland,” a feeling whose essence is in the love of one’s country and the willingness to sacrifice everything for it. A patriot is a person patriot who is proud of the successes and culture of his power, seeks to preserve the features of his native language and traditions. This is the most common variant of designating the essence of the term “patriotism”. Moreover, there are other interpretations:

A moral indicator that distinguishes a generous person from a low one.

Pride in the accomplishment of his people.

A real assessment of the actions of their state.

Willingness to sacrifice individual interests for the sake of the common.

Why do we need patriotism?

As for me, at all times patriotism served as a source of strength and inspiration for the people and united people as belonging to one state, their Homeland. Sometimes a developed sense of patriotism during the war is stronger and more important than the advantages of technologies and arming of the enemy and a larger number of his soldiers. Love to the Fatherland and the desire to protect it sometimes pushes people to almost impossible things. In addition, patriots are sensitive and attentive to cultural and spiritual values and this has a beneficial effect on the development of the individual personality


Patriotism in our country

Patriotism has its origins in antiquity, in the period of the spread of Christianity in Russia and the fight against numerous foreign invaders, when the traditional moral values of our people were formed. Two-thirds of its existence, our homeland waged a bitter struggle for the preservation of its independence. Therefore, patriotism gradually became a natural state ideology. Protection of the Fatherland in Russia since ancient times was considered as the highest duty of the person.

In the early seventeenth century, the "Charter of the military and gun cases" established the devotion to the Homeland as a military professional quality and standard of behavior of soldiers. The governors were strictly enjoined not only to educate them diligently, but also to set an example of serving the Fatherland. And in the "sea Charter" it was said: "All military ships of Russia should not lower flags, pennants and topsails before anybody under pain of deprivation of a belly". The familiar concept of "patriotism" was widely used in the time of Peter I. then patriotism in Russia was considered the highest virtue. The words "God, King and Fatherland" reflect the main values of the time.

The Russian revolution gave rise to a new attitude to patriotism, initially even to its denial, which is succinctly reflected in the statement of L. Trotsky: "Be damned, patriotism, it's a monster!». In the years when the world revolution was under discussion, the ideas of workers 'and peasants' internationalism and international solidarity of the working masses became more relevant.

During the great Patriotic war, when the question of the fate of the Fatherland was decided, the army and the people showed true, unprecedented patriotism, which was the basis of spiritual and moral superiority over the hitherto invincible enemy. G. K. Zhukov noted that "It was not the mud and frost that stopped Hitler's troops after their breakthrough to Vyazma and reaching the approaches to the capital. Not the weather, the people, the Soviet people! These were special, unforgettable days when the common aspiration for all Soviet people to defend the Homeland and the greatest patriotism lifted people to a feat"

I believe that among today's youth, other priorities have become predominant. These include material goods and the means to achieve them - money. Perhaps for this reason, patriotism began to fade into the background. However, this does not mean that it disappeared completely. Every kid in primary school knows the anthem of our country and children are interested in the exploits of ordinary people and the achievements of great personalities. This is facilitated by instilling patriotism in school and at home, and it is only gaining popularity. Let's move on to one of the factors contributing to the development of patriotism - historical monuments.

Historical monuments and patriotism

Historical monuments are admired by people. In my opinion, they not only amaze with their splendor and majesty, but also cause a sincere interest in the history of the country. First of all, architectural structures and monuments are a memory that is preserved in the walls, bends, decorations and other details. Most are associated with important events, sometimes tragic. Looking at the monument, a person is interested in the history of its creation, the personality of the creator, the era with which the building is connected. Historical monuments also include monuments to fallen heroes, whose exploits make people proud of the courage, strength and courage of the Russian people.

Memorial to the Heroes of Panfilov

The heroism of the soldiers of World War II knew no obstacles. It seems that the more dangerous the enemy became, the more hardships fell on the soldiers, the more deeply rooted in them was the desire to repulse the enemy and protect what was dear to the heart. The exploits of some soldiers were especially distinguished among all the heroic deeds that occurred during the battles. The monuments dedicated to them tell us about these exploits.

