THE POSSIBILITY OF FREE EDUCATION FOR RUSSIAN STUDENTS ABROAD («Возможности русских студентов бесплатного обучения в иностранных ВУЗах»)

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

THE POSSIBILITY OF FREE EDUCATION FOR RUSSIAN STUDENTS ABROAD («Возможности русских студентов бесплатного обучения в иностранных ВУЗах»)

Королев В.М. 1
Царькова А.И. 1
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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Getting higher education (both abroad and in Russia) is an important and serious step in everyone's life. Higher education, of course, plays an important role in the formation of personality. In the process of learning a person absorbs a huge amount of information, acquires new skills, expands the boundaries of the worldview. The future of each country depends mostly on the level of education of its citizens.

Studying at the University is a long and difficult process which makes it possible to realize one of the important goals in the life of every person — find employment with the prospect of career growth.

I am in the 10th grade now and soon I have to make the most important choice - the choice of future profession. At this stage every graduate looks for an answer to the main question: what to do next? Most young people will try to enter Universities. Someone will stay in his hometown, someone will chose a University nearby. Some children will go to conquer the capital while others will gain courage and ambition and will go to study abroad. I was wondering if it is possible to get free higher education outside my home country and what are the basic requirements and average costs for incoming foreigners. I asked my classmates to answer my questions. It turned out that most of them even hadn’t thought about the fact that they could get a European diploma. Then I decided to interview the students of grades 8-11 to find out whether it was possible to get a free higher education for Russian students abroad and what countries they would prefer (Appendix 1a). As a result, 33% agreed, 61% denied this possibility and 6% found it difficult to answer (Appendix 1b). Also, I got a list of preferable places. It prompted me to investigate this issue.

In my opinion, the relevance of the chosen topic is education abroad allows us to get not only a prestigious diploma and the benefits of further employment but also to learn another country, its inhabitants, customs and traditions, language and culture. Studying abroad is a serious contribution to self-education and a good help at the beginning of a career.

The purpose is to study the possibilities of free education for Russian students abroad.


to explore information about the opportunities of free education in foreign countries, including the average costs of students (accommodation, meals, fare);

to learn advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad;

to identify the main requirements for incoming foreigners;

to find the main ways to receive free foreign education;

to learn the list of documents required for studying abroad.

The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the subject of the chosen study is actually new; its essence is little known to the public.

Hypothesis of the research: Russian students have the opportunity to get free higher education abroad at desire.

The subject of the research is the possibility of obtaining free higher education abroad.

The object of the research is the state universities abroad.

Methods of work

This research is based on a set of methods and techniques. Surveys, analysis, work with official sources and Internet resources were used.

A brief review of literature

The main sources for the writing of this work were materials from the official websites of European and Western universities, articles of national and foreign periodicals, reference books.

Practical significance

The materials of this research can be used:

when choosing a University for both Russian and foreign students;

during the lessons of country studies, foreign languages, extracurricular classes at school, class lessons;

for newspaper publications, articles.

1. Pros and cons of studying abroad

1.1 Benefits of studying abroad

Any education is the wings

that allow a person to rise

to a high intellectual orbit.

N. Myron

Before getting any education, both at home and outside the country, people always try to identify its positive and negative sides. Having studied the materials of national and international publications, I can emphasize the following advantages of foreign education:

High educational level, perhaps, the main reason to study abroad. According to the version of Times Higher Education the top lines of the world rankings are occupied by universities in Western countries. Also for several years the highest marks have been put to universities of the USA and Great Britain (Stanford University, Harvard University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge). The top 100 also includes universities in Germany, Japan and Italy. The main evaluation criteria are the level of research, contribution to innovation, international student and teaching activities, the number of scholarship programs, citation of scientific articles, the level of educational services and reputation among employers.[7]

Diplomas are recognized worldwide. Despite Russia's accession to the Bologna process, foreign employers are wary of Russian diplomas. Therefore, for those who are set up for an international career another advantage of studying abroad is that a foreign diploma is valued both in Russia and in Western countries. In addition, having Russian bachelor's or specialist's degree a student can obtain an international master's degree in their own specialty or learn a postgraduate program in another direction which can be an equivalent to a second higher education.

Language improvement.Now foreign languages are useful in any profession and in any company (both in Russia and abroad). Full immersion in the language environment at a foreign University is the most effective way to learn the language.

International experience. Foreign universities are proud of the multinational student body which gives students the experience of communication with representatives of different cultures, broadens the mind, helps to see the world from different perspectives and learn to accept other points of view. Such experience is a necessary basis for an international career.

