Жизнь британцев в мультфильме «Свинка Пеппа

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Жизнь британцев в мультфильме «Свинка Пеппа

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Great Britain produced a lot of cartoons that are widespread all over the world. There is a huge verity of British cartoons for children and adults, but there is one cartoon which is known to both children and adults. Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television series directed and produced by Astley Baker Davies in association with Entertainment One. The show revolves around Peppa, an anthropomorphic female pig, and her family and friends. Episodes show us everyday activities such as visiting grandparents, relatives or friends, attending playgroup, going to the playground, playing with friends.

While studying the life of Peppa Pig and her friends and British people we came to the following aim:

to prove the life of Peppa Pig and her friends is a life of traditional British family.

To achieve this aim we had to do following:

1) to study the facts of Peppa Pig’s life

2) to study the facts of British people’s life

3) to compare the facts of Peppa Pig’s and British people’s lives

4) to do an opinion survey among students

5) to analyze the results

The object of research is British families. Its subject comprises investigation of family’s traditions, the life of preschool children in Great Britain. Methods: analysis, comparison.

The field of research is Peppa Pig animated cartoon and British families.

The practical use: the work can be used in the English lessons and at home. It can help students to beef up knowledge about British people’s life, to improve their language skills. It can also motivate students to learn English.

The research work consists of the introduction, main part, conclusion and a list of literature. Main part includes research and comparison the facts of Peppa Pig and British people’s life and an opinion survey among students.

1. Main part

1.1. The facts of British people’s life in Peppa Pig cartoon


Peppa Pig is famous animated television series about the life of Peppa Pig’s family and her friends. Peppa Pig lives with her mother Pig, father Pig and her younger brother George. Peppa Pig, her family, and friends are anthropomorphic. All Peppa’s friends live with their both parents. They live in houses, wear clothes, children go to the nursery school, adults go to work, drive cars, but still have some animals’ characteristic.

According to the office for national statistics, the largest type of British families is married or civil couple families (12.9 million).

1.1.2 Homes

Peppa Pig’s family and her friends live in detached houses, which are double-story. There are parents’ and children’s bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, a hall and a garden in their houses. They use sink with separate hot and cold taps. They give big attention to cutting grass in their gardens that we can see in episode 17 Season 2.

We have found British people prefer to live in houses with gardens (80 %) rather than live in flats.

1.1.3 Different generations

Peppa Pig has grandparents which live in another household. Peppa Pig often visits her grandparents, sometimes she with her little brother stay overnight at grandparents’ house. Grandparents often visit Peppa Pig’s house. They help each other. Grandpa Pig loves gardening, grandma Pig adores cooking. All Peppa Pig’s friends live with their parents only except Danny Dog who lives with his Mummy Dog, Granddad Dog and Daddy Dog (Captain Dog) who is the sailor and traveled the world.

We have searched different British generations generally do not live in one household.

1.1.4 Games

Peppa Pig with her friends plays different games every day. The most favorite game is jumping in muddy puddles. There are also such games as hopscotch, skipping rope, draughts, computer games, baseball, basketball, catch, rock-paper-scissors, leapfrog, limbo, piggy (monkey) in the middle, musical chairs, sardines, statues, tennis, bat-and-ball games in different episodes.

We have found British children do play in puddles wearing necessary special clothes and play all those games as we have seen in Peppa Pig animated cartoon.

1.1.5 Holidays

The most oft-repeated holiday is a birthday. Peppa Pig, George, Mummy Pig, Danny Dog, Zoe Zebra, Pedro Pony, Edmond Elephant celebrate their birthdays. They send invitation cards, make birthday parties, decorate their houses, make cakes, receive presents.

At Christmas, children post letters to Father Christmas where they write their wishes, buy Christmas Tree, decorate it, put snacks for Father Christmas in front of the fireplaces, sing carols, visit Santa’s Grotto, make Christmas puddings.

At Easter, children have the chocolate egg hunt in Grandpa Pig’s garden.

There is the episode where children have pumpkin party. They make pumpkin lantern, pumpkin pie, dress up as witches, a dinosaur, a monster carrot, a vampire, a scary superhero, a werewolf, an alien, a ghost.

We have discovered the most important celebrations for British families are Christmas, New Year, Birthday and Easter.

