The story of the deed of Peter Yakovlevich Chirva

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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The story of the deed of Peter Yakovlevich Chirva

Дрибас А.А. 1
Чуракова Ю.Э. 1
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя III степени
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History is an essential part of the whole world. Thank to it, we learn about the events of the past, peoples’ life and relationships. Also, we can find information about our ancestry from different sources: who were our grandmothers and granddads, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Military conflicts have always existed in the history. Most of all people always suffer from them and their outcomes. Exactly they take away hundreds,thousands and even millions of peoples’ lives. One of such wars was World War II (1939-1945) and The Great Patriotic War(1941-1945) in the Soviet Union. Great number of people suffered, many children were made orphans, soldiers became invalids for the whole life and women - widows. This war will always be in the memory of all people of our country, as our great-grandparents, having seen this period, told their children, grandsons, great-grandsons to perpetuate this event in their memory in order not to forget their difficulties and victims weren’t sacrificed in vain .

The subject of the research is military achievements of my great-grandfather Peter Yakovlevich Chirva in the great Patriotic war.

The work is dedicated to the deed of Chirva Peter Yakovlevich.

The goal of the project: to immortalizethe merits of our great-grandparents in the memory of the youth.


1)To tell contemporaries about one of the battles of The Great World war, having become the fundamental change in the whole war.

2) To help modern generation realize, how precious the victory is.

We have supposed, if present generation is brought up in such conditions, where people honour the memory of died heroes and tell their grandchildren about it, so it will be the highest tribute of gratitude to dead soldiers. This is the hepothesis of the project.

Relevance of our project is that the generation of the 21st century doesn’t respect veterans, who have endured the bitter experience of such a difficult period of life, they don’t understand the whole tragedy of this war and the Victory Day, celebrated on the 9th of May, has becomes a usual holiday, as any others.

Chapter 1.Small biography of my great-granddad

My great-granddad, Chirva Peter Yakovlevich, was born in a simple peasant family in 1919 in The Ukrainian SSR, Dnepropetrovskay oblast, Sophysky district, the village Avdotevka. When great-granddad was one year old, his dad was conscripted into the Red Army. Great-grandfather’s dad died after four months of service. Mother got married and after that he was brought up by stepfather. As the hero’s of the Civil war son, the great-grandfather was financially helped by the Soviet government. Having studied 7 grade excellently, after leaving school, granddad entered the industrial school in Kryvoy Rog. As the family was from the village Avdotevka, while studying , granddad had to live in a dormitory. In 1938, graduated from the trade school, he joined the Red Army. He served on the Chinese border until 1942. In 1942 he wrote the report to Starfleet Command asking to be sent as a volunteer to the front. Having started the war on Kurskaya Duga, he reached Berlin with the fighting. The war was finished in 1945 and granddad returned in 1946 to Novocherkassk, then to the Ukrain. But, it seems to me that returning to the unfamiliar city was destiny because exactly there he met his love and future wife Lidiya. They got married that year and moved to the Ukrain. In 1947 he was fired from the Red Army and started working as a Deputy Chairman on the collective farm and his wife was a teacher of the Russian language and Russian literature. In 1952 he was called to the Soviet Army again and sent to serve and work as a chief of the staff to Moscow region near Zagorsk. Then he was appointed to the same position, but in Moscow, where he served till 1970. Working in Moscow, grandmother and grandfather were given a flat in the suburban town of Krasnogorsk, they lived there till the end of life. In 1970 great-grandfather got retired with the rank of major. He devoted his free time to bringing up grandsons, started writing memoir about his married life and background. He had a particular musical talent. He could play many instruments by ear, not having musical education.

Chapter 2. The history of the battle of Kursk in brief.

My great grandfather joined the front on its own initiative in 1942.his service started on the battle of Kursk. Exactly this battle is fundamental change in the course of the great Patriotic war. During the war granddad was in the rank of junior lieutenant. There had been numerical superiority on the side of the Red Army by summer: in 1.2 times in personnel, 1.6 times in tanks, 1.8 times in aircraft and artillery. Germans decided to advance in a narrow direction because of limitedness of resources – in the district of the Kursk salient, which had 600 km length. the group of the army “Center” had to advance from Orel and the group of army “South” from the side of Belgorod. The goal of the operation, got the name “Citadel”, was to encircle and destroy of the Soviet army, placed in the district of the Kursk salient. Also, by the beginning of the battle of Kursk, the Germans had had new kinds of weapons, which were to turn the tide of the battle in favor of the Wehrmacht: tanks “Tiger” and “Panther”, fighters and self-propelled guns.

Chapter 3. The story of the deed of Peter Yacovlevich Chirva

The Soviet headquarters decided to unsinew the advancing enemy on the defensive lines and only then go to advance . On the Kursk bulge, at its bases, powerful fortified lines were made. My great-granddad commanded the construction of such lines, having commited the deed . It may seem at first glance, what kind of deed it is? He had already been the platoon commander by that moment and here, what is said in official commendation list:

Comrade Chirva commanded the construction of AOP(Artillery Observation Post) on the 6th of May in 1943. Series of dugouts were built under the leadership of comrade Chirva for command. Qualitatively and ahead of schedule. On the 15th of June, comrade Chirva managed the construction of OP(Observation Post) in Berezovka. Under the direct fire of the enemy OP was finished before the deadline, which was provided for the management of troops.

While finding miles it the fields in the district of forward line comrade Chirva under intense enemy fire disarmed 320 mines with one military devision than providing our army with advance.

Performing a combat mission of the construction of OP in the district of the village Foykino, comrade Chirva distinguished by personal bravery and composure.

Comrade Chirva Peter Yakovlevich was honourably awarded by the governmental orden “Red Star” ”

My great-granddad went through the whole war and reached Berlin. He had a wound, more precisely the bullet, shot to the heart, got into the orden “Red Star”, which was on his chest. Besides this orden, great-granddad had many rewards. One of them was the medal “ For taking Berlin”.


Unfortunately, my great-grandfather died until my birthday and I couldn’t hear all the details about his life from him. But he is a hero for me! after all, those, who took part in the war are the people we should be grateful for our lives, as during the war people sacrificed their lives for our happy future. It was only one story of many others, took place during the war, the story of my great-grandfather, Chirva Peter Yakovlevich – a hero of the Great Patriotic war. I invoke our modern generation to honour the memory of the dead, respect veterans and try to learn about their deed and to tell their stories to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Thus, feats of soldiers, partisans, women, children and old men, who died in the siege of Leningrad, in occupation, in concentration camps and on the battle-field will never be forgotten.

6. The list of used information

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Просмотров работы: 26