One of these monuments is the memorial to 28 panfilovites, located in Dubosekovo, Moscow region. During the Second World war they in unequal battle opposed 50 tanks and several hundred fascists, possessing under this from serious weapons only 2 anti-tank rifle and one machine gun. Looking at these 6 sculptures representing 6 different nationalities, it is difficult to refrain from emotions and tears. It seems that even after their death, fearless wars stand guard over their homeland. This story excites people's consciousness because patriotism and resistance of these people stopped the offensive of the Nazis on Moscow.

The younger generation, knowing the history of 28 heroes, immortalized by the memorial, understands how important the ability and desire to defend their Fatherland in its most difficult periods, even at the cost of own life. These soldiers are truly role models for their bravery and indomitable will

Kizhi Museum-reserve

Another amazing monument is the Kizhi Museum-reserve, which is a pearl of wooden architecture and located in Karelia. Itis unique in that it is in the open air. It is the largest of such objects in Russia: its area exceeds ten thousand hectares. The basis of the complex is the ensemble of the Kizhi churchyard, which consists of two churches (Preobrazhenskaya and Pokrovskaya), a tent bell tower and a fence. The builders were distinguished by special skill, because all the buildings were made only with an axe without the use of nails. Only during the restoration modern devices were used.

Kizhi buildings show people how talented people can be. In addition, visiting Kizhi, tourists will learn a lot of new and interesting things about peasant life of the inhabitants of the North, their main occupations and crafts. Knowledge of the traditions of the peoples of the Motherland also has a positive impact on the development of patriotism and pride for country.

Saint – Petersburg

Many words of admiration are said about the city on the Neva: "All those who come to St. Petersburg are constantly repeating the word "fantasy."" (Frederick Begbeder), "At the beginning of the XX century, Petersburg turned into one of the brilliant capitals of Europe. Magnificent architectural ensembles, beautiful embankments, numerous bridges and extensive parks gave the city a unique look." (A.P. Pavlov)

St. Petersburg in its beauty and historical importance is one big museum, but the story of its creation is no less surprising. "The city will be laid here ...", - said Peter the Great, choosing a place for the future capital of Russia. The city was founded during the Northern War, which lasted more than twenty years, in 1703. The lands on which the city of Peter is standing now were deserted, with swamps and impenetrable forests. Nevertheless, the emperor was so absorbed in his own idea and confident in its implementation that he was not afraid of the huge number of difficulties that arose during construction. Thanks to the determination of the ruler, we still enjoy the views of the beautiful buildings of the northern capital on the banks of the Neva. In fact, he was able to create one of the main attractions of Russia from nothing because the territories were not so much deserted as inaccessible. The contrast between what was and what has become is striking. Today, tourists can see a huge number of attractions in St. Petersburg: the State Hermitage, the Kazan Cathedral, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, Mikhailovsky Castle, the Summer Garden, Petergof and others. Thus, all those vivid emotions that a visit to the Northern capital evokes contribute to the realization that our country is extremely rich in beautiful historically rich places. The history of the construction of St. Petersburg and its beauty contribute to people developing admiration for their own country and the amazing internal strength of its rulers, as well as the endurance of its inhabitants.


In conclusion I want to say that historical monuments have a strong influence on the education of patriotic feelings among young people and children. Monuments help to feel one with the whole Motherland, to realize their involvement in its history. Interest to historical monuments makes a person educated, who knows the history of his country and the history of its individual peoples, teaches him to appreciate what his ancestors honored and did. All this not only makes a person a patriot, but also just a comprehensively developed person.

Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote about monuments: “They instill in man a love for the homeland and for humanity, foster respect for their ancestors and descendants (caring for the past is also caring for the future preservation of the values ​​of the past for future generations), introduces the history and culture of other nations through tourism and various means modern information (cinema, television, etc.), strengthens, stabilizes a person in time, in the historical process and thereby develops his sense of responsibility to his own, past and future generations. The sense of history and responsibility of everyone before history brings up the highest form of sociality in people. ”









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