2. An opinion survey

To see the level of knowledge of British people’s life and compare it with Peppa Pig’s one we have made an opinion survey among the fifty students of Usadovskaya school. We have chosen the students of different classes and asked them to answer our questions. Age of students is from 9 years old to 16 years old.

1. Have you ever watched Peppa Pig animated cartoon?

Yes — 45 students

No — 5 students

Graphical chart 1

2. What type of homes do British live?

Apartment building — 20 students

Double-story house — 14 students

Duplex/two-family house — 8 students

I don’t know — 8 students

Graphical chart 2

3. What type of homes do Peppa Pig and her friends live?

Double-story house — 45 students

I do not know — 5 students

Graphical chart 3

4. Do different British generations live together in one household?

Yes — 34 students

No — 10 students

I do not know — 6 students

Graphical chart 4

5. Do different generations live together in one household in Peppa Pig cartoon?

Yes — 3 students

No — 45 students

I do not know — 2 students

Graphical chart 5

6. What games do British children play?

Catch — 5 students

Hockey — 1 student

Boarding games — 12 students

Soccer — 18 students

Basketball — 8 students

Tennis — 1 student

Computer games — 3 students

Droughts — 2 students

Golf — 1 student

Jumping in puddles — 3 students

Graphical chart 6

7. What games do Peppa Pig and her friends play?

Catch — 11 students

Badminton/tennis — 4 students

Hide-and-seek — 14 students

Dressing-up — 10 students

Jumping in muddy puddles — 22 students

Soccer — 3 students

I do not know — 6 students

Graphical chart 7

8. What family celebrations do British have?

St. Valentine's Day — 3 students

Easter — 7 students

Birthday — 9 students

Thanksgiving Day — 8 students

New Year — 7 students

Christmas — 27 students

Halloween — 31 students

St. Patrick’s Day -1 student

I do not know — 6 students

Graphical chart 8

9. What family celebrations do Peppa Pig and her friends have?

Birthday — 32 students

Christmas — 11 students

Halloween — 7 students

New Year — 4 students

I do not know — 8 students

Graphical chart 9

10. Is British people’s life similar to Peppa Pig’s life?

Yes — 34 students

No — 16 students

Graphical chart 10

The results show that students have some information about the life of British people. They agreed that Peppa Pig animated cartoon shows some real facts about British lifestyle. The most unreal fact was that children can jump in puddles. We have found that students believed all facts they had known before watching the cartoon. The students thought the facts they had not known existed only in Peppa Pig cartoon.


In the result of the research, we were able to achieve our aim. We prove the life of Peppa Pig and her friends is a life of traditional British family.

The following conclusion was made:

According to statistic, the largest type of British families is married or civil couple families that live in detached double-story houses with gardens as Peppa Pig and her friends do.

We have searched that different generations do not live in one household.

We have found British children play the same games and even jump in puddles as Peppa Pig does.

We have discovered the most important celebrations for British families are Christmas, New Year, Birthday, Easter. All these holidays were demonstrated in Peppa Pig animated cartoon.

The results of opinion survey show us that students believe all facts they had known before watching the cartoon. The students thought the facts they had not known existed only in Peppa Pig cartoon.

All things considered, we can say that it is very important to know the foreign language as facts of foreign life and watching cartoons help us to improve both.


1. British Polling Council. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.britishpollingcouncil.org/

2. Encyclopedia Britannica. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.britannica.com

3. L.Kaminskaya What to say and how to behave in England / L.Kaminskaya. – M. Moscow: E, 2016. – 320 p.

4. Mail Online. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

5. Mike Storry British Cultural Identities / Mike Storry, Peter Childs. – London and New York. Routledge, 2003. – 303 p.

6. Office for National Statistics. – Rezhim dostupa: https://www.ons.gov.uk/

7. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English / A. S. Hornby ; Chief ed. Sally Wehmeier. – 7th ed. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006 – 1780 p.

8. Peppa Pig. – Rezhim dostupa: http://ru.peppapig.com/home

9. Room, Adrian. An A to Z of British life / Adrian Room . – Oxford;New York : Oxford University Press, 1992 . – VIII,480 p.

10. The Telegraph . – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.telegraph.co.uk

Просмотров работы: 71