Foreign training. Foreign universities work in close connection with companies, so students can take an internship in the company on their profile and see the inside work of enterprises. On average, every student receives about 6 offers of internships in companies with a worldwide reputation.

Democratic approach to education.In Western universities students are relatively free to choose the subjects to study. However, there is a set of mandatory subjects without which it is impossible to get academic training in the profession and receive a diploma. Many classes are held in the form of seminars, discussions, lectures are used not often. Students in all the University has equipped laboratories, computer classes and media libraries. [4]

Worldwide contacts. Education abroad is a way to establish international professional contacts. Prestigious universities create sections for former graduates on their websites, representatives of leading companies come to get acquainted with students and talk about their activities, lecturers from all over the world come to classes.

Opportunity to travel. Studying at a foreign University is an opportunity to see the world and meet new countries and cultures.

The opportunity to find a job before graduation. There are career development centers in foreign universities that help students and graduates to get a job. The universities also hold job fairs, work communities of former graduates. Internships during training allow you to prove yourself and show your skills to future employer. In General, for a successful graduate of a European or American University there is no problem to get a job with the accumulated knowledge and skills during the study.

Well-developed research infrastructure. Since scientific work is carried out, in universities, as a rule, the majority of foreign universities have rich libraries, photo studios, research centers and modern laboratories where students can prepare for seminars, study additional materials in all academic disciplines and conduct their own research.

1.2 Difficulties of studying abroad

Entering a foreign University, it is also necessary to take into account some nuances, to my mind.

Tuition fee. Not everyone can afford to study at prestigious universities abroad. In addition to tuition fees (if you are not on a budget) students will need to pay for accommodation, food, transportation and additional training materials. But we must understand that this is not wasted money for entertainment but a valuable contribution to the future.

Language barrier. Studying and living abroad requires a good level of language proficiency. In order to study in English you have to pass language exams, for example IELTS or TOEFL. Also we need a thorough training in complex terminology from different areas which will be used during lectures.

It is not always possible to enroll immediately after Russian school. Russian applicants often have to study at Russian Universities for several years or undergo special preparation programs for foreign students.

Red tape with documents. In fact, before you start studying at a foreign University you will have to bypass many instances. To enter a foreign University you have to collect a lot of documents: translations of Russian certificates and diplomas, motivation letters, recommendations, portfolio for creative professionals, etc. Also you have to apply for a visa.

Entrance examinations. To enter the University abroad, as a rule, you need to pass an international language exam and write a motivation letter. Some universities also have entrance examinations and applicants are often required portfolio.

Difficulties of adaptation. Full immersion in a new environment is always stressful. The mentality of another country, the lack of support from relatives and friends will certainly affect the psychological state of the student.

Not every specialty obtained abroad will be popular in Russia. For example, European universities of applied Sciences train specialists in sustainable energy. Such professionals are in demand in Europe but in Russia it is not easy to find a job in this sphere. However, there is no doubt that global trends will reach us soon and you will become a rare and valuable specialist at home. [4]

I think that it is necessary to weigh carefully all the pros and cons before you leave your home country to receive a foreign diploma.

2. Opportunities for free education in foreign countries

2.1 Foreign countries with free Universities

Life is a journey. Choose your destination!

P Soldatenkov

Education abroad is a dream of many Russian students. According to Oksana Sytnik’s words (she is a student of PhD Universidad de Cádiz, Erasmus Mundus grant 2011-2014, Erasmus Mundus Master Grant 2009-2011) it is easy to enter a foreign University; the main thing is to prepare for it. First of all, you have to choose the country of education and the budget because students who go to study in a foreign tertiary education institution fear what they can face with abroad. The main issues that arise for applicants reflect the following problems and concerns:

- Where will I live?

- How will I communicate with foreigners?

- What will I wear and eat?

- What kind of classmates and teachers will be there? [12]

It should be noted that it is possible to study for free only in state universities. Only they provide such an opportunity to foreigners. In other organizations education must be paid.

So,having studied the materials of articles and official sites, I can list those foreign countries where young people can get free education and what entrance requirements they can meet.

Absolutely free education is proclaimed in Germany, Norway, Finland.

In Germany both residents and international students can study free of charge. Along with free tuition, Germany also offers high quality of life, relatively low accommodation fees, and various scholarships for international students.

Higher education institutions in Germany accept applicants for the first year from the age of 18.

Residents of Germany enter German Universities with the so - called" Abitur ". It is a document (Abitur) that confirms the completion of high school and 13-year secondary education. Thus, a foreign student must present a document similar to German Abitur. For school graduates from countries where 11-year and 12-year secondary education is accepted it will not be enough to have only one certificate: you need to finish two courses in another higher education institution and get the appropriate certificate in your University.

