Одежда в Англии: мода и традиции

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Одежда в Англии: мода и традиции

Абророва В.Н. 1
1МБОУ Наро-Фоминская сош №6 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
Розумова Ю.С. 1
1МБОУ Наро-Фоминская сош №6 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя III степени
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The fashion always had huge influence on people worldwide. The main reason why we try to follow the last fashion trends is the aspiration to look stylish, attractive, popular and surer. As a rule, people estimate the new person on his appearance and clothes, and only then, on his internal qualities. There is a proverb: "The good clothes open all doors." Therefore we do everything possible to impress other people. We spend a lot of money to follow fashion.

The relevance of my research is that now in our country much attention is paid to the solution of the problems connected with fashionable clothes. Russian fashion differs from Western its imitation. Russian fashion, simply, isn't exist: we are looking at the West, Europe, and are repeating corny. As I have been studying English language and I am absorbed in English culture, traditions and lifestyle, I was interested in a question: How the situation with clothes in England is? What clothes do British deliver to Russia? Therefore I began to work on the project "Clothes in England: the fashion and traditions".

The problem of my work is in what I want to learn: how the English people put on; fashion and traditions in clothes.

Object of the research: England

Subject of the research: the English clothes.


In England the fashion and tradition are in dependence.

Purpose of my research: Acquaintance to clothes of England.


• To study history of the English clothes;

• To learn how British treat fashion;

• To give characteristic to Vintage clothes from England;

• To collect information on from what country the clothes are pleasant to teenagers more;

• To investigate and analyse what English clothes our teenagers prefer.

Research methods: observation, poll, questioning, analysis of literature, information resources.

The predicted result:

Results of the work will bring benefit at English lessons; can awaken research interest of children of our class.

Part 1. Main part

Chapter 1.1. History of the English fashion

Though Great Britain has rich national customs, but this country has no recognized national suit. Most often for a national suit adopts a dress of the dancers (appendix 1) executing ritual dance Morris. Gradually national motives have been leaving clothes of the British, but nevertheless suits have distinctive features which call "the English style" presently. The essence of this concept is in the nature of attire, it has to be not striking, elegant and quiet. But the integral traditions are the vestments in medieval clothes of the royal family during the official ceremonies. Still lawyers and judges put on a cloak and a wig during meeting time.

From time immemorial, the British have been renowned for elegance (appendices 2 and 3) and, in some way, austerity in appearance. It was the true distinctive feature of the English people. What fashion did bear and bears in itself the English style?

The famous Rococo style, which was so loved by the French, became absolutely unacceptable for strict British. The British preferred clothes made of cloth and wool.

In the 7th century they improved themselves and introduced into fashion a strict and elegant suit which differed in neutral reserved colors and simple cut.

In spite of the fact that the English female fashion still bore in itself echoes of the French trends, practical ladies of that time nevertheless relied on convenience and comfort. A hoop-skirt on skirts which could be regulated simple pressing of elbows was widely used. At the same time dresses were very simple, without decorative finishing. At home woman quite often put on apron atop dresses. Many women of fashion wore a house dress without hoop-skirt which was called night-clothes. As accessories hours, a needle case, an umbrella, a cane, a lorgnette were used.

Indigenous British carry bowler hat (appendix 4), in difference from Wales and Scotland which have no official national suit. But it's very unusual phenomenon in modern days. It is a lot of usual clothes which we wear today have long traditions, British say.

I tried to open history of emergence of clothes in England. In my opinion British have no national suit — neither primordial, nor counterfeit, any, but there is a recognizable English uniform. It is, for example, a suit of Beefeaters (Beefeaters by letters: "meat eaters") - the scarlet camisole embroidered by gold, stockings and a black round hat with fields, - which is carried by policemen of the Tower of London (and the English participant of a beauty contest of "Miss World" was dressed in this costume); red tunics and caps from bear skins of royal foot guards; white shirts and breeches to knees of performers of dance Morris.

Chapter 1.2. Clothes of Anglo-Saxons

The modern English national suit is tried to be made on an image of national clothes of England which were worn by Anglo-Saxons at the time of the 7th century. Anglo-Saxons were wars farmers and came from northwest Europe. They began invasion into Great Britain during 450.

The clothes of Anglo-Saxons reflected spirit of the British era of the Roman dominion. The Anglo-Saxons belonging to the highest estate are soldiers of the king or the powerful land owner, "thanes", wore linen shirts and long free trousers, tucked up or filled in soft high leather boots. From above the tunic which was usually reaching knees with a long sleeve and a round cut at a neck was put on. The top tunic which was a little not reaching knees girded with a thick leather belt. The rectangular or semicircular raincoat was fastened on the right shoulder with a buckle. The headdress known as "Phrygian cap", was made of leather or wool, and in wartime was complemented with metal elements. Being close neighbors, Anglo-Saxons and Normans adopted from each other many elements of clothes; only minor details and hairstyles differed. A free shirt of the Norman soldier with the sleeves long fitting, tapering on the wrist, and a roundish cut of a throat is an example of such loan. A tunic with short sleeves was worn over the shirt. Edges of sleeves and a mouth were embroidered by a color border. Legs closed long leather pl woolen trousers which carried freely or tied up leather or linen tapes. From above the short great plans similar to a skirt reaching a knee were put on. The Normans wore low shoes made of leather, linen or felt on their feet.


The tunic was made of wool yarn. It was usually worn with a belt around the waist to raise the hem to knees, because without a belt, the hem hung down to the calves. Concerning tailoring of sleeves of a tunic there is a certain polemic: the most ancient illustrations represent the lower parts of sleeves gathered in a small fold. Some experts believe that sleeves were rather long, is much lower than fingers.

The collar of a tunic had either a square or round mouth, usually with a cut which was clasped by a cord, a brooch or a bead. And though there was an opportunity to weave the necessary thing of any color, Anglo-Saxons, most likely, gave preference to plain shades. It is entertaining that fabric found in peat bogs Shlezviga assumes that their relatives, continental Germans, preferred motley or checkered coloring.

Gaiters and footwear

The gaiters found in the homeland of Anglo-Saxons usually took the form of trouser-legs. The separate gaiters or stockings which became fashionable by 10th century sometimes allowed to be an easy fit around anklebones. Besides, calves tightly, and sometimes, depending on taste, with considerable intervals, were wound with long strips of fabric. The Old English term for similar windings – wininga; usually they were worn atop trouser-legs. Windings bore double advantage - protected folds of spacious trousers from wear, and at rainy weather protected from cold and dirt. In a campaign they were especially irreplaceable.

Anglo-Saxons in Britain were much richer than ancient Germans and were dressed on bigger quantity of things from the woolen fabric weaved on vertical weaving looms. And nevertheless, the fashion of Anglo-Saxons was extremely conservative. The majority of attires had characteristic features which are noticed in clothes of Germans.

Chapter 1.3. Vintage clothes from England

Today, the concept "Vintage" is more often and most widely applied in fashion in relation to style and clothes. Those things which age is not younger than 30 years can be considered as vintage things, things are more senior than 30-40 years belong to retro style, and clothes and accessories are more senior than 60 years carry to antiques. Vintage and the retro clothes are an embodiment of time, era and style, and correctly picked up thing is capable to transfer literally you back in time of the 30th, 40th, 70th. (appendix 5)

Vintage is also other things, including cameras, players, eye-glasses and musical instruments. Less and less we follow the rule that only designer clothes are considered vintage. It is not so simple to find the real vintage and the price on such goods is too high.