A student of a German University is obliged to have an internship in a company within one semester according to the profile of the educational program chosen by him. Therefore, a student will receive a diploma and experience in a German company which can contribute to rapid employment after graduation.

If you want to become a University student in Germany the first thing to start with-learning German — you cannot do without it, especially if you go to University after school — 90% of bachelor's courses are taught in German. If you do not plan to stay in Germany after graduation it is better for you to choose a program in English. But in both cases you need a language at a very good level, German or English. A very good level means indicator B2.Expenses (accommodation, meals, transportation) are about 40000-44000 rubles per month. [6, 8]

Norway provides free higher education even for overseas students. But it is necessary to have a certificate of completion of 12 years of study as well as Germany.

As in most European countries it is extremely difficult to find a suitable bachelor's program in English in Norway, and it is not surprising that most students fail to do that. Therefore, in most cases for admission to the bachelor's program you must know the Norwegian language and have a certificate about it.

Since admission to Norwegian universities does not require any other examinations (only language examinations and a portfolio) the selection is made on the basis of the average score of the certificate. Expenses are about 66,000 rubles per month. [6, 8]

Finland. To study here requires a good knowledge of English or Finnish confirmed by international exams and a certificate of school completion translated into Finnish or English.

After the competition of documents applicants are invited to the entrance exams. Basically, they have tests on subjects related to the future specialty. Some universities allow entrance examinations outside Finland. A student comes to Finland for entrance examinations on a regular tourist visa. After returning home and successful admission (in this case, the University will send a letter of admission by mail) you can collect documents for applying for a student visa.

Higher education in Finland is attractive primarily for a wide range of programs with studying in English. Any foreigner can enter a Finnish University, regardless of nationality or religion. Among educational programs at the international level most popular are such areas as information technology, forestry, architecture and art.

Foreign students from non-EU countries must pay 100 euros as an entrance fee. Expenses are about 45,000 rubles per month. [5,8]

I continued studying where else young people can get free education abroad for masters. Here, the choice of countries is more representative. I found out that it includes Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain and Italy.

Applicants from most countries of the world with 11 years secondary education can enter universities in Austria just after school. It is possible to enter universities without exams (mostly medical Universities, as well as at the faculties of psychology, journalism and sports).

In addition to the translated and notarized certificate foreign applicants must pass the exam in German (Universitaets-Sprachpruefung): many undergraduate programs are taught in it. If the program is English-speaking it is enough to present the results of TOEFL / IELTS (Test of English as a Foreign Language (English test).

Austrian students have significant freedom in learning process. For example, very often students are given the opportunity to choose their own discipline in addition to the mandatory schedule of study, and sometimes set a date for exams. Unlike many European countries, Austrian universities do not provide a Dorm room at the same time as enrollment. And in most cases a student will have to search for housing on their own. Expenses are about 46,000 rubles/month.

Italian Universities open their doors to foreign students who know English or Italian. Entrance examinations for students in many Universities do not exist. It depends on a specialty and available higher education. To enter a higher education institution it is necessary to spend at least 13 years in educational institutions of lower level. Therefore, in order to be able to study in Italy a simple certificate of secondary education will not be enough for Russians. After 10 or 11 classes they have to study during 2 or 3 years at any Institute and then apply. Foreigners who plan to study in English do not need to take a special exam. You can use any of the international certificates such as IELTS, TOEFFL.

A notable difference in Italian education system is the lack of fixed educational programs. Students studying in Italy can create their own schedules of classes and exams. Undoubtedly, there are lectures and practical classes but students have the opportunity to choose who will teach and what to study. Expenses are about 45,000 rubles per month. [6, 8]

In Denmark, Holland, Great Britain and Canada it is quite difficult to get free education for a foreign student. In the US there are colleges where successful applicants can get funding. With a good knowledge of a language, appropriate certificates and recommendations, you can try Harvard, Cornell, Stanford and some other universities that guarantee students financial assistance if their family income is less than $ 60,000 a year (so-called needy students). In the UK if a student has excellent test results and the same diploma he can receive partial compensation in the form of scholarships at Cambridge and Oxford universities.

However, we must be prepared for the fact that there is tough selection for free places like in Russia. In most cases there are special programs for degree applicants that can fully reimburse the cost of education and accommodation.

2.2 Five ways to study abroad free of charge

There are several methods of obtaining free foreign education. I can list 5 ways of such education:

Grants or so-called social assistance to students which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, etc. It’s given at a time in the form of encouragement. You can receive it several times.