Vintage for women: long gloves, purses, magnificent skirts, a dress retro, scarfs, points, belts - all this will be a treasure in your clothes as these things are relevant always. (appendix 6) Men cannot lag behind here, the truth it will be required good taste since a vintage is business for tempted and feeling thinly style. But, if the man is beautifully dressed in vintage clothes success and delighted looks of women are provided to him.

For the last 15 years the things stylized semi-antique are considered as a last word in fashion. Fashion designers of the whole world caught a wave of general nostalgia on that time and now, even more often it is possible to see on counters of shops of a thing, made in retro style and a vintage. The principle of a neo-vintage is a redoing of semi-antique modern fabrics, by the way, that is available in clothes almost for each dandy and the woman of fashion. These are artificially made old jackets, jeans, footwear, bags, and belts. A big fan of vintage fashion is Julia Roberts, Renée Zellweger, Dita von Teese and others (appendix 7).

Of course, stars dress dresses of such world famous fashion designers as Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Gucci, Givenchy, Vvyen Westwood, etc.

Analyzing the found material, I think, everyone knows that not always what is called trash, in fact trash. And often the life story, an era and very valuable vintage thing is behind "second-hand articles", it is just necessary to understand a little in the history and fashion. The popularity of a vintage grows, and it means that it becomes more difficult to find vintage things and if there is a good bagatelle, then for it you are asked to lay out a big sum of money.

Chapter 1.4. English street fashion

Hardly in the world there will be people which will be able to wear a strict gray suit during the whole working week.

Identity and courage is characteristic of British people. They do not like to condemn others. And they don't wait the condemns from others.

One of favorite accents in modern English fashion is boots from rough skin with bright socks. In their images everything is thought over, and there is nothing superfluous. Socks over tights and jeans shorts means that it is necessary. (appendix 8) And it is stylish and individual. For certain this image will counterbalance ideally picked up coat.

It is possible to note safely the fact that British for all the history gave in to fashionable trends from the outside a little. They were doing what was found necessary for them.

For anybody it is not a secret that many experts in the field of fashion are sure that the British concedes to Italians and the French in questions of style, but all recognize that in questions of street fashion, residents of the Foggy Albion do not have equal.

Trends of this year (appendix 9)

This year tight trousers and jeans, hats, gym shoes and sneakers, various undershirts with prints, the leather jackets and many other things executed in similar style are in fashion among Englishwomen. The leather clothes decorated with rivets and various metal jewelry is very popular among the London women of fashion. The romantic style in a women's clothing, faded into the background now.

Affordable fashion on streets of London

However, the choice of clothes is influenced also by the place of work of the English women. Many people adhere to such principle that there are clothes for life, and are for work. Women usually put on clothes of classical style and dark colors for work. They are usually strict trousers and skirts, jumpers, blouses, shoes on a high heel, etc. Though many get to work in habitual, casual clothes, and already at work change clothes in clothes of official style.

Contrast in street fashion of London

As in England weather is not especially changeable and often fog costs and there are rains, local women of fashion try to put on in clothes of the bright, cheerful colors helping to brighten up gray everyday life. Besides, bright colors help to stand out from the crowd and to draw attention to itself. Especially it is characteristic of teenage fashion.

Classical clothes on streets of England

No matter what, the classical English fashion, still keeps not low popularity. The modern English style in clothes has to answer several rules. It is necessary don't be afraid of anything and to experiment everything. However for many London women, especially middle age, traditions are still very important that not seldom affects also clothes style, so that shoes, hats and strict suits, are still the integral attributes of clothes.

As before, on streets of the English capital it is possible to see a great number of venerators of classical British style in clothes, the undergone long testing time. And still, it excellent and picturesquely connects to new styles which can be absolutely opposite.

Just British turned foundations and traditions in the world of fashion, having pressed Italians and the French. And therefore, on streets of London it is possible to see any clothes.

As a result of the done work the English street fashion was considered. It is possible to conclude that available fashion on streets of London is blur, illegibility, non-compliance with a silhouette. This feature distinguishes the English women of fashion. As a rule fashion lines are wavy and fragmentary, and the clothes by sight which are quite rumpled.

Chapter 1.5. My School uniform

At our school, unfortunately, there is no form. But there are certain requirements of official style. In warm season I wear a white blouse and a black skirt. From above I sometimes put on a jacket. In the winter I wear black trousers and a blouse.

Part 2. Practical part

(appendix No. 10)

According to the results of the survey among students of 9th grade, we see:

Chapter 2.1. Clothes which is characteristic of our city

Children of 9 classes were surveyed. Thus, the survey showed that Sportswear predominates - 60%, Streetwear Style - 30%, Formal Office Style - 8% and others - 2%.

Chapter 2.2. Clothes of what country is pleasant to teenagers more

Follows from this chart that they prefer clothes from Turkey of-40%, Russia of-40%, England of-15%, Italy of-5%.

Chapter 2.3. What type of English clothes do they prefer?

Those teenagers who prefer to English clothes choose: footwear – 30 of %, jackets-30 of %, jeans – 25 of %, dress-10 of %, gloves – 5of %.


Traditions and customs by right are considered as cultural heritage of each country. They are a basis of life and formation of any people. In these two concepts habits and foundations of people, their originality and identity are reflected. Customs and traditions serve as the memory of history of ancestors. Adhere to them and transfer from generation to generation. Great Britain is one of the countries where zealously store and honor the traditions and customs. The culture of this country has such traditions which characteristics it is sometimes difficult to put into words, but it is necessary to feel literally everywhere: in behavior, life, art, language and religion. The melancholy for the past is peculiar to the British, and for them there is nothing more expensively than traditions and customs. No matter, how they appeared. The main thing is to adhere to them in everything and always. Respect for traditions is the best way to feel comfortable, to feel constancy in everything for the British.

Though Great Britain has rich national customs, but this country has no national suit. Most often it is a dress of the dancers executing ritual dance Morris or a suit of Beefeaters. But nevertheless suits have distinctive features which call "the English style" presently. The essence of this concept is in the nature of attire, it has to be not striking, elegant and quiet. But the integral traditions are the vestments in medieval clothes of the royal family during the official ceremonies. Still lawyers and judges put on a cloak and a wig during meeting time.

The basic what the street London fashion is aimed at, the convenience is. Here it is not often possible to meet a strict cut, high heels and rigid lines. Mix of various directions which not seldom are considered as not compatible are here. For example, the strict jacket can be worn together with short shorts. On streets of London, the unique design things bought for not small money can be combined with ease together with cheap clothes from the next market.

England is famous for shops of vintage things and clothes. Vintage and the retro clothes are an embodiment of time, era and style, and correctly picked up thing is capable to transfer you back in time of the 30th, 40th, 70th. Those things that each decade were distinguished by their peculiarity were imbued with a special spirit of freedom characteristic of clothing of the XXI century.

As I very much am interested in life, history and the people of such mysterious country as England, I have been studying the culture of this country, life of British and I have been learning their native language. So the work on this project was very fascinating for me, and, above all it was useful. I even wanted to imagine Miss Britain and I made a costume for my little sister. (appendix No. 11)

I hope that my work seemed interesting and that it was be useful to you!


1. Pavlovskaya A. “Peculiarities of a national character, or for which the British love queues”, Around the World magazine, No. 6 (2753), 2003

2. Ovchinnikov VV Oak Roots, Drofa Plus Publishing House, 2008

3. "The origin of the Anglo-Saxons" chronology. "Anglo-saxon thegnad 449-1066." By Mark Harrison.

4. WomanAdvice Magazine - Tips for Every Occasion


- features of the character of the British


-jizni/osobennostianglichan.html - character features of the English


is a magical land of vintage


-ob-anglii.html?id=19 -interesting about England


- what the British love


-anglii fashion in England


Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Appendix 9

Appendix 10

Appendix 11

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