Scholarship. The scholarship can be given by a University itself or by the Russian state. This type of financing is also made on the basis of a motivation letter and documentation. When awarding scholarships, universities take into account the following circumstances:

talents and various achievements of the candidate in professional, creative, volunteer, sports fields;

scholarships are available only in countries where the education system provides free education for foreigners;

demographic factors (some universities award scholarships on ethnic, religious or other grounds);

specialty (choosing specialties which development is encouraged by universities you can also apply for financial support). [9]

Research fellowship. This method of education is intended for those who have graduated from the University and plan to enter master's programs for further research activities.

Assistant. It is intended for those who wish to enter doctoral programs.

Special programs (national and international):

«Global education» This program was developed for students who studied abroad at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation. After graduation from a University they must return to Russia and work at the enterprise for 3 years.

«Fulbright». According to this program, grants are provided for internships in the United States to students from Russia, applicants for academic degrees, scientists and teachers. Grants can be one - year (for research and information search in universities and archives) or two-year (with the possibility of studying in the master's degree). Fares, insurance (partially) and monthly stipend are paid by state Departments. The decision about the place of applicant’s education is made without him.

«BGF», France. According to this program, you can get free language training abroad (in France), get a master's degree as well as a degree of doctor of philosophy. The French government pays for visa, insurance, training and consultations from the Embassy. Those who chose this program are provided with places in dormitories, monthly allowance is paid. Education is conducted in all specialties with a preference for scientific, technical and engineering. There are some restrictions for this program. Thus, the age of students should be up to 35 years and have excellent knowledge of French (English as an option).

«Erasmus Mundus». This is a European student exchange program for bachelors, masters, postgraduates, and teachers. It gives an opportunity to study in new countries for several semesters. Limit of admission to master's programs is 2 people from one country. The scholarship covers all suspense or its part (accommodation, plane tickets, insurance and the cost of education). Training is conducted in any specialties. However, to participate in the program you need a bachelor's degree, good results of previous training, a certificate of passing a language exam with a sufficient level.

«Chevening». This program is designed for people with a good academic background. The scholarship is paid by the UK government at the expense of the Ministry of foreign Affairs and partner organizations. The program trains masters in one year. After graduation a person must return to his home country for at least 2 years. A person applying for the program must have a degree equal to a diploma from the UK upper-second class or two years of experience which may include voluntary work and internships [5,11]

2.3 Basic requirements and documents for incoming foreigners

Each University and country has its own requirements. However, they are almost the same.

Foreign students can enter universities taking into account the following requirements:

Provision of a graduation certificate. This is an important point because it will be taken into account.

Documents with the results of your examinations.

To know English. Since education in many universities is in English you should know it.

Age is also important. You must be 17-18 years of age or older.

Passing entrance exams. Often, to enter a University students don’t take exams but in some countries it is necessary to pass standard language exams.

To finish the first or the second year of a Russian University. Some foreign institutions cannot accept students for the first year as they have a school system of education consisting of 12 classes.

A standard set of documents includes:

A certificate of secondary education.

Resume or autobiographical letter in the form of a CV.

Certificate of a language test.

Certificate of any other standard test, exam (exam results).

Application form filled according to the requirements of a University. Some institutions try to publish it on their website. You will have to print it out and submit it in printed form.

Recommendation letters from teachers, school principal.

Motivation letter. It should indicate why you want to enroll there and study that program. [6]

Each document plays an important role. If you do not submit any document, you may be refused. Documents must be translated into the language required by a University, certified by a notary. Usually a University requires original documents in addition to copies.

Thus, I would like to point out that there are many different options to use for getting education outside our homeland. And, of course, we should not forget about certain requirements for candidates for training. This is very important.

3. Practical part

The results of my research are made into a table for greater clarity.

Countries offering free education

Number of school years required for University admission

Availability of entrance examinations

Language of teaching,

necessity of special certificates

Expenses (accommoda-tion, meals, transporta-tion)



Only German exam

German, English, language certificate (level B2)

40000-44000 rub/month



Only German exam

German, sometimes English (TOEFL/IELTS)

46000 rub/month



Only Norwegian exam


66000 rub/month



Entrance test in Italian

Italian, English


45000 rub/month





56000 rub/month



Finnish/Swedish Examination

Finnish, Swedish English


45000 rub/month



SAT examination



50000 rub/month



No exam

French, English (TOEFL, IELTS)

58 000 rub/month



No exam

English (TOEFL, IELTS)

58000 rub/month



No exam


54000 rub/month

After this research, I decided to share my findings with my classmates because many of them had not made their choice of a University yet. At one of the class lessons devoted to the choice of future profession I told the children about the existing opportunity to get free education abroad, what to start with and what documents should be provided. My classmates listened to me with great interest, asked their questions on this topic and shared their knowledge in this area (Appendix 2).

To help high school students and everyone who wants to study abroad, I have made special booklets where you can find practical advice to incoming students, a list of requirements and necessary documents (Appendix 3).


So, on the basis of the collected material it is possible to make a conclusion that young people can get free education abroad. The main thing is to have a desire. Thus, the hypothesis was justified. Goals and objectives were achieved.

A practical research showed that the most economical education will be in Germany, Austria, Finland and Italy while teaching can be conducted not only in their native language but also in English.

I should note that educational institutions of the Czech Republic, Norway, France and other countries provide free education for Russian students. But education in universities is conducted only in the native language of this country, for example, Czech, French and so on. Despite this, students are admitted to universities without exams, after school and after the 1st year of the Russian Institute (except France). Thus, any persistent candidate can get free education abroad. But it is necessary to take into account that to get or win a scholarship for the whole period of education is very difficult. Competition for these types of incentives ranges from 40 to 60 people per position. Admission with a Russian certificate is not allowed everywhere, it is almost impossible to transfer from a national University to a foreign one without losing years. The basis is proper preparation and submission of documents, it is also important to show your best side during the interview.

If you are going to study abroad, my advice is: think over all the details, how much money you will need for accommodation, meals and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the University. You can easily be among the students studying abroad! The main thing is to believe in yourself, to take the first step …

In conclusion, I would like to add that I will definitely continue this research work as I would like to learn more about various programs of study abroad, such as student exchange, work on campus and others.

Bibliographic list

Antipov P., Frolova M. Education in Russia and abroad. Kazan, 2015. Р.159

Careful E. I Want to study abroad. Moscow, 2014. Р.78

Roland Hubert//Colombian International Colleague.-2018.-V.31.-P.91

Xavier Darcos//EduAbroad.-2017. V.16.-P.34

Сайт «Хочу учиться!» репортаж . URL: (дата обращения: 15.11.19)

Сайт «EDUNEWS. Все для поступающих» статья. URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.19)

Аналитический портал «Гуманитарные технологии» результаты исследования образования URL: (дата обращения: 10.05.19)

Сайт «ALLTERRA EDUCATOIN» статья. URL: (дата обращения: 16.12.19)

Рекламный сайт «Educationindex» URL: (дата обращения: 15.12.19)

Сайт «Hotcourses Russia» сайт URL: (дата обращения: 28.11.19)

Сайт «Личное женское мнение» статья URL: (дата обращения: 13.09.19)

Сайт «Unipage» URL:дата обращения: 10.12.19)

Appendix 1a

Questions that were asked to the students of 8-11 classes before starting my research

1. Would you like to study abroad?

a) Yes b) No

2. Is it possible to get higher education for Russian students outside our homeland for free?

a) Yes b) No c) It’s difficult to answer

3. List some foreign countries in which you would like to study.

Appendix 1b

The results of the survey

Appendix 2

Сlass lesson devoted to the choice of future profession


A booklet





Appendix 3

A booklet


Basic requirements for incoming foreigners

Provision of a graduation certificate. This is an important point because it will be taken into account.

Documents with the results of your examinations.

To know English. Since education in many universities is in English you should know it.

Age. You must be 17-18 years of age or older.

Passing entrance exams. Often, to enter a University students don’t take exams but in some countries it is necessary to pass standard language exams.

To finish the first or the second year of a Russian University. Some foreign institutions cannot accept students for the first year as theyhave a school system of education consisting of 12 classes.

Five ways to study abroad free of charge

Grants or so-called social assistance to students which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, etc. Itis issued at a time in the form of encouragement. You can receive it several times.

Scholarship. It can be given by a University itself or by the Russian state. This type of financing is also made on the basis of a motivation letter and documentation.

Research fellowship. This method of education is intended for those who have graduated from the University and plan to enter master's programs for further research activities.

Assistant. It is intended for those who wish to enter doctoral programs.

Special programs (national and international): «Global education», «Fulbright», «BGF», «Erasmus», «Chevening».

Appendix 3

A booklet



Basic documents for incoming foreigners

A standard set of documents includes:

A certificate of secondary education.

Resume or autobiographical letter in the form of a CV.

Certificate of a language test.

Certificate of any other standard test, exam (exam results).

Application form filled according to the requirements of a University. Some institutions try to publish it on their websites. You will have to print it out.

Recommendation letters from teachers, school principal.

Motivation letter. It should indicate why you want to enroll there and study that